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    Research Reports

    Center 44
    June 2023–May 2024

    Munyang Tengen

    Assistance in Photograph Conservation 

    Munyang Tengen puts tintype photographs from the Ross J. Kelbaugh Collection into a new kind of housing for its accession process

    As we transitioned into our project placements for year two, I was excited to explore my interest in film and preservation, so I accepted a placement first in conservation administration covering audio-visual documentation in summer of 2023, then moved to photograph conservation during the following semester. The conservation division at the National Gallery of Art protects and treats art not only for current visitors, but for generations to come. During the summer of 2023, I helped to document different processes that each lab uses to preserve the art in their care. This process taught me about the scientific imaging that benefits art conservation research and helps us understand the materials and practices that artists use. In the fall, I transitioned to the photograph conservation lab. During this time, I learned how to identify different photographic processes and how to produce condition reports for various works. I have also been able to explore career options in the realm of archiving still and moving images. This experience has opened me up to the world of science and art. 

    Film major and African Studies minor, Howard University
    Howard University Undergraduate Intern, 2022–2024