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Topics in Post-Tridentine Sacred Art: Church Councils, Pontifical Works, and Miraculous Battles

Silvia Tita, Research Associate, 2017–2018


Ottavio Leoni, Giovanni Baglione, 1625. National Gallery of Art, Washington, Gift of W. G. Russell Allen

Branching out from my study on the legal dimension of Constantinian imagery in the early modern period, I completed an article on late sixteenth- and seventeenth-century representations of church councils (“Before the Lateran and the Vatican”) that addresses the practice of forging history and material evidence and demonstrates the significance of a fabricated past for establishing institutional continuity. Concomitantly, I have furthered development of a parallel project devoted to Giovanni Baglione’s art and writings, presenting another of its draft chapters at an international conference. In addition, I have continued my research on my next book-length project on depicting otherness in imagery related to the battle of Lepanto (1571).

The Visual Politics of Constantinian Imagery in the Early Modern Period
Silvia Tita
, Research Associate, 2016–2017

The Visual Politics of Constantinian Imagery in the Early Modern Period 
Silvia Tita, Research Associate, 2015–2016

The Visual Politics of  Constantinian Imagery
Silvia Tita
, Research Associate, 2014–2015

Leoni, Ottavio
Italian, 1578 - 1630
Ottavio Leoni
Giovanni Baglione