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Giuseppe Ghezzi and Pier Leone Ghezzi, Portrait of Federico Zuccaro, date unknown, oil on canvas. © Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, Rome

Federico Zuccaro

Federicus Zuccarus, Francisco Zuccho, Federicus Zuccharus, Federico Zuccari

Role(s): Artist, Prince

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Selected Bibliography

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De Girolami Cheney, Liana. "Zuccaro, Federico." In The Dictionary of Art, edited by Jane Turner, vol. 33, 718–721. New York, 1996.

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Spengler, Dietmar. “A Drawing and a Self-Portrait by Federico Zuccaro.” Burlington Magazine 137 (1995): 750–752.

Sohm, Phillip. "Caravaggio, Federico Zuccaro and the Economics of ‘Novità.’" In Novità: Neuheitskonzepte in den Bildkünsten um 1600, edited by Ulrich Pfisterer and Gabriele Wimböck, 375–399. Zurich, 2011.

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