The film series was co-organized at the National Gallery of Art by Joanna Raczynska, assistant curator, film programs, and Ksenya Gurshtein, A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Curatorial Fellow.
This web feature was designed and built by Ksenya Gurshtein, Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Curatorial Fellow and Joanna Raczynska, assistant curator, film programs. It was edited by Laura Jones Dooley and produced with the assistance of Caroline Weaver and Melanie Lukas by the publishing office at the National Gallery of Art, Washington.
Text Authors (in alphabetical order):
Ksenya Gurshtein, A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Curatorial Fellow, National Gallery of Art
Jiří Horníček, film historian and curator, National Film Archive of the Czech Republic, Prague
Aleksandra Kędziorek, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw
Marysia Lewandowska, artist
Łukasz Mojsak, Filmoteka Muzeum, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw
Eva Näripea, Director, Estonian Film Archives, and senior researcher, Estonian Academy of Arts
Diana Nenadić, Croatian Film Association
Līva Pētersone, curator and researcher, Riga Film Museum
Joanna Raczynska, assistant curator, department of film programs, National Gallery of Art
Sonja Simonyi, PhD candidate in cinema studies, New York University
Copyright © 2014 Board of Trustees, National Gallery of Art, Washington
Organizing this project required the help and collaboration of numerous people both in the United States and abroad who shared their knowledge, helped us locate titles, arranged the logistics of bringing exhibition materials to Washington, made the restoration and digitization of materials possible, provided us with stills, and much more. Most of them are thanked, along with the organizations for which they work (where applicable), in the notes that follow the descriptions of each title in the series. We are profoundly grateful to the many filmmakers, archivists, programmers, curators, and staff members at commercial art galleries, among others, mentioned for their contributions, assistance, and support, without which this project would not have been possible.
We also express our deep gratitude to the authors of texts for this website and their willingness to share their expertise.
Although we did not work with him directly, we thank Dušan Barok, the founder of Monoskop. This collaborative wiki site on the history of art, culture, and media technology in Eastern Europe was an invaluable starting point for our research.
In Washington, we thank the embassy of the Czech Republic and the Republics of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Serbia, and Slovenia, along with the Goethe Institute and the Delegation of the European Union to the United States, for their assistance in publicizing the series screenings. We especially thank the embassies of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Croatia for their help in bringing two speakers, Dr. Pavle Levi and Diana Nenadić, for the series.
At the National Gallery, projectionist Jeannie Bernhards was essential to each program’s realization; Judy Metro at the Publishing Office and John Gordy and G. Memo Saenz at the Digital Outreach Office assisted us greatly in making the existence of this web feature possible. Last, we especially thank Margaret Parsons, Head of Film Programs, for her trust, support, and enthusiasm for this project from its inception.
— Joanna Raczynska and Ksenya Gurshtein