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Lifetime Exhibitions Index

Alfred Stieglitz Lifetime Exhibition: 1908, London

“Sixteenth Exhibition of the Photographic Salon” (organized by The Linked Ring), 11 September–24 October


Shows works made in collaboration with Clarence H. White

Works Exhibited

81 No. 2
82 No. 1
83 Torso
84 Triptych
85 No. 4
86 No. 3

Select Reviews

“The Germano-American Salon,” The British Journal of Photography 55 (11 September 1908), 692

“The Photographic Salon: Stieglitz and White,” The British Journal of Photography 55 (18 September 1908), 726

Antony Guest, “The Photographic Salon,” The Amateur Photographer and Photographic News 48 (22 September 1908), 271–272

A. J. Anderson, “Correspondence” [letter to the Editor], The Amateur Photographer and Photographic News 48 (22 September 1908), 283

Frank Roy Fraprie, “The English Photographic Exhibitions,” American Photography 2 (November 1908), 618–626

“The Greater Exhibitions. II. The Photographic Salon,” Photograms of the Year (London, 1908), 12–23