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Audio Stop 617

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A man with pale peach skin and dark hair wears a military uniform and stands in front of a desk in this vertical portrait painting. He nearly fills the composition so seems close to us, and he looks directly at us. His body is angled slightly to our left and he tucks his right hand, on our left, flat against his chest between the buttons of his jacket. His navy-blue waistcoat is white along the front where it is fastened with brass buttons along his chest. The jacket has red cuffs, gold epaulets on the shoulders, and three medals affixed to the chest. White britches end just below the knee, and white stockings covering his calves are wrinkled at the ankle above black shoes with brass buckles. A candle burns low in a lamp on an ornately carved and gilded desk behind the man. Books and papers are piled on the desk to our right. More papers and a thin sword rest on a chair in front of the desk to our right. The chair is also carved and gilded, and is upholstered with scarlet-red fabric decorated with gold bees. The legs of the chair push back the forest-green carpet underfoot. A tall clock stands on the wall opposite us and reads 4:13. A few capital letters are written on a scroll of paper on the chair, “COD.” The artist’s name is also written as if printed on a scroll of paper on the floor behind the desk to our left: “LVD.CI.DAVID OPVS 1812.”

Jacques-Louis David

The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries, 1812

West Building, Main Floor — Gallery 56

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         [sound effect: clock ticking]


         The clock reads 4:13 in the morning. The candles on the desk have burned almost completely down. Who is this man and why has he been up all night?


         Bonjour, I am Napoleon Bonaparte, ruler of France. Welcome to my study.



         What does this portrait tell us about Napoleon? Look closely for clues. Start with his clothing.

         Napoleon is wearing the blue, white, and red uniform of a general in the French military. With all of his shiny gold and silver medals, we can tell he has been brave in battle. On the floor behind the left side of the desk, is a half-rolled map used for military plans. Did you notice Napoleon’s sword resting on the chair?

         But wait! There are more clues that Napoleon is an important ruler. It appears as if he has just pushed back his chair, rumpling the carpet. He has risen from the desk, where he had been sitting and writing with the quill pen that now rests on the edge.

         See the rolled paper on the right of the desk with the letters “CODE?” The artist wanted you to think that Napoleon has been up all night creating the Napoleonic Code, a new system of laws for the people of France.

         Napoleon Bonaparte became ruler of France in 1799 and crowned himself Emperor in 1804. This portrait was painted when Napoleon was 43 years old, by the artist Jacques-Louis David. If you look closely, you might be able to find David’s name in the painting. Look at the bottom left of the picture: David put his name on the map as a way of signing and dating his painting!

         David created many images of Napoleon, including portraits and important events during his reign. In fact, Napoleon appointed David to the important position of First Painter. Two years after David made this painting, Napoleon was defeated in battle and overthrown as the ruler.


      I surrender. Vive la France.

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