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Giacinto Brandi (1621–1691): Documentary and Philological Research

Guendalina Serafinelli, Research Associate, 2011–2012


Giacinto Brandi, Saint John of Sahagún, Sant’Agostino, Rome. Photograph: Riccardo Budini

Since arriving in January I have devoted my attention primarily to editing a monograph on the Roman painter Giacinto Brandi (1621–1691), the topic of my dissertation (Sapienza Università di Roma, 2010). I also completed an article that provides new documentation and philological consideration of the altarpieces painted by Giacinto Brandi, Andrea Pozzo, Ciro Ferri, and others for the feudal domain of the Pamphili family in Valmontone. In addition, I have written an essay on the importance of the Augustinian Order’s patronage throughout Brandi’s career, as well as several entries for catalogues and other forthcoming publications.

Between Guido Reni and Mattia Preti
Guendalina Serafinelli, Research Associate, 2012–2013

Art and Faith: Martyrdom, Conversion, and Devotion in the Early Modern Period 
Guendalina Serafinelli, Research Associate, 2013–2014

Art and Conversion in Early Modern Rome: The Boncompagni Corcos Family 
Guendalina Serafinelli, Research Associate, 2014–2015