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Lifetime Exhibitions Index

Alfred Stieglitz Lifetime Exhibition: 1889, Philadelphia

The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, “Third Annual Joint Exhibition” (organized by the Photographic Society of Philadelphia, The Boston Camera Club, and the Society of Amateur Photographers, New York), 8–20 April


Shows twelve photographs, the only Pizzitypes (printed-out platinums) in the exhibition, including Returned; The Approaching Storm, Lake Como; and Grindelwald, Switzerland

Select Reviews

“The Third Annual Joint Exhibition of Photographs,” The Photographic Times and American Photographer 19 (5 April 1889), 176–177

“Philadelphia Exhibition,” Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin 20 (13 April 1889), 216–217; continued (20 May 1889), 303–306

“Third Annual Exhibition of Photography at Philadelphia,” American Journal of Photography 10 (May 1889), 159–161

F. C. Beach, “Notes on the Philadelphia Exhibition,” The American Amateur Photographer 1:1 (July 1889), 10–17