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Lifetime Exhibitions Index

Alfred Stieglitz Lifetime Exhibition: 1899, London

The Gallery of the Society of Painters in Water Colours, Pall Mall, “Royal Photographic Society, Forty-fourth Annual Exhibition,” 23 September–11 November


Wins medal in “Pictorial Section” for A Vignette in Two Colors

Works Exhibited

299 A Vignette in Two Colors (platinum developed locally with various solutions)
305 A Study (platinum)
306 A Study—from same negative as no. 305 (platinum developed with glycerine)
312 Sketch in Two Colors (platinum developed locally with various solutions)
321 A Study (platinum)
323 A Study—from same negative as no. 321 (platinum developed with glycerine)

Select Reviews

“Exhibition of the Royal Photographic Society,” The Amateur Photographer 30 (29 September 1899), 246

“The Royal Photographic Society’s Exhibition,” The Photographic News 43 (29 September 1899), 617–618, 620–621, 684

“The Royal Photographic Society’s Exhibition,” The British Journal of Photography 46 (29 September 1899), 612–613

“Notes,” The Photo-Miniature 1 (October 1899), 357–358

“The Royal Photographic Society’s Exhibition, Final Notice,” The Photographic News 43:199 (20 October 1899), 684–685

W. Thomas, “An Impression of Pall Mall,” The Amateur Photographer 30 (3 November 1899), 343

“Editorial Notes,” The Photographic Times 31 (December 1899), 582