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Senior Fellows

A list of former senior fellows at the Center and their research projects. Learn more about this fellowship program.

Jump to decade: 2010, 2000, 1990, 1980


Brian D. Goldstein, Swarthmore College
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
If Architecture Were for People: The Life and Work of J. Max Bond Jr.

Robb Hernández, Fordham University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Transplanetary: Speculative Arts of the Americas

Pamela Lee, Yale University
William C. Seitz Senior Fellow
The Art of Small War

Walter Simon Melion, Emory University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Praying through Prints: Technologies of Affective Piety and Image-Based Devotion in Dutch and Flemish Prayer Books, 1480–1680

Kathryn Blair Moore, University of Connecticut
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
The Other Space of the Arabesque: Italian Renaissance Art at the Limits of Representation

Alla Vronskaya, Universität Kassel
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Environmental Colonization: Architecture, Climate, and Geography in the Cold War Soviet Union


Morten Steen Hansen, Danish Academy in Rome
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, fall 2022
Idol-Phobia in the Spanish Empire: Translating the Sacred at the Escorial

Marius B. Hauknes, University of Notre Dame
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
The Medieval Image of Chaos

Angela Ho, George Mason University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Defining Self and Other: The Dutch East India Company’s Encounters with Chinese Culture, 1602–1740

Christopher Lakey, Rhinebeck, NY
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, spring 2023
The Materials of Anachronism: Gold Ground Painting during the Long Middle Ages (1200–1500)

Sarah Lopez, University of Pennsylvania
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow, spring 2023
Mexico’s Marble: Migrants’ Embodied Knowledge of Quarries, Carving, and Construction

Megan R. Luke, University of Southern California
William C. Seitz Senior Fellow
Sculpture in an Age of Mass Reproduction: Untimely Objects of Modern German Art and Media Theory

Rune Nyord, Emory University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Genealogies of the Ancient Egyptian Afterlife in Modern Thought

Alessandra Raengo, Georgia State University
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow, fall 2022
Liquid Blackness in Contemporary Art: Black Study as Aesthetic Practice


Fabio Barry, Stanford University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
The Endless Revolution: The Dome, from Vault of Heaven to Hypersphere

Shira Brisman, University of Pennsylvania
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, spring 2022
Insidious Silver: German Goldsmiths and Their Craft, 1568–1610

Kaira M. Cabañas, University of Florida
William C. Seitz Senior Fellow
Deviant Art Histories

Kathleen James-Chakraborty, University College Dublin
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Expanding Agency: Women and Modern American Architecture and Design, 1923–1972

Juliet Koss, Scripps College
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Model Soviets

Jeffrey Moser, Brown University
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
Moral Depths: Making Antiquity in a Medieval Chinese Cemetery

Christopher J. Nygren, University of Pittsburgh
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Sedimentary Aesthetics: Painting on Stone and the Ecology of Early Modern Art


Elena M. Calvillo, University of Richmond
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow, fall 2020
Rome in Translation: Cultural Brokerage in 16th-Century Italy

Patrick R. Crowley, Stanford University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow, spring 2021
Roman Portraiture: A Media Archaeology

Madhuri Desai, The Pennsylvania State University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Creating the Mughal Temple: Architecture, Innovation, and Archaism (1590‒1700)

André Dombrowski, University of Pennsylvania
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
Monet’s Minutes: Impressionism and the Industrialization of Time

Byron Ellsworth Hamann, The Ohio State University
William C. Seitz Senior Fellow
A History of Mexico through Histories of “the Conquest”: The 
Lienzo de Tlaxcala Remade, 1552–2012

Stuart Lingo, University of Washington
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Bronzino’s Bodies and Mannerism’s Masks

Oscar E. Vázquez, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
The Body of Work: The Practice and Politics of Life Drawing in Latin American Academies of Art


Carolina Mangone, Princeton University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Imperfect Michelangelo: Non finito, Decorum, and the Limits of Marble Sculpture

Therese Martin, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Art-Making and Code-Switching in Medieval Iberia: Queens, Consorts, and Countesses, c. 950–1150

Elizabeth Otto, University at Buffalo, State University of New York
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Bauhaus Artists in Nazi Germany

Steffen Siegel, Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
From Photographies to Photography: Formation of a Medium, 1800–1850

Edward A. Vazquez, Middlebury College
William C. Seitz Senior Fellow
Phases of Happiness: Alfredo Jaar and Chilean Art and Culture, c. 1980

Ittai Weinryb, Bard Graduate Center
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
Art and Frontier


Benjamin Anderson, Cornell University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, spring 2019
The Tragic Image: Fate and Form from Byzantium to the Baroque

Matthew Biro, University of Michigan
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, fall 2018
Robert Heinecken: Gender, Sexuality, and Consumption through a Photographic Lens

C. Jean Campbell, Emory University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Pisanello's Parerga: Knowledge and Imitative Practice in Fifteenth-Century Italy

Michelle Foa, Tulane University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
The Matter of Degas: Art and Materiality in Later Nineteenth-Century Paris

David O'Brien, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
The Cult of Napoleon in French Visual Culture, 1815–1848 

J.P. Park, University of California, Riverside
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Presence in Absence: Documents, Forgeries, and Myth-Making in Early Modern Chinese Art

Jennifer Van Horn, University of Delaware
William C. Seitz Senior Fellow
Resisting the Art of Enslavement: Slavery and American Art, 1720–1890


Babette Bohn, Texas Christian University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Women Artists, Their Patrons, and Their Publics in Early Modern Bologna

Anne Burkus-Chasson, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Engaging Artifice: Chen Hongshou and the Illustrated Book

Manuel Castiñeiras, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Shifting Identities and Traveling Objects: Artistic Encounters with Byzantium during the Expansion of the Crown of Aragon

Nicola Courtright, Amherst College

Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, spring 2018
Art and Queenly Authority: The Creation of Spaces for Marie de' Medici

Amy Freund, Southern Methodist University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Hunting Landscapes and Political Contestation in Eighteenth-Century France

Megan Holmes, University of Michigan

Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
Scratching the Surface: The Marking and Transformation of Panel Paintings in Late Medieval and Early Modern Italy, 1250 – 1550

Prita Meier, New York University
William C. Seitz Senior Fellow
The Surface of Things: A History of Photography from the Swahili Coast, 1860 to the Present


Claudia Bolgia, University of Edinburgh
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
The “Long” Trecento: Rome Without the Popes, c. 1305 – 1420

Lisa Claypool, University of Alberta
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Hearing Color: Yu Fei'an's Pigeon Paintings in Modern Beijing

Sarah Elizabeth Fraser, Heidelberg University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Before the Fall of Chinoiserie

Hagi Kenaan, Tel Aviv University
William C. Seitz Senior Fellow
The Origins of Photography and the Future of the Image

David Young Kim, University of Pennsylvania
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
The Groundwork of Painting: Background, Materiality, and Composition in Italian Renaissance Art

Giancarla Periti, University of Toronto
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Correggio: Borders, Frames, and the Center of Painting


Morten Steen Hansen, Independent Scholar
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
The ''Low" Style of Giovanni da San Giovanni at the Medici Court

Angela Miller, Washington University in St. Louis

William C. Seitz Senior Fellow
Reason, Magic, and Eros in American Art at Mid-Twentieth Century: The Artists and Writers in the Circle of Lincoln Kirstein

Mary Miller, Yale University
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
The Gold Disks of the Sacred Cenote, Chichen Itza

Barbara E. Mundy, Fordham University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
The Embodiment of the Word: The Impact of European Books and Print Culture in the New World

Mauro Mussolin, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Michelangelo and Paper as Palimpsest

Mabel O. Wilson, Columbia University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Building Race and Nation: How Slavery Influenced the Civic Architecture of Antebellum America


Robert Bork, University of Iowa
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
The Anti-Gothic Turn: Explaining the Architectural Revolution of circa 1500

Christopher P. Heuer, Princeton University

Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Purgatories of Line: Time and the Printed Image in the Northern Renaissance

Stephen Houston, Brown University

Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
A Spendid Predicament: Young Men in Maya Imagery and Text

Sarah Blake McHam, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Rejoice, Lucky Padua, in the Treasure that You Possess

Mary Roberts, University of Sydney

William C. Seitz Senior Fellow
Islamic Art, Museology, and Transcultural Artist-Dealer Networks, 1850–1910

Susan L. Siegfried, University of Michigan

Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
Temporalities of Fashion and Costume in Nineteenth-Century Art


Mahvash Alemi, Rome
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, fall 2013
Safavid Gardens from a Persian Perspective

Louise Bourdua, University of Warwick
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
What Petrarch Saw: Venice Revisited in the Later Middle Ages

Mario Carpo, Yale University / École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Paris-La Villette 
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, spring 2014
Leon Battista Alberti's On Sculpture: A Study in Early Modern Science and Art

Nina L. Dubin, University of Illinois at Chicago
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Love, Trust, and Risk: Painting the "Papered Century"

Andreas Henning, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Catalogue Raisonné of Bolognese Paintings at the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden

David M. Lubin, Wake Forest University
William C. Seitz Senior Fellow
Grand Illusions

Andrés Mario Zervigón, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
Die Arbeiter-Illustrierte Zeitung (The Worker's Illustrated Magazine), 1921 – 1938: A History of Germany's Other Avant-Garde


Louise M. Burkhart, University at Albany, State University of New York
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
Catechetical Pictography and the Art of Being Indian in Late-Colonial New Spain

Thierry de Duve, Université Lille 3, emeritus
William C. Seitz Senior Fellow
Duchamp's Message, Manet's Testatment, Broodthaers' Lesson

Anne Dunlop, Tulane University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Castagno’s Crime: Andrea del Castagno and Quattrocento Painting

Cynthia Hahn, Hunter College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
The Reliquary Effect

Stuart Lingo, University of Washington, Seattle
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Bronzino's Bodies: Fortunes of the Ideal Nude in an Age of Reform

Carlos Sambricio, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, spring 2013
A History of the History of Spanish Architecture


David E. James, University of Southern California
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Rock 'n' Film

Sonya S. Lee, University of Southern California
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
Between Culture and Nature: Cave Temples of Sichuan

Estelle Lingo, University of Washington, Seattle
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Francesco Mochi and the Edge of Tradition

Amy Powell, University of California, Irvine
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
The Whitewashed Image: Iconoclasm and Seventeenth-Century Dutch Landscapes

Jennifer Purtle, University of Toronto
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Forms of Cosmpolitanism in the Sino-Mogul City

Maria Cristina Wolff de Carvalho, Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado, São Paulo
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
The Landscape Art of William John Burchell (1781–1863)


Sarah Betzer, University of Virginia
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Surface and Depth: Antiquity and the Body after Archaeology

Daniela Bohde, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Disarray on Calvary: Passion Scenes in Early Sixteenth-Century German Art

Cammy Brothers, University of Virginia
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow, spring 2011
Giuliano da Sangallo and the Ruins of Rome

Rachel Kousser, Brooklyn College
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, fall 2010
Ancient Iconoclasm: Destroying the Power of Images in Greece, 480–31 BCE

Elizabeth Sears, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
Warburg Circles: Toward a Cultural-Historical History of Art, 1929–1964

John-Paul Stonard, London
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Against Henry Moore

Laura Weigert, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow, spring 2011
Images in Action: The Theatricality of Franco-Flemish Art in the Late Middle Ages


Suzanne Preston Blier, Harvard University
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
Imaging Amazons: Dahomey Women Warriors In and Out of Africa

David J. Getsy, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Abstract Bodies, Postwar Sculpture, and Designating the “Human”

Jaime Lara, Yale University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Flying Francis: Catastrophes, Insurrections, and Art in the Colonial Andes

Evonne Levy, University of Toronto
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Barock: Art History and Politics from Burckhardt to Hitler, 1844–1945

Jonathan M. Reynolds, Barnard College
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Allegories of Time and Space: The Visualization of Japanese Identity in Architecture, Photography, and Popular Culture

Michael J. Schreffler, Virginia Commonwealth University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Inca Baroque: Colonial Architecture and the Image of the State in Cuzco, Peru


Luisa Elena Alcalá, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
The Virgin of Loreto and the Jesuits in Colonial Mexico

Andrew Carrington Shelton, The Ohio State University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Achille Devéria: Art, Identity, and Commerce in Early Nineteenth-Century Paris

Jonathan Unglaub, Brandeis University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Painting as Parthenogenesis: Raphael’s Sistine Madonna

Heghnar Zeitlian Watenpaugh, University of California – Davis
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
The City and Its Reverse: Performing Space and Gender in Islamic Urbanism

Nino Zchomelidse, Princeton University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
The Medieval Image and Concepts of Authenticity

Rebecca Zorach, University of Chicago
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Passionate Angles: The Triangle in Renaissance Culture


Beth L. Holman, New York, New York
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
“Honest Envy”: Artists’ Competitions in Renaissance Italy

Stanko Kokole, University of Primorska, Slovenia
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Marbled Imagery of Humanists’ Imagination in the Tempio Malatestiano at Rimini

Marcia Kupfer, Washington, DC
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
Medieval Cartographies: Imagining the Orbis Terrarum and the Christianization of Space

Felipe Pereda, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Flemish Exports and Local Markets: The Religious and Ideological Conditions of Spanish Patronage

Alex Potts, University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, fall 2007
Art and Non­-Art in the Mid­-Twentieth Century: Between Commitment and Consumerism

Dennis Romano, Syracuse University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Markets and Marketplaces in Medieval Italy, c. 1100–c. 1350


David A. Binkley, Chevy Chase, Maryland
Frese Senior Fellow
Situating Kuba Arts in the Colonial and Postcolonial Worlds

Philippe Bordes, Université Lyon 2
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Family Portraiture in Europe from the Sixteenth to the Early Nineteenth Century

Thomas E. A. Dale, University of Wisconsin – Madison
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Romanesque Corporealities: The Body as Image and Dissimilitude in the Art of Western Europe, c. 1050–1215

Simon Swynfen Jervis, The Fitzwilliam Museum
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, fall 2006
The Cabinet: Evolution of an Archetype

Branko Mitrović, School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Unitec Institute of Technology, New Zealand
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, spring 2007
Leon Battista Alberti and Euclid

Charles O’Brien, Carleton University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Film and Electric Sound: New Media across the North Transatlantic

Daniel J. Sherman, Center for Twenty-First-Century Studies, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
Margins of Modernity: The Culture of French Primitivism, 1945–1975


Stephen J. Campbell, The Johns Hopkins University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Beyond Translation: Mantegna, Humanism, and the Invention of the Past

Carol C. Mattusch, George Mason University
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
Antiquities, Archaeology, Politics, and Eruptions in Eighteenth-Century Naples, with a New Translation and Annotation of J. J. Winckelmann’s “Critical Account of...Herculaneum, Pompeii, and Stabia,” 1771

Partha Mitter, University of Sussex
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Another Face of Modernism: Social Commitment, Expressionism, and Indian Art, c. 1940–1950

Paola Modesti, Venice International University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
The Architecture of Venetian Churches: Functions, Uses, and Public from the City’s Establishment to the Counter-Reformation

Lorenzo Pericolo, Université de Rennes 2 – Haute Bretagne
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Narrative in the Painting of Caravaggio and His Followers

Lucio Riccetti, Università degli Studi di Perugia
Frese Senior Fellow
The Duomo of Orvieto: From the “Anonymous Master” to the Death of Lorenzo Maitani, 1284–1330


Philip Benedict, Brown University
Frese Senior Fellow, fall 2004
History through Images in the Sixteenth Century: The Wars, Massacres, and Troubles of Tortorel and Perrissin

Betsy M. Bryan, The Johns Hopkins University
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
Techniques and Organization of Ancient Egyptian Painting

H. Perry Chapman, University of Delaware
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
The Painter’s Place in the Dutch Republic, 1604–1718

A. A. Donohue, Bryn Mawr College
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Historiographic Structures in the Study of Classical Art

Alden Gordon, Trinity College (Hartford)
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, spring 2005
Madame de Pompadour: Art Patron in the Enlightenment

Susan Niles, Lafayette College
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Visualizing Inca Architecture


Anthony Alofsin, University of Texas at Austin
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Contemporary American Architecture: Taste, Value, and Identity

Caroline Bruzelius, Duke University
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow, spring 2004
A Tale of Three Cities: Lay Burial in the Churches of the Friars and the Episcopal Response

C. Jean Campbell, Emory University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
The New Life of the Artist and the Lives of Simone Martini

Eleanor Winsor Leach, Indiana University, Bloomington
Frese Senior Fellow, spring 2004
Textual Resculpting: Representations of Statues in Roman Literature

Sally M. Promey, University of Maryland
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
The Public Display of Religion in the United States

Katherine Wentworth Rinne, independent scholar, Rome
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Written in Water: A Topographic History of Baroque Rome

Susana Torre, New York City
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, fall 2003
The Modern Movement in Latin American Architecture and Urbanism — 1920s to 1980s

Danilo Udovički-Selb, University of Texas at Austin
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, spring 2004
The Stalinization of Soviet Architecture in the Early Years of “Socialist Realism”: The Internal Debate


Alfred Acres, Princeton University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Renaissance Invention and Christ’s Haunted Infancy

Hal Foster, Princeton University
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow, spring 2003
Primitive Scenes and Prosthetic Gods

Sheryl E. Reiss, Cornell University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
The Making of a Medici Maecenas: Giulio de’ Medici (Pope Clement VII) as Patron of Art

Cinzia M. Sicca, Università degli Studi di Pisa
Frese Senior Fellow
Fashioning the Tudor Court: Florentine Commerce and the Image of the Modern English Courtier

Joanna Woods-Marsden, University of California, Los Angeles
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Portrait of the Renaissance Lady

Carla Yanni, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
The Architecture of American Insane Asylums: Victorian Psychiatry and the Environmental Cure


Casey N. Blake, Columbia University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, fall 2001
“What Is It Good For?”: Art Without a Public

Jaroslav Folda, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, spring 2002
The Art of the Crusaders in the Holy Land, 1187 – 1281

Larry Silver, University of Pennsylvania
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow, spring 2002
Origins of Pictorial Species: The Rise of Visual Genres in the Antwerp Market

Marianna Shreve Simpson, Baltimore
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
From Cover to Cover: The Arts of the Book in the Islamic World

Bette Talvacchia, University of Connecticut
Frese Senior Fellow, fall 2002
Sexual Imagery in Religious Art of the Renaissance


Matthew Biro, University of Michigan
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
The New Human as Cyborg: Figures of Technology in German Dada Art

Finbarr Barry Flood, Edinburgh
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Translated Stones: Tradition and Transculturation in Early Indo-Muslim Architecture

Bruce Redford, Boston University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Men of Virtù: The Society of Dilettanti, 1734–1824

Louise Rice, Duke University
Frese Senior Fellow
Thesis Prints and the Culture of Learning in Seventeenth-Century Rome

Georges Roque, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow, fall 2001
The Genesis of Abstraction in Western Art

Joaneath Spicer, The Walters Art Museum
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow, fall 2001
The Significance of Drawing naer het leven, or “from life,” in Dutch Art of the Early Seventeenth Century

Z. S. Strother, University of California, Los Angeles
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
“Does a Leopard Eat Leaves?”: The Relationship of Art to Power in Central Africa


Barbara Abou-El-Haj, Binghamton University, State University of New York
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
Building and Decorating in Late Medieval Abbey and Cathedral Towns

Anthony Cutler, Pennsylvania State University
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow, spring 1999 / spring 2000
Objects of Desire: Gift Exchange between Byzantium and Islam

Stefan R. Hauser, Seminar für Vorderasiatische Altertumskunde der Freien Universität Berlin
Frese Senior Research Fellow, 2000
Status and Ritual: The Social Structure of Ashur in the Neo-Assyrian Period

Linda Elaine Neagley, Rice University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
French Flamboyant Architecture and the End of Gothic

Jonathan Reynolds, University of Southern California
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Constructing “Tradition”: Modern Japanese Architecture and the Formation of a Viable Past

Georges Roque, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, fall 1999
The Genesis of Abstraction in Western Art


Sylvain Bellenger, Château de Blois
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Girodet: A Detailed Biography

Anthony Cutler, Pennsylvania State University
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow, spring 1999
Objects of Desire: Gift Exchange between Byzantium and Islam

Whitney Davis, Northwestern University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
The Transcendence of Imitation: Homoeroticism in the Visual Arts, 1750–1920

Hanns Hubach, Kunsthistorisches Institut der Universität Heidelberg
Frese Senior Research Fellow
Parnassus Palatinus: Studies of the Arts at the Palatine Court, 1400 – 1630

Andrew Morrogh, University of Oregon
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
The Churches of Guarino Guarini: Inspiration and Development

Javier Urcid Serrano, Brandeis University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Silent Voices on Tumbled Megaliths: Narratives of Power at Monte Alban


Thierry de Duve, Paris
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, fall 1997
Modernism in Painting: Toward a Reinterpretation

Bernard Frischer, University of California, Los Angeles
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow, spring 1997 / fall 1997
Horace’s Sabine Villa

Michael Ann Holly, University of Rochester
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, fall 1996 / spring 1998
The Melancholy Art

Deborah Howard, University of Cambridge
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow, fall 1997
Venice and the East: An Investigation into the Impact of the Eastern Mediterranean on Venetian Architecture

Thomas A. P. van Leeuwen, University of Leiden
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow, spring 1998
Columns of Fire


Alan Colquhoun, Princeton University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Modern Architecture, 1890–1965

Bernard Frischer, University of California, Los Angeles
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow, spring 1997 / fall 1997
Horace’s Sabine Villa

Iris Gareis, Institut für Völkerkunde und Afrikanistik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Frese Senior Research Fellow
The Inca and the Spanish King: Representations of Elite and Popular Cultures in Precolumbian and Colonial Peru

Michael Ann Holly, University of Rochester
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, fall 1996 / spring 1998
The Melancholy Art

Jeffrey T. Schnapp, Stanford University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
E T. Marinetti, Futurist

Katherine Fischer Taylor, University of Chicago
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Architecture and Justice in Nineteenth-Century Paris: The Modernization of the Palais de Justice


Albert Ammerman, Colgate University; Università degli Studi di Trento
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Reconstructing the Ancient City

Beatriz Colomina, Princeton University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
War and Architecture: The Case Study Houses

William J. Conklin, Textile Museum, Washington; Instituto de Investigaciones Arqueológicas y Museo, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
A Study of the Textiles of the Ancient Andean Culture of Tiwanaku

Dario Gamboni, Université de Lyon II, Institut Universitaire de France
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, spring 1996
The Use of Potential Images in the Graphic Arts and Painting of the Fin de Siècle

Frederick Lamp, Baltimore Museum of Art
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Art of the Baga: A Drama of Cultural Reinvention

Ira Mark, New York City
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
Craft and Philosophical Aesthetics in Antiquity: The Case of Vitruvius


Barbara Gaehtgens, Technische Universität, Berlin
Frese Senior Research Fellow
The Queen’s Two Bodies

Richard L. Kagan, Johns Hopkins University
Member of the Center, NEH Fellow
Urbs and Civitas in Spain and Spanish America, 1500–1750

Ann Kuttner, University of Pennsylvania
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
Megalographia: The Great Painted Rooms of the Roman Republic

Fernando Marías, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Urbs and Civitas in Spain and Spanish America, 1500–1750

James Naremore, Indiana University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Film Noir: The History of an Idea

Yasser Tabbaa, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
The Medieval Islamic Hospital: Form, Function, and Significance

Patricia Waddy, Syracuse University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Palazzo and Casa in Seventeenth-Century Rome


Andreas Beyer, Kunsthistorisches lnstitut, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Frese Senior Research Fellow
Palazzo Carafa di Maddaloni at Naples: Palace-Culture and Greek Renewal in Aragonese Naples

Elizabeth Boone, Dumbarton Oaks
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
Aztec Pictorial Histories

Yvonne Brunhammer, Union des Arts Décoratifs, Palais du Louvre
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Evolution of the Concept of “Decorative Art” in France between 1850 and 1990

A. A. Donohue, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Studies in the Historiography of Classical Art

Sally Promey, University of Maryland at College Park
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
To Cultivate the Spiritual: The Art of George Inness and the Religious Philosophy of Emanuel Swedenborg

David Smith, University of New Hampshire
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Privacy and Civilization in Dutch Art, 1650–1700


Clifford M. Brown, Carleton University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, spring 1993
Isabella d'Este — Documents for a Collection of Greco-Roman Art in Renaissance Italy

Peter Brunette, George Mason University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Recent Critical Theory and the Films of Luchino Visconti

Richard Etlin, University of Maryland at College Park
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
Angiolo Mazzoni and the Politics of Style in Fascist Italy

Virginia Roehrig Kaufmann, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Conception, Creation, and Reception of the Magdeburg Rider

Claudia Lazzaro, Cornell University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, fall 1992
Gender and the Political Imagery of the Medici in the Sixteenth Century

Carol Mattusch, George Mason University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Greek Bronze Statuary: The Fourth Century and the Hellenistic Period

Annabel Wharton, Duke University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Ritual Rebirth: Baptism and the Christianization of the Late Antique City


Clifford M. Brown, Carleton University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, spring 1992
Isabella d’Este­—Documents for a Collection of Greco-Roman Art in Renaissance Italy

Anita Cook, Catholic University of America
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Expressions of Andean Ceremonialism: Architecture and Ceramics on the South Peruvian Coast from the Fourth to First Century B.C.

Michael Gullick, Oxford, England
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, fall 1991
A Corpus of Portraits of Medieval Scribes and Artists

John Dixon Hunt, Oak Spring Garden Library, Upperville
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow, spring 1992
A History of Garden Design, Use, and Meaning in the City of Venice

Carolyn Kolb, University of New Orleans
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Studies in the Sources of Francesco di Giorgio's First Treatise

Debra Pincus, University of British Columbia
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
Doge Andrea Dandolo and the Fourteenth-Century Development of the Baptistery of San Marco as a Civic Space

John Pinto, Princeton University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, fall 1991
The Drawings of Pietro Bracci

William Tronzo, Bibliotheca Hertziana
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
The Fate of Old Saint Peter's


David B. Brownlee, University of Pennsylvania
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
The Architecture of Louis I. Kahn

Laura Corti, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa; Villa I Tatti
Associate Appointment, spring 1991
Terminology Control of Art-Historical Databases

Dale Kent, University of California, Riverside
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Patrician Self-Definition in Historical and Urban Space: Cosimo de’ Medici's Palace and His Patronage of the Arts

Lothar Ledderose, Universität Heidelberg, Kunsthistorisches Institut
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
Stone Inscriptions in the Buddhist Temple of Yunjusi near Peking

Jane Shelton Livingston, George Mason University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
The New York School: Photography, 1936–1963

Gloria Ferrari Pinney, Bryn Mawr College
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Interpretation of Greek Vases: Image and Function

John Tagg, State University of New York, Binghamton
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Maps of Modernity: Art Histories and Cultural Theories


David Bindman, University College London
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, spring 1990
Sculpture, Politics, and Theology in Eighteenth-Century England: Louis Francois Roubiliac and His Public

Janet Cox-Rearick, City University of New York, Hunter College and Graduate School and University Center
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow, fall 1989
Studies in the Art of Agnolo Bronzino (1503–1572)

Robert W. Gaston, La Trobe University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow, fall 1989
Aspects of the Art of Agnolo Bronzino

Kristian Knud Jeppesen, University of Århus
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Preparation of a Manuscript and Illustrations for Volume 4 of the Maussolleion Publication: The Site of the Sepulchral Monument, Its Foundations, Tomb Chamber, and Superstructure

Dale Kinney, Bryn Mawr College
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow and joint appointment as Distinguished Professor in the History of Art, George Washington University
Ivory Diptychs and Art-Historical Understanding in Late Antiquity

Patricia Leighten, University of Delaware
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Art and Social Radicalism in France, 1900–1914

Piotr Piotrowski, Adam Mickiewicz University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
The Poverty of the Avant-Garde


Caroline Bruzelius, Duke University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow, fall 1988
The Angevin Churches of Southern Italy: From Charles of Anjou to Robert the Wise (1266–1343)

Allan Ceen, Cornell University in Rome; American Overseas School of Rome
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Urban Planning in Rome: 1500 to 1750

William Eisler, Art Gallery of New South Wales
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Charles V and the Visual Arts

Frederick Hartt, University of Virginia (emeritus)
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Michelangelo Studies

Joseph Levine, Syracuse University
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
Ancients, Moderns, and History

Tod Marder, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, spring 1989
The Architecture of Bernini


Barbara Goldberg Abou-El-Haj, State University of New York, Binghamton
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, fall 1987
Late Medieval Church Building in Its Urban Setting

Colin Eisler, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
The Evangelist as Artist: Saint Luke, Painter of the Virgin

Meredith Parsons Lillich, Syracuse University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
The Stained Glass of Eastern France, 1250–1325

Ira S. Mark, University of Chicago
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow, spring 1988
Ideas of Beauty in Greek Art: Aesthetic Theory and the Origins of the Classical Style

Carl R. G. Nylander, Swedish Institute of Classical Studies, Rome
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
Investigation of Near Eastern and Classical Evidence of Willful Mutilation of Art, in Particular Sculpture, for Political and Propagandistic Purposes

Gerald Silk, Tyler School of Art, Temple University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Futurism: Its Past, Present, and Future


Jean-Louis Cohen, École d’architecture, Paris-Villemin; École nationale des ponts et chaussées, Paris
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, spring 1987
The American Ideal in Soviet Architecture, 1917–1954

Cecelia F. Klein, University of California, Los Angeles
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, fall 1986
Dressed to Kill: The Politics of Costume in Aztec Sacrificial Rites

Annette Michelson, New York University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Dziga Vertov: Theory and Practice of the Documentary Film

Helen Searing, Smith College
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, spring 1987
Architecture and Politics in Amsterdam, 1890 – 1940: The Art of the Possible

Martha A. McCrory, The Johns Hopkins University; The Fashion Institute of Technology, State University of New York
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Antique Coins and Cameos in the Florentine Cabinet: An Edition of Sixteenth-Century Grand-Ducal Letters Concerning Coins

Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway, Bryn Mawr College
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow, fall 1986, and joint appointment as Distinguished Visiting Professor in Art History, George Washington University
Hellenistic Sculpture I: The Styles of c. 331–200 BC

Larry Silver, Northwestern University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Artistic Patronage and the Ideology of Emperor Maximilian I


Stephen Gardner, Harvard University (Mellon Faculty Fellowship Program)
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Paris and the Origins of Gothic Architecture

Louis Hawes, Indiana University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow, fall 1985
The British Vision of Switzerland in the Early Romantic Era (1770–1810)

Lawrence Nees, University of Delaware
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow, spring 1986
Hercules and the Classical Tradition at the Carolingian Court

Patricia Netherly, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Dual Organization in Andean Art and Architecture

Jack J. Spector, Rutgers University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Hegel, Trotsky, and Freud as Sources for Breton's Surrealism (1924–1932)

Fikret K. Yegül, University of California, Santa Barbara
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Bathing and Baths in Classical Antiquity

R. T. Zuidema, University of Illinois
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, spring 1986
Inca and Huari Royal Tunics


Jonathan Alexander, University of Manchester
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Humanistic Book Illumination in Padua and Venice c. 1450–1530 and The Patronage of the English Court c. 1200–1420

Elizabeth Cropper, Temple University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
The Crisis of Originality and Tradition in Seventeenth-Century Rome

Mojmir Svatopluk Frinta, State University of New York, Albany

Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Punched Decoration of Gilded Surfaces on Panel Paintings of the Trecento and Quattrocento; The Confrontation of ltalo-Byzantine Paintings with the Procedures of Byzantine Icon Painting

Martin Powers, University of California, Los Angeles
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Immortals and Their Imagery in Han Pictorial Art

Edward A. Snow, Rice University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Interpreting Bruegel

Richard C. Trexler, State University of New York, Binghamton
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
The Journey of the Magi: The Social History of a Christian Iconologue


Anne Hagopian van Buren, Tufts University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Hesdin Castle and Broederlam's Paintings of the Golden Fleece

John C. Irwin, Victoria and Albert Museum (emeritus)
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Origins of Monumental Art in Universal Myth

Elisabeth Kieven, Bibliotheca Hertziana
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow, spring 1984
Roman Architecture in the 1730s

V. A. Kolve, University of Virginia
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, spring 1984
The God-denying Fool in Medieval Art and Literature

John A. Pinto, Smith College
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, spring 1984
The Trevi Fountain in Rome

Thomas F. Reese, University of Texas, Austin
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow, fall 1983
Architecture and Reform Politics in the Age of Charles III

Charles S. Rhyne, Reed College
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
The Drawings and Paintings of John Constable: Catalogue Raisonné

Richard E. Spear, Oberlin College
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Problems of Originality and Caravaggio Studies


Nicolai Cikovsky, Jr., University of New Mexico
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Meaning and Content in Winslow Homer’s Art

Beatrice Farwell, University of California, Santa Barbara
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Popular Imagery and High Art in Nineteenth-Century France

Alan Gowans, University of Victoria, British Columbia
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Studies in Social Functions of Art and Architecture

Hubert H. Damisch, École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris

Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, fall 1982
Perspective Story

Barbara Miller Lane, Bryn Mawr College
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, spring 1983
The Uses of History in Modem Architecture: Government Buildings and Urbanism since 1870

Anne McGee Morganstern, Ohio State University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
The Genealogical Tomb: Thirteenth to Fifteenth Century

Amy L. Neff, University of Tennessee
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
The Supplications variae as a Franciscan Manuscript

Doris M. Srinivasan, Fairfax, Virginia
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Origins of Divine Multiplicity in Indian Art: Meaning and Form

Gabriel P. Weisberg, University of Pittsburgh
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow, spring 1983
S. Bing and the Evolution of Art Nouveau


Christiane Andersson, Columbia University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
A Catalogue Raisonné of the Drawings of Urs Graf

Irene A. Bierman, University of California, Los Angeles
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
The lconographic Significance of Interlocked Arabic Script: Lām/Alif, Alif/Lām

Yasushi Egami, Tokyo National Research Institute of Cultural Properties
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Works Related to the Imperial “Painters' Bureau” in Early Medieval Japan

Molly Faries, Indiana University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Survey of Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Northern European Panel Painting in the National Gallery with Infrared Reflectography

Alan Gowans, University of Victoria, British Columbia
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Interrelations of Form, Cultural Expression, and Social Function in North American Architectural Styles

Donald Preziosi, State University of New York, Binghamton
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Narrativity and Textuality in Palaeolithic art

Claire Richter Sherman, Washington, DC
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
The Illustrations of Nicole Oresme's Translations of Aristotle

Barbara Maria Stafford, University of Chicago
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Voyage into Substance: Illustrated Travel Accounts, c. 1760–1840


Dora P. Crouch, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
The Water System of Morgantina, Sicily

Sandra Hindman, Northwestern University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Art and Politics in Christine de Pizan's Epistre de Othéa

Rosalind Krauss, Hunter College and the Graduate Center, CUNY
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Nineteenth-Century "Landscape" Photography and The Role of Photography within Surrealism

Keith Moxey, University of Virginia
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Peasant Imagery in German Graphics in the First Half of the Sixteenth Century

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