Exhibition History
- 2001
- Goya: Images of Women, National Gallery of Art, Washington, 2002, no. 83.
- 1964
- Harris, Tomás. Goya: engravings and lithographs. 2 vols. Oxford: Bruno Cassirer, 1964.
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- Los Caprichos
- 1943.3.4711
- Quien mas rendido? (Which of Them Is the More Overcome?)
- 1943.3.4711.aa
- Que pico de oro! (What a Golden Beak!)
- 1943.3.4711.aaa
- Nadie nos ha visto (No One Has Seen Us)
- 1943.3.4711.aaaa
- Chiton (Hush)
- 1943.3.4711.bb
- El vergonzoso (The Shamefaced One)
- 1943.3.4711.bbb
- Ya es hora (It Is Time)
- 1943.3.4711.bbbb
- Que viene el coco (Here Comes the Bogey-Man)
- 1943.3.4711.c
- Esto si que es leer (That Certainly Is Being Able To Read)
- 1943.3.4711.cc
- Hasta la muerte (Until Death)
- 1943.3.4711.ccc
- El de la rollona (Nanny's Boy)
- 1943.3.4711.d
- Porque esconderlos? (Why Hide Them?)
- 1943.3.4711.dd
- Subir y bajar (To Rise and To Fall)
- 1943.3.4711.ddd
- Tal para qual (Two of a Kind)
- 1943.3.4711.e
- Ruega por ella (She Prays for Her)
- 1943.3.4711.ee
- La filiacion (The Filiation)
- 1943.3.4711.eee
- Nadie se conoce (Nobody Knows Himself)
- 1943.3.4711.f
- Por que fue sensible (Because She Was Susceptible)
- 1943.3.4711.ff
- Tragala perro (Swallow It, Dog)
- 1943.3.4711.fff
- Ni asi la distingue (Even Thus He Cannot Make Her Out)
- 1943.3.4711.g
- Al Conde Palatino (To the Count Palatine)
- 1943.3.4711.gg
- Y aun no se van! (And Still They Don't Go!)
- 1943.3.4711.ggg
- Que se la llevaron (They Carried Her Off)
- 1943.3.4711.h
- Las rinde el sueno (Sleep Overcomes Them)
- 1943.3.4711.hh
- Ensayos (Trials)
- 1943.3.4711.hhh
- Tantalo (Tantalus)
- 1943.3.4711.i
- Le descanona (She Fleeces Him)
- 1943.3.4711.ii
- Volaverunt (They Have Flown)
- 1943.3.4711.iii
- El amour y la muerte (Love and Death)
- 1943.3.4711.j
- Mala noche (A Bad Night)
- 1943.3.4711.jj
- Quien lo creyera! (Who Would Have Thought It!)
- 1943.3.4711.jjj
- Muchachos al avio (Lads Making Ready)
- 1943.3.4711.k
- Si sabra mas el discipulo? (Might Not the Pupil Know More?)
- 1943.3.4711.kk
- Miren que grabes! (Look How Solemn They Are!)
- 1943.3.4711.kkk
- A caza de dientes (Out Hunting for Teeth)
- 1943.3.4711.l
- Brabisimo! (Bravo!)
- 1943.3.4711.ll
- Buen Viage (Bon Voyage)
- 1943.3.4711.lll
- Estan calientes (They Are Hot)
- 1943.3.4711.m
- Asta su abuelo (And So Was His Grandfather)
- 1943.3.4711.mm
- Donde va mama? (Where Is Mother Going?)
- 1943.3.4711.mmm
- Que sacrificio! (What a Sacrifice!)
- 1943.3.4711.n
- De que mal morira? (Of What Ill Will He Die?)
- 1943.3.4711.nn
- Alla va eso (There It Goes)
- 1943.3.4711.nnn
- Bellos consejos (Pretty Teachings)
- 1943.3.4711.o
- Ni mas ni menos (Neither More nor Less)
- 1943.3.4711.oo
- Aguarda que te unten (Wait Till You've Been Annointed)
- 1943.3.4711.ooo
- Tu que no puedes (Thou Who Canst Not)
- 1943.3.4711.pp
- Linda maestra! (Pretty Teacher!)
- 1943.3.4711.ppp
- Bien tirada esta (It is Nicely Stretched)
- 1943.3.4711.q
- Sopla (Blow)
- 1943.3.4711.qqq
- Ysele quema la casa (And His House is on Fire)
- 1943.3.4711.r
- Hilan delgado (They Spin Finely)
- 1943.3.4711.rr
- Devota profesion (Devout Profession)
- 1943.3.4711.rrr
- Todos caeran (All Will Fall)
- 1943.3.4711.s
- Mucho hay que chupar (There Is Plenty To Suck)
- 1943.3.4711.ss
- Si amanece; nos vamos (When Day Breaks We Will Be Off)
- 1943.3.4711.sss
- Ya van desplumados (There They Go Plucked)
- 1943.3.4711.t
- Correccion (Correction)
- 1943.3.4711.tt
- No te escaparas (You Will Not Escape)
- 1943.3.4711.ttt
- Qual la descanonan! (How They Pluck Her!)
- 1943.3.4711.u
- Obsequio a el maestro (A Gift for the Master)
- 1943.3.4711.uu
- Pobrecitas! (Poor Little Girls!)
- 1943.3.4711.v
- Soplones (Tale-Bearers -- Blasts of Wind)
- 1943.3.4711.vv
- No grites, tonta (Don't Scream, Stupid)
- 1943.3.4711.vvv
- Aquellos polbos (Those Specks of Dust)
- 1943.3.4711.w
- Duendecitos (Hobgoblins)
- 1943.3.4711.ww
- No hay quien nos desate? (Can't Anyone Untie Us?)
- 1943.3.4711.www
- Nohubo remedio (Nothing Could Be Done about It)
- 1943.3.4711.x
- Los chinchillas (The Chinchillas)
- 1943.3.4711.xx
- Si quebro el cantaro (Yes He Broke the Pot)
- 1943.3.4711.y
- Se Repulen (They Spruce Themselves Up)
- 1943.3.4711.yy
- Unos a otros (What One Does to Another)
- 1943.3.4711.yyy
- Ya tienen asiento (They've Already Got a Seat)
- 1943.3.4711.z
- Lo que puede un sastre! (What a Tailor Can Do!)
- 1943.3.4711.zz
- Despacha, que dispiertan (Be Quick, They Are Waking Up)
- 1943.3.4711.zzz