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Bibliografia selezionata
Bentz, Bruno, and Wilhelm Joliet. "Les Cavaliers d'Antonio Tempesta peints sur les carreaux de faïence hollandais importés en France au XVIIe siècle." Sèvres 8 (1999): 81–88.
Bury, Michael. "Antonio Tempesta as Printmaker: Invention, Drawing and Technique." In Drawing, 1400–1600: Invention and Innovation, 189–205. Aldershot, UK, 1998.
Fournet, Jean-Pierre. "Les Tentures de cuir peint du Musée national de la Renaissance au château d'Écouen: Un témoignage exceptionnel d'une tradition ornementale oubliée." Revue du Louvre et des musées de France 57 (2007): 75–85.
Jones, Pamela M. "San Carlo Borromeo and Plague Imagery in Milan and Rome." In Hope and Healing: Painting in Italy in a Time of Plague, 1500–1800, 65–96. Chicago, 2005.
Katritzky, M. A. The Art of Commedia: A Study in the Commedia dell'arte 1560–1620 with Special Reference to the Visual Records. Amsterdam, 2006.
Leuschner, Eckhard. Antonio Tempesta: Ein Bahnbrecher des römischen Barock und seine europäische Wirkung. Petersberg, 2005.
Leuschner, Eckhard. "Antonio Tempesta, inventeur d'images savantes dans la Rome baroque." Nouvelles de l'estampe 211 (2007): 8–20.
Leuschner, Eckhard. "Antonio Tempesta's Drawings for a 'Gerusalemme liberata.'" Master Drawings 37 (1999): 138–155.
Leuschner, Eckhard. "Censorship and the Market: Antonio Tempesta's 'New' Subjects in the Context of Roman Printmaking ca. 1600." In The Art Market in Italy: 15th–17th Centuries, edited by Marcello Fantoni, Louisa C. Matthew, and Sara F. Matthews-Grieco, 65–73. Modena, 2003.
Leuschner, Eckhard. "Tempesta at the Capitoline." Burlington Magazine 141 (1999): 618–621.
Pezzati, Sofia. "Due dipinti trascurati di Antonio Tempesta e un misterioso disegno." Paragone, Arte, 53, ser. 3, 43 (2002): 71–80.
Rouillard, Philippe. "Antonio Tempesta et la France." Nouvelles de l'estampe 211 (2007): 21–37.
Thieme, Ulrich, and Felix Becker. Gesamtregister: Register zum Allgemeinen Lexikon der bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart und zum Allgemeinen Lexikon der bildenden Künstler des 20. Jahrhunderts, s.v. "Tempesta, Antonio." Munich, 1996.
Unglaub, Jonathan. "Poussin's Purloined Letter." Burlington Magazine 142 (2000): 35–39.
Wiedmann, Gerhard. "Cicli pittorici a Roma e nell'alto Lazio nella seconda metà del Cinquecento." In Viterbo, Palazzo dei Priori: La Sala Regia; la storia, il restauro, ed. Massimo Bonelli and Laura P. Bonelli, 89–108. Viterbo, 2001.