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    2019 Annual Report


    Dino Aranda, Three Figures, 1968, acrylic on canvas, Gift of Werth V. Zuver, 2019.101.1

    Aranda, Dino, American, born Nicaragua 1945

    • Three Figures, 1968, acrylic on canvas, 2019.101.1, Gift of Werth V. Zuver

    Aróstegui, Alejandro, Nicaraguan, born 1935

    • Beast, 1968, oil and mixed media on canvas and board, 2019.101.2, Gift of Werth V. Zuver

    Bernstein, Theresa, American, born Austro-Hungarian Empire (now Poland), 1890–2002

    • The Readers, 1914, oil on canvas, 2018.146.1, Gift of Martin and Edith Stein
    • Polish Church: Easter Morning, 1916, oil on canvas, 2018.146.2, Gift of Martin and Edith Stein

    Bochner, Mel, American, born 1940

    • Master of the Universe, 2010, oil and acrylic on canvas, 2018.192.1, Gift of Anita and Burton Reiner

    Godwin, Judith, American, born 1930

    • Seated Figure, 1955, oil on canvas, 2019.102.1, Gift of the Artist

    Hantaï, Simon, French, born Hungary, 1922–2008

    • Meun, 1968, oil on canvas, 2019.53.1, Gift of Zsuzsa Hantaï

    Landseer, Sir Edwin, British, 1802–1873

    • Alpine Mastiffs Reanimating a Distressed Traveler, 1820, oil on canvas, 2019.120.1, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    László, Philip Alexius de, British, born Hungary, 1869–1937

    • Andrew W. Mellon, 1932, oil and gouache on hardboard, 2019.21.1, Gift of the Shepard Family

    Lehmann, Henri, French, born Germany, 1814–1882

    • Woman of the “Orient,” 1837, oil on canvas, 2019.15.1, Chester Dale Fund

    Lewis, Stanley, American, born 1941

    • View from New Studio Window, 2012–2017, oil on canvas, 2019.44.1, Gift of Timothy Lewis and Alisyn Camerota in Honor of Earl A. Powell III

    Looper, Willem de, American, born the Netherlands, 1932–2009

    • Phoenix, 1970, acrylic on canvas, 2018.187.1, Gift in memory of Hans de Looper

    Meyers, Linn, American, born 1968

    • Untitled, 2017, acrylic and Flashe on Claybord, 2019.55.1, Gift of Simpson Family

    Nara, Yoshitomo, Japanese, born 1959

    • Midnight Truth, 2017, acrylic on canvas, 2019.100.1, Gift of Lisa and Steven Tananbaum

    Pollock, Jackson, American, 1912–1956

    • Ritual, 1953, oil on canvas, 2018.202.1, Robert and Jane Meyerhoff Collection

    Velde III, Jan Jansz van de, Dutch, 1620–1662

    • Still Life with Stoneware Jug and Pipe, 1650, oil on panel, 2019.13.1, The Lee and Juliet Folger Fund

    Wouwerman, Philips, Dutch, 1619–1668

    • The Departure for the Hunt, c. 1665/1668, oil on panel, 2019.2.1, The Lee and Juliet Folger Fund, in honor of Earl A. Powell III, Director of the National Gallery of Art (1992–2019)


    Andy Goldsworthy, Leafhorn, 1994, sweet chestnut leaves, Gift of Emily and Mitchell Rales in Honor of Victoria Sant, 2019.41.1

    Anastasi, William, American, born 1933

    • Issue, conceived 1966, displaced wall plaster, 2018.190.2, Gift of Virginia Dwan

    Bolognese 15th Century

    • Pirro Malvezzi, 1429–1505, Patrician of Bologna [obverse]; Malvezzi in Roman Attire, Seated on a Monster [reverse], 1477, bronze, 2018.208.2.a, b, Gift of Andrew Brown in honor of Alison Luchs

    Briot, Nicolas, French, c. 1579–1646

    • The Juxon Medal: Charles I, 1600–1649, King of England 1625 [obverse]; The Juxon Medal: The Dominion of the Seas [reverse], 1639, gold, 2019.117.1.a, b, Gift of Drs. Yvonne and A. Peter Weiss

    Caunois, François-Augustin, French, 1787–1859 (medalist), and Augustin-Alexandre Dumont, French, 1801–1884 (designer)

    • Louis Philippe, 1773–1850, King of the French 1830–1848 [obverse, Caunois];
    • Inauguration of the July Column [reverse, Caunois and Dumont], 1839, bronze, 2019.45.1.a, b, Gift of the Estate of William B. Jordan

    Chaplain, Jules-Clément, French, 1839–1909

    • Salon Prize for Sculpture, late 19th century, bronze, 2019.45.2, Gift of the Estate of William B. Jordan

    Dardel, Robert-Guillaume, French, c. 1749–1821

    • The Three Horatii Crowned by Victory, probably 1790s, terracotta, 2018.207.1, Gift of David H. McDonnell

    Goldsworthy, Andy, British, born 1956

    • Leafhorn, 1994, sweet chestnut leaves, 2019.41.1, Gift of Emily and Mitchell Rales in Honor of Victoria Sant

    LeWitt, Sol, American, 1928–2007

    • Modular Wall Structure, 1968, baked enamel and aluminum, 2018.190.1, Gift of Virginia Dwan

    Lucenti, Girolamo, attributed to, Roman, c. 1625–1698, after Giovanni Martino Hamerani, Roman, 1646–1705

    • Innocent XI (Benedetto Odescalchi, 1611–1689), Pope 1676, bronze, 2018.208.1, Gift of Andrew Brown in honor of Douglas Lewis

    Netherlandish 17th Century

    • Abraham and Isaac, 17th century, silver repoussé, 2018.208.3, Gift of Andrew Brown in memory of Eleonora Luciano

    Sandback, Fred, American, 1943–2003

    • Untitled (Flat Wall Piece), 1970, copper wire, 2018.190.3, Gift of Virginia Dwan

    Schwarz, Hans, German, c. 1492–after 1532

    • Ferdinand I, 1503–1564, Archduke of Austria 1521, Holy Roman Emperor 1556, 1522, bronze, 2019.45.3, Gift of the Estate of William B. Jordan

    Sonnier, Keith, American, born 1941

    • Go Between, 1968, glass, latex rubber, porcelain light fixture, red incandescent lightbulbs, electric timer, and electrical cable, 2019.22.1, Gift of Constance R. Caplan, Kyle and Sharon Krause, the Addie Burr Clark Fund, Roselyn Chroman Swig, The Ahmanson Foundation on behalf of Howard and Roberta Ahmanson, and the Collectors Committee

    Stackhouse, Robert, American, born 1942

    • Untitled, 1972, carved oak and pine, 2019.109.77, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Tiolier, Nicolas-Pierre, French, 1784–1843

    • Achille-Etna Michallon, 1796–1822, French Painter [obverse]; Allegory of Painting [reverse], 1823, copper, 2019.45.4.a, b, Gift of the Estate of William B. Jordan

    Waitzkin, Stella, American, 1920–2003

    • “Little” Shoah, c. 1984, polyester resin and found wood frame, 2019.56.1, Gift of Waitzkin Memorial Library Trust
    • Untitled (Stack of Books), c. 1980, polyester resin, 2019.56.2, Gift of Waitzkin Memorial Library Trust
    • Faces on Mirror, c. 1985, polyester resin, 2019.56.3, Gift of Waitzkin Memorial Library Trust

    Decorative Arts

    Andrew Ellicott Warner, Presentation Candelabrum for Commodore Stephen Decatur, 1817, silver, partially gilded, Gift of The Hopkinson Family by Ingrid B. Hopkinson and Vibeke L.H. Swanson, 2018.203.1

    Warner, Andrew Ellicott, American, 1786–1870

    • Presentation Candelabrum for Commodore Stephen Decatur, 1817, silver, partially gilded, 2018.203.1, Gift of The Hopkinson Family by Ingrid B. Hopkinson and Vibeke L. H. Swanson


    Federico Castellón, Three Women, 1935, pen and ink, brush and ink, and gouache on paperboard, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy, 2019.109.20

    Abbott, John White, British, 1763–1851

    • Trees at Fordland, Devon, 1841, pen and gray ink with gray wash, 2019.62.1, Joseph F. McCrindle Endowment Fund

    Ahlström, Ronald, American, 1922–2012

    • Untitled, c. 1961, collage on board, 2019.109.6, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Allongé, Auguste, French, 1833–1898

    • Autumn Landscape in the Forest of Fontainebleau, c. 1860, watercolor with graphite, 2019.64.1, Purchased as the Gift of Alexander M. and Judith W. Laughlin

    Andersson, Mamma, Swedish, born 1962

    • Saga (working drawing 1 for softground figures), 2013, graphite, green and red pencil, on tracing paper, 2019.115.35, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Saga (working drawing 2 for softground figures, template), 2013, red and green pencil, with graphite, on tracing paper, 2019.115.36, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Andriessen, Jurriaan, Dutch, 1742–1819

    • A Wooded Path at Treslong, near Hillegom, 1789, black chalk and watercolor on blue paper, 2019.61.1, William B. O’Neal Fund

    Avedisian, Edward, American, 1936–2007

    • Untitled, c. 1970, watercolor, 2019.109.5, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Bailey, William, American, born 1930

    • Working drawing for Borghetto I and Borghetto II, 1996, graphite on graph paper, 2019.115.70, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Stradina (working drawing), 2002, graphite on tracing paper, 2019.115.83, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Bardin, Jean Hippolyte, French, 1732–1809

    • Confirmation, 1786, brown wash with white gouache over black chalk, 2018.100.1, Purchased as the Gift of Ivan E. and Winifred Phillips in memory of Neil Phillips

    Benso, Giulio, Genoese, 1592–1668

    • Madonna and Child with Angels, Saint Benedict, and Saint Scholastica, 1629, pen and brown ink with brown wash, squared in graphite, 2018.165.1, Eugene L. and Marie-Louise Garbáty Fund

    Berjon, Antoine, French, 1754–1843

    • Hunting Trophy with Mallard, Partridge, Goldfinches, and Onions, c. 1810, pastel on prepared canvas, 2019.3.1, Patrons’ Permanent Fund
    • Hunting Trophy with Hare and Bay Leaves, c. 1810, pastel on prepared canvas, 2019.3.2, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    Biscaino, Bartolomeo, Italian, 1629–1657

    • Fantastic Landscape with a Man Drinking from a Stream, 1650s, red chalk heightened with white gouache on light tan paper, 2018.165.2, New Century Fund

    Bonnard, Pierre, French, 1867–1947

    • Self-Portrait Smoking and Other Studies (recto); Studies of Men and a Religious Scene (verso), 1895, graphite and pen and black ink and black wash (recto); graphite and watercolor (verso), 2019.45.6, Bequest of William B. Jordan and Robert Dean Brownlee
    • Study for “Petit solfège illustré, chapitre 1,” c. 1891/1893, ink over graphite, 2019.45.7, Bequest of William B. Jordan and Robert Dean Brownlee

    Bryan, Edgar, American, born 1970

    • Model Defending Jugs (drawing 1), 2008, graphite on two sheets of paper taped together, 2019.115.94, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Model Defending Jugs (drawing 2), 2008, charcoal on two sheets of paper taped together, 2019.115.95, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Cage, John, American, 1912–1992

    • River, Rocks and Smoke 4/10/90 No. 17, 1990, watercolor on paper prepared with smoke, 2019.45.8, Bequest of William B. Jordan and Robert Dean Brownlee

    Carlone, Giovanni Andrea, Italian, 1639–1697

    • The Sacrifice of Iphigenia, 1670s, pen and brown ink with brown wash over traces of black chalk, squared for transfer, 2018.163.1, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Carracci, Lodovico, attributed to, Italian, 1555–1619

    • Standing Boy in a Landscape, 1585, red chalk, 2018.178.1, Gift of Ann Sutherland Harris

    Castellón, Federico, American, born Spain, 1914–1971

    • Madame Récamier Leaves Her Chaise Lounge and Lays Her Symbol There, 1936, brush and ink, 2019.109.18, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy
    • The Birth of Sight in the Dark of Night, 1936, brush and ink, 2019.109.19, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy
    • Three Women, 1935, pen and ink, brush and ink, and gouache on paperboard, 2019.109.20, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Chinnery, George, British, 1774–1852

    • Head of a Man, c. 1810/1825, graphite and watercolor, 2019.30.1, William B. O’Neal Fund

    Cleary, Manon, American, 1942–2011

    • Untitled, 1977, graphite, 2019.43.1, Gift of R. L. Lennon in memory of Rush Lennon

    David, Jacques-Louis, French, 1748–1825

    • Two Studies of the Head of a Young Man Crowned with a Laurel Wreath, 1775/1780, black chalk, 2019.45.9, Bequest of William B. Jordan and Robert Dean Brownlee

    Degas, Edgar, French, 1834–1917

    • Horse with a Study of a Rider, c. 1860, graphite, 2019.45.10, Bequest of William B. Jordan and Robert Dean Brownlee
    • After the Bath, c. 1900, charcoal and pastel on tracing paper, 2019.45.21, Bequest of William B. Jordan and Robert Dean Brownlee

    Dehner, Dorothy, American, 1901–1994

    • Untitled [Nickel Drawing], 1952, watercolor and ink, 2019.109.28, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Delacroix, Eugène, French, 1798–1863

    • A False Scalping Performed by Iowa Tribe Members in Paris, 1845, pen and brown ink, 2019.45.11, Bequest of William B. Jordan and Robert Dean Brownlee
    • Arab Horseman at the Gallop, 1849, graphite, 2019.45.12, Bequest of William B. Jordan and Robert Dean Brownlee

    Delaunay, Jules-Elie, French, 1828–1891

    • Navigation (Allegory of the Navy), 1876, black and white chalk with graphite on light brown paper, 2019.29.1, Joseph F. McCrindle Endowment Fund

    Derain, André, French, 1880–1954

    • Landscape with Buildings and Rocks, c. 1907/1909, graphite, 2019.46.1, Gift of Victor Carlson

    Dyer, Briggs, American, 1911–1970

    • Adversaries, 1965, watercolor, ink, and collage on board, 2019.109.33, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Ferrari, Gregorio De, Italian, 1647–1726

    • Saint Michael and the Rebel Angels, c. 1682, pen and brown ink with brown wash, heightened with white gouache, over traces of black chalk on blue paper, 2018.165.4, Elizabeth White Fund

    Ferrari, Lorenzo De, Italian, 1680–1744

    • Study of an Angel for the Decoration of the Gesù, c. 1738, black chalk on blue paper, squared for transfer, 2018.172.2, New Century Fund
    • A Female Figure Seated on an Entablature, Holding a Distaff, c. 1700/1710, black chalk, 2019.78.1, Purchased as the Gift of Robert B. Loper

    Forster, Thomas, British, 1677–1712

    • Portrait of a Gentleman, 1704, graphite on vellum (plumbago), 2018.175.3, William B. O’Neal Fund

    Fortuny y Carbó, Mariano, Spanish, 1838–1874

    • Study of a Male Nude and Other Studies, 1860s?, pen and brown ink with brown wash and graphite, heightened with white gouache, 2019.45.13, Bequest of William B. Jordan and Robert Dean Brownlee

    Franceschini, Marcantonio, Italian, 1648–1729

    • The Presentation of the Infant Mary, 1680s?, pen and brown ink with gray wash over black chalk, 2018.160.1, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    French 18th Century

    • Acanthus Ornament, c. 1760, red and black chalk, 2019.64.2, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Gambara, Lattanzio, Italian, c. 1530–1574

    • A Soldier in Ancient Roman Costume with Pike and Shield, 1572/1573, pen and brown ink with brown wash heightened with white gouache, over black chalk, on blue paper, squared in black chalk, 2019.75.1, Purchased as the Gift of Joan and David Maxwell

    Gastaldi, Andrea, Italian, 1826–1889

    • The Siege of Tortona, or The Thirst of the People of Tortona, 1866–1867, charcoal, black crayon, and white chalk, 2018.176.1, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    Giacometti, Alberto, Swiss, 1901–1966

    • Diego Seated, 1948, graphite, 2019.45.22, Bequest of William B. Jordan and Robert Dean Brownlee

    Gober, Robert, American, born 1954

    • Untitled, 2017, graphite and pastel on artificial vellum, 2018.104.1, Purchased as the Gift of Emily and Mitchell Rales, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund, Edward E. MacCrone Fund, Mr. and Mrs. Curtin Winsor III, and Eleanor Wirth

    Gordon, Ted, American, born 1924

    • Dr. Lavendar Spook, 1997, colored marker with incised lines on x-ray board, 2019.109.84, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Granet, François-Marius, French, 1775–1849

    • A Roman Cloister, c. 1802/1819, pen and brown ink and brown wash with watercolor over graphite, 2019.45.14, Bequest of William B. Jordan and Robert Dean Brownlee

    Harpignies, Henri-Joseph, French, 1819–1916

    • Wooded Landscape beside a River, 1861, graphite and white chalk, 2019.70.1, Purchased as the Gift of Ann and Matthew Nimetz

    Hills, Robert, British, 1769–1844

    • Stags in Knole Park, Kent, 1839, watercolor and gouache over graphite, 2019.62.2, Purchased as the Gift of Alexander M. and Judith W. Laughlin

    Hunt, Richard Howard, American, born 1935

    • Study for Organic Construction II, 1959, graphite, 2019.109.44, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Jane, Xylor, American, born 1963

    • 60-92, 2002, graphite and colored pencil, 2019.109.83, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Jones, S. L., American, 1901–1995

    • Untitled (Three Figures), graphite, ballpoint pen, and colored pencil, 2019.109.80, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Kelly, Ellsworth, American, 1923–2015

    • Wild Grape, 1960, graphite, 2019.45.15, Bequest of William B. Jordan and Robert Dean Brownlee

    Kline, Franz, American, 1910–1962

    • Untitled, 1940s, brown ink, 2018.205.1, Gift of Rufus Zogbaum and Reina Schratter
    • Elizabeth and Kitzker, 1945, graphite, 2018.205.2, Gift of Rufus Zogbaum and Reina Schratter
    • Untitled Color Abstraction, 1950s, transparent and opaque watercolor on Coquille board, 2018.205.3, Gift of Rufus Zogbaum and Reina Schratter
    • Small Color Abstraction with Diagonal Blue Drips, 1950s, oil and opaque watercolor on Coquille board, 2018.205.4, Gift of Rufus Zogbaum and Reina Schratter
    • Untitled Black and White Abstraction, c. 1958–1960, brush and ink, 2018.205.5, Gift of Rufus Zogbaum and Reina Schratter
    • Untitled Four Figure Studies, c. 1946, brush and ink and oil, 2018.205.6, Gift of Rufus Zogbaum and Reina Schratter
    • Untitled, 1945, brush and ink, 2018.205.7, Gift of Rufus Zogbaum and Reina Schratter
    • Untitled, 1947, pen and brush in black and brown ink, 2018.205.8, Gift of Rufus Zogbaum and Reina Schratter
    • Seated Woman Resting Her Head on Her Left Arm, 1945/1948, brush and ink, 2018.205.9, Gift of Rufus Zogbaum and Reina Schratter
    • Three Sketches, 1945/1948, brush and ink, 2018.205.10, Gift of Rufus Zogbaum and Reina Schratter
    • Seated Woman, c. 1946–1947, brush and ink, 2018.205.11, Gift of Rufus Zogbaum and Reina Schratter
    • Color Abstraction on Telephone Book Paper, 1950/1954, opaque paint, 2019.48.1, Gift of Rufus Zogbaum and Reina Schratter
    • Untitled Abstraction, 1950s, brush and ink on newsprint, 2019.48.2, Gift of Rufus Zogbaum and Reina Schratter
    • Passengers on a Bus, c. 1938, pen and blue ink, 2019.48.3, Gift of Rufus Zogbaum and Reina Schratter
    • Study for Accent Grave, c. 1959, brush and ink on tracing paper, 2019.48.4, Gift of Rufus Zogbaum and Reina Schratter

    Kupka, František, Czech, 1871–1957

    • Study for “L’accord des couleurs,” c. 1918, watercolor over graphite, 2019.45.16, Bequest of William B. Jordan and Robert Dean Brownlee

    Lehmann, Henri, French, born Germany, 1814–1882

    • Study for “Rêve d’amour,” 1848, red and black chalk heightened with white chalk, 2019.45.17, Bequest of William B. Jordan and Robert Dean Brownlee

    Lessi, Tito, Italian, 1858–1917

    • Head of a Youth and a Man with a Moustache (recto); Head of a Nun (verso), c. 1895/1896, graphite with watercolor (recto); graphite (verso), 2018.158.1.a, b, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Le Va, Barry, American, born 1941

    • Particles, 1967, pen on graph paper, 2019.103.1, Gift of Mel Bochner and Lizbeth Marano

    Lomi, Aurelio, Italian, 1556–1623

    • Studies of a Youth Pulling Ropes (recto); Faint Study of a Youth Pulling a Rope (verso), 1610s, black and white chalk on blue paper, 2018.167.1.a, b, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Magnasco, Alessandro, Italian, 1667–1749

    • The Baptism of Christ, 1720s, brown wash over black chalk, heightened with white gouache, 2018.165.3, New Century Fund

    Marshall, Kerry James, American, born 1955; Stephen DeSantis, American, born 1960; Curtis Bartone, American, born 1965

    • Exquisite Corpse, 2015, black ink, crayon, collage, and colored pencil on three sheets of blue paper, 2019.109.81, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Michetti, Francesco Paolo, Italian, 1851–1929

    • Mandolin Player in Popular Costume of Abruzzi, 1870s, pen and brown ink with brown wash, 2018.157.1, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Miró, Joan, Spanish, 1893–1983

    • Composition, 1929, charcoal on tan sandpaper, 2019.45.23, Bequest of William B. Jordan and Robert Dean Brownlee

    Mola, Pier Francesco, Italian, 1612–1666

    • The Penitent Magdalene (recto); Bearded Man and Studies for Rebecca and Eliezer (verso), 1640s?, black chalk with brown wash and watercolor (recto); red and black chalk (verso), 2018.178.2, Gift of Ann Sutherland Harris
    • The Angel Appearing to Hagar and Ishmael in the Wilderness, c. 1645, pen and brown ink with brown wash, 2018.178.3, Gift of Ann Sutherland Harris
    • Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata, c. 1655, red chalk, 2018.178.4, Gift of Ann Sutherland Harris

    Moreau the Elder, Louis Gabriel, French, 1739–1806

    • A Park with Gardeners, 1780s, gouache on vellum, mounted to paper on stretcher, 2019.46.2, Gift of Victor Carlson

    Mulready, William, British, 1786–1863

    • Study (Male Nude), c. 1852, pen and black ink and watercolor, heightened with white gouache, over graphite, 2019.87.1, Purchased as the Gift of Dian Woodner

    Norblin, Jean-Pierre, French, 1745–1830

    • Fête Champêtre with a Seesaw, before 1774, pen and gray and brown ink with gray wash and traces of graphite, 2018.174.1, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund
    • Fête Champêtre with Game of Hot Cockles, before 1774, graphite with pen and gray and brown ink with gray wash, 2018.174.2, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Picasso, Pablo, Spanish, 1881–1973

    • Two Men, 1967, graphite, 2019.45.24, Bequest of William B. Jordan and Robert Dean Brownlee

    Piola, Domenico, Italian, 1627–1703

    • The Meeting of Jacob and Rachel, 1670s, brown wash over black chalk, 2018.172.1, New Century Fund
    • Tobit Burying the Dead, c. 1650/1660, pen and brown ink with brown wash over traces of black chalk, 2019.84.1, Purchased as the Gift of Andrea Woodner

    Piola, Paolo Gerolamo, Italian, 1666–1724

    • Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence, 1720/1724, pen and brown ink with brown wash and black chalk, heightened with white gouache on gray-blue paper, 2019.83.1, Purchased as the Gift of Andrea Woodner

    Place, Francis, English, 1647–1728

    • A Grotto (The Stables of the Villa Maecenas, Tivoli?), c. 1700, pen and brown ink with brown wash over graphite, 2018.175.2, William B. O’Neal Fund

    Poccetti, Bernardino, Florentine, 1548–1612

    • Standing Soldier, Facing Right, 1590s?, black chalk with touches of red chalk, 2018.178.6, Gift of Ann Sutherland Harris

    Portail, Jacques André, French, 1695–1759

    • Young Girl Reading, mid-18th century, red and black chalk, 2018.180.1, Gift of Jeffrey E. Horvitz

    Posi, Paolo, Italian, 1708–1776, and Giuseppe Palazzi, Italian, c. 1740–1810

    • Design for the First Machine of the Chinea in 1774, 1774, pen and gray ink with gray wash, 2019.24.1, Purchased as the Gift of Vincent J. Buonanno

    Prey, Barbara Ernst, American, born 1957

    • Fibonacci’s Workshop, 2013, watercolor and drybrush, 2019.57.1, Gift of Craig and Dorothy Stapleton

    Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre, French, 1824–1898

    • Study for “Massilia, Greek Colony,” c. 1867/1868, graphite with pale brown wash, partially squared, on light brown paper, 2019.45.18, Bequest of William B. Jordan and Robert Dean Brownlee

    Redon, Odilon, French, 1840–1916

    • Two Figures in a Landscape, 1893, graphite, 2019.45.19, Bequest of William B. Jordan and Robert Dean Brownlee

    Richmond, George, British, 1809–1896

    • Mrs. Anne Walbanke-Childers, 1843–1864, watercolor over graphite with gouache and gum arabic, 2018.167.3, William B. O’Neal Fund

    Rivière, Henri, French, 1864–1951

    • Stream in Lopérec, c. 1901, black ink, black chalk, and watercolor with collage on Japanese paper, 2019.74.1, Purchased as the Gift of Merritt P. Dyke

    Robert, Hubert, French, 1733–1808

    • Ruins of the Church of the Saints-Innocents, Paris, 1786/1787, black chalk on tan paper mounted on card, 2019.45.20, Bequest of William B. Jordan and Robert Dean Brownlee
    • A Roman Capriccio, c. 1763/1764, pen and brown ink with brown wash, 2019.46.3, Gift of Victor Carlson

    Roth, Jack, American, 1927–2004

    • When I Grow Up (Jasper Johns), 1963, graphite, 2019.109.64, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Rowbotham, Thomas Leeson, British, 1782–1853

    • American Scene, c. 1832/1835, gray wash with stopping out and scratching out, 2018.167.2, William B. O’Neal Fund

    Shotz, Alyson, American, born 1964

    • Sequent (1)–Sequent (5), c. 2013, set of five white paper cut outs with graphite, mounted on gray cardboards, 2019.115.232–236, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Sikander, Shahzia, American, born Pakistan, 1969

    • Mirror Plane (working drawing), 2012, ink on mylar, 2019.115.371, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Simmons, Jeffrey, American, born 1968

    • Switch, 2003, watercolor, 2019.109.66, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Smith, Frank, American, born 1935

    • Blue Totems for Persons of Interest, 2009, mixed media on paper, 2019.109.67, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Stackhouse, Robert, American, born 1942

    • Untitled #5, 1971, watercolor over graphite, 2019.109.68, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy
    • Untitled #3, 1971, watercolor over graphite, 2019.109.69, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Testa, Pietro, Italian, 1612–1650

    • Kneeling Angel, c. 1635/1637, red chalk, 2018.178.5, Gift of Ann Sutherland Harris
    • The Vision of Saint Angelus, c. 1645, pen and brown ink over black chalk, 2018.178.7, Gift of Ann Sutherland Harris in honor of Elizabeth Cropper

    Thiebaud, Wayne, American, born 1920

    • Bow Tie Tree, 2017, graphite and ink on ruled yellow paper, 2019.115.273, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Cone, 1995, graphite on tracing paper, 2019.115.290, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Thomas, Alma, American, 1891–1978

    • Untitled (Abstract), 1973, blue gouache on sketchbook page, 2019.109.78, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Thornhill, James, Sir, English, 1675–1734

    • The Discovery of Achilles Among the Daughters of Lycomedes, c. 1710, pen and brown ink with brown wash, heightened with white gouache, over red chalk, 2018.175.1, William B. O’Neal Fund

    Turner of Oxford, William, British, 1789–1862

    • View of Oxford from Headington Hill, 1830, watercolor and gouache over graphite, 2019.71.1, Purchased as the Gift of the Krugman Family Foundation

    Twombly, Cy, American, 1928–2011

    • Untitled, 1958, graphite and colored pencil, 2019.45.25, Bequest of William B. Jordan and Robert Dean Brownlee

    Valenciennes, Pierre-Henri de, French, 1750–1819

    • A Stand of Trees, 1797/1798, black chalk, 2018.161.1, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Von Bruenchenhein, Eugene, American 1910–1983

    • Untitled (Abstract), 1955, acrylic on board, 2019.109.79, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Vuillard, Edouard, French, 1868–1940

    • Au Théâtre Antoine, c. 1889, brush and black ink over graphite on brown paper, 2018.200.1, Gift of Jeffrey Atlas in memory of his mother Liane Atlas

    Walker, Inez Nathaniel, American, 1911–1990

    • Untitled (Woman in Profile), 1975, graphite, 2019.109.82, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Prints and Illustrated Books

    Abts, Tomma, German, born 1967

    • Untitled (small circles), 2015, color aquatint, 2019.115.1, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Untitled (big circle), 2015, color aquatint, 2019.115.2, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Untitled (big circle), 2015, aquatint [red proof], 2019.115.3, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Untitled (big circle), 2015, aquatint [gray proof, printed on both sides] with added graphite, 2019.115.4, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Untitled (wavy line), 2015, color aquatint, 2019.115.5, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Untitled (wavy line), 2015, aquatint [yellow proof], 2019.115.6, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Untitled (wavy line), 2015, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.7, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Untitled (wavy line), 2015, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.8, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Untitled (gap), 2015, color aquatint with spitbite aquatint and hardground etching, 2019.115.9, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Untitled (gap), 2015, aquatint and hardground etching [green proof with tape additions], 2019.115.10, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Untitled (gap), 2015, aquatint and hardground etching [proof with graphite additions], 2019.115.11, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Untitled (brushstroke), 2009, aquatint, etching and drypoint [proof], 2019.115.12, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Untitled (5 spots), 2009, aquatint and etching [purple and gray lines proof], 2019.115.13, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Untitled (5 spots), 2009, aquatint and etching [purple and yellow lines proof], 2019.115.14, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Untitled (12 bits), 2009, softground etching with aquatint [proof], 2019.115.15, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Untitled (12 bits), 2009, softground etching with aquatint [proof], 2019.115.16, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Untitled (12 bits), 2009, softground etching with aquatint [proof], 2019.115.17, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Adams, Clinton, American, 1918–2002

    • Melon Slice, 1949, lithograph, 2019.109.1, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Aldrin, Anders, American, 1889–1970

    • The Frolic, 1930s, color woodcut, 2019.109.72, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Almond, Darren, British, born 1971

    • Amalfi Sketchbook, 2018, portfolio of four photogravures on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.18, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Amalfi Sketchbook 2, 2018, photogravure [proof], 2019.115.19, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Amalfi Sketchbook 3, 2018, photogravure [proof], 2019.115.20, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Civil Dawn, 2010, portfolio of five photogravures on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.21, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • FOCI I, 2018, color aquatint, 2019.115.22, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • FOCI II, 2018, color aquatint, 2019.115.23, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • FOCI III, 2018, color aquatint, 2019.115.24, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • FOCI IV, 2018, color aquatint, 2019.115.25, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Fullmoon @Bujuku: Mountains of the Moon, 2010, color photogravure, 2019.115.26, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Fullmoon @Murchison Falls: Mountains of the Moon, 2010, color photogravure, 2019.115.27, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Refractive Index I, 2018, color aquatint, 2019.115.28, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Refractive Index II, 2018, color aquatint, 2019.115.29, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Refractive Index III, 2018, color aquatint, 2019.115.30, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Refractive Index IV, 2018, color aquatint, 2019.115.31, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Refractive Index V, 2018, color aquatint, 2019.115.32, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Alps, Glen Earl, American, 1914–1996

    • Indian Rock Writings, 1946, lithograph, 2019.109.2, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Altoon, John, American, 1925–1969

    • Untitled, 1965, color lithograph, 2019.109.65, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Andersson, Mamma, Swedish, born 1962

    • Mother’s Day, 2013, color sugarlift, spitbite and soapground aquatints, 2019.115.33, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Saga, 2013, color sugarlift and spitbite aquatints with softground etching and drypoint on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.34, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Saga, 2013, source photo proof on paper, 2019.115.37, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Saga, 2013, color spitbite aquatint [proof], 2019.115.38, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Saga, 2013, color spitbite and sugarlift aquatints, with additions in collage and green pencil [proof], 2019.115.39, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Saga, 2013, color sugarlift and spitbite aquatint with graphite and colored pencil [proof], 2019.115.40, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Saga, 2013, color sugarlift and spitbite aquatints with softground etching and drypoint [proof], 2019.115.41, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Saga, 2013, color sugarlift and spitbite aquatints with softground etching and drypoint, with ink additions and graphite notations [proof], 2019.115.42, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Saga, 2013, drypoint with blue pencil [proof], 2019.115.43, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Sundial, 2013, color sugarlift and spitbite aquatints with hardground etching on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.44, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Tropic Circles, 2013, color sugarlift and spitbite aquatints with softground etching on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.45, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Tropic Circles, 2013, spitbite aquatint [proof], 2019.115.46, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Tropic Circles, 2013, spitbite aquatint, with additions in blue and green pencil [proof], 2019.115.47, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Tropic Circles, 2013, aquatint with softground etching on chine collé [proof], 2019.115.48, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Tropic Circles, 2013, aquatint with softground etching on chine collé [proof], 2019.115.49, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Andersson, Mamma, Swedish, born 1962, and Jockum Nordström, Swedish, born 1963

    • Faces, Lou, Readers, Surfer, Hunter, Pieces, 2010, portfolio of six aquatint, spitbite aquatint, sugarlift aquatint, and softground etchings, 2019.115.50, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Hunter, 2010, etching [black line proof], 2019.115.51, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Hunter, 2010, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.52, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Hunter, 2010, aquatint and softground etching [proof], 2019.115.53, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Lou, 2010, aquatint and etching [proof], 2019.115.54, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Lou, 2010, aquatint and etching [proof], 2019.115.55, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Lou, 2010, aquatint and etching with notations in brown pencil [proof], 2019.115.56, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Readers, 2010, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.57, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Readers, 2010, aquatint with red pencil additions [proof], 2019.115.58, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Readers, 2010, aquatint and softground etching with graphite notations [proof], 2019.115.59, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Andrus, Vera, American, 1896–1979

    • Memory Stairs, c. 1937, lithograph, 2019.109.73, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Appian, Adolphe, French, 1818–1898

    • The Marshes of Burbanche, 1869, etching on Japanese paper, 2019.25.2, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Appleby, Anne, American, born 1954

    • Sage, 1997, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.60, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Sage, 1997, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.61, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Sage, 1997, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.62, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Sage, 1997, aquatint, with graphite and Sharpie marker additions [proof], 2019.115.63, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Arms, John Taylor, American, 1887–1953

    • Gothic Glory, Sens Cathedral, 1929, etching on blue laid paper, 2019.49.1, Gift of the Education Division in honor of Leo Kasun

    Arneson, Robert, American, 1930–1992

    • Flat Brick, 1979, color etching with aquatint, 2019.109.3, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Arnold, Paul B., American, 1918–2012

    • Mal de Mère, 1955–1956, color woodcut, 2019.109.4, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Avery, Eric, American, born 1948

    • The Sleep of Reason, 1986, linoleum block print on photo silkscreen, 2019.50.1, Gift of Rena M. Hoisington in honor of Charles Ritchie

    Baeder, John, American, born 1938

    • O’Connor’s Diner, 1981, screenprint, 2019.109.7, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Baer, Jo, American, born 1929

    • Untitled, from Cardinations, 1974, screenprint, 2019.109.56, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Bailey, William, American, born 1930

    • Borghetto I, 1996, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.64, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Borghetto I, 1996, aquatint and etching [proof], 2019.115.65, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Borghetto I, 1996, aquatint and etching [proof], 2019.115.66, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Borghetto I, 1996, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.67, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Borghetto I, 1996, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.68, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Borghetto I, 1996, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.69, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Borghetto II, 1996, softground etching [proof], 2019.115.71, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Borghetto II, 1996, hardground etching [proof], 2019.115.72, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Magione, 2002, etching [proof], 2019.115.73, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Magione, 2002, etching on chine collé [proof], 2019.115.74, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Magione, 2002, etching [proof], 2019.115.75, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Magione, 2002, etching on chine collé [proof], 2019.115.76, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Magione, 2002, etching on chine collé [proof], 2019.115.77, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Montepulciano, 1996, etching [proof], 2019.115.78, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Montepulciano, 1996, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.79, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Montepulciano, 1996, etching [proof], 2019.115.80, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Montepulciano, 1996, etching [proof], 2019.115.81, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Montepulciano, 1996, etching [proof], 2019.115.82, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Stradina, 2002, etching [proof], 2019.115.84, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Stradina, 2002, etching [proof], 2019.115.85, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Stradina, 2002, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.86, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Stradina, 2002, aquatint and etching [proof], 2019.115.87, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Stradina, 2002, etching [proof], 2019.115.88, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Baratti, Antonio, Italian, 1724–1787

    • Spectacle in Honor of the Grand Dukes of Russia in the Theater of San Benedetto, 1782 (after Canaletto), 1782, etching and engraving, 2018.164.1, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Barker, Albert Winslow, American, 1874–1947

    • The Quarry, No. 2, 1937, lithograph, 2019.109.74, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Barlow, Lou, American, 1908–2011

    • Orchard Street, c. 1936, color woodcut, 2019.109.12, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Bartolini, Luigi, Italian, 1892–1963

    • Osteria del cacciatore a Lana Postal (Merano), 1938, etching on chine collé, 2018.164.3, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Bartolozzi, Francesco, Italian, 1727–1815

    • Four Harlequin Subjects (after Giovanni Domenico Ferretti), 1760, complete set of four etchings with engraving, 2018.154.1–4, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Baumgartner, Christiane, German, born 1967

    • 1 Sekunde (1 Second), 2004, portfolio of twenty-five woodcuts, with title page and colophon in linen-covered box, 2019.59.1–25, Gift of the Collectors Committee
    • Solaris I, 2008, woodcut, 2019.59.2, Gift of the Collectors Committee

    Baynard, Ed, American, born 1940

    • Untitled [flower], 1981, monotype, 2019.47.3, Gift of Paul M. Kanev

    Bechtle, Robert, American, born 1932

    • Station Wagon, 1979, color lithograph, 2019.109.8, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy
    • 60 T-Bird, 1967, hardground etching, 2019.115.89, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Alameda Camaro, 1967, hardground etching, 2019.115.90, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Burbank Street, Alameda, 1967, hardground etching, 2019.115.91, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Three Houses on Pennsylvania Avenue, 2011, color softground etching with aquatint, 2019.115.92, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • View of Alameda, 1967, hardground etching, 2019.115.93, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Bellavia, Marcantonio, Italian, active 17th century

    • The Adoration of the Shepherds, 17th century, etching, 2019.60.1, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Berdanier, Paul Frederick, American, 1879–1961

    • Tabloid, 1938, etching, 2019.109.75, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Berdich, Vera, American, 1915–2003

    • The Masked Ball, 1959, etching, softground etching, and aquatint, 2019.109.9, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Bloch, Julius Thiengen, American, 1888–1966

    • Prisoner, 1934, lithograph, 2019.109.76, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Bonasone, Giulio, Italian, c. 1498–c. 1580

    • Moses Striking Water from the Rock (after Polidoro da Caravaggio; formerly after Parmigianino), 1546, engraving, 2019.4.1, Purchased as the Gift of Dewayne and Faith Perry

    Bonnard, Pierre, French, 1867–1947

    • Petite solfège illustré, chapitre 1, 1893, lithograph with watercolor and ink [trial proof], 2019.45.5, Bequest of William B. Jordan and Robert Dean Brownlee

    Booker, Chakaia, American, born 1953

    • Untitled, 2011, color woodcut and chine collé, 2019.109.10, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Bosman, Richard, American, born 1944

    • Untitled (Attacker), 1983, color woodcut, 2019.109.11, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Boyer, Helen King, American, 1919–2012

    • The Dance of Death, 1942, drypoint, 2019.109.24, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy
    • Evocation of the Ancestors, 1943, drypoint, 2019.109.25, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy
    • Sacrifice to the Earth, 1942, drypoint, 2019.109.26, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy
    • Games of the Rural Villages, 1945, drypoint, 2019.109.27, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Bryan, Edgar, American, born 1970

    • Model for Defending Jugs, 2008, aquatint and spitbite aquatint [proof], 2019.115.96, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Model Defending Jugs, 2008 aquatint and spitbite aquatint with graphite additions [proof], 2019.115.97, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Model Defending Jugs, 2008, aquatint and spitbite aquatint with watercolor and graphite corrections [proof], 2019.115.98, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Model Defending Jugs, 2008, aquatint and spitbite aquatint with graphite corrections [proof], 2019.115.99, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Model Defending Jugs, 2008, aquatint and spitbite aquatint with graphite corrections [proof], 2019.115.100, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Burden, Chris, American, 1946–2015

    • Arch Bridges, 2000, color photogravure with spitbite aquatint and aquatint, 2019.115.101, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Cantilever Bridges, 2000, color photogravure with spitbite aquatint and aquatint, 2019.115.102, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Draw Bridges, 2000, color photogravure with spitbite aquatint and aquatint, 2019.115.103, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Burkhardt, Hans Gustav, American, 1904–1994

    • Mournful Procession, 1948, lithograph, 2019.109.13, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Cage, John, American, 1912–1992

    • HV2(14c) 2/3, 1992, color aquatint with foulbiting, 2019.109.14, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Carracci, Agostino, Italian, 1557–1602

    • Ecce Homo (after Correggio), 1587, engraving, 2019.63.1, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Carter, Clarence Holbrook, American, 1904–2000

    • The Picking of Grapes, 1931, aquatint, 2019.109.15, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy
    • Olive Trees, Capri, 1932, aquatint with etching, 2019.109.16, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Cassill, Herbert Carroll, American, 1928–2007

    • Icarus, 1958, etching and softground, 2019.109.17, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Chesse, Ralph Alexander, American, 1900–1991

    • Gospel Singers, c. 1930, woodcut in red on foil mounted on black construction paper, 2019.109.21, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Chiara, John, American, born 1971

    • Federal at Oak, 2016, color photogravure, 2019.115.104, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Mission at 1st, 2016, color photogravure, 2019.115.105, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Mission at 1st, 2016, photogravure [proof], 2019.115.106, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Mission at 1st, 2016, photogravure [proof], 2019.115.107, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Mission at 1st, 2016, photogravure [proof], 2019.115.108, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Mission at 1st, 2016, photogravure [proof], 2019.115.109, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Mission at 1st (Variation), 2016, photogravure on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.110, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Mission at 1st (Variation), 2016, photogravure [proof], 2019.115.111, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Quintara at 14th, 2016, color photogravure, 2019.115.112, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Citron, Minna Wright, American, 1896–1991

    • Plato’s Cave, 1959, etching and aquatint, 2019.109.22, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Colescott, Warrington, American, 1921–2018

    • S. W. Hayter Discovers Viscosity Printing, 1976, intaglio, 2019.109.23, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Conconi, Luigi, Italian, 1852–1917

    • Frontispiece with Scorpion, 1884, etching with monotype wiping, 2018.153.2, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund
    • Malincolia, before 1913, color monotype etching on parchment, 2019.67.4, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Constant, George, American, 1892–1978

    • Untitled (Still Life), c. 1935, drypoint, 2019.109.41, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Cope, Charles West, British, 1811–1890

    • Milton’s Dream of His Deceased Wife, c. 1850, etching on Chinese paper, 2019.73.1, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Degas, Edgar, French, 1834–1917

    • Après le Bain II, 1891–1892, lithograph, 2018.162.1, Purchased for the Virginia and Ira Jackson Collection and Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    de Looper, Willem, American, born the Netherlands, 1932–2009

    • Untitled (Square with Red), 1993, color monotype, 2019.109.29, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Descourtis, Charles-Melchior, French, 1753–1820

    • Vue d’un pont sur l’Aar, Canton de Berne (after Friedrich Rosenberg), 1785, color etching, aquatint, and wash manner, 2019.26.1, Gift of Ivan E. and Winifred Phillips

    Desmazières, Erik, French, born 1948

    • Paris, rue de Marignan, 1982, etching, 2018.182.1, Gift of Faya Causey in loving memory of Philip Conisbee
    • Le Potager de Besanceuil, 1988, etching and aquatint, 2018.182.2, Gift of Faya Causey in loving memory of Philip Conisbee
    • Atelier René Tazé VII, 2006, etching, aquatint and roulette, 2018.182.3, Gift of Faya Causey in loving memory of Philip Conisbee
    • New Year and Change of Address Card, 1990, etching, aquatint and roulette, 2018.182.4, Gift of Faya Causey in loving memory of Philip Conisbee
    • Study of a Crab, 1991, etching, aquatint and roulette, 2018.182.5, Gift of Faya Causey in loving memory of Philip Conisbee

    Devambez, Andre, French, 1867–1944

    • Douze eaux-fortes [La Guerre 1914–18], 1915–1917, portfolio of twelve etchings with aquatint, with illustrated cover, 2019.65.1–13, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Dine, Jim, American, born 1935

    • Owl, 1996, etching, softground etching, and drypoint, 2019.47.1, Gift of Paul M. Kanev

    Dixon, John, British, c. 1740–1811

    • David Garrick in the Role of Richard III (after Nathaniel Dance-Holland), 1772, mezzotint, 2018.156.1, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Donley, Robert, American, born 1934

    • Red Sun, 1961, monotype with overpainting and scratching out, 2019.109.30, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Drew, Leonardo, American, born 1961

    • CPP1, 2015, flat bite toner transfer etching with aquatint, 2019.115.113, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • CPP2, 2015, flat bite toner transfer etching with hardground etching and aquatint, 2019.115.114, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • CPP3, 2015, color aquatint with flat bite toner transfer etching, 2019.115.115, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • CPP4, 2015, aquatint with flat bite etching, 2019.115.116, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • CPP5, 2015, flat bite toner transfer etching with hardground etching on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.117, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • CPP6, 2015, flat bite toner transfer with hardground etching, 2019.115.118, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • CPP6, 2016, hardground etching (crackle technique) and aquatint [proof], 2019.115.119, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • CPP6, 2016, hardground etching (crackle technique) [proof], 2019.115.120, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • CPP7, 2015, aquatint with hardground etching, 2019.115.121, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • CPP8, 2015, flat bite toner transfer with softground etching on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.122, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • CPP9, 2015, hardground etching with aquatint, 2019.115.123, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • CPP9, 2016, hardground etching (crackle technique) with aquatint [proof], 2019.115.124, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • CPP10, 2015, color hardground etching with aquatint, 2019.115.125, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • CPP11, 2015, hardground etching with aquatint, 2019.115.126, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Drewes, Werner, American, 1899–1985

    • Still Life with Eggplant, 1954, color woodcut, 2019.109.31, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Driesbach, David F., American, born 1922

    • Roxy, 1977, intaglio, 2019.109.32, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Dujardin, Karel, Dutch, 1626–1678

    • Two Boys Standing with Backs Turned, 1659, oil paint counterproof or monotype with gray wash, 2018.166.1, Joseph F. McCrindle Endowment Fund

    Dzama, Marcel, Canadian, born 1974

    • A Mother of Seven Sons, 2015, softground etching with graphite [proof], 2019.115.127, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Here’s a Fine Revolution, 2015, color spitbite aquatint with aquatint and softground etching, 2019.115.128, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Hopelessly Hidden and Does Not Exist, 2015, softground etching [proof], 2019.115.129, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • The I Like America and America Likes Me Jig, 2015, softground etching [proof], 2019.115.130, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • New Things May Form from Our Fragments, 2015, softground etching [proof], 2019.115.131, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Our Daughter’s Dance with Wisdom, 2015, color spitbite aquatint with aquatint and softground etching, 2019.115.132, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Our Daughter’s Dance with Wisdom, 2015, softground etching [proof], 2019.115.133, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Our Daughter’s Dance with Wisdom, 2015, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.134, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • She is so Charming, Disarming and Not to Be Trusted, 2015, softground etching with spitbite aquatint on gampi paper chine collé [proof], 2019.115.135, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • The Beauty that is Born from the Seed of the Beast, 2015, color softground etching with spitbite aquatint and aquatint, 2019.115.136, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • The Fallen Fables, 2015, portfolio of twelve soft ground etchings with spitbite aquatint on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.137, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Edwards, Tom, American, born 1948

    • Cultivated Landscape, 1982, etching, 2019.109.34, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Falconetto, Angelo, Italian, active c. 1555/1567

    • Imaginary Landscape with an Amorous Couple, c. 1560, etching, 2019.27.2, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Fattori, Giovanni, Italian, 1825–1908

    • La Boscaiola: Peasant Woman Carrying Wood, 1890s, zinc etching [proof], 2018.153.1, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Feldman, Aline, American, born 1928

    • Islands in the River, 1982, color woodcut, 2019.109.35, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Fitzpatrick, Tony, American, born 1958

    • Emerald Spade, 1996, color etching and aquatint on chine collé, 2019.109.36, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Flack, Audrey, American, born 1931

    • Une Bouchée d’Amour, 2013, digital print with screenprint, 2019.109.37, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Funakoshi, Katsura, Japanese, born 1951

    • A Hat of Words, 1998, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.138, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • A Hat of Words, 1998, aquatint reversal with paint additions [proof], 2019.115.139, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • A Hat of Words, 1998, etching with drypoint and burnishing [proof], 2019.115.140, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • A Hat of Words, 1998, etching with spitbite aquatint, chalk drawing, and notes in graphite [proof], 2019.115.141, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • A Hat of Words, 1998, etching [proof], 2019.115.142, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • A Hat of Words, 1998, aquatint, etching and drypoint [proof], 2019.115.143, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • A Hat of Words, 1998, aquatint, etching and drypoint, with graphite and Sharpie notes in Japanese and English [proof], 2019.115.144, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Smell of Snow, 1998, aquatint with colored pencil and tape additions [proof], 2019.115.145, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Smell of Snow, 1998, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.146, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Smell of Snow, 1998, aquatint with added colored pencil [proof], 2019.115.147, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Smell of Snow, 1998, aquatint with graphite notations [proof], 2019.115.148, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Smell of Snow, 1998, aquatint with drypoint [proof], 2019.115.149, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Smell of Snow, 1998, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.150, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Gág, Wanda, American, 1893–1946

    • Evening, 1929, lithograph, 2019.109.38, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Galle, Philip, Flemish, 1537–1612

    • The Death of the Virgin (after Pieter Bruegel the Elder), 1574, engraving, 2019.114.2, Gift of Hope and Julian Edison

    Gassel, Lucas, Netherlandish, 1500–1570

    • Landscape with the Baptism of Christ (after Hieronymus Cock), mid-16th century, etching, 2019.27.3, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Gearhart, Frances H., American, 1869–1958

    • Low Tide, c. 1935, color woodcut, 2019.109.39, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Gillray, James, British, 1757–1815

    • The Apotheosis of Hoche, 1798, etching, engraving, and aquatint printed in brown [proof], 2019.52.1, Anonymous Gift

    Giovanni Antonio da Brescia, Italian, active c. 1490–1525 or after

    • Two Sibyls and an Angel (after Raphael), 1520, engraving, 2019.63.2, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Gornik, April, American, born 1953

    • Tropical Drift, 1998, direct gravure [proof], 2019.115.151, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Tropical Drift, 1998, direct gravure [proof], 2019.115.152, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Tropical Drift, 1998, direct gravure [proof], 2019.115.153, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Tropical Drift, 1998, direct gravure with ink additions and printer notes [proof], 2019.115.154, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Tropical Drift, 1998, direct gravure [proof], 2019.115.155, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Tropical Drift, 1998, direct gravure with spitbite aquatint [proof], 2019.115.156, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Tropical Drift, 1998, direct gravure with spitbite aquatint [proof], 2019.115.157, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Tropical Drift, 1998, direct gravure with spitbite aquatint [proof], 2019.115.158, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Tropical Drift, 1998, direct gravure with spitbite aquatint, with graphite notations [proof], 2019.115.159, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Tropical Drift, 1998, direct gravure with spitbite aquatint [proof], 2019.115.160, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Tropical Drift, 1998, direct gravure with spitbite aquatint [proof], 2019.115.161, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Goya, Francisco de, Spanish, 1746–1828

    • Y aun no se van!, 1799, etching, aquatint, and engraving, 2019.5.1, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund
    • Fuerte cosa es!, 1810/1820, etching, burnished aquatint, and drypoint [proof], 2019.16.1, The Ahmanson Foundation and Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Guérard, Henri-Charles, French, 1846–1897

    • African Woman (after Eva Gonzalès), c. 1885/1889, etching and drypoint printed in brown and black with scraping, heightened with white gouache, 2019.65.2, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Hamilton, Ann, American, born 1956

    • book weight ee, (human carriage), 2009/2010, archival inkjet print, 2019.105.1, Gift of Carl and Elizabeth Solway in honor of Kaywin Feldman

    Harris, Bill, American, c. 1952–2018

    • Pleasure Flight, 1993, monotype, 2019.109.42, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Hayez, Francesco, Italian, 1791–1882

    • Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, c. 1827, lithograph, 2018.164.2, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Heilmann, Mary, American, born 1940

    • Lineup 2, 2017, color sugarlift aquatint with spitbite aquatint on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.162, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • New Lineup, 2017, color sugarlift aquatint with spitbite aquatint and aquatint on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.163, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • No Passing, 2017, color aquatint, 2019.115.164, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Rain Reverse, 2017, color sugarlift aquatint with spitbite aquatint and aquatint on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.165, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Red Reverse, 2017, color sugarlift aquatint with spitbite aquatint and aquatint on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.166, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Yellow Lineup, 2017, color sugarlift aquatint with spitbite aquatint and aquatint on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.167, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Heyden, Pieter van der, Flemish, active c. 1551/1572

    • Shrove Tuesday (after Hieronymus Bosch), 1567, engraving, 2019.114.1, Gift of Hope and Julian Edison
    • The Descent of Christ into Limbo (after Pieter Bruegel the Elder), c. 1561, engraving, 2019.114.3, Gift of Hope and Julian Edison
    • The Fall of the Magician (after Pieter Bruegel the Elder), 1565, engraving, 2019.114.7, Gift of Hope and Julian Edison

    Hinman, Charles, American, born 1932

    • Red Figure, 1967, screenprint, 2019.109.43, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Hondius, Willem, Dutch, 1573–1649 or after

    • Epileptics Walking to the Left (after Pieter Bruegel the Elder), 1642, engraving, 2019.114.6, Gift of Hope and Julian Edison

    Hopfer, Daniel, German, c. 1470–1536; Hieronymus Hopfer, German, active c. 1520–1530; and Lambert Hopfer, German, active c. 1525–1550

    • Opera Hopferiana, 1802, bound volume with ninety-two iron etchings (reprints), with letterpress title page, introduction and index, 2019.86.1, William B. O’Neal Fund

    Humphries, Jacqueline, American, born 1960

    • :):), 2016, color soapground and spitbite aquatints with aquatint, 2019.115.168, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • :):), 2016, aquatint with stenciled paint addition [proof], 2019.115.169, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • :):):):), 2016, color sugarlift, flat bite, spit bite aquatint and aquatint with drypoint on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.170, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • ::: (red), 2016, color sugarlift and soapground aquatints, 2019.115.171, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • ::: ::, 2016, color sugarlift aquatint with aquatint and softground etching, 2019.115.172, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • [cat emoji] (ogv), 2016, color sugarlift and spitbite aquatints with aquatint on black gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.173, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • [cat emoji] (ryb), 2016, color sugarlift and spitbite aquatints with aquatint on blue gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.174, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • [cat emoji] (ryb), 2016, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.175, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • [poop emoji] (blue), 2016, color soapground aquatint with aquatint and softground etching with shaped blue gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.176, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • [poop emoji] (blue), 2016, aquatint and softground etching [proof], 2019.115.177, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • [poop emoji] (pink), 2016, sugarlift aquatint and aquatint with pink gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.178, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • [cat emoji], 2016, color sugarlift, spitbite and soapground aquatints with aquatint on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.179, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • [cat emoji], 2016, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.180, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • [cat emoji], 2016, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.181, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • [cat emoji], 2016, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.182, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • [cat emoji], 2016, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.183, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Untitled (yellow), 2016, color soapground and sugarlift aquatints with shaped blue gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.184, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Jenkins, Paul, American, 1923–2012

    • Visitations, 1964, lithograph, 2019.109.45, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Johns, Jasper, American, born 1930

    • Untitled, 2018, intaglio with chine collé, 2019.77.1, Gift of the Collectors Committee

    Katz, Alex, American, born 1927

    • Shoppers series, 2015, eighteen screenprints, 2019.104.1–18, Gift of the Artist

    Kent, Mary Corita, American, 1918–1986

    • Flag of My Home, 1976, screenprint, 2019.109.46, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Koenig, John Franklin, American, 1924–2008

    • Par Deux par Quatre et par Six, 1973, accordion-folded, illustrated book comprised of eight lithographs pasted into a single sheet with silk cover, 2019.109.47, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Lagrenée, Jean Jacques II, French, 1739–1821

    • Title Page, 1782, etching and aquatint printed in brown, 2019.25.1, Purchased as the Gift of Ellen von Seggern Richter and Jan Paul Richter

    Leonard, Zoe, American, born 1961

    • I want a president, 1992/2018, ink on onion skin paper, glass, L pins, 2019.28.1, Purchased as the Gift of the Gallery Girls in honor of Judith Brodie

    Le Prince, Jean-Baptiste, French, 1734–1781

    • 1er Suite de Coeffures dessinées d’après nature, 1782, complete set of six etchings with aquatint, printed in brown, 2019.25.1–6, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund and Purchased as the Gift of Ellen von Seggern Richter and Jan Paul Richter

    LeWitt, Sol, American, 1928–2007

    • Color & Black, 24 x 24 No. 2, 1991, hardground etching [proof], 2019.115.185, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Color & Black, 24 x 24 No. 2, 1991, hardground and spitbite aquatint [proof], 2019.115.186, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Color & Black, 24 x 24 No. 2, 1991, hardground etching [proof], 2019.115.187, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Color & Black, 24 x 24 No. 2, 1991, spitbite aquatint and hardground etching [proof], 2019.115.188, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Color & Black, 24 x 24 No. 2, 1991, spitbite aquatint and hardground etching [proof], 2019.115.189, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Color & Black, 24 x 24 No. 2, 1991 spitbite aquatint and hardground etching [proof], 2019.115.190, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Color & Black, 24 x 24 No. 2, 1991, aquatint reversal [proof], 2019.115.191, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Color & Black, 24 x 24 No. 2, 1991, aquatint reversal [proof], 2019.115.192, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Color & Black, 24 x 24 No. 2, 1991, hardground etching [proof], 2019.115.193, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Color & Black, 24 x 24 No. 2, 1991, spitbite aquatint and hardground etching [proof], 2019.115.194, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Color & Black, 24 x 24 No. 2, 1991, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.195, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Color & Black, 24 x 24 No. 2, 1991, aquatint and hardground etching [proof], 2019.115.196, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Color & Black, 24 x 24 No. 2, 1991, aquatint and hardground etching [proof], 2019.115.197, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Color & Black, 24 x 24 No. 2, 1991, etching [proof], 2019.115.198, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Color & Black, 24 x 24 No. 2, 1991, spitbite aquatint [proof], 2019.115.199, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Loops & Curves Blue/Red, 1999, sugarlift aquatint [proof], 2019.115.200, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Loops & Curves Blue/Red, 1999, sugarlift and spitbite aquatints [proof], 2019.115.201, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Loops & Curves Gray/Red, 1999, sugarlift aquatint [proof], 2019.115.202, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Loops & Curves Gray/Red, 1999, sugarlift and spitbite aquatints [proof], 2019.115.203, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Loops & Curves Gray/Red, 1999, sugarlift and spitbite aquatints [proof], 2019.115.204, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Loops & Curves Gray/Red, 1999, sugarlift aquatint and aquatint [proof], 2019.115.205, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Lovet-Lorski, Boris, American, 1894–1973

    • Untitled (Portrait Profile), 1929, lithograph, 2019.109.48, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Marioni, Tom, American, born 1937

    • Beer Bottle Bouquet, 2017, color spitbite aquatint with aquatint and softground etching on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.206, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Beer with Lemon, 2017, color spitbite aquatint with aquatint and softground etching, 2019.115.207, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Beer with Lemon, 2017, etching [proof], 2019.115.208, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Beer with Lemon, 2017, etching [proof], 2019.115.209, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Collision Debris, 2017, color spitbite aquatint with drypoint, 2019.115.210, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Drawing a Line, 2012, drypoint with plate tarnish, 2019.115.211, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Nest, 2012, softground etching, 2019.115.212, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Nest, 2012, softground etching [proof], 2019.115.213, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Nest, 2012, softground etching [proof], 2019.115.214, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Particle Accelerator, 2017, color spitbite aquatint with drypoint, 2019.115.215, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Three of a Kind, 2017, color spitbite aquatint with aquatint and softground etching, 2019.115.216, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Marshall, Kerry James, American, born 1955

    • May 15, 2001, 2003, screenprint, 2019.109.49, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Martens, Friedrich von, German, 1809–1875

    • Pêche du Cachalot (after Ambroise-Louis Garneray), 1835, aquatint and engraving, 2019.51.1, Gift of Harry W. Havemeyer in memory of his father, Horace Havemeyer
    • Pêche de la Baleine (after Ambroise-Louis Garneray), 1835, aquatint and engraving, 2019.51.2, Gift of Harry W. Havemeyer in memory of his father, Horace Havemeyer

    Martin, Fred, American, born 1927

    • Log of the Sun Ship, 1969, bound volume with five drypoints and two hand-colored aquatint end papers, 2019.109.50, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Mazur, Michael, American, 1935–2009

    • Closed Ward #9 (The Occupant), 1962, etching and aquatint, 2019.109.51, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    McCormick, Katharine H., American, 1882–1960

    • Beach Blossoms, c. 1922, color woodcut, 2019.109.54, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Mellan, Claude, French, 1598–1688

    • The Child Jesus, c. 1643, engraving, 2019.27.4, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Mentessi, Giuseppe, Italian, 1857–1931

    • Lagrime, 1894, etching [proof] with monotype wiping on chine collé, 2018.171.1, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Metz, Conrad Martin, German, 1749–1827

    • The Marriage of Alexander and Roxana (after Raphael), 1798, etching with aquatint printed in brown, 2019.107.1, Gift of John Harvey

    Meyers, Linn, American, born 1968

    • Untitled (Black), 2005, etching, 2019.109.52, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Morin, Jean, French, c. 1600–1650

    • The Adoration of the Shepherds (after Philippe de Champaigne), after 1644, etching and engraving, 2019.4.2, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Morin-Jean, Jean-Alexis-Joseph, French, 1877–1940

    • Soir d’hiver à Montmartre, c. 1910, aquatint and soft-ground etching, 2019.4.3, Purchased in Memory of Marianne S. Schwartz

    Motherwell, Robert, American, 1915–1991

    • Untitled, from Peace Portfolio I, 1970, screenprint, 2019.109.53, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Mottram, Charles, British, 1807–1876

    • The Great Day of His Wrath (after John Martin), 1856, mezzotint with etching and engraving, 2019.106.1, Gift of Dr. Nancy E. Miller and Walter Romanek
    • The Plains of Heaven (after John Martin), 1856, mezzotint with etching and engraving, 2019.106.2, Gift of Dr. Nancy E. Miller and Walter Romanek

    Munch, Edvard, Norwegian, 1863–1944

    • Man and Woman, 1905, woodcut, 2018.204.1, Gift of the Epstein Family Collection
    • Portrait of Inger Munch, 1908/1909, woodcut, 2018.204.2, Gift of the Epstein Family Collection
    • Laundry Drying in Travemünde (Bleaching Laundry), 1904, etching, 2018.204.3, Gift of the Epstein Family Collection
    • Portrait of Hans Jaeger III, 1943/1944, lithograph, 2018.204.4, Gift of the Epstein Family Collection
    • Woman with a Black Shawl, 1920, lithograph, 2018.204.5, Gift of the Epstein Family Collection

    Nardois, John Galioth, French, 1600–1660

    • River Landscape with Tobias and the Angel, c. 1648, etching, 2018.159.1, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Netherlandish 16th century

    • Saint Christopher with the Christ Child (after Master J. Kock), c. 1550/1580, 2019.114.8, Gift of Hope and Julian Edison

    Nilsson, Gladys, American, born 1940

    • Monosota I, 1997, color lithograph and monoprint, 2019.109.55, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Ofili, Chris, British, born 1968

    • Rincon Falls–Black Leaf, 2008, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.217, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Rincon Falls–Black Leaf, 2008, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.218, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Rincon Falls–Black Leaf, 2008, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.219, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Orlik, Emil, German, 1870–1932

    • Michelangelo Buonarroti, 1911, etching and aquatint on Japanese paper, 2019.65.3, Purchased in Memory of Lionel C. Epstein

    Owens, Laura, American, born 1970

    • Untitled (LO 426), 2010, triptych of three color sugarlift, spitbite and soapground aquatints, 2019.115.220, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Untitled (LO 428), 2010, aquatint on blue gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.221, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Parmigianino, Italian, 1503–1540, and Antonio da Trento, Italian, c. 1508–1550 or after, or Ugo da Carpi, Italian, c. 1480–1532

    • Saints Peter and Paul Healing the Lame Man at the Golden Gate (after Raphael), c. 1527/1530, etching and chiaroscuro woodcut, printed in ochre from two blocks, 2019.54.1, Gift of Ann and Matthew Nimetz

    Pesne, Jean, French, 1623–1700

    • François Langlois (after Sir Anthony van Dyck), 1645, etching [proof], 2019.27.1, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Petersen, Will, American, 1928–1994

    • Dark Dancer Watcher Suite, 1983, portfolio of ten intaglio prints, 2019.109.40, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Petrucci, Carlo Alberto, Italian, 1881–1963

    • Castel Sant’ Angelo with a Stormy Sky, 1910/1928, aquatint with etching, 2019.67.1, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund
    • Castle Entrance, 1928?, aquatint with etching [proof], 2019.67.2, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund
    • Fountain in the Piazza San Pietro, 1910/1912, aquatint on Japanese paper [proof], 2019.67.3, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Picart, Bernard, French, 1673–1733

    • Recueïl de Lions: Dessinés d’après nature par divers maitres et gravés par B. Picart, 1729, bound volume with one title, one engraved vignette, and forty-two etched illustrations after Albrecht Dürer, Rembrandt van Rijn, and Charles Le Brun, 2019.8.1, Katharine Shepard Fund and Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Picasso, Pablo, Spanish, 1881–1973

    • Four Porters Bringing a Young Woman on a Litter to a Gentleman, 1968, etching, 2018.191.1, Gift of Frances Ann Bufalo, in memory of Antoinette Marinelli Bufalo, Anthony J. Bufalo, Francesca P. Marinelli and Michael Marinelli Sr.

    Pieck, Anton F., Dutch, 1895–1987

    • Skulls and Old Books, 1919, etching, 2019.10.1, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Pindell, Howardena, American, born 1943

    • Flowers I (C.P.) Dec 2002, 2002–2003, etching on chine collé, 2019.50.2, Gift of Rena M. Hoisington in honor of Carlotta Owens
    • Number Series #1, 2003–2004, etching on chine-collé with collage, 2019.109.57, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Pusey, Mavis, American, 1928–2019

    • Study, 1965, color lithograph, 2019.109.61, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Rackley, Mildred, American, 1906–1992

    • Jumping Jives, c. 1940, color woodcut, 2019.109.62, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Reinhold, Heinrich Carl, German, 1788–1824

    • Series of Six Peasant Scenes (after Friedrich Philipp Reinhold), c. 1815/1817, complete set of six etchings, 2018.169.1–6, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Rice, William S., American, 1873–1963

    • Pomegranates & Grapes, c. 1915, color woodcut, 2019.109.63, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Rivière, Henri, French, 1864–1951

    • Stream in Lopérec, 1901, color lithograph on simili Japan paper, 2019.74.2, Purchased as the Gift of Merritt P. Dyke

    Rode, Bernhard, German, 1725–1797

    • Memorial Sheet for the Artist’s Brother, Johann Heinrich Rode, c. 1759, etching and lavis, 2019.66.1, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Rothenstein, Michael, British, 1908–1993

    • Sun and Rock, 1957–1958, color linocut on Japanese paper, 2019.47.4, Gift of Paul M. Kanev

    Ruscha, Ed, American, born 1937

    • Motor City, 2009, portfolio of seven color aquatints with hardground etching, 2019.115.222, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Rain Gain, 2014, flat bite etching, 2019.115.223, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Real Deal, 2014, flat bite etching, 2019.115.224, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Zoot Suit, 2014, flat bite etching, 2019.115.225, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Sadeler I, Jan, Flemish, 1550–1600

    • The Perniciousness of Man (after Maarten de Vos), 1586, engraving, 2018.209.1, Gift of Ramon Osuna
    • Mare (after Dirck Barendsz), c. 1587, engraving, 2018.209.2, Gift of Ramon Osuna
    • Henoch and His Family at a Meal (after Maarten de Vos), 1586, engraving, 2018.209.3, Gift of Ramon Osuna
    • The Offering of Cain and Abel (after Michiel Coxie I), 1576, engraving, 2018.209.4, Gift of Ramon Osuna
    • Cain Killing Abel (after Michiel Coxie I), 1576, engraving, 2018.209.5, Gift of Ramon Osuna
    • Terra (after Dirck Barendsz), c. 1587, engraving, 2018.209.6, Gift of Ramon Osuna

    Saint-Non, Jean-Claude-Richard, Abbé de, French, 1727–1791

    • The Stubborn Donkey (after Jean Honoré Fragonard), 1770, etching and aquatint printed in brown, 2019.23.7, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Schlicht, Abel, German, 1754–1826

    • Gefængnis für die Schaubühne, 1785, etching, 2019.6.1, Purchased in Memory of Marianne S. Schwartz
    • Gefængnis für die Schaubühne, c. 1785, etching, 2019.6.2, Purchased in Memory of Marianne S. Schwartz

    Schönfeld, Johann Heinrich, German, 1609–c. 1682

    • Varie teste de capricci, 1626, three etchings, 2018.164.4, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Shotz, Alyson, American, born 1964

    • Sequent, 2013, portfolio of five color aquatints with collagraph embossing, 2019.115.226, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Sequent (1), 2013, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.227, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Sequent (3), 2013, aquatint with ink notations [proof], 2019.115.228, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Sequent (4), 2013, embossing [proof], 2019.115.229, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Sequent (4), 2013, aquatint with graphite notations [proof], 2019.115.230, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Sequent (5), 2013, aquatint with graphite notations [proof], 2019.115.231, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Sequent IIa, 2013, color aquatint with embossing, 2019.115.237, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Sequent IIa, 2013, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.238, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Sequent IIb, 2013, color aquatint with embossing, 2019.115.239, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Sequent IIb, 2013, aquatint [proof with folds], 2019.115.240, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Sequent IIc, 2013, color aquatint with collagraph embossing, 2019.115.241, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Sequent IIc, 2013, aquatint with color pencil notations [proof], 2019.115.242, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Sequent IId, 2013, color aquatint with collagraph embossing, 2019.115.243, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Sequent IId, 2013, aquatint with graphite and color pencil notations [proof], 2019.115.244, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Sequent IId, 2013, aquatint with graphite notations [proof], 2019.115.245, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Untitled (related to Sequent II) (unpublished), 2013, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.249, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Sikander, Shahzia, American, born Pakistan, 1969

    • Mirror Plane, 2012, color direct gravure, 2019.115.250, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Mirror Plane, 2012, direct gravure [proof], 2019.115.251, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Mirror Plane, 2012 direct gravure [proof], 2019.115.252, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Mirror Plane, 2012, direct gravure [proof], 2019.115.253, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Mirror Plane, 2012, direct gravure [proof], 2019.115.254, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Orbit, 2012, color direct gravure, 2019.115.255, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Orbit, 2012, direct gravure [proof], 2019.115.256, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Orbit, 2012, direct gravure [proof], 2019.115.257, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Orbit, 2012, direct gravure [proof], 2019.115.258, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Steir, Pat, American, born 1938

    • Mountain in Rain, 2012, color direct gravure with gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.259, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Summers, Carol, American, 1925–2016

    • The Dream of Constantine, 1969, woodcut, 2019.47.2, Gift of Paul M. Kanev

    Tanner, Robin, British, 1904–1988

    • Christmas, 1929, etching on pale blue-green paper, 2019.10.2, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Thiebaud, Wayne, American, born 1920

    • Academic Clown, 2017, hardground etching [proof], 2019.115.260, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Academic Clown, 2017, etching with drypoint [proof], 2019.115.261, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Appetizers, 2016, color sugarlift aquatint with drypoint, 2019.115.262, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Balancing Clown, 2017, hardground etching [proof], 2019.115.263, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Balancing Clown, 2017, hardground etching with drypoint [proof], 2019.115.264, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Balancing Clown, 2017, hardground etching with drypoint [proof], 2019.115.265, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Black and White Park Place, 1995, etching with drypoint [proof], 2019.115.266, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Black and White Park Place, 1995, etching with drypoint [proof], 2019.115.267, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Black and White Park Place, 1995, etching [proof], 2019.115.268, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Black and White Park Place, 1995, etching with aquatint [proof], 2019.115.269, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Black and White Park Place, 1995, etching with drypoint [proof], 2019.115.270, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Bow Tie Tree, 2017, hardground etching with drypoint, 2019.115.271, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Bow Tie Tree, 2017, etching [proof], 2019.115.272, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Bumping Clowns, 2017, hardground etching [proof], 2019.115.274, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Cakes and Pies, 2006, direct gravure [proof], 2019.115.275, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Cakes and Pies, 2006, direct gravure [proof], 2019.115.276, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Candy Jar, 2015, direct gravure with drypoint, 2019.115.277, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Canyon Bluffs, 2014, color spitbite aquatint with direct gravure and drypoint on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.278, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Canyon Mountains, 2014, direct gravure on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.279, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Clown, 2017, hardground etching with drypoint [proof], 2019.115.280, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Clown and Beast, 2017, etching [proof], 2019.115.282, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Clown Memories, 2017, portfolio of six hardground etchings with drypoint, 2019.115.281, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Cone, 1995, hardground etching, 2019.115.283, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Cone, 1995, hardground etching [proof of plate not used in edition], 2019.115.284, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Cone, 1995, hardground etching [proof], 2019.115.285, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Cone, 1995, hardground etching and drypoint [proof], 2019.115.286, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Cone, 1995, spitbite aquatint [proof of plate not used in edition], 2019.115.287, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Cone, 1995, aquatint with hardground etching [proof of plate not used in edition], 2019.115.288, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Cone, 1995, hardground etching on gampi paper chine collé [proof], 2019.115.289, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Counter Woman, 2015, direct gravure with drypoint on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.291, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Crown Tart, 2015, direct gravure, 2019.115.292, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Crown Tart, 2015, direct gravure [proof], 2019.115.293, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Cut Cakes, 2015, sugarlift aquatint with drypoint, 2019.115.294, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Dark Bird, 2015, direct gravure, 2019.115.295, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Dark Chocolate, 2014, direct gravure, 2019.115.296, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Dark Gumball Machine, 1964/2017, hardground and softground etching, 2019.115.297, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Dark Reservoir, 2014, direct gravure with aquatint etching and drypoint on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.298, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Diagonal Ridge, 2011, drypoint, 2019.115.299, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Clown Duel, 2017 hardground etching [proof], 2019.115.300, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Clown Duel, 2017, hardground etching with drypoint [proof], 2019.115.301, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Clown Duel, 2017, etching with drawn additions [proof], 2019.115.302, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Gumball Machine, 1964/2017, color hardground and softground etching, 2019.115.303, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Heart Ridge, 2011, hardground etching with drypoint, 2019.115.304, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Hot Chocolate, 2015, direct gravure with drypoint, 2019.115.305, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Hot Chocolate, 2015, direct gravure with drypoint [proof], 2019.115.306, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Land Cloud, 2011, hardground etching with drypoint, 2019.115.307, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Little Red Suckers, 1971/2014, aquatint, 2019.115.308, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Little Suckers, 1971/2014, aquatint, 2019.115.309, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Meringue, 1995, drypoint with aquatint [proof], 2019.115.310, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Meringue, 1995, drypoint with aquatint [proof], 2019.115.311, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Meringue, 1995, drypoint with aquatint [proof], 2019.115.312, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Mountain Smoke, 2011, drypoint, 2019.115.313, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Night River, 1998/2011, hardground etching with drypoint and aquatint, 2019.115.314, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Park Place, 1995, etching [proof], 2019.115.315, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Park Place, 1995, etching [proof], 2019.115.316, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Park Place, 1995, etching [proof], 2019.115.317, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Park Place, 1995, etching [proof], 2019.115.318, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Park Place, 1995, etching [proof], 2019.115.319, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Park Place, 1995, etching [proof], 2019.115.320, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Peak, 2015, direct gravure, 2019.115.321, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Pink Cone, 1995, hardground etching on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.322, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Reservoir, 2014, direct gravure with aquatint and drypoint on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.323, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • River Edge, 1998/2011, drypoint with spitbite aquatint [proof], 2019.115.324, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • River Edge, 1998/2011, drypoint with spitbite aquatint and aquatint [proof], 2019.115.325, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • River Turns, 1998/2011, hardground etching with drypoint, 2019.115.326, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • River Turns, 1998/2011, hardground etching with scraping [proof], 2019.115.327, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • River Turns, 1998/2011, hardground etching [proof ], 2019.115.328, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • River Turns, 1998/2011, hardground etching [proof, with plate tone], 2019.115.329, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • River Turns, 1998/2011, aquatint with burnishing [proof, plate used in Night River], 2019.115.330, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • River Turns, 1998/2011, etching [proof], 2019.115.331, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • River Turns, 1998/2011, etching [proof], 2019.115.332, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • River Turns, 1998/2011, etching with additions in white chalk [proof], 2019.115.333, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • River Turns, 1998/2011, etching [proof], 2019.115.334, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • River Turns, 1998/2011, etching [proof], 2019.115.335, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • River Turns, 1998/2011, etching [proof], 2019.115.336, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Sierra Cloud, 2011, hardground etching with drypoint, 2019.115.337, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Snack Bar, 2017, color sugarlift aquatint with drypoint, 2019.115.338, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Snack Bar, 2017, aquatint with drypoint, with chalk additions [proof], 2019.115.339, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Snack Bar, 2017, aquatint with drypoint, with additions in gray and white chalk and charcoal [proof], 2019.115.340, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Snack Bar, 2017, aquatint with drypoint, with burnishing [proof], 2019.115.341, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Tulip Sundae, 2015, sugarlift aquatint with drypoint, 2019.115.342, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • White Chocolate, 2014, direct gravure, 2019.115.343, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Treib, Patricia, American, born 1979

    • Cuff, 2018, color sugarlift and soapground aquatints with aquatint, 2019.115.344, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Cuff, 2018, aquatint [proof], 2019.115.345, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Drape, 2018, color sugarlift, soapground and spitbite aquatint on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.346, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Drape, 2018, aquatint on chine collé [proof], 2019.115.347, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Interval, 2018, color sugarlift, soapground and spitbite aquatint, 2019.115.348, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Pendulum, 2018, color sugarlift, soapground and spitbite aquatint, 2019.115.349, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Straps, 2018, color sugarlift, soapground and spitbite aquatint, 2019.115.350, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Tuttle, Richard, American, born 1941

    • Any 2 Points: No. 1, 1999, aquatint with embossing [proof], 2019.115.351, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Any 2 Points: No. 1, 1999, aquatint with gampi paper chine collé and embossing [proof], 2019.115.352, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Any 2 Points: No. 4, 1999, aquatint with embossing [proof], 2019.115.353, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Any 2 Points: No. 4, 1999, aquatint with embossing [proof], 2019.115.354, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Any 2 Points: No. 4, 1999, aquatint with embossing [proof], 2019.115.355, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Any 2 Points: No. 4, 1999, aquatint with embossing [proof], 2019.115.356, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Any 2 Points: No. 6, 1999, aquatint, woodcut, drypoint and embossing [proof], 2019.115.357, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Any 2 Points: No. 6, 1999, aquatint, woodcut, and drypoint, with collage [proof], 2019.115.358, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Any 2 Points: No. 8, 1999, softground etching, aquatint and embossing [proof], 2019.115.359, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Various Artists

    • Eleven Prints by Eleven Printmakers, 1961, portfolio of four woodcuts, two etchings, two engravings, one wood engraving, one screenprint, and one lithograph, 2019.109.58.1–11, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy
    • Pratt Graphic Art Center Sponsoring Membership Portfolio of Prints, 1963–1964, portfolio of three intaglios, three lithographs, one mezzotint, and one wood engraving, 2019.109.59.1–8, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy
    • Ten Prints by Ten Printmakers, 1969, portfolio of three screenprints, two lithographs, two intaglios, one etching, one engraving, and one stencil on cotton batting, 2019.109.60.1–10, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy
    • Applied Design Blockprinted Textiles, Volume 1: Surface Patterns, c. 1937–1938, portfolio of twelve block-printed textiles, 2019.109.86.1–12, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy
    • Applied Design Blockprinted Textiles, Volume III: Motifs, c. 1937–1938, portfolio of twelve block-printed textiles, 2019.109.87.1–12, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Veith, Philipp, German, 1768–1837

    • Arbeiten der Musse/Ouvrages de Loisir (Part 2), c. 1824, complete set of six etchings, 2018.170.1–6, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    Vicentino, Giuseppe Nicolo, Italian, 1470–1560

    • Homage to Psyche (after Francesco Salviati), c. 1539, chiaroscuro woodcut printed from three blocks in brown and ochre, 2019.60.2, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund

    von Heyl, Charline, German, born 1960

    • Nightpack, 2014, color sugarlift and spitbite aquatint, 2019.115.360, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Nightpack (Gothic), 2014, color sugarlift and spitbite aquatint with softground etching on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.361, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Nightpack (Red, Yellow and Blue), 2014, color sugarlift and spitbite aquatint with softground etching on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.362, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Nightpack (The Lost Weekend), 2014, color sugarlift aquatint with softground etching and drypoint, 2019.115.363, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Weber, Hugo, Swiss, 1918–1971

    • Untitled, 1964, color lithograph, 2019.109.70, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Wheelock, Bill, American, born 1969

    • Quantum Gray, 1996, portfolio of sixteen etchings and one letterpress, 2019.109.71.1–16, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Wierix, Johan, Flemish, 1549–1618 or after

    • The Rich Man Playing Violin on a Jaw Bone (after Pieter Bruegel the Elder), c. 1568, engraving, 2019.114.4, Gift of Hope and Julian Edison
    • One Begs in Vain at the Door of the Deaf (after Pieter Bruegel the Elder), c. 1568, engraving, 2019.114.5, Gift of Hope and Julian Edison

    Wojnarowicz, David, American, 1954–1992

    • Untitled (Act Up), 1990, diptych of two color screenprints, 2019.109.85.1–2, Gift of Bob Stana and Tom Judy

    Zurier, John, American, born 1956

    • Drifting, 2016, color spitbite aquatint and sugarlift aquatint on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.364, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Echo, 2016, color spitbite and sugarlift aquatint on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.365, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Indigo, 2016, spitbite aquatint and softground etching on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.366, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Lighthouse/Mirror, 2016, color softground etching on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.367, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Northern Sea, 2016, color spitbite aquatint on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.368, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Pale Spring, 2016, color spitbite and sugarlift aquatint on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.369, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • Remember, 2016, color spitbite and sugarlift aquatint on gampi paper chine collé, 2019.115.370, Gift of Kathan Brown

    Technical Material

    Shotz, Alyson, American, born 1964

    • [model related to Sequent IIa, not used], c. 2013, coated, folded cardboard, 2019.115.246, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • [set of two copper test plates related to Sequent, not used], c. 2013, two folded copper sheets, 2019.115.247, Gift of Kathan Brown
    • [set of two copper test plates related to Sequent, not used], c. 2013, two folded copper sheets, 2019.115.248, Gift of Kathan Brown


    Dawoud Bey, Untitled #1 (Picket Fence and Farmhouse), 2017, gelatin silver print, Charina Endowment Fund, 2019.11.1

    Ackermann, Ada (Mrs. Elemérné Marsovszky), attributed to, Hungarian, 1895–c. 1945

    • Untitled, 1930s, collage of photomechanical prints, 2018.151.1, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund
    • Untitled, c. 1938, collage of photomechanical prints, 2019.72.1, Robert Menschel and the Vital Projects Fund

    Adams, Eddie, American, 1933–2004

    • Saigon Execution, 1968, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.625, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Adams, Robert, American, born 1937

    • Expressway, near Colton, California, 1983, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.1, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Interstate 10, East Edge of Redlands, California, 1982, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.2, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Sitka Spruce, Cape Blanco State Park, Curry County, Oregon, 1999–2003, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.51, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Broken Trees Next to Box Springs Mountains, East of Riverside, California, 1982, printed 1988, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.52, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Self-Portrait on the Pawnee Grassland, Colorado, 1983, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.53, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Self-Portrait, 1993, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.54, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Alkali Lake, Albany County, Wyoming, 1977, gelatin silver print, 2018.194.1, Gift of Lou and Di Stovall
    • Arkansas River Canyon, Fremont County, Colorado, 1977, gelatin silver print, 2018.194.2, Gift of Lou and Di Stovall
    • Picnic Ground, Garden of the Gods, El Paso County, Colorado, 1977, gelatin silver print, 2018.194.3, Gift of Lou and Di Stovall
    • North of Laporte, Colorado, 1977, gelatin silver print, 2018.194.4, Gift of Lou and Di Stovall
    • Looking toward Golden, Colorado, 1977, gelatin silver print, 2018.194.5, Gift of Lou and Di Stovall
    • Near Lyons, Colorado, 1977, gelatin silver print, 2018.194.6, Gift of Lou and Di Stovall
    • Abandoned Car, Carbon County, Wyoming, 1977, gelatin silver print, 2018.194.7, Gift of Lou and Di Stovall
    • Along the South St. Vrain Creek, Boulder County, Colorado, 1977, gelatin silver print, 2018.194.8, Gift of Lou and Di Stovall
    • North Table Mountain, Jefferson County, Colorado, 1977, gelatin silver print, 2018.194.9, Gift of Lou and Di Stovall
    • Fort Steele, Wyoming, 1977, gelatin silver print, 2018.194.10, Gift of Lou and Di Stovall
    • Old Road West from Cañon City, Colorado, 1977, gelatin silver print, 2018.194.11, Gift of Lou and Di Stovall
    • Table Lands Worn by Recreational Vehicles; Denver at Right, 1977, gelatin silver print, 2018.194.12, Gift of Lou and Di Stovall
    • East of Eden, Colorado, 1977, gelatin silver print, 2018.194.13, Gift of Lou and Di Stovall

    Aldrin, Edwin E. Jr., American, born 1930

    • Astronaut Neil Armstrong Enters Lunar Module…, 1969, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.651, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Buzz Aldrin’s Footprint, 1969, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.23, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Altgens, Ike, American, 1919–1995

    • Kennedy and Connally Shot, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.488, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Doorway to Texas School Book Depository, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.489, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Doorway to Texas School Book Depository, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.490, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    American 19th Century

    • Interior of Fort Foote, 1863, albumen print, 2018.177.166, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Portrait of a Boy, 1860s, salted paper print with applied color, 2018.177.210, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Portrait of a Mother and Four Children, 1850s, salted paper print with applied color, 2018.177.211, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Portrait of a Man, c. 1864, salted paper print with applied color, 2018.177.216, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Portrait of a Girl, 1860s, tintype with applied color, 2018.177.217, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Portrait of a Girl, 1860s, tintype with applied color, 2018.177.218, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Portrait of Three Boys, 1860s, tintype with applied color, 2018.177.219, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Portrait of Two Women and a Man, 1860s, tintype with applied color, 2018.177.220, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Portrait of a Family, 1860s, tintype with applied color, 2018.177.221, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Portrait of a Family, 1860s, tintype with applied color, 2018.177.222, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Portrait of a Man and a Woman, 1860s, tintype with applied color, 2018.177.223, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Portrait of a Man, 1860s, tintype with applied color, 2018.177.224, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Portrait of a Man and a Woman, 1860s, tintype with applied color, 2018.177.225, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Portrait of a Woman, 1860s, tintype with applied color, 2018.177.226, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Portrait of a Woman, 1860s, tintype with applied color, 2018.177.227, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Portrait of a Man and Woman, 1860s, tintype with applied color, 2018.177.228, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Portrait of a Man and a Woman, 1860s, tintype with applied color, 2018.177.229, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Portrait of a Woman, 1860s, tintype with applied color, 2018.177.230, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Bountiful harvest), c. 1890, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.236, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • United States Capitol, c. 1860, albumen print, 2018.195.2, Gift of Thomas Harris, in memory of Shirlee A. Harris
    • General Arnold Elzey, 1861, salted paper print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.10, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Part of General Geary’s Staff. Taken on Lookout Mountain Summit on Christmas Day., 1863, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.13, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Marriage of General Tom Thumb, 1863, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.24, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Portrait of a Bootmaker, c. 1863, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.32, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Interior of the Camera Shed at Leland Stanford’s Horse Farm in Palo Alto, c. 1875, albumen print, 2019.122.4, Corcoran Collection (Gift of Charles Isaacs)
    • Portrait of a Man, c. 1865, tintype, 2019.122.5, Corcoran Collection (Gift of Charles Isaacs)

    American 20th Century

    • Apollo 11 Blasting toward History, 1969, chromogenic print, 2018.177.22, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Entrance to the Mine, 1907, cyanotype, 2018.177.205, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Buildings, 1907, cyanotype, 2018.177.206, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Railroad Incline, 1907, cyanotype, 2018.177.207, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Mining Structure, 1907, cyanotype, 2018.177.208, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Third Rail Shoe, 1904, cyanotype, 2018.177.209, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Tarpon or silver king), 1887, cyanotype, 2018.177.231, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Railroad Workers and Machine, 1890s, cyanotype, 2018.177.232, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Portrait of a Woman, c. 1910, gelatin silver print with applied color, 2018.177.234, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Crab man), 1910s, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.235, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Macy’s Day Parade Float, 1947, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.237, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (“Lucy is Enceinte”), 1952, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.239, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Portrait of two men), 1940s, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.240, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • “Bad Photo of Mike," 1973, chromogenic print, 2018.177.241, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Portrait of a Couple, c. 1910, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.242, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • “Pullman City, Portland, Oregon,” c. 1940, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.243, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Man in a car), c. 1915, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.244, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Apollo 17 Live from the Moon, 1972, chromogenic print, 2018.177.245, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Couple on beach), 1920s, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.246, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Man reads in bed head disappears), 1940s, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.247, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Seeing double), c. 1920, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.248, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • “Dreaming of Dream Girl,” c. 1940, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.249, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Boy and girl wearing Western outfits), c. 1940, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.250, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Tuba man), c. 1915, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.251, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Woman and three men at a party), c. 1955, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.252, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Couple and friend), c. 1940, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.253, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Woman on porch), c. 1970, chromogenic print, 2018.177.254, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Sheila & Debra shadow girls), 1950s, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.255, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Mother and son on porch), c. 1930, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.256, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Couple with baby), c. 1935, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.257, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Man in front of television), c. 1955, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.258, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (DRS quarterbacking), 1964, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.259, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Man in living room with fishing pole), c. 1950, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.260, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • “Gary,” c. 1955, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.261, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Two women in gowns in front of television), c. 1955, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.262, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • “Olson’s Reversable Rug, Arlington, Va.,” 1958, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.263, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Girl in living room), c. 1955, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.264, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Baby in front of television), 1954, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.265, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Two boys on couch), c. 1955, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.266, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Two women by television set), c. 1950, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.267, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Foto Fun), c. 1955, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.268, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Quarry), 1890s, cyanotype, 2018.177.271, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Wright Brothers in Gliding Machine, 1908, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.274, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Test Flight, Wilbur Wright, 1903, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.275, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Wright Brothers, 1903, printed 1928, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.276, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • “Women! Use Your Vote,” c. 1920, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.279, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Opening Day of Scopes Trial, 1925, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.280, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • A Suggestion for Your Easter Chapeau, 1926, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.281, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Captain Charles Lindbergh, 1927, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.283, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Alvin Shipwreck Kelly Begins Eight Days Vigil Atop Flagpole, 1927, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.287, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Sacco and Vanzetti Face Death as Governor Fuller Denies Reprieve, 1927, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.288, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Sacco and Vanzetti’s Protest Meeting and One Hour Strike Ends in Riot, 1927, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.289, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Greta Garbo in Mata Hari, 1931, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.291, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • First Posed Snapshot of the Great Greta Garbo, 1932, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.292, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Technocracy’s Enemy Aiding Human Misery, 1932, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.294, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Father Cox’s 10,000 Jobless as They Massed in Front of the Capitol, 1932, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.295, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Banner Battle, 1932, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.296, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Piercing New York Skyline, 1932, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.297, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Prohibition, 1933, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.298, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Huey Long, 1935, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.299, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • “Both a Populist and Demagogue” Huey Long Believed Every Man Should Be a King, 1935, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.300, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Huey Long “Bang,” 1934, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.301, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Santa Claus Feeds the Hungry, 1936, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.302, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Republic Steel Co. Strike Riot, 1937, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.304, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Police and Steel Striker Clash in Chicago, Republic Steel, 1937, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.305, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Scene from Newsreel of Fatal May Day Steel Strike Riot, 1937, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.306, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • President Roosevelt Flashing the Symbol “V” for Victory, 1937, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.312, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Roosevelt Asks “All the Help I Can Get,” 1938, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.313, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Thrills Throng in Concert—Marian Anderson, 1939, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.315, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Attack on Pearl Harbor, U.S.S. Shaw in Flames, 1941, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.323, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Battleship California Hit, Sinking, 1941, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.324, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Battleship Arizona after Pearl Harbor Raid, 1941, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.325, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Edgewood Arsenal—Land Mines Jet Up Protective Shield, 1943, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.331, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Racing Off a Landing Boat, 1944, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.334, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • D-Day, 1944, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.336, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Bazooka Men Ashore, 1944, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.338, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • General MacArthur Returns to the Philippines, 1944, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.344, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Aiding a Comrade in Arms, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.348, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Wounded US Marine Being Helped by a Comrade, Iwo Jima, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.349, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Backing the Attack on Iwo Jima, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.350, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Two Flag Raisings on Mount Suribachi…, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.358, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Times Square Tempo is Hot, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.362, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • There Was Dancing on Wall Street, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.363, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Mass Annihilation, Nordhausen, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.367, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Commandant Eichelsdoerfer at Landsberg Concentration Camp, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.368, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • This Was Man’s First View of His Most Awesome Invention, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.385, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Huge Multi-Colored Clouds of Smoke, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.386, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Aerial View of Atomic Bomb Testing Site, Alamogordo, New Mexico, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.387, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • A Japanese Civilian Examines Sign Standing in Center of Mass of Rubble That Was a Home in Nagasaki, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.394, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Rubble Desert, 1946, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.397, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Bikini Atoll, 1946, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.400, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Sailors Watch Atomic Bomb Test, 1946, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.401, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Atomic Broccoli, 1955, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.402, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Bikini Atoll Bullseye, Hydrogen Bomb Test, 1956, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.403, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Ethel and Julius Rosenberg Sentenced to Death in New York for Passing Atom Bomb Secrets to Russia, 1951, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.408, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Rosenbergs at Their Trial, 1951, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.409, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Julius Rosenberg and His Wife Ethel Are Separated by the Wire Grill of Federal Marshal’s Van, 1951, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.410, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Julius Rosenberg Accused of Feeding Atomic Secrets to Russia, 1950, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.411, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Julius Rosenberg, Convicted Atom Spy, Holds His Head Erect as He Enters Federal Court Today to Hear His Sentence, 1951, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.412, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Electric Chair and Execution Chamber, Sing Sing Prison, 1953, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.413, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Children of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, 1953, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.415, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Children of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Took Part in Clemency Demo, 1953, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.416, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Two Sets of Demonstrators at White House, 1953, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.417, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Rosenberg Children Read the News, 1953, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.418, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Rosenberg Sympathizers Assemble, 1953, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.419, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Grief, 1953, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.420, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Principals in Controversy—Army Secretary Robert T. Stevens and Joseph McCarthy, 1954, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.421, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Joseph McCarthy States His Case against Jessup, 1951, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.422, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Caught by the Camera in Act of Posting Communist Propaganda, 1950, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.424, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Little Rock Central High School, Little Rock, Arkansas, 1957, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.442, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Reverend F. L. Shuttlesworth Leaves a Baptist Church…, 1957, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.443, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Negroes Pass without Incident, 1957, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.444, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Four Negro Students Will Attend Formerly All-White High Schools in Little Rock, Arkansas, 1957, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.446, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Oklahoma Desegregation Sit In, Oklahoma City, 1958, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.447, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Rebuffed Again—Negro James Meredith Looks Away…, 1962, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.449, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Birmingham, Alabama—Protest Prayer Meeting, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.451, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Stained Glass of Church Shattered, Birmingham, Alabama, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.452, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Youth Kneels in Prayer across from Church in Birmingham, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.453, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Little Rock: Negro Students Closely Guarded by National Guardsmen, 1957, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.454, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Integration Demonstration, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.455, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • A Miscalculation Could Mean Violence, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.456, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • March on Washington, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.457, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Martin Luther King Addresses Thousands, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.458, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • President Lyndon B. Johnson Signing Civil Rights Bill, 1964, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.459, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • President Johnson Shakes Hands with the Reverend Martin Luther King…, 1964, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.460, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Pistol Wielding Police Clear Harlem Riot Area, 1964, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.461, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Far Enough, 1965, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.462, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Negroes Sang at Selma, Alabama, as They Were Lined up to Be Marched to Jail, 1965, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.464, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Civil Rights Marchers, Selma, Alabama, 1965, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.465, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Soldiers Kept Alongside Marchers into Montgomery, 1965, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.466, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Dr. King Leads his Triumphant Marchers into Montgomery, 1965, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.467, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Washington Police Carried Demonstrator out of the Way, 1965, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.468, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Martin Luther King at Press Conference Johnson Publishing Co., 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.472, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Martin Luther King’s Funeral, 1968, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.474, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Senator Kennedy Catches Up on Work, 1955, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.475, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • John F. Kennedy at Door of White House…Reviewing Parade That Followed Inauguration, 1961, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.476, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • New President Speaks, 1961, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.477, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Camelot, 1961, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.478, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • President at Conference, 1961, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.479, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • President Kennedy Leads Washington Officialdom 1/8 in Paying Homage to the Mona Lisa at the Glittering Unveiling Ceremony at the National Gallery of Art, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.481, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Bobby Kennedy Talks with His Brother President John Kennedy in the Doorway of the White House, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.482, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • John F. Kennedy, 1961, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.483, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Start of Her Tragic Day in Dallas, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.485, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Mrs. Kennedy and President Arrive in Dallas, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.486, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Kennedy and Connally Before Shooting, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.487, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • An Analysis by One of the Nation’s Top Photographic Laboratories Has Demolished a Widely Circulated Theory That a Second Gunman Was Involved…, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.494, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Mrs. Kennedy Returns to Capital, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.495, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Still Wearing Her Blood-Stained Clothes…, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.496, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Rides with Slain Husband’s Body, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.497, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Casket Reaches Capitol, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.503, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Emotions Show on Faces in the Crowd as President Kennedy’s Body Passes By, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.505, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Cardinal Cushing Placing a Consoling Hand on the Shoulder of Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.506, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • In Mourning, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.507, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Bereaved Family, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.508, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Mrs. John F. Kennedy Walks down Capitol Steps with Daughter Caroline and Son John Jr., 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.510, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • At Graveside, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.512, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy, Accompanied by Attorney General Robert Kennedy and Senator Edward Kennedy…, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.513, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Jackie Kennedy Chokes Back Her Grief, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.514, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Held as Suspected Assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, 24, Holds up His Manacled Hands…, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.515, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Oswald Denies Killing Kennedy, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.516, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Lee Harvey Oswald after Arrest in Killing of President Kennedy, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.517, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Gun Which Killed President Kennedy, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.520, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Commission Exhibit Number 541, 1967, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.521, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Bullet Entries, 1967, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.522, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • View of the Back of President Kennedy’s Jacket with Bullet Hole, 1967, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.523, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Senator Robert Kennedy Talks to a Group Gathered in Country Store Front, 1967, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.525, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • “Japanese Atrocities,” Dead American Prisoner of War at the Sink, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.529, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • John Glenn Prepares for Space, 1961, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.533, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • John Glenn, 1962, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.534, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Clouds over the Cape, 1962, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.535, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Headed for Orbit, 1962, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.536, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Air Force Col. John Powers, Right, Stands by John Glenn after Glenn’s Arrival on Grand Turk Island in British Bahamas, 1962, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.539, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • President Salutes Glenn Flight, 1962, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.540, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Bee’s Eye View, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.550, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Realistic in Surrealist Form—Salvador Dali, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.551, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Haight-Ashbury Hippies, Charles Artman, Hippie Priest in Action, 1967, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.553, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Nancy Sinatra Entertaining Troops in Vietnam, 1967, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.559, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Pound Viet Cong, 1965, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.560, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Blood and Rain, 1965, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.561, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Students Protest Vietnam War, 1965, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.563, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Greet President with Protests, 1965, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.564, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • “Girls Have an Answer,” 1966, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.565, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • A Chicago Hippie Hangs onto a Power Pole, 1968, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.566, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Homosexuals Parade down Hollywood Boulevard, 1970, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.568, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Women’s Liberation Pickets Parade in Front of the San Francisco Press Club…, 1970, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.569, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Twisted Faces—Grim Paratroopers of the 173rd Airborne Brigade Drag a Wounded Buddy through Thicket of Trees on the Slope of Hill 875 in Search of Evacuation, 1967, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.572, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Aid Wounded—Forming a Human Chain, American Troops Remove Wounded Buddies from Area during Recent Operation, 1968, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.573, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Honoring Their Fallen Comrades, 1968, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.574, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Friendship—Vietnam US Casualties, 1967, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.575, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • US Casualties in Vietnam, 1967, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.576, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • They Know What Casualties Are, 1967, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.577, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Battle for Hill 875, Thanksgiving Eve, 1967, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.578, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Caring for a Casualty, 1968, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.579, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Soldier’s Surgery, 1968, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.580, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Colonel Laird Guttersen, Air Force, Hugs Wife Virginia at March AFB in Riverside, California, 1973, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.581, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Patricia Hearst Joins Symbionese Liberation Army, 1974, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.585, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Bank Robbing Trio, Patricia Hearst, 1974, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.586, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Mangled Hand—Ray Schalk, 1925, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.587, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Eddie Lepard Has Worked Four Ball Games against the Orioles This Year, 1923, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.588, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Joe Louis—Joe’s Job Done, 1941, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.590, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Jackie Robinson Steals Home, 1952, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.591, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Ali Acts Up After First Liston Fight Victory in Miami, 1964, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.594, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Cassius Clay Wins World Heavyweight Title, 1964, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.595, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • New and Old Heavyweight Champion Muhammad Ali…, 1974, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.596, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Muhammad Ali Training, 1973, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.597, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Muhammad Ali, 1972, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.598, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Candid Closeup of a Profusely Sweating Muhammad Ali…, 1974, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.599, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • 26,000 See Elvis Presley Perform, 1956, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.602, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Bob Dylan, “The Thoughtful Rockstar,” 1970, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.603, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Janis Joplin, 1970, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.606, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Woodstock, “Three Days of Peace and Music,” 1969, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.608, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Woodstock, 1969, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.610, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Helen Keller, 1948, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.612, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Zenith Phonevision, 1950, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.633, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • How A-Bomb Blast Looked to New York Televiewers, 1952, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.635, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Press Photo Local Television, 1952, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.636, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Atomic Cloud as Seen off TV Screen, 1955, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.637, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Richard Nixon Checkers Speech, 1952, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.638, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Susie Giardina Sees Self with President on TV, 1953, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.639, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Education TV—Screened Art—Winky Dink, 1953, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.640, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Little Rock Educational TV, 1958, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.641, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • “I Do Solemnly Swear” JFK Takes Oath of Office, 1961, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.642, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Mercury Rocket, 1962, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.643, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Cuban Refugee Listens to President Kennedy Address on the Cuban Situation, 1962, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.644, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • John Jr. Salutes His Father, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.648, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Jack Ruby Shoots Oswald, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.649, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Democratic National Convention, Chicago, 1968, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.650, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Rod Chandler Votes “Aye” for Nerve Gas, 1984, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.655, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Bodies of Slave Laborers Await Burial at German Camp, Nordhausen, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.658, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • An Early Phase of the Nuclear Blast, 1951, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.660, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Union Square an Hour before the Scheduled Execution of the Rosenbergs, 1953, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.661, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Moments before He Was Shot, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.663, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Spectators Hug the Ground after JFK Assassination, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.666, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Members of the Bereaved White House Staff of the Late President Kennedy Pass His Coffin in the White House, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.670, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Crowds Continue into the Cold Night in Front of the Capitol, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.671, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Heavily Veiled in Black Mrs. John F. Kennedy Widow of the Late President, Begins Her Day of Deepest Sorrow to Say Goodbye to Him, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.672, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Bereaved Family, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.673, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Watts Riot, 1965, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.675, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Anders, Bill, American, born 1933

    • How We Look from Outer Space, 1968, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.584, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Armstrong, Neil, American, 1930–2012

    • Buzz Aldrin, Moon Walk Reflection, 1969, chromogenic print, 2018.177.25, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Buzz Aldrin Poses with Flag, 1969, chromogenic print, 2018.177.26, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Buzz Aldrin Walks on the Moon, 1969, chromogenic print, 2018.177.27, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Buzz Aldrin Descends Lunar Module to Surface of Moon, 1969, chromogenic print, 2018.177.28, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Early Apollo Scientific Experiments Package with Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, 1969, chromogenic print, 2018.177.30, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Buzz Aldrin, Reflections of a Moon-Walk, 1969, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.40, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr. Descends Steps of Lunar Module, 1969, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.41, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Buzz Aldrin Uses Core Sampler to Take Lunar Soil Samples, 1969, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.43, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Baltz, Lewis, American, 1945–2014

    • Politics of Bacteria, 1995, 12 silver dye bleach prints, 2019.42.1.1–12, Gift of David Knaus

    Barnes, Oscar C., American, 1839–1880

    • Portrait of a Leatherworker, c. 1864, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.31, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Beaton, Cecil, British, 1904–1980

    • Warfront Study, 1944, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.343, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Benecke, Ernest, German (?), active 1852

    • Camp a Accaba, 1852, salted paper print, 2018.173.1, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    Berthier, Paul-Marcellin, French, 1822–1912

    • Théâtre de Syracuse (Amphitheatre of Syracuse), 1865, albumen print, 2018.168.5, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    Bey, Dawoud, American, born 1953

    • Kenwanna, 1996, 4 dye diffusion transfer prints, 2018.188.1.1–4, Gift of Alexander Novak and Family
    • Night Coming Tenderly, Black, 2017, printed 2018, portfolio of 10 gelatin silver prints, 2019.11.1–10, Charina Endowment Fund

    Bing, Ilse, American, born Germany, 1899–1998

    • Ballet “L’ Errante,” Paris, 1933, gelatin silver print, 2019.68.1, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Blauvelt & Hubbard, American, active 1860s

    • USS New Hampshire, c. 1864–1865, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.16, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Bochner, Mel, American, born 1940

    • Misunderstanding (A Theory of Photography), 1970, 10 photo-offset prints, manila envelope, 2018.177.55, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Bonaparte, Roland-Napoléon, French, 1858–1924, and G. Roche, French, active c. 1880s

    • Peter Johansen Nytti, 1884, collotype, 2018.177.56, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Ellen Berrit Gretesdatter, 1884, collotype, 2018.177.57, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Niels Johansen Ommar, 1884, collotype, 2018.177.58, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Borvig, Howard, American, 1902–1980

    • Police Broke up a Near-Riot Today as Nearly 400-Persons Threatened to Attack Parading Rosenberg Sympathizers…, 1953, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.414, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Bourke-White, Margaret, American, 1904–1971

    • Survivors at Buchenwald, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.352, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Gandhi, 1946, printed 1971, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.383, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Brady’s National Photographic Portrait Galleries, American, 1860–1875

    • The Chair That President Lincoln Occupied at the Time of His Assassination at Ford’s Theater, c. 1865, albumen print, 2018.195.3, Gift of Thomas Harris, in memory of Shirlee A. Harris
    • Abraham Lincoln, 1864, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.1, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Mary Todd Lincoln, 1861, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.2, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • General George Armstrong Custer, 1865, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.6, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • General Ulysses S. Grant, c. 1864, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.7, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • General William Tecumseh Sherman, 1865, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.8, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • General Abram Duryée, c. 1862, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.9, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Francis E. Brownell, 1861, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.11, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Colonel Frederick D’Utassy, c. 1861, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.12, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Camp Scene, 1862, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.18, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Braun, Adolphe, French, 1812–1877

    • A Floral and Berry Wreath, c. 1855, salted paper print, 2019.111.1, Gift of Charles Isaacs and Carol Nigro in honor of Sarah Greenough

    Briquet, Alfred, French, active second half 19th century

    • Porte de ferme de Marlotte (Doorway with Garden Implements), c. 1860, albumen print, 2019.20.2, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    British 19th Century

    • Nelly and Jane Bainbridge, c. 1855, albumen print, 2018.145.16, Patrons’ Permanent Fund
    • John Ashworth, Edmund Ashworth, Edmund Ashworth, Jr., 1848, daguerreotype, 2019.1.1, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Isabel, Charlotte, Rebecca, and Charlotte Anne Ashworth, c. 1846–1847, daguerreotype, 2019.1.2, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Edmund Ashworth Jr., c. 1855, daguerreotype with applied color, 2019.1.3, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Portrait of a Woman, c. 1855, daguerreotype, 2019.1.4, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Portrait of a Woman, c. 1850, daguerreotype with applied color, 2019.1.5, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Edmund Ashworth Jr., c. 1845, daguerreotype, 2019.1.6, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Portrait of a Man, c. 1860, ambrotype with applied color, 2019.1.7, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Rebecca Ashworth, c. 1855, daguerreotype, 2019.1.8, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Portrait of a Man, c. 1860, ambrotype, 2019.1.9, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Mark Ashworth, c. 1855, ambrotype with applied color, 2019.1.10, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Portrait of a Man, c. 1855, ambrotype with applied color, 2019.1.11, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Portrait of a Man and Woman, c. 1850, daguerreotype with applied color, 2019.1.13, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Portrait of a Man and Woman, c. 1860, ambrotype with applied color, 2019.1.14, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Portrait of a Woman, c. 1845, daguerreotype, 2019.1.15, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Portrait of a Woman, c. 1860, ambrotype with applied color, 2019.1.16, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Portrait of a Man, c. 1855, albumen print, 2019.1.17, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Portrait of Two Girls, c. 1860, ambrotype, 2019.1.18, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Portrait of a Girl, c. 1855, ambrotype, 2019.1.19, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Portrait of a Woman, c. 1860, ambrotype with applied color, 2019.1.20, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Portrait of a Woman, c. 1860, ambrotype, 2019.1.21, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Edmund and Charlotte Ashworth and Family at Egerton Hall, c. 1846–1847, daguerreotype, 2019.1.22, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    British 20th Century

    • London’s Balloon Barrage, 1938, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.311, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Churchill Ignores Raid Warning, 1940, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.321, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • London Burns after Worst Raid, 1941, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.328, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Brooks, Milton, American, 1901–1956

    • Ford Strikers Riot, 1941, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.613, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Brownrigg, Thomas Marcus, British, 1823–1901

    • Muckross Abbey, Killarney, c. 1865, carbon print, 2018.145.3, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    Bryan, Julien, American, 1899–1974

    • Warsaw—First Siege Picture to Reach US, 1939, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.318, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Warsaw—What Happens When a Bomb Hits Your House, 1939, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.319, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Warsaw—War, European, 1939, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.320, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Bubley, Esther, American, 1921–1998

    • Washington, D.C., A Bridge Game Does Not Disturb This Sleeper, 1943, gelatin silver print, 2019.39.1, Gift of Kent and Marcia Minichiello
    • Washington, D.C., Girl in the Doorway of Her Room at a Boardinghouse, 1943, gelatin silver print, 2019.39.2, Gift of Kent and Marcia Minichiello
    • Washington D.C., The Telephone in a Boardinghouse is Always Busy, 1943, gelatin silver print, 2019.39.3, Gift of Kent and Marcia Minichiello
    • Greyhound Bus Terminal, West 50th Street, New York City, 1947, gelatin silver print, 2019.95.1, Diana and Mallory Walker Fund

    Bullock, Wynn, American, 1902–1975

    • Del Monte Forest, 1956, gelatin silver print, 2018.206.18, Gift of Fern M. Schad

    Bunker, Earle L., American, 1912–1975

    • Homecoming, 1944, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.617, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Burnham, Thomas Rice, American, 1834–1893

    • Laura Keene, c. 1863, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.3, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Portrait of a Ballet Dancer, c. 1860, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.21, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Burroughs, Henry Jr., American, 1918–2000

    • Solemn Scene, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.502, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Burrows, Larry, British, 1926–1971

    • Four Marines Recover the Body of a Comrade under Fire, 1966, printed 1972, dye transfer print, 2019.36.1, Clinton and Jean Wright Fund

    Callahan, Harry, American, 1912–1999

    • Eleanor and Barbara, Chicago, 1953, gelatin silver print, 2018.206.15, Gift of Fern M. Schad

    Callis, Jo Ann, American, born 1940

    • Black Tablecloth, 1979, chromogenic print, 2018.177.59, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled, 1975, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.60, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Morphe #15, 1975, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.61, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Cameron, Julia Margaret, British, 1815–1879

    • Alfred Tennyson with his Sons, 1865, albumen print, 2019.18.1, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund

    Cancellare, Frank, American, 1910–1985

    • Dewey Defeats Truman, 1948, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.618, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Capa, Cornell, American, born Hungary, 1918–2008

    • President Has Strong, Expressive Hands, 1961, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.484, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Capa, Robert, American, born Hungary, 1913–1954

    • Nazi Surrender after D-Day Invasion, 1944, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.337, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • D-Day—Wounded GIs on Omaha Beach, 1944, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.340, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Carneiro, Dulce G., Brazilian, 1929–2018

    • Mulher (Woman), c. 1957, gelatin silver print, 2019.99.1, Robert B. Menschel and the Vital Projects Fund

    Caron, George R. Sergeant, American, 1919–1995

    • Hiroshima Atom Bomb Cloud, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.388, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • First Atomic Bomb Bursts on Japan, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.389, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Christenberry, William, American, 1936–2016

    • Untitled, 1982–1984, diffusion transfer print (Polaroid Polapan), 2018.177.62, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Coburn, Alvin Langdon, British, born United States, 1882–1966

    • The English Home, 1907, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.63, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Henry James, 1906, photogravure, 2018.177.64, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Alfred Stieglitz, 1908, photogravure, 2019.113.1, Gift of John S. Parsley and Nancy Nolan Parsley in memory of Thomas M. Melo

    Cohen, Lynne, Canadian, born United States, 1944–2014

    • Computer School, Pittsburgh, 1980, gelatin silver print, 2019.34.4, Leslie, Judith, and Gabrielle Schreyer Fund
    • Exhibition Hall, 1978, gelatin silver print, 2019.34.5, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Focus Scientific, Place Bell, Ottawa, Canada, 1976, gelatin silver print, 2019.34.6, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Cort, Horace, American, 1913–1988

    • Annie Lee Cooper Fighting with Dallas County Sheriff, Jim Clark, 1965, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.463, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Counts, Will, American, 1931–2001

    • Elizabeth Eckford Walks toward Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, Weathering Taunts of Hazel Bryan and Others, 1957, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.441, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Courmont, Henri, attributed to, French, 1813–1891

    • La Jolerie, 1853–1855, salted paper print, 2019.112.1, Gift of Lee Gallery in honor of Mack Lee

    Curtis, Asahel, American, 1874–1941

    • Indian Whalers Stripping Their Prey at Neah Bay, 1910, photogravure, 2018.177.171, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The King of the Seas in the Hands of the Makahs, 1910, photogravure, 2018.177.172, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Makah Indian Whalers, 1910, photogravure, 2018.177.173, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Indian Whalers Homeward Bound from the Pacific, 1910, photogravure, 2018.177.174, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Curtis, Edward Sheriff, American, 1868–1952

    • Travaux-Piegan, 1900, photogravure, 2018.177.176, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Cowichan Girl, 1912, photogravure, 2018.177.177, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Whaler, 1915, photogravure, 2018.177.178, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Whaling Crew-Cape Prince of Wales, 1928, photogravure, 2018.177.179, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Return of Halibut Fishers, 1915, photogravure, 2018.177.180, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Whaler-Makah, 1915, photogravure, 2018.177.181, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Papago Kitchen, 1907, photogravure, 2018.177.182, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Isleta Kiva, 1925, photogravure, 2018.177.183, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Frame of Peyote Sweat Lodge, 1927, photogravure, 2018.177.184, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • On the Banks of the Missouri, 1908, photogravure, 2018.177.185, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Holds The Eagle-Hidatsa, 1908, photogravure, 2018.177.186, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Chach-Mohave, 1907, photogravure, 2018.177.187, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Pikehodiklad-Navaho, 1907, photogravure, 2018.177.188, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Komuqi Mask-Kwakuitt, 1900s, cyanotype, 2018.177.195, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Cuvelier, Eugène, French, 1837–1900

    • Barbizon Roadway in Snow, c. 1860, albumen print, 2018.168.1, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    Dalglish, James B., American, born 1921

    • German Pilot Hurtles Through Air, 1943, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.332, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Daniels, John T., American, 1873–1948

    • Change the World at Kitty Hawk, Orville and Wilbur Take to the Air, 1903, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.272, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • First Air Flight, 1903, printed 1953, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.273, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Dater, Judy, American, born 1941

    • Untitled, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.65, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Davis, Tim, American, born Malawi, 1969

    • Betty, 2003, chromogenic print, 2018.177.66, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    de Beaucorps, Gustave, French, 1825–1906

    • Salerno, Italy, c. 1856, salted paper print, 2018.145.4, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    De Biasi, Mario, Italian, 1923–2013

    • Ombre sul muro (Shadow on the Wall), 1948, gelatin silver print, 2019.32.1, Robert Menschel and the Vital Projects Fund

    de la Rue, Warren, British, 1815–1889

    • View of the Moon, 1858–1859, stereoscopic glass transparency, printed 1862, 2018.177.15, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    de Rostaing, Marquis, French

    • Parc de Hamilton Palace (Parasol Pine), c. 1858, albumen print, 2018.168.6, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    Desfor, Max, American, 1913–2018

    • Gandhi’s Body Lies in State, 1948, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.384, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Dessau, Fernando, American, born Netherlands, c. 1840–1909

    • Portrait of a Woman, c. 1863–1864, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.22, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Detroit Photographic Company, American, c. 1895–1932

    • Pulpit Rock, Echo Canyon, Utah, c. 1900, photo-chromolithograph, 2018.177.189, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • On the Beach at Coney Island, 1908, photo-chromolithograph, 2018.177.190, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Street View, New York City, 1903, photo-chromolithograph, 2018.177.191, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • View From Echo Mountain House, Mt. Lowe, c. 1900, photo-chromolithograph, 2018.177.192, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Washington Speedway and Bridge, New York City, c. 1901, photo-chromolithograph, 2018.177.193, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Glacier Point and South Dome, Yosemite Valley, 1898, photo-chromolithograph, 2018.177.233, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • 5th Avenue at 51st St., New York City, 1900, photo-chromolithograph, 2018.177.270, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Dominis, John, American, 1921–2013

    • Gold-And-Bronze Medalists Tommie Smith and USA Teammate John Carlos Write an Unusual Note into Olympic History with a Black-Gloved, Clenched-Fist “Back Power” Gesture during Awards Ceremony…, 1968, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.601, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Dow, Arthur Wesley, American, 1857–1922

    • Wellfleet Nantucket, 1904, cyanotype, 2018.177.67, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Duke, Charles, American, born 1935

    • Charles Duke’s Family Picture, 1972, chromogenic print, 2018.177.45, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Eastham, Silas, British, 1824–1901

    • Portrait of a Woman and Baby, c. 1855, ambrotype with applied color, 2019.1.12, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Enrie, Giuseppe, Italian, 1886–1961

    • Detail of the Shroud of Turin, 1931, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.68, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Eppridge, Bill, American, born Argentina, 1938–2013

    • Assassination of Robert Kennedy, 1968, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.526, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Robert Kennedy is Assassinated, Ambassador Hotel Busboy Juan Romero, 17, Kneels by Senator Robert Kennedy, 1968, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.527, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Ezawa, Kota, American, born Germany, 1969

    • Cowboy, 2006, lightbox, 2018.177.69, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Faas, Horst, German, 1933–2012

    • Child Working in a Steelyard, Taiwan, 1972, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.583, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Body of a Child Killed in Battle, 1964, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.623, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Fendell, Ed, American, born 1932

    • Lunar Ship Challenger Leaving Moon for Apollo 17 Rendezvous, 1972, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.653, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Fenton, Roger, British, 1819–1869

    • Rocken End in a Storm, Isle of Wight, c. 1853, salted paper print, 2018.168.4, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    Filan, Frank, American, 1905–1952

    • Tarawa Island, 1943, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.614, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Fisher Brothers, American, active 1860s–1870s

    • Portrait of a Clown, c. 1863, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.25, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Fleming, Lucy, British, active c. 1860s

    • English Country Cottage, c. 1860, albumen print, 2018.145.5, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    Fox, Anna, British, born 1961

    • Advertising Agency, Docklands Enterprise Zone, 1988, chromogenic print, 2019.69.1, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund
    • Conference and Exhibitions Organiser, Euston. Personal Assistant to the Director, 1988, printed later, chromogenic print, 2019.69.2, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund
    • Heathrow Airport, Journalist, prior to the arrival of Madonna, 1988, chromogenic print, 2019.69.3, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund
    • Independent Video Production Company, Equipment Department. Docklands Enterprise Zone. Hire Manager (left), Account Manager (right), 1988, chromogenic print, 2019.69.4, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund
    • Cafe, the City. Salesperson, 1988, chromogenic print, 2019.69.5, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund
    • Restaurant, the City. Sales Team’s Party, 1988, chromogenic print, 2019.69.6, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund

    Frank, Robert, American, born Switzerland, 1924–2019

    • Untitled (Antiques), c. 1958, gelatin silver print, 2018.184.1, Gift of the Kellogg Family
    • Untitled (Couple), c. 1958, gelatin silver print, 2018.184.2, Gift of the Kellogg Family
    • Untitled (Kids), c. 1958, gelatin silver print, 2018.184.3, Gift of the Kellogg Family
    • Untitled (Kids), c. 1958, gelatin silver print, 2018.184.4, Gift of the Kellogg Family
    • Untitled (Shopping), c. 1958, gelatin silver print, 2018.184.5, Gift of the Kellogg Family

    Fredericks, Charles D., American, 1823–1894

    • General Joseph Hooker, c. 1865, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.5, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Portrait of a Woman, c. 1860, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.19, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Isabelle “Belle” Freeman, c. 1860, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.28, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    French 19th Century

    • Portrait of a Woman, c. 1855, daguerreotype with applied color, 2018.145.17, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    Friedkin, Anthony, American, born 1949

    • Beverly Hills Chauffeur, 1975, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.70, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Jean Harlow, Drag Queen Ball, Long Beach, 1971, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.71, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Michelle, “C’est La Vie” Club, North Hollywood, 1972, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.72, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Young Man, Troupers’ Hall, Hollywood, 1969, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.73, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Rick Daro, Clockwork Malibu, 1977, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.74, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Woman by the Pool, Beverly Hills Hotel, 1975, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.75, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Friedlander, Lee, American, born 1934

    • Zion, 2004, gelatin silver print, 2018.193.1, Gift of Jane P. Watkins

    Frith, Francis, British, 1822–1898

    • The Pyramids of El-Geezeh, from the South-West, 1858, albumen print, 2018.145.6, Patrons’ Permanent Fund
    • The Pyramids of Saqqara from the North-East, 1858, albumen print, 2019.85.1, Purchased as the Gift of Diana and Mallory Walker

    Gage, Franklin Benjamin, American, 1824–1874

    • Emma Marsh, c. 1861, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.29, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Gallagher, Bill, American, 1923–1975

    • Adlai’s Shoe, 1952, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.619, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Gardner, Alexander, American, born Scotland, 1821–1882

    • Gardner’s Photographic Sketch Book of the War (Volume 1), 1866, bound volume of 50 albumen prints, 2019.14.1.1–50, Patrons’ Permanent Fund
    • Gardner’s Photographic Sketch Book of the War (Volume 2), 1866, bound volume of 50 albumen prints, 2019.14.1.51–100, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    Geer, R., American, 1830–1900

    • Portrait of a Man and Woman, c. 1863, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2018.195.1, Gift of Thomas Harris, in memory of Shirlee A. Harris

    Genaust, USMC Sergeant William H., American, 1906–1945

    • Flag Raising at Iwo Jima, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.354, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Flag Raising at Iwo Jima, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.355, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Flag Raising at Iwo Jima, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.356, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Flag Raising at Iwo Jima, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.357, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Ginsberg, Allen, American, 1926–1997

    • Gary Snyder Poet, scissors to beard 1955., 1955, printed later, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.1, Gift of Gary Davis
    • Wade Walton’s barbershop, Clarksdale, Mississippi…, April 19, 1987., 1987, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.2, Gift of Gary Davis
    • Bowery Gallery 121 Wooster St., Simon Carr’s opening, Rosebud Pettet & Lucien Carr., 1989, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.3, Gift of Gary Davis
    • 2/10/89 121 Wooster, Bowery Gallery, Rosebud & Lucien Carr, 1989, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.4, Gift of Gary Davis
    • Kay MacDonough, Nile, & Gregory Corso March 16, 1985 San Francisco Front of Trieste Morning Hangout Coffeeshop Grant Street., 1985, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.5, Gift of Gary Davis
    • Untitled, c. 1980, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.6, Gift of Gary Davis
    • Gary Snyder 1965 Northwest, 1965, printed later, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.7, Gift of Gary Davis
    • G. Corso & P. Orlovsky hanging around Bill Burroughs’ room Tangier 1961, 1961, printed later, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.8, Gift of Gary Davis
    • Gregory Corso embraced by intimate friend, The Bistro, Jane & W. 4th Street, December 21, 1992., 1992, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.9, Gift of Gary Davis
    • RD Laing, I visited with Poet Tom Pickard, camera in Tom’s hands…, 1985, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.10, Gift of Gary Davis
    • Shig Murao & Dick McBride, Trieste Coffeeshop Grant Street, San Francisco March 16, 1985—Dick visiting from England., 1985, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.11, Gift of Gary Davis
    • Poet Joanne Kyger in mirror, her husband Gary Snyder with notebook…,1962, printed later, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.12, Gift of Gary Davis
    • Gary Snyder contemplating the panorama, Glacier Park wilderness area…., 1965, printed later, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.13, Gift of Gary Davis
    • Portrait of composer Steven Taylor and half myself & C…, 1986, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.14, Gift of Gary Davis
    • Carrying sides of Beef from truck to Market stall Bluefields harbor‑front street…, 1986, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.15, Gift of Gary Davis
    • Internment of Julian Beck August 19, 1985 New Jersey cemetery…, 1985, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.16, Gift of Gary Davis
    • Gelek Rimpoche, meeting him first time in Ann Arbor…, 1989, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.17, Gift of Gary Davis
    • Gutterboy band—Barb Morrison, Dito Montiel Danny Hulsizer with button shirt & his brother Eric, with drummer Johnny Koncz on Canal Street, c. 1987, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.18, Gift of Gary Davis
    • Boiler repairmen on East 12th Street near Avenue A, Manhattan December 4, 1986., 1986, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.19, Gift of Gary Davis
    • Ellie Dorfman waiting for me to get ready to go out on the town, late March weekend, front room of my Lower East side apartment…, 1987, printed 1991, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.20, Gift of Gary Davis
    • Kay MacDonough, their son Nile, and Gregory Corso at home…, 1984, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.21, Gift of Gary Davis
    • Double-mirrored bathroom wall, Mapleton Street house Boulder Colorado…, 1986, printed 1987, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.22, Gift of Gary Davis
    • After Cooperstown, Harry Smith moved from friend to friend homeless in New York, finally to Franciscan Mission on Bowery…, 1987, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.23, Gift of Gary Davis
    • Hugh MacDiarmid on his 81’st Birthday at home. Scotland 1973., 1973, printed later, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.24, Gift of Gary Davis
    • City Lights Bookstore visit…, 1988, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.25, Gift of Gary Davis
    • Gary Snyder and then-wife Masa Uehara after supper…, 1988, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.26, Gift of Gary Davis
    • George Condo before large Canvas “Adoration of St. Lucy”…, 1993, printed 1995, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.27, Gift of Gary Davis
    • Donald Cook and his son Michael, an apartment near Columbia University…, 1953, printed 1990, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.28, Gift of Gary Davis
    • Formal banquet speeches, meeting of American Academy of Arts & Letters…, 1985, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.29, Gift of Gary Davis
    • Dedication of museum to Poet Titsian Tabidze shot in Stalin purges 1937…, 1985, gelatin silver print, 2018.196.30, Gift of Gary Davis

    Gloria, Adele, Italian, 1910–1984

    • Untitled, c. 1934–1935, collage of gelatin silver prints, 2019.94.1, Scott Nathan and Laura DeBonis Fund and Robert B. Menschel and the Vital Projects Fund

    Gohlke, Frank, American, born 1942

    • Aerial View: Blowdown and New Growth near Norway Pass, 9 Miles NE of Mount St. Helens, Washington, 1983, printed 1989, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.77, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Landscape near Stillwater, Minnesota, 1975, printed 1989, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.78, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Tarnowski Building, Duluth, Minnesota, 1977, printed 1989, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.79, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Gough, Janet, American, active late 20th century

    • Bob Dylan at Elizabeth Taylor’s 55th Birthday Party…, 1987, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.607, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Gowin, Emmet, American, born 1941

    • Canyon de Chelly, Arizona, 1979, gelatin silver print, 2018.206.16, Gift of Fern M. Schad
    • Rennie Booher, Danville, Virginia, 1972, printed 1979, gelatin silver print, 2018.206.19, Gift of Fern M. Schad

    Graham, James, Scottish, 1806–1869

    • Monastery of Mar Saba, c. 1855, albumen print, 2018.145.7, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    Greenfield, Lauren, American, born 1966

    • Jennifer, 18, at an eating-disorder clinic, Coconut Creek, Florida, 1997, printed 2002, chromogenic print, 2018.177.80, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Gruen, Bob, American, born 1945

    • John Lennon, 1974, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.679, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Guillot-Saguez, Amelie, French, 1810–1864

    • Portrait of a Girl, 1849, salted paper print with applied color, 2019.19.1, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Gurney, Jeremiah, American, 1812–1895

    • Portrait of a Woman, c. 1860, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.20, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • William E. Van Wyck, 1866, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.30, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Haacker, Charles, American, born 1916

    • Starved Maltreated Prisoners at Buchenwald Concentration Camp…, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.365, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Haeberle, Ronald L., American, born 1940

    • My Lai Massacre Scene, 1968, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.582, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Hartsook, Fred, American, 1876–1930

    • Henry Ford “Titan of Industry,” 1919, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.278, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Haynes, F. Jay, American, 1853–1921

    • Tower Falls, 110 Feet. Yellowstone National Park, c. 1885, albumen print, 2019.89.1, Robert B. Menschel and the Vital Projects Fund

    Heinecken, Robert, American, 1931–2006

    • Standard Pose #3 (Hand/Hair), 1982, 8 internal dye diffusion transfer prints (Polaroid SX-70), 2018.177.81, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Heinrich, Annemarie, Argentinian, born Germany, 1912–2005

    • Autorretrato con Ursula (Self-Portrait with Ursula), 1938, gelatin silver print, 2018.147.1, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund

    Henner, Mishka, Belgian, born 1976

    • Eighteen Pumpjacks, 2012, portfolio of 18 inkjet prints, 2018.177.82, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Herrick, Gene, American, born 1926

    • Cheers for Reverend King, 1956, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.440, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Hicks, Lemuel S., American, active 1860s

    • John Boyle, c. 1865, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.17, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Hillers, John K., American, 1843–1925

    • Ruins of Cliff Dwellings, Canyon de Chelly, 1879–1881, albumen print, 2018.145.8, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    Hine, Lewis, American, 1874–1940

    • At the Close of the Day, Pennsylvania, 1911, gelatin silver print, 2018.145.9, Patrons’ Permanent Fund
    • William Parralla, a 7-year-old newsboy, standing on street with newspapers, 1912, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.277, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • 8:30 P.M. Group of newsboys selling at the depot, Hartford, Connecticut. Smallest boy 11 years old., 1909, gelatin silver print, 2018.206.13, Gift of Fern M. Schad

    Hockney, David, British, born 1937

    • In the Studio, December 2017, 2017, 7 inkjet prints, 2019.40.1.1–7, Gift of John and Mary Pappajohn in Honor of Earl A. Powell III

    Holden, H. Reverend, British, active 1850s

    • Durham Cathedral in Winter, c. 1857, albumen print, 2018.145.10, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    Howlett, Robert, British, 1831–1858, and Joseph Cundall, British, 1818–1895

    • Pvt. Jessee Lockhurst, 31st Regiment, & Thomas O’Brien, 1st Royals, Seen by the Queen at Chatham Hospital, 1856, albumen print, 2018.145.11, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    Hudson, Bill, American, 1932–2010

    • Police Dog Attacks Protester, Birmingham, Alabama, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.450, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Hughes, Cornelius Jabez, British, 1819–1894

    • Portrait of a Woman, c. 1855, daguerreotype with applied color, 2018.145.12, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    Ignatovich, Elizaveta, Russian, 1903–1983

    • Family of Kolkhoz Farmer, 1930s, gelatin silver print, 2019.38.1, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund

    Ishimoto, Yasuhiro, Japanese, born United States, 1921–2012

    • Untitled, 1950–1951, gelatin silver print, 2019.96.1, Robert B. Menschel and the Vital Projects Fund

    Jackson, Robert H., American, born 1934

    • Assassination of Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.668, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Jack Ruby Shoots Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.669, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Jackson, William Henry, American, 1843–1942

    • American Falls from Goat Island, c. 1912, photo-chromolithograph, 2018.177.194, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Johnson Brothers, American, active 1860s

    • Captain James Gillette, c. 1864, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.14, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Jones, W. Frank, American, 1877–1945

    • George Souders Driving a Duesenberg, 1927, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.286, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Kahn, Steve, American, 1943–2018

    • T-15, 1976, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.50, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Bound Doors) #1, 1976, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.83, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Bound Doors) #2, 1976, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.84, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Bound Doors) #5, 1976, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.85, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Doors) #1, 1976, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.86, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Doors) #2, 1976, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.87, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Doors) #3, 1977, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.88, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Doors) #4, 1976, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.89, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Doors) #5, 1977, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.90, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Doors) #6, 1977, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.91, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Mirrors) #1, 1976, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.92, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Mirrors) #2, 1976, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.93, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Mirrors) #3, 1976, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.94, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Mirrors) #5, 1977, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.95, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Mirrors) #6, 1977, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.96, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Nudes) #23, 1974–1975, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.97, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Nudes) #28, 1974–1975, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.98, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Windows) #4, 1976, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.99, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Windows) #7, 1976, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.100, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Windows) #11, 1976, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.101, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Windows) #12, 1976, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.102, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Windows) #13, 1977, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.103, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Windows) #14, 1977, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.104, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Windows) #15, 1976, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.105, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Windows) #16, 1977, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.106, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Windows) #19, 1977, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.107, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Windows) #20, 1976, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.685, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Windows) #21, 1976, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.686, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Windows) #23, 1977, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.687, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Hollywood Suites (Windows) #17, 1976, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.688, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Kasten, Barbara, American, born 1936

    • Construct III-B, 1980, dye diffusion transfer print (Polacolor), 2018.199.1, Gift of Gregory and Aline Gooding
    • Construct III-C, 1980, dye diffusion transfer print (Polacolor), 2018.199.2, Gift of Gregory and Aline Gooding
    • Construct III-D, 1980, dye diffusion transfer print (Polacolor), 2018.199.3, Gift of Gregory and Aline Gooding
    • Construct IV-A, 1980, dye diffusion transfer print (Polacolor), 2018.199.4, Gift of Gregory and Aline Gooding
    • Construct VI-A, 1981, dye diffusion transfer print (Polacolor), 2018.199.5, Gift of Gregory and Aline Gooding
    • Construct LB/4, 1982, dye diffusion transfer print (Polacolor), 2018.199.6, Gift of Gregory and Aline Gooding

    Kelly, Charlie, American, 1932–2016

    • I Am a Man, 1968, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.469, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Dr. Martin Luther King on the Balcony of Lorraine Motel—Where Assassin’s Bullet Struck, 1968, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.470, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Kennerly, David Hume, American, born 1947

    • Lone Soldier, A Shau Valley, 1971, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.628, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Kepes, György, American, born Hungary, 1906–2001

    • Photogram, 1952, gelatin silver print, 2018.206.7, Gift of Fern M. Schad
    • Berlin, 1930, gelatin silver print, 2018.206.8, Gift of Fern M. Schad
    • Multiple Exposure, 1930, gelatin silver print, 2018.206.9, Gift of Fern M. Schad
    • Berlin, 1930, gelatin silver print, 2018.206.10, Gift of Fern M. Schad
    • Light Abstraction, 1941, gelatin silver print, 2018.206.11, Gift of Fern M. Schad
    • Leaf, etc., 1985, dye diffusion transfer print (Polacolor), 2018.206.14, Gift of Fern M. Schad

    Kertész, André, American, born Hungary, 1894–1985

    • Marionettes, 1929, gelatin silver print, 2019.88.1, The André and Elizabeth Kertész Foundation Fund

    Kilburn, William Edward, British, 1818–1891

    • Queen Victoria and Children, 1852, daguerreotype with applied color, 2018.145.13, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    Killip, Chris, British, born 1946

    • Three women and a baby, Seacoal Camp, Lynemouth, 1983, gelatin silver print, 2019.76.1, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund
    • Crabs and People, Skinningrove, North Yorkshire, UK, 1981, gelatin silver print, 2019.76.2, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund
    • Leso on Motorbike, Skinningrove, North Yorkshire, UK, 1981, gelatin silver print, 2019.76.3, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund

    Klipper, Stuart D., American, born 1941

    • Storm over the Bonneville Salt Flats, Toole County, Utah, 1990, gelatin silver print, 2019.110.1, Gift of Stuart D. Klipper
    • The edge of the summer pack ice, Artic Ocean north of Svalbard, 1981, gelatin silver print, 2019.110.2, Gift of Stuart D. Klipper

    Knorr, Karen, British-American, born 1954

    • Pleasure as a Serious Pursuit for the Unemployed, 1983, gelatin silver print, 2019.79.1, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund
    • A Mood of Highly Coloured Naturalism, 1983, gelatin silver print, 2019.79.2, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund
    • We owe it to the Free world not to Allow Brutal Forces to succeed. When the Rule of law Breaks down, the World takes a further Step towards Chaos., 1981–1983, gelatin silver print, 2019.79.3, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund
    • Newspapers are no longer ironed, Coins no longer boiled So far have Standards Fallen., 1981–1983, gelatin silver print, 2019.79.4, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund

    Kolb Brothers, American, active 1902–1924

    • Boat Repair While Exploring the Colorado River, c. 1913, photogravure, 2018.177.196, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Rapids, Exploring the Colorado River, 1913, photogravure, 2018.177.197, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Hell’s Half Mile, 1912, photogravure, 2018.177.198, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Wedged Rock in Shinumo Canyon, 200 Feet above Bass Trail, 1913, photogravure, 2018.177.199, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • A Canyon Sunset from O’Neil or Ydoapai Point, 1910s, photogravure, 2018.177.200, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Colorado River at Junction with Cataract Canyon, 1910s, photogravure, 2018.177.201, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • General View of Canyon near Head of Trail on a Clear Day, 1910s, photogravure, 2018.177.202, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Lange, Dorothea, American, 1895–1965

    • Bad trouble over the weekend, Steep Ravine, California, 1964, printed later, gelatin silver print, 2018.189.1, Gift of Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser
    • Scene along “Skid Row,” Howard Street, San Francisco, California, 1937, gelatin silver print, 2018.189.2, Gift of Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser
    • Toward Los Angeles, California, 1937, gelatin silver print, 2018.189.3, Gift of Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser
    • Funeral cortege, San Joaquin Valley, California, 1938, gelatin silver print, 2018.189.4, Gift of Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser
    • Eighty-year-old woman living in squatters’ camp on the outskirts of Bakersfield, California. “If you lose your pluck you lose the most there is in you—all you’ve got to live with,” 1936, gelatin silver print, 2018.189.5, Gift of Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser
    • Old time Chinaman of the type that originally followed the crops in California, Sacramento, California, 1936, gelatin silver print, 2018.189.6, Gift of Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser
    • Church in shacktown community. It is used by different sects, including Pentecostal. The curtains are made of flour sacks, near Modesto, Stanislaus County, California, 1940, gelatin silver print, 2018.189.8, Gift of Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser
    • Star in window with Red Cross War Fund sticker, Richmond, California, 1944, gelatin silver print, 2018.189.9, Gift of Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser
    • First National Bank, South Dakota, 1941, gelatin silver print, 2018.189.10, Gift of Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser
    • Greyhound Signage, Oakland, California, c. 1944, gelatin silver print, 2018.189.11, Gift of Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser
    • Stenographer with mended stockings, San Francisco, California, 1934, printed c. 1960, gelatin silver print, 2018.189.12, Gift of Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser
    • Annie Halloran’s Hands, 1954, gelatin silver print, 2018.189.13, Gift of Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser
    • Country store on dirt road. Sunday afternoon. Gordonton, North Carolina, 1939, printed later, gelatin silver print, 2018.189.14, Gift of Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser
    • Jake Jones’ Hands, Gunlock County, Utah, 1953, gelatin silver print, 2018.189.15, Gift of Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser
    • This man is a labor contractor in the pea fields of California. “One-Eye” Charlie gives his views. “I’m making my living off of these people (migrant laborers) so I know the conditions,” San Luis Obispo County, California, 1936, gelatin silver print, 2018.189.16, Gift of Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser
    • Man at microphone, May Day Demonstration, San Francisco, California, 1934, gelatin silver print, 2018.189.17, Gift of Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser
    • Residents of Japanese ancestry awaiting the bus at the Wartime Civil Control station, San Francisco, California, 1942, gelatin silver print, 2018.189.18, Gift of Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser
    • Richmond, California, 1944, printed 1950s, gelatin silver print, 2018.189.19, Gift of Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser
    • Children of the Weill public school shown in a flag pledge ceremony, San Francisco, California, 1942, printed c. 1965, gelatin silver print, 2018.189.20, Gift of Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser
    • Residents, of Japanese ancestry, appearing at the Civil control station for registration in response to the Army’s exclusion order No. 20—The evacuees will be housed in War relocation authority centers for the duration, San Francisco, California, 1942, gelatin silver print, 2018.189.21, Gift of Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser

    Langlands & Bell, British, born 1955

    • Black Hawks, 2004, inkjet print, 2018.197.1, Gift of Katherine and Peter Kend
    • Dump, 2004, inkjet print, 2018.197.2, Gift of Katherine and Peter Kend
    • The Boneyard, 2004, inkjet print, 2018.197.3, Gift of Katherine and Peter Kend
    • Bunker Wall, 2004, inkjet print, 2018.197.4, Gift of Katherine and Peter Kend
    • The Bunker, 2004, inkjet print, 2018.197.5, Gift of Katherine and Peter Kend
    • Royal Palace, Kabul, 2004, inkjet print, 2018.197.6, Gift of Katherine and Peter Kend
    • Ruined Palace, Dar ul Aman, 2004, inkjet print, 2018.197.7, Gift of Katherine and Peter Kend
    • Graveyard, 2004, inkjet print, 2018.197.8, Gift of Katherine and Peter Kend
    • Ruined Monument, 2004, inkjet print, 2018.197.9, Gift of Katherine and Peter Kend

    Larsen, Sally, American, born 1954

    • Miles and Miles, Chaw’se Acorn Grinding Rock, Miwok Indians, Amador County, California, 1998, orotone print on glass, 2018.198.1, Gift of the Artist

    Larson, Steve, American, active 1970s

    • Arrested, 1970, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.567, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Leder, Harry, American, 1917–1981

    • On Steps of St. Matthew’s Cathedral…, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.511, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Lee, Jungjin, Korean, born 1961

    • Wind 07-110, 2007, gelatin silver print, 2019.33.1, Robert Menschel and the Vital Projects Fund and Katherine and Peter Kend Fund

    Le Gray, Gustave, French, 1820–1884

    • Bas-Breau, Forest of Fontainebleau, 1852, salted paper print, 2019.20.1, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    Leibing, Peter, German, 1941–2008

    • An East German Soldier Leaps to Freedom, 1961, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.432, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Leifer, Neil, American, born 1942

    • Muhammad Ali, 1965, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.674, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Letinsky, Laura, Canadian, born 1962

    • Untitled #7, 2009, inkjet print, 2018.177.108, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Le Vengeur d’Orsan, A. Dr., French, 1800–1899

    • Our Satellite. A Selenography According to The Present State of Science, 1862, portfolio of 9 photogravures and 8 albumen prints, 2018.177.14, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Levinthal, David, American, born 1949

    • Untitled, 1983–1985, internal dye diffusion transfer print (Polaroid SX-70), 2018.177.109, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled, 1983–1985, internal dye diffusion transfer print (Polaroid SX-70), 2018.177.110, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Linde, Carl, American, 1909–1972

    • Republic Steel Co. Strike, 1937, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.303, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Louw, Joseph, South African, 1945–2004

    • The Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., 1968, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.471, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Lovera, Héctor Rondón, Venezuelan, 1933–1984

    • Aid From The Padre, 1962, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.622, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Lowe, Jacques, American, born Germany, 1930–2001

    • This Informal Picture of the Kennedy Family Is One of the Hundreds of Photographs from “Portrait: The Emergence of John F. Kennedy”…, 1961, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.480, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Lummis, Charles Fletcher, American, 1859–1928

    • Navajo Camp, Manuelito, New Mexico, 1895, cyanotype, 2018.177.175, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Luskačová, Markéta, Czech, born 1944

    • Untitled, 1977, gelatin silver print, 2019.82.2, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund

    Lynes, George Platt, American, 1907–1955

    • L’Errante, 1935, gelatin silver print, 2019.90.1, Robert B. Menschel and the Vital Projects Fund

    Lyon, Danny, American, born 1942

    • A Home in the Mississippi Delta, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.111, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Mann, Sally, American, born 1951

    • Untitled (Georgia), 1996, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.112, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Masury, Samuel, American, 1818–1874

    • Frances Clayton, c. 1865, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.97.1, Robert B. Menschel and the Vital Projects Fund
    • Frances Clayton, c. 1865, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.97.2, Robert B. Menschel and the Vital Projects Fund

    Mathewson, Hal, American, active 1960s

    • Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy and Daughter, Caroline, Kneel to Pray at the Coffin of the Late President Kennedy, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.504, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    McAvoy, Thomas D., American, 1905–1966

    • Marian Anderson’s Easter Concert, 1939, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.314, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    McClees & Germon, American, 1846–c. 1855

    • Girl and Boy, 1850s, 2 daguerreotypes with applied color, 2018.145.14, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    McDivitt, James, American, born 1929

    • Takes Walk in Space, 1965, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.542, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Man’s First “Walk in Space,” 1965, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.543, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • An Astronaut Takes a Walk, 1965, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.544, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • McDivitt’s View of Spacewalker, 1965, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.545, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Walk in Space, 1965, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.546, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    McElroy, Robert R., American, 1928–2012

    • MLK Funeral Procession, 1968, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.473, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    McLaughlin-Gill, Frances, American, 1919–2014

    • Outtake from ‘Young Suit Look—Junior Fashions,’ Vogue, September 1, 1946, 1946, gelatin silver print, 2018.152.1, R. K. Mellon Family Foundation
    • Untitled, 1950s, gelatin silver print, 2018.152.2, R. K. Mellon Family Foundation
    • Untitled, 1940s, gelatin silver print, 2018.152.3, R. K. Mellon Family Foundation

    Méjat, Georges, French, 1902–1985

    • Weeping Frenchman, 1940, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.322, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Miller, Private Harry, American, active 1940s

    • Slave Laborers in the Buchenwald Concentration Camp…, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.351, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Mills, James A., attributed to, American, 1883–1942

    • Gandhi Spinning, 1931, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.290, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Mims, Roddey, American, 1935–1982

    • Jefferson Thomas Sits with Elizabeth Eckford during Lunch Period in Central High School Cafeteria, 1957, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.445, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Mishkin Studio, American, active 1890–1932

    • Anna Pavlova “Legendary Dancer with Laurent Novikoff,” c. 1912, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.282, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Misrach, Richard, American, born 1949

    • Playboy #38 (Warhol), 1990, printed 1991, chromogenic print, 2018.177.113, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Moore, Charles, American, 1931–2010

    • Arrest of Martin Luther King Jr., Montgomery, Alabama, 1958, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.448, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Moorman, Mary, American, born 1932

    • President Kennedy Slumps into the Arms of His Wife…, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.665, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Morabito, Rocco, American, 1920–2009

    • The Kiss of Life, 1967, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.630, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Moran, John, American, born England, 1831–1902

    • Untitled (Photograph of a Painting by Thomas Moran), 1865, albumen print, 2018.177.114, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Muchmore, Marie, American, 1909–1990

    • Photo Sequence Taken as the Late President Kennedy Was Assassinated…, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.667, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Muybridge, Eadweard, attributed to, American, born England, 1830–1904

    • Detail of the Track at Leland Stanford’s Horse Farm in Palo Alto, 1878–1879, albumen print, 2019.122.2, Corcoran Collection (Gift of Charles Isaacs)
    • Detail of the Track at Leland Stanford’s Horse Farm in Palo Alto, 1879, albumen print, 2019.122.3, Corcoran Collection (Gift of Charles Isaacs)

    Nachtwey, James, American, born 1948

    • Iraq, 2003, printed later, inkjet print, 2018.185.1, Gift of John Wilmerding
    • Berlin, 1989, printed later, inkjet print, 2018.185.2, Gift of John Wilmerding

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration, American, est. 1958

    • Lunar Orbiter, High Resolution, LOIV H-150, 1967, 10 gelatin silver prints, tape, 2018.177.11, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Lunar Orbiter, High Resolution, LOIV H-177, 1967, 10 gelatin silver prints, tape, 2018.177.12, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Lunar Orbiter, High Resolution, LOIV H-194, 1967, 10 gelatin silver prints, tape, 2018.177.13, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Surface of the Moon, 1969, 19 stereoscopic glass transparency slides, 2018.177.16.1–19, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Lunar Orbiter, High Resolution, LOIV H-088, 1967, 10 gelatin silver prints, tape, 2018.177.18, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Lunar Orbiter, Medium Resolution, LOIV M-070, 1967, 3 gelatin silver prints, tape, 2018.177.19, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Lunar Orbiter, Medium Resolution, LOIV M-082, 1967, 3 gelatin silver prints, tape, 2018.177.20, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Earthrise across Mare Smythii, 1969, chromogenic print, 2018.177.24, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin Deploy Flag on the Moon, 1969, chromogenic print, 2018.177.29, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Flag Deployed on the Moon, 1969, chromogenic print, 2018.177.31, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Lunar Module on the Moon, 1969, chromogenic print, 2018.177.32, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Approach to Landing, 1969, chromogenic print, 2018.177.33, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Lunar Module on Moon, 1969, chromogenic print, 2018.177.34, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Lunar Module on Moon, 1969, chromogenic print, 2018.177.35, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Oblique View of Lunar Farside, 1969, chromogenic print, 2018.177.36, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Apollo 11 View of Earth, 1969, chromogenic print, 2018.177.37, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Lunar Surface, 1969, chromogenic print, 2018.177.39, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Apollo 11 Moonwalk, 1969, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.42, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Lunar Module Ascent, 1969, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.44, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Apollo 16 Earthrise, 1972, chromogenic print, 2018.177.46, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Ranger IX Photographs of the Moon, 1965, 170 gelatin silver prints and text pamphlet, 2018.177.47, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Lunar Orbiter, High Resolution, LOIV H-084, 1967, 10 gelatin silver prints, tape, 2018.177.48, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Mosaic of Four Photos of Surveyor III, Pasadena, CA, 1967, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.49, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • First Crude Picture from Explorer VI Earth Satellite, 1959, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.531, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Glenn Cares for Inner Man, 1962, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.537, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Astronaut John Glenn Smiles Happily after His Successful Three Orbit Flight around the Earth, 1962, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.538, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Orbiting—Photos from an Automatic Camera Show Some of Scott Carpenter’s Reactions as He Orbited the Earth, 1962, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.541, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Gemini Rendezvous, 1965, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.547, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • “Gemini VII Rendezvous,” Full Color NASA Masterpiece, 1965, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.548, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Viking 2 Prime Landing Site, 1976, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.549, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Checking Rocks at Camelot, Apollo 17 Astronauts Harrison H. Schmitt and Eugene A. Cernan, 1972, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.654, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Naylor, Genevieve, American, 1915–1989

    • São Januário Trolley, early 1940s, gelatin silver print, 2019.82.3, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund
    • A Café, Brazil, early 1940s, gelatin silver print, 2019.82.4, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund

    Nègre, Charles, French, 1820–1880

    • Arlesiennes dans le Cloître de Saint-Trophime (Women from Arles in the Cloisters of Saint Trophime), 1852/1854, salted paper print, 2018.173.2, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    Newhall, Nancy, American, 1908–1974

    • Dorothy Norman, 1947, gelatin silver print, 2018.201.3, Gift of Nancy Norman Lassalle

    Newman, Arnold, American, 1918–2006

    • Mary and Dan Solomon, 1989, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.115, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Nixon, Nicholas, American, born 1947

    • The Brown Sisters, Brookline, Massachusetts, 2018, gelatin silver print, 2019.37.1, Randi and Bob Fisher Fund

    Noel, Frank, American, 1905–1966

    • Water!, 1943, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.615, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Water!, 1943, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.616, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Norman, Dorothy, American, 1905–1997

    • Church, Falmouth, Cape Cod, 1933, gelatin silver print, 2018.201.6, Gift of Nancy Norman Lassalle
    • Church, Falmouth, Cape Cod, 1933, gelatin silver print, 2018.201.7, Gift of Nancy Norman Lassalle
    • Church, Falmouth, Cape Cod, 1933, gelatin silver print, 2018.201.8, Gift of Nancy Norman Lassalle
    • Meeting House in Shadow, Church, Falmouth, Cape Cod, 1933, gelatin silver print, 2018.201.9, Gift of Nancy Norman Lassalle
    • Chatham, Massachusetts, 1937, gelatin silver print, 2018.201.10, Gift of Nancy Norman Lassalle
    • White Blossoms and Fence, Woodstock, New York, 1936, gelatin silver print, 2018.201.11, Gift of Nancy Norman Lassalle
    • White Blossoms and Fence, Woodstock, New York, 1936, gelatin silver print, 2018.201.12, Gift of Nancy Norman Lassalle
    • Chatham, Massachusetts, 1937, gelatin silver print, 2018.201.13, Gift of Nancy Norman Lassalle
    • Alfred Stieglitz, 1934, gelatin silver print, 2018.201.14, Gift of Nancy Norman Lassalle
    • Luise Rainer, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.201.15, Gift of Nancy Norman Lassalle
    • Column, 1930s, gelatin silver print, 2018.201.16, Gift of Nancy Norman Lassalle
    • Church and Tree, 1930s, gelatin silver print, 2018.201.17, Gift of Nancy Norman Lassalle
    • Flower, 1930s, gelatin silver print, 2018.201.18, Gift of Nancy Norman Lassalle

    Okanoue, Toshiko, Japanese, born 1928

    • Full of Life, 1954, collage of photomechanical prints on paper, 2019.31.1, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund

    Oppenheim, Dennis, American, 1938–2011

    • Air Pressure Hand, 1970, 6 chromogenic prints and 1 photomechanical print, 2019.122.1, Corcoran Collection (Gift of the Artist)

    Oswald, Marina, American, born 1941

    • Lee Harvey Oswald with Rifle, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.519, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Paglen, Trevor, American, born 1974

    • ONYX V/HYBRID and Other Spacecraft from Glacier Point (Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Satellite): USA, 2015, chromogenic print, 2018.177.116, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Parks, Gordon, American, 1912–2006

    • Langston Hughes, Chicago, 1941, gelatin silver print, 2019.17.1, Avalon Fund
    • Lt. George Knox. 332nd Fighter Group training at Selfridge Field, Michigan (“Fighters up! And good luck.”), 1943, gelatin silver print, 2019.17.2, Avalon Fund
    • Ingrid Bergman, Stromboli, Italy, 1949, gelatin silver print, 2019.17.3, Avalon Fund
    • Lt. “Wild Bill” William Walker, former college athlete, in the cockpit of a P39, Selfridge Field, Michigan (“All clear—Contact.”), 1943, gelatin silver print, 2019.17.4, Avalon Fund
    • Lt. “Wild Bill” William Walker and Lt. George Knox 332nd Fighter Group, Selfridge Field, Michigan (“A guy like Bill has got to come in—Let’s wait a while longer.”), 1943, gelatin silver print, 2019.108.1, Gift of The Gordon Parks Foundation
    • Untitled, Harlem, New York (Doll Test), 1947, gelatin silver print, 2019.108.2, Gift of The Gordon Parks Foundation
    • Off on My Own, 1948, gelatin silver print, 2019.108.3, Gift of The Gordon Parks Foundation
    • 332nd Fighter Group in Flight, Selfridge Field, Michigan (“At last we are airborne—We take up our battle positions—White wisps pass us—It’s glorious up here.”), 1943, gelatin silver print, 2019.108.4, Gift of The Gordon Parks Foundation
    • Pilots Gambling in Ready Room, Selfridge Field, Michigan (“I fired a long burst and saw an explosion behind the pilot’s cockpit—He went straight down—I tried to follow—When he crashed three white blobs jumped out of the ground—Heh! This isn’t my deal!”), 1943, gelatin silver print, 2019.108.5, Gift of The Gordon Parks Foundation
    • P40 in Line for Take Off, Selfridge Field, Michigan (“We’re back sugar—Thanks a lot—You’re a great gal.”), 1943, gelatin silver print, 2019.108.6, Gift of The Gordon Parks Foundation

    Parr, Martin, British, born 1952

    • New Brighton, Merseyside, 1984, chromogenic print, 2019.80.1, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund
    • Conservative “Midsummer Madness” Party, Bath, Avon, 1986–1989, chromogenic print, 2019.80.2, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund
    • Royal Commonwealth Society “Function for a Summer Evening,” Bristol, 1986–1989, chromogenic print, 2019.81.1, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund
    • New Brighton, Merseyside, 1984, chromogenic print, 2019.81.2, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund

    Patterson, Christian, American, born 1972

    • Ray of Light, 2006, inkjet print, 2018.177.117, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Penn, Irving, American, 1917–2009

    • Joe Louis, New York, 1948, printed 1999, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.118, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Underfoot I, 1999, printed 2001, gelatin silver print, 2018.186.1, Gift of Jeffrey Fraenkel and Frish Brandt
    • Underfoot II, 2000, printed 2001, gelatin silver print, 2018.186.2, Gift of Jeffrey Fraenkel and Frish Brandt

    Pineda, John, American, active 1960s

    • Texas School Book Depository, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.647, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Porter, Eliot, American, 1901–1990

    • Spruce Trees in Fog, Great Spruce Head Island, Maine, 1954, dye imbibition print, 2018.177.119, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Adirondack Mountains, New York, 1965, dye imbibition print, 2018.177.120, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Trees and Bare Branches, Newfound Gap Road, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee, 1968, dye imbibition print, 2018.177.121, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Potter, Norman, British, born 1932

    • Roger Bannister Breaks Four Minute Mile Barrier, 1954, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.593, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Pringle, James, Irish, 1919–1970

    • Actress Gina Lollobrigida Watches President Kennedy, 1962, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.645, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Ray-Jones, Tony, British, 1941–1972

    • City of London, 1967, gelatin silver print, 2019.9.1, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund
    • Butlin’s Holiday Camp, Scarborough, 1968, gelatin silver print, 2019.69.7, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund

    Reas, Paul, British, born 1955

    • Army Wallpaper, B&Q Store, Newport South Wales, c. 1987, inkjet print, 2019.69.8, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund
    • Hand of Pork, Newport South Wales, c. 1987, inkjet print, 2019.69.9, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund
    • Redundant Miner, c. 1991, inkjet print, 2019.69.10, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund
    • Constable County, Flatford Mill, Suffolk, c. 1992, inkjet print, 2019.69.11, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund

    Reed, Roland W., American, 1864–1934

    • The Pass Finders, Piegan, Montana, 1913, photogravure, 2018.177.203, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Up the Cutbank, Piegan, Montana, 1915, photogravure, 2018.177.204, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Regan, Ken, American, 1940–2012

    • Women’s Liberation Demonstration, 1970, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.570, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Richebourg, Pierre-Ambrose, French, 1810–after 1893

    • Assembly of Troops for Napoleon III, Place Bellecour de Lyon, 1860, albumen print, 2019.20.3, Purchased as the Gift of Diana and Mallory Walker

    Rosecrans, Charles D., American, 1920–1950

    • Where a Bomb Shook World a Year Ago, School, Hiroshima, Japan, 1946, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.398, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Rowe, Abbie, American, 1905–1967

    • President Franklin D. Roosevelt Signing the Declaration of War against Japan, in the Wake of the Attack on Pearl Harbor, 1941, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.326, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Rubinfien, Leo, American, born 1953

    • Wounded Cities, 2014, portfolio of 100 inkjet prints, 3 title pages, 1 colophon and 1 book, 2018.181.1–100, Anonymous gift

    Salomon, Erich, German, 1886–1944

    • Edouard Herriot at Disarmament Conference, 1933, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.293, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Sargent, Robert F., American, 1923–1969

    • Into the Jaws of Death, 1944, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.335, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Sawada, Kyoichi, Japanese, 1936–1970

    • Sargent Glen Longstreet of Garden City, Michigan and SP4 Clayton A. Winkler of Wolfe Creek, Oregon Look at Bodies of Viet Cong Guerillas in Dry Rice Paddy…, 1966, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.562, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Flight to Safety, 1965, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.627, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Schreiber, Larry, American, 1914–2005

    • Keeping Fit While Living in a Fallout Shelter, 1960, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.405, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Schulke, Flip, American, 1930–2008

    • Coretta Scott King, Ebenezer Baptist Church, Georgia, 1968, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.626, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Secchiaroli, Tazio, Italian, 1925–1998

    • Fellini on the Set of 8 1/2, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.122, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Shere, Sam, American, born Belarus, 1905–1982

    • Terrific Explosion Sends Hindenburg Crashing to Earth, 1937, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.656, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Shindler, Antonio Zeno, American, 1823–1899

    • Alexander Gardner, William Henry Jackson, and Antonio Zeno Shindler with Pueblo delegates Alejandro Padilla, Governor of Isleta, and Ambrosio Abeita, Ex-Governor of Isleta, 1868, albumen print, 2018.177.76, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Silk, George, American, born New Zealand, 1916–2004

    • Chinese Child Holding an Empty Rice Bowl, 1946, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.375, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Silvy, Camille, French, 1834–1910

    • Adelina Patti, c. 1861, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.23, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Siskind, Aaron, American, 1903–1991

    • Pleasures and Terrors of Levitation #481, 1953, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.123, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Pleasures and Terrors of Levitation #63, 1956, gelatin silver print, 2018.206.1, Gift of Fern M. Schad
    • Pleasures and Terrors of Levitation #25, 1957, gelatin silver print, 2018.206.2, Gift of Fern M. Schad
    • Pleasures and Terrors of Levitation #67, 1956, gelatin silver print, 2018.206.3, Gift of Fern M. Schad
    • Pleasures and Terrors of Levitation #51, 1957, gelatin silver print, 2018.206.5, Gift of Fern M. Schad
    • Pleasures and Terrors of Levitation #50, 1961, gelatin silver print, 2018.206.6, Gift of Fern M. Schad
    • Chicago 2, 1970, gelatin silver print, 2018.206.12, Gift of Fern M. Schad
    • Pleasures and Terrors of Levitation #14, 1957, gelatin silver print, 2018.206.20, Gift of Fern M. Schad

    slavick, elin o’Hara, American, born 1965

    • Lone Blue Bottle, 2008–2011, cyanotype, 2018.177.124, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Smith, David F., American, 1915–1991

    • Oswald Rushed to Parkland Hospital, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.518, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Smith, Graham, British, born 1947

    • The Queen’s Pub, Southbank, Middlesbrough, 1981, gelatin silver print, 2019.82.1, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund

    Smith, Keith, American, born 1938

    • Book Number 117, 1986, hand-bound album with photographs, stitching and illustrations, 2018.149.1, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Smith, W. Eugene, American, 1918–1978

    • Rescued from Cave of Death, 1944, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.339, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Solomon, Rosalind, American, born 1930

    • Mother, Daughter and Maid, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1988, printed 1993, gelatin silver print, 2018.148.1, Robert Menschel and the Vital Projects Fund

    Sommer, Frederick, American, born Italy, 1905–1999

    • Found Negative, 1948, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.125, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Sommer, Giorgio, Italian, born Germany, 1834–1914

    • Impronte, Pompei (Cast, Pompeii), c. 1870, albumen print, 2018.177.126, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Impronte Umane, Pompei (Human Casts, Pompeii), c. 1870, albumen print, 2018.177.127, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Impronte Umane, Pompei (Human Cast, Pompeii), 1873, albumen print, 2018.177.128, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Casa di Marco Lucrezio, Pompei (House of Marco Lucrezio, Pompeii), c. 1870, albumen print, 2018.177.129, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Écrivain Public, Naples, 1865–1870, albumen print with applied color, 2018.177.130, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Strada di Sallustio, Pompei (Street of Sallustio, Pompeii), c. 1870, albumen print, 2018.177.131, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Casa del Poeta Tragico, Pompei (House of the Tragic Poet, Pompeii), c. 1870, albumen print, 2018.177.132, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Soth, Alec, American, born 1969

    • Charles, Vasa, Minnesota, 2002, chromogenic print, 2018.177.133, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Two Towels, 2004, chromogenic print, 2018.177.134, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Southworth, Albert Sands, American, 1811–1894, and Josiah Johnson Hawes, American, 1808–1901

    • Portrait of a Young Woman, c. 1855, daguerreotype, 2018.168.2, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    Spackman, B. L., British, 1824–1879

    • Construction of the 1862 International Exhibition at South Kensington, 1862, albumen print, 2019.7.1, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Stearns, Stan, American, 1935–2012

    • Like a Little Soldier, John F. Kennedy Jr., Who Celebrates His 3rd Birthday 11/25, Salutes as the Casket of His Father, the Late President Kennedy, Is Carried from ST. Matthew’s Cathedral, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.509, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Stieglitz, Alfred, American, 1864–1946

    • A Dirigible, 1910, printed 1911, photogravure, 2018.177.135, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Aeroplane, 1910, printed 1911, photogravure, 2018.177.136, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Poplar, Lake George, 1937, gelatin silver print, 2018.179.1, Gift of Normandie Foundation
    • Poplar, Lake George, 1932, gelatin silver print, 2018.179.2, Gift of Normandie Foundation
    • From My Window at An American Place, North, 1930, gelatin silver print, 2018.183.1, Gift of Susan and Peter MacGill
    • Untitled, 1930, gelatin silver print, 2018.183.2, Gift of Susan and Peter MacGill
    • Dorothy Norman, 1930/1931, gelatin silver print, 2018.201.1, Gift of Nancy Norman Lassalle
    • Dorothy Norman, 1931, gelatin silver print, 2018.201.2, Gift of Nancy Norman Lassalle
    • Dorothy Norman, 1936, gelatin silver print, 2018.201.4, Gift of Nancy Norman Lassalle
    • Woods Hole House, 1931, gelatin silver print, 2018.201.5, Gift of Nancy Norman Lassalle

    Stoughton, Cecil, American, 1920–2008

    • Johnson Becomes President, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.498, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Widow Consoled, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.499, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Photo Shows O’Donnell Present at LBJ Oath-Taking, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.500, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Oath of Office, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.501, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Strand, Paul, American, 1890–1976

    • Blind Woman, New York, 1916, printed 1917, photogravure, 2018.177.3, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Yawning Woman, New York, 1916, printed 1917, photogravure, 2018.177.4, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Man in a Derby, New York, 1916, printed 1917, photogravure, 2018.177.5, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Woman, Washington Square Park, New York, 1916, printed 1917, photogravure, 2018.177.6, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Man, Five Points Square, New York, 1916, printed 1917, photogravure, 2018.177.7, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Sandwich Man, New York, 1916, printed 1917, photogravure, 2018.177.8, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • From the Viaduct, New York, 1916, printed 1917, photogravure, 2018.177.9, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • From the Viaduct, New York, 1916, printed 1917, photogravure, 2018.177.10, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • White Fence, Port Kent, New York, 1916, printed 1917, photogravure, 2018.177.137, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Abstraction, Porch Shadows, Twin Lakes, Connecticut, 1916, printed 1917, photogravure, 2018.177.138, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Abstraction, Bowls, Twin Lakes, Connecticut, 1916, printed 1917, photogravure, 2018.177.139, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Strobel, Dick, American, 1910–1998

    • Stars of One of America’s Most Spectacular Atomic Bomb Test Will Be These Mannequins—Yucca Flat, Nevada, 1955, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.404, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Struss, Karl, American, 1886–1981

    • Reflections, Venice, 1909, platinum print, 2018.145.15, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    Sultan, Larry, American, 1946–2009

    • My Mother Posing for Me, 1984, chromogenic print, 2019.98.1, Scott Nathan and Laura DeBonis Fund

    Takagi, Madoka, American, born Japan, 1956–2015

    • Saddle Peak Road, Topanga, 1994, printed 1996, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.140, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • 7th Street, Santa Monica, 1994, printed 1995, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.141, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Washington Avenue & 2nd Street, Santa Monica, 1994, printed 1996, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.142, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Crenshaw/Washington Boulevard, Mid City, 1994, printed 1996, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.143, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Vic Arlington/10, 1994, printed 1995, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.144, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Micheltorena Street, Silver Lake, 1994, printed 1995, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.145, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Victoria Avenue/Grandview, Mar Vista, 1995, printed 1996, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.146, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Vista Del Mar (Via LAX), 1995, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.147, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Schueren Road, Topanga, 1995, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.148, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Victoria Avenue/Grandview, Mar Vista, 1995, printed 1996, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.149, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Stewart Street (UC Sawtelle) Santa Monica, 1995, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.150, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Charnock Road/Inglewood Boulevard, Mar Vista (Venice), 1995, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.151, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Victoria Avenue/McLaughlin Avenue, Mar Vista, 1995, printed 1996, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.152, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Grandview Avenue/Angelus Place, Venice, 1995, printed 1996, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.153, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Entrada Drive, Pacific Palisades/Santa Monica, 1995, printed 1996, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.154, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • 15th Street/Broadway, Santa Monica, 1995, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.155, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Silver Lake Boulevard/Marathon Street, Silver Lake, 1995, printed 1996, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.156, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • 21st Street/Hobart Street, Mid City, 1995, printed 1996, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.157, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Sunset Boulevard/La Brea, 1995, printed 1996, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.158, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Valley Heart Drive, Studio City, 1995, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.159, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Venice, 1995, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.160, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • 7th Street/Near San Vicente, Santa Monica, 1995, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.161, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Los Angeles 3, 1996, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.680, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • 12th Street/Arlington, Country Park, 1995, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.681, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Marathon Street/Lafayette, Silver Lake, 1995, printed 1996, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.682, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Georgina, Santa Monica, 1995, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.683, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Rustic Road, Pacific Palisades, 1995, printed 1996, platinum/palladium print, 2018.177.684, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Taub, William Paul, American, 1923–2010, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration

    • Apollo 11 in Quarantine, 1969, chromogenic print, 2018.177.38, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Teske, Edmund, American, 1911–1996

    • E R (Untitled Wall Abstraction), 1960s, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.162, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Thornell, Jack R., American, born 1939

    • James Meredith Hits the Dusk after Shot, 1966, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.624, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Titov, Gherman Stepanovich, Russian, 1935–2000

    • Gherman Titov, the Soviet Cosmonaut, 1961, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.532, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Tripe, Linnaeus, British, 1822–1902

    • Beekinpully: Permaul’s Swing at Mariammah Covil, 1857–1858, albumen print, 2018.145.2, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    Troutman, Stanley, American, born 1917

    • City of Wholesale Annihilation, Nagasaki, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.395, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Turbeville, Deborah, American, 1932–2013

    • Fashion Study, 1970s, diffusion transfer print (Polaroid), 2018.177.163, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Fashion Study, 1970s, diffusion transfer print (Polaroid), 2018.177.164, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Fashion Study, 1970s, diffusion transfer print (Polaroid), 2018.177.165, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Underwood and Underwood, American, 1881–1940

    • Lindbergh Arrives in Army Plane as 7,500,000 Throng Roars Welcome, 1927, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.285, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    United States Coast Guard, American, founded 1790

    • D-Day—Panorama of Joint Operations in Initial Assault, 1944, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.341, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Monument to an American, 1944, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.342, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Unknown 19th Century

    • Warwick Castle on the River Avon, c. 1853, salted paper print, 2018.168.7, Patrons’ Permanent Fund
    • Portrait of a Family, 1850s, salted paper print with applied color, 2018.177.212, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Portrait of a Man, 1850s, salted paper print with applied color, 2018.177.214, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Unknown 20th Century

    • Solar Eclipse a Ring in the Sky, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.21, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Blaupunkt Tube Radio, c. 1955, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.238, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (Carnival girls), c. 1900, cyanotype, 2018.177.269, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Charles Lindbergh, “Hello Paris!, Comment Ca Va?,” 1927, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.284, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • A Spy is Shot in Spain, 1937, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.307, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Sigmund Freud and His Daughter Anna en Route to London, 1938, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.308, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Hitler Makes a Speech, 1939, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.309, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Adolf Hitler, 1937, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.310, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Western Front, Belgium, 1939, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.316, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Gas Masks at Museum of Chemical Warfare, 1939, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.317, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Roosevelt and Churchill at the Casablanca Conference, 1943, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.327, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • WWII Philippines Devastation near Manila, 1942, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.329, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • A Nazi about to Drop to the Ground after a Russian Bullet Had Struck Him during Street Fighting in Stalingrad, 1943, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.330, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Nazi Propaganda Booklet, 1943, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.333, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Warsaw Poles Surrender, 1944, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.345, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Big Three at the Yalta Conference, Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.346, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Big Three Gather at the Yalta Conference, Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.347, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • “German Civilians Forced to View Nazi Atrocities,” the Bodies of Belsen, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.353, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Coal Miners Pay Tribute in Bond Rally, Iwo Jima, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.359, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Allied Flier Leonard Siffleet Beheaded by Japanese, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.360, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Gruesome Twosome, Benito Mussolini and Claretta Petacci, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.361, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Bread Ration Germany, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.364, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • German Civilians Tour Nazi Horror Mill, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.366, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Too Weak to Walk after Liberation, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.369, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • One Day’s Work, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.370, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Concentration Camps, Axis and Russian Camps, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.371, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • First Jewish Slave Girls Camp Liberated, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.372, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Grim Duty, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.373, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Anne Frank, 1942, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.374, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Famine in India, 1943, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.376, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • A Picture Tale of Human Misery, 1939, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.377, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Jewish Youth Crowd Shipboard Cage, 1947, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.378, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Jewish Refugees…, 1947, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.379, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Jewish Refugees, 1947, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.380, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • “Down with Bevin Terror in Palestine!,” 1947, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.381, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • An Effigy of Britain’s Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin…, 1947, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.382, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Hiroshima Devastation, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.390, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Time Stopped by Atom Bomb, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.391, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Power Unlimited, Nagasaki, Japan, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.392, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Atom-Blasted Nagasaki Suburbs, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.393, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Nagasaki Wiped Clean by Atomic Bomb, 1945, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.396, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Hiroshima, One Year After, Scarred Child, 1946, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.399, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Soviet Leaders May Day Parade, 1952, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.406, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Salutes for the Red Army, 1952, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.407, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Case of the Iron Brassiere, 1950, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.423, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Hungarian Rioters, 1956, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.425, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Two Victims of the Hungarian Revolt, 1956, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.426, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Joseph Stalin Statue Destroyed in Budapest, Hungary Uprising, 1956, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.427, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Destroyed Tank, Budapest, Hungary, 1956, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.428, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Last Photo Out of Hungary Shows Soviet Tanks Moving In, Budapest, Hungary, 1956, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.429, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Food Her Only Thought, Budapest, Hungary, 1956, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.430, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Barricade, Berlin Wall, 1961, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.431, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • A Tale of Two Cities—Flower Pots Sit Atop and Empty Show Window, 1961, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.433, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Red Perch, 1962, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.434, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • American U-2 Pilot Francis Gary Powers…, 1960, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.435, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Appeal Rejected, 1961, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.436, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Eichmann’s Death Sentence Appeal Rejected, 1961, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.437, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Nazi on Trial—Adolf Eichmann, 1961, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.438, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • TV Robot—On Show at Berlin Radio Show, 1961, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.439, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Macchie Solare, Foto Osservatorio di Monte Wilson, 1971, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.530, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Model Twiggy and Agent Justin de Villeneuve, 1967, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.552, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Self-Immolation of South Vietnamese School Girl, 1965, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.554, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • A Saigon Monk’s Fiery Death, 1970, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.555, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Son Watched as Woman Knelt at the Body of her Husband, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.556, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Vinh Execution, 1966, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.557, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Yves Saint Laurent, World Famous Designer, Introduces New Fragrance Line, 1966, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.558, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Owens Sets Broad Jump Record, 1936, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.589, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Bob Beamon Flies to New World Record, 1968, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.600, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Beatles Asked to Reunite, 1968, printed 1979, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.604, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • The Who, 1968, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.605, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Blurred Television Image Broadcast from London, 1939, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.632, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Sorry! Faulty Network Transmission, 1952, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.634, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Giant Head of Abraham Lincoln Televised in England via Telestar, 1962, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.646, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Soyuz Lands, 1975, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.652, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • “First Soldier” Takes Command, 1939, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.657, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • A Hiroshima Bombing Victim’s Skin is Burned in the Pattern Corresponding to a Kimono Worn at the Time of the Atomic Bomb Explosion, 1945, printed 1995, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.659, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Fidel Castro, 1961, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.662, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Untitled (trophy presented to Alfred Stieglitz), c. 1900, silver cup, 2019.123.1, Museum Purchase

    Ut, Huynh Cong “Nick,” American, born Vietnam, 1951

    • Terror of War, 1972, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.629, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Uzzle, Burk, American, born 1938

    • Woodstock Couple, 1969, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.609, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Valli, Giorgia, Italian, born 1985

    • AA AEIA IUE, 2013, inkjet print, 2018.177.676, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • IA UA OA, 2013, inkjet print, 2018.177.677, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • IA AAEAO EAO, 2013, inkjet print, 2018.177.678, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Vance, Robert H., American, 1825–1876

    • Portrait of Six Men, 1850s, daguerreotype, 2018.177.167, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Van Der Zee, James, American, 1886–1983

    • Lady with Wide-Brimmed Straw Hat, 1934, gelatin silver print, 2019.58.1, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Young Woman in White Dress, 1930, gelatin silver print with applied color, 2019.58.2, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Vannerson, Julian, American, 1826–1880

    • Portrait of a Native American Man, 1858, salted paper print, 2019.91.1, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Various Artists

    • Six by Six, 2011–2016, 36 bound volumes and 36 photographs, 2018.177.168, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • One Picture Book, 1998–2016, 115 artist books with prints, 2018.177.169, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Vathis, Paul, American, 1925–2002

    • Two Men with a Problem, 1961, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.620, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • In Step, 1961, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.621, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Vigier, Joseph, French, 1821–1894

    • Bagnères-de-Luchon at the Foot of the Castel-Vielh Tower, 1853, albumen print, 2018.168.3, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    Ward, Joseph, American, 1820–1898

    • Booth and his Associates, 1865, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.4, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Watkins, Margaret, Canadian, 1884–1969

    • Domestic Symphony, 1919, printed 1920s, gelatin silver print, 2018.155.1, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund
    • Angles (The Wharf), 1922, platinum print, 2019.35.1, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Weegee, American, 1899–1968

    • The Eyes Have It, 1953, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.592, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Weiss, Sabine, French, born Switzerland, 1924

    • Londres, 1954, gelatin silver print, 2019.34.1, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund
    • Paris, 1953, gelatin silver print, 2019.34.2, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund
    • Vitrine magasin du Printemps, Paris, 1951, gelatin silver print, 2019.34.3, Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad Fund

    Wenderoth, Taylor, & Brown, American, active 1860s

    • Frank. Frederick. Alice., 1865, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.15, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund
    • Portrait of a Woman, c. 1860, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.27, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Weston, Edward, American, 1886–1958

    • Sea Fowl and Rock, Point Reyes, 1942, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.170, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Widener, Jeff, American, born 1956

    • A Chinese Man Stands in Front of Tanks Heading East down Cangan Boulevard…, 1989, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.631, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Wiener, Leigh, American, 1929–1993

    • Johnson Arrives for 1960 Democratic National Convention, 1960, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.524, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Willard, Oliver Harvey, American, 1828–1875

    • Portrait of a Girl, c. 1857, salted paper print, 2018.145.1, Patrons’ Permanent Fund

    Wilson, Robert Kenneth, British, 1899–1969

    • Shadow of Loch Ness Monster, 1934, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.611, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Winogrand, Garry, American, 1928–1984

    • Centennial Ball, Metropolitan Museum, New York, 1969, gelatin silver print, 2018.206.4, Gift of Fern M. Schad
    • The Fort Worth Fat Stock Show and Rodeo, 1974–1977, gelatin silver print, 2018.206.17, Gift of Fern M. Schad

    Wise, George D., American, c. 1811–1875

    • Portrait of a Woman, 1860s, salted paper print with applied color, 2018.177.215, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Wolcott, Marion Post, American, 1910–1990

    • One of the mulattoes who works on the John Henry Plantation and is very skilled in woodwork, weaving and crafts. Melrose, Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana, 1940, gelatin silver print, 2018.189.7, Gift of Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser

    Wolff’s Gallery, American, active 1860s

    • Portrait of a First Lieutenant, Infantry, c. 1863, salted paper print with applied color, 2018.177.213, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Wood, George H., American, 1832–1903

    • Woman in Costume of Queen of the Night, c. 1860, albumen print (carte-de-visite), 2019.12.26, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Wortley, Stuart, Colonel, British, 1832–1890

    • The Chiaja and St Elmo from the Mergollina, Naples, c. 1863, albumen print, 2019.92.1, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Wunsch, Bill, American, born c. 1942

    • Jane Fonda, 1970, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.571, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Yamawaki, Iwao, Japanese, 1898–1987

    • A Ship’s Deck, 1930, gelatin silver print, 2018.150.1, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund

    Yaro, Boris, American, born 1938

    • Robert Kennedy Lies Gravely Wounded, 1968, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.528, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon

    Zapruder, Abraham, American, born Russia, 1905–1970

    • President Kennedy Slumps over toward Jackie, Mortally Wounded, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.491, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Film Records Assassination Moment, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.492, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Jackie Crawling Out of Limousine as Clint Hill Jumps on Bumper, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.493, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon
    • Zapruder Film Still, 1963, gelatin silver print, 2018.177.664, Gift of Mary and Dan Solomon