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Members' Research Report Archive

Donor Portraiture in Venice and Jacopo Bellini at the Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista

Joseph Hammond, Research Associate, 2012–2013


Titian, Virgin and Child with Saints and Members of the Pesaro Family, c. 1519–1526. Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice. © 2006, Scala, Florence / Art Resource, NY

In March I presented my findings on donor portraiture in Renaissance Venice at American University. This research demonstrated that the influence of mediocritas on publicly accessible portraiture was more complicated than we have previously thought. In addition, I have been working on an article that reevaluates the primary sources for the cycle of paintings by Jacopo Bellini (c. 1400–c. 1470) depicting the life of Christ and the Virgin Mary in the Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista, Venice. This will result in a significant contribution to our understanding of early Renaissance painting in Venice. My project on the iconography of the Presentation of Christ in Renaissance Venice continues, and I have prepared two related articles for publication later in 2013.

Devotion at Santa Maria dei Carmini
Joseph Hammond, Research Associate, 2011–2012

Carmelite Devotion, Patronage, and Art
Joseph Hammond, Research Associate, 2013–2014