Wayne Thiebaud
Working proof 26 of Thiebaud's River Edge showcases the coloration for which the artist is renowned; a vivid apricot hue highlights the river edge and causes it to glow, even optically vibrate. But Thiebaud rejected this color scheme for the final print — a decision that was significant. Now monochromatic, the landscape reads flatter, more abstract, with repetitive patterns, sinuous lines, and interlocking geometric puzzle pieces.

Wayne Thiebaud working at Crown Point Press, photograph by P. Dullanty, Courtesy Crown Point Press
Banner Image: Detail, Wayne Thiebaud, River Edge (working proof 26), 1997, color drypoint and spitbite aquatint, Crown Point Press, Art © Wayne Thiebaud / Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY
"Yes, No, Maybe: The Art of Making
Decisions," lecture by exhibition curators Judith Brodie and Adam Greenhalgh (audio)
Julie Mehretu, artist, in conversation with curator Judith Brodie, Diamonstein-Spielvogel lecture (audio)
"An Insider's Perspective," lecture by Kathan Brown, founder of Crown Point Press (audio)
Exhibition tour by curators Judith Brodie and Adam Greenhalgh (audio)