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Members' Research Reports, 2011–2018

Every fellow submits a written summary of the independent research accomplished while in residence at the Center, for publication in the annual Center Report. These reports often represent the first published record of new research, and as such we hope they are useful to scholars working on related topics. For research reports published before 2011, please see the annual Center reports.

Yuka Kadoi, University of Edinburgh
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellow, June 1–July 31, 2015
Inventing Persian Art

Subhashini Kaligotla
[Columbia University]
Ittleson Fellow, 2012–2014
Shiva’s Waterfront Temples: Reimagining the Sacred Architecture of India’s Deccan Region

Hagi Kenaan, Tel Aviv University
William C. Seitz Senior Fellow, 2016–2017
The Origins of Photography and the Future of the Image

Kristopher W. Kersey
[University of California, Berkeley]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2012–2014
Emperor GoShirakawa and the Image of Classical Japan

Michael Kiene, Universität zu Köln
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, September 1–October 31, 2013
Jacques-Ignace Hittorff: The Discovery of Polychromy in the Ancient Architecture of Sicily and the Consequences for Contemporary Art and Archaeology in France

Miri Kim [Princeton University]
Wyeth Fellow, 2013–2015
"Right Matter in the Right Place": The Paintings of Albert Pinkham Ryder

David Young Kim, University of Pennsylvania
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow, 2016–2017 
The Groundwork of Painting: Background, Materiality, and Composition in Italian Renaissance Art

Dale Kinney
, Bryn Mawr College (emerita)
Samuel H. Kress Professor, 2016–2017
Santa Maria in Trastevere: The Life of a Medieval Building in Early Modern Rome

Amy Helene Kirschke
, University of North Carolina Wilmington
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellow, June 15–August 15, 2016
Black Ink: Romare Bearden's Political Cartoons

Karen Koehler
, Hampshire College
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, June 15–August 15, 2017
Walter Gropius and Berlin: Distraction, Destruction, and the Meaning of Home

Stefan Krause
, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, November 4–December 19, 2014
Freydal, the Tournament Book of Emperor Maximilian I: The Washington Manuscript

Thomas Kren
, J. Paul Getty Museum, emeritus
Edmond J Safra Visiting Professor, spring 2016
The Nude in the Renaissance in Europe, 1400–1530

Michael Kubo
[Massachusetts Institute of Technology]
Wyeth Fellow, 2015–2017
Architecture Incorporated: Collaboration, Authorship, and Anonymity in Postwar Modernism

Vladimir Kulić
, Florida Atlantic University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, June 15–August 15, 2015
Architecture's Expanded Field: Bogdan Bogdanović and an Alternative Genealogy of Postmodernism

Ulf Küster
, Fondation Beyeler, Riehen / Basel
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellow, January 5–February 28, 2014
Courbet’s Amphibologie

Karen Lang
, University of Warwick
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellow, June 15–August 15, 2016
Philip Guston and the Allegory of Painting

Lara Langer

Research Associate, 2016–2017
Andrea Sansovino and the Question of Modernism in Sixteenth-Century Italian Art

Research Associate, 2017–2018
Raphael, Sculpture, and the Chigi Pyramid Tombs

Mireille Lee
, Vanderbilt University
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, June 15–August 1, 2014
The Life of an Ancient Greek Mirror

Sonya S. Lee
, University of Southern California
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow, 2011–2012
Between Culture and Nature: Cave Temples of Sichuan

Melissa Beck Lemke, National Gallery of Art
Ailsa Mellon Bruce National Gallery of Art Sabbatical Curatorial Fellow, 2015–2016
“No witchery of the camera”: Clarence Kennedy as Photographer, Art Historian, and Innovator

Antoinette Le Normand-Romain
Edmond J. Safra Visiting Professor, fall 2016 / spring 2017
The Tale of a Sculpture: Rodin's Statuette of a Woman

Stephanie C. Leone
, Boston College
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, November 4–December 31, 2014
The Arts in Baroque Rome under Pope Innocent X Pamphilj and His Family (1644–1672)

Jacqueline Lichtenstein, Université Paris-Sorbonne
Edmond J. Safra Visiting Professor, fall 2011
How to Talk about Art: Differences and Limits of Art Theory, Art Criticism, Art History, and Aesthetics

Estelle Lingo, University of Washington, Seattle
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow, 2011–2012
Francesco Mochi and the Edge of Tradition

Andrew W. Mellon Professor, 2016–2018
Mochi's Edge and Bernini's Baroque, Caravaggio's Religious Art, and the Grand Tour from the Italian Perspective

Andrew W. Mellon Professor, 2016–2018
Unbelievable: Rethinking Caravaggio's Religious Art

Stuart Lingo, University of Washington, Seattle
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow, 2012–2013
Bronzino's Bodies: Fortunes of the Ideal Nude in an Age of Reform

Lihong Liu
A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, 2014–2016
The Real Scene: Painting and Place in China, 1450–1550

A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, 2014–2016
The Real Scene: Painting, Life, and Place in China, 1450–1550

Fernando Loffredo

A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, 2015–2017
A Corsair History of Sculpture: Abducting Italian Fountains in the Early Modern Mediterranean

A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, 2015–2017
A Poetic Urgency: Sculpture and Poetry in Dialogue in the Early Modern World

Di Yin Lu
[Harvard University]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2010–2012
Seizing Civilization: Antiquities in Shanghai's Custody, 1949–1996

David M. Lubin, Wake Forest University
William C. Seitz Senior Fellow, 2013–2014
Grand Illusions

Eleonora Luciano
, National Gallery of Art
Ailsa Mellon Bruce National Gallery of Art Sabbatical Curatorial Fellow, February 1–March 31 and May 1–June 30, 2014
More Than a Masterpiece: A Portrait of Elisabetta Gonzaga

María Lumbreras [Johns Hopkins University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 2015–2018
"The Certainty of Likeness": Portraits and the Making of Artistic Knowledge in Early Modern Spain

Caroline Maniaque-Benton
, Université Paris-Est / École nationale supérieure d’architecture Paris-Malaquais
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, November 1–December 30, 2012
Sources of the Alternative Architecture Movement

Frank Martin
, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften / Freie Universität Berlin
Scholar in Residence, September 1–November 9, 2012
Antique Portraits in the Dresden Sculpture Collection: Their Use and Reuse in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries

Louisa C. Matthew, Union College, Schenectady
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellow, January 1–February 29, 2012
Colors and Colorants in Renaissance Venice

Catherine Maumi, École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Grenoble
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, June 15–August 15, 2012
Victor Gruen: A New Architecture for Our Urban Environment

Leo G. Mazow, University of Arkansas in Fayetteville
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, June 15–August 15, 2015
Hopper's Hotels

Michelle McCoy [University of California, Berkeley]
Ittleson Fellow, 2015–2017
Astrology and Astronomy in the Art of Liao-Yuan China and Inner Asia

Sarah Blake McHam
, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, 2014–2015
Rejoice, Lucky Padua, in the Treasure That You Possess

Brendan McMahon [University of Southern California]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2014–2016
“Where sight is scarcely able to assure”:  Iridescence, Vision, and Belief in the Early Modern Hispanic World

Megan C. McNamee
A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, 2016–2018
Picturing Number: Denumeration and Representation in Europe, c. 1000

A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, 2016–2018
Picturing Number in the Central Middle Ages

Suzanne van de Meerendonk
[University of California, Santa Barbara]
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2017–2018
Public Displays of Affection: Negotiating Power and Identity in Ceremonial Receptions in Amsterdam, 1580–1660

Prita Meier
, New York University
William C. Seitz Senior Fellow, 2017–2018
The Surface of Things: A History of Photography from the Swahili Coast, 1860 to the Present

Barbara Mennel
, University of Florida
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, June 17–August 15, 2013
Women and Work in Contemporary European Cinema

Angela Miller, Washington University in St. Louis
William C. Seitz Senior Fellow, 2015–2016
Reason, Magic, and Eros in American Art at Mid-Twentieth Century: The Artists and Writers in the Circle of Lincoln Kirstein

Mary Miller
, Yale University
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow, 2015–2016
The Gold Disks of the Sacred Cenote, Chichen Itza

Elizabeth J. Moodey
, Vanderbilt University
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, March 1–April 30, 2018
Conspicuous Abstention: Grisaille in the Art of the Burgundian Netherlands

Raffaella Morselli
, Università di Teramo, Italy
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellow, March 3–April 30, 2014
The Artist’s Portfolio: Creating, Producing, and Earning in Bologna in the Seventeenth Century

Mary Morton
, National Gallery of Art
Ailsa Mellon Bruce National Gallery of Art Sabbatical Curatorial Fellow, 2016–2017
Considering Caillebotte

Barbara Mundy
, Fordham University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, 2015–2016
The Embodiment of the Word: The Impact of European Books and Print Culture in the New World

Jacqueline Marie Musacchio
, Wellesley College
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellow, January 2–February 28, 2018
American Women Artists in Late Nineteenth-Century Italy

Mauro Mussolin
, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow, 2015–2016
Michelangelo and Paper as Palimpsest

J. Nicholas Napoli
, Pratt Institute
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow / Millon Architectural History Guest Scholar, June 10–August 8, 2013
The High Altar of San Martino in Naples: Toward Enlightened Magnificence

Jennifer Nelson [Yale University]
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2012–2013
Image beyond Likeness: The Chimerism of Early Protestant Visuality

Robert S. Nelson, Yale University
Samuel H. Kress Professor, 2014–2015
Gifts of Presence: Itineraries of a Greek Manuscript from Constantinople to Florence and from the Middles Ages to the Enlightenment

Jason E. Nguyen
 [Harvard University]
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2015–2016
Constructing Classicism: Architectural Theory, Practice, and Expertise in Late Seventeenth-Century Paris

Lawrence W. Nichols
, Toledo Museum of Art
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, March 13–May 12, 2017
Frans Hals—The Family Portraits

Marden Fitzpatrick Nichols
, The Walters Art Museum
A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, 2010–2011
The Pompeian Revival Style in the United States

Tom Nichols
, University of Glasgow
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, November 1–December 19, 2016
Jacopo Bassano and the Invention of Localism

Joshua O'Driscoll
[Harvard University]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2011–2014
Image and Inscription in the Painterly Manuscripts from Ottonian Cologne

Anna Ottani Cavina, Fondazione Federico Zeri, Università di Bologna
Edmond J. Safra Visiting Professor, spring 2014
Landscape Studies: Exploring Visual Representations of Nature

Elisabeth Oy-Marra
, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellow, June 1–July 31, 2011
An Annotated Bilingual Edition of Giovan Pietro Bellori's Le vite de’ pittori, scultori et architetti moderni

Nassos Papalexandrou, University of Texas at Austin
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, November 1, 2015–December 31, 2015
Monsters, Fear, and the Uncanny in the Preclassical Mediterranean

Ann E. Patnaude
[University of Chicago]
Twelve-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2012–2013
Locating Identity: Mixed Inscriptions and Mulitple Media in Greek Art, c. 675–336 BCE

Alison Locke Perchuk
, California State University Channel Islands
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, June 15–August 15, 2016
The Monastery of Elijah: A History in Paint and Stone

Giancarla Periti
, University of Toronto
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow, 2016–2017
Correggio: Borders, Frames, and the Center of Painting

Rachel E. Perry
, Haifa University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellow, September 1–October 31, 2016
Making Painting Matter: Jean Dubuffet, Jean Fautrier, and French Art in the 1940s

Ulrich Pfisterer
, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellow, September 1–October 31, 2013
The "Episteme of Lines’": Printed Drawing Books in Europe, c. 1525‒1625

Catherine Phillips
, St. Petersburg and Norwich, UK
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, January 2–February 28, 2018
From Brussels to the Baltic: Count Charles Conbenzl (1712–1770) and His Collection of Drawings

Mark Salber Phillips
, Carleton University
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, December 3, 2012–January 31, 2013
Distance and History Painting

Lisa Pon, Southern Methodist University
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, January 4–March 7, 2017
Raphael and the Renaissance Arts of Collaboration

Amy Powell
, University of California, Irvine
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow, 2011–2012
The Whitewashed Image: Iconoclasm and Seventeenth-Century Dutch Landscapes

Dominique Poulot, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellow, fall 2013
Making Things Precious across the Atlantic: Negotiating Values, Possession, and Knowledge in the Early Development of National Museums in France and America, 1780–1840

Emily Pugh
Research Associate, 2011–2012
Architecture and Political Identity: Representing Divided Berlin During the Cold War

Research Associate, 2012–2013
SoHo, Kreuzberg, Prenzlauer Berg: Art, Activism, and the Urban Built Environment in the Late Cold War

Research Associate, 2013–2014
SoHo, Kreuzberg, Prenzlauer Berg: Activism and Urban Renewal in the Late Cold War

David Pullins
[Harvard University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 2012–2015
Cut and Paste: The Mobile Image from Watteau to Robert

Jennifer Purtle, University of Toronto
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, 2011–2012
Forms of Cosmpolitanism in the Sino-Mogul City

Fatima Quraishi [New York University]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2016–2018
Necropolis as Palimpsest: The Cemetery of Makli in Sindh, Pakistan (c. 1380–1660)