Board of Advisors
Stephen J. Campbell, Johns Hopkins University
September 2020–August 2023
Bridget R. Cooks, University of California, Irvine
September 2019–August 2022
Maria Gough, Harvard University
September 2020–August 2023
Joan Kee, University of Michigan
September 2021–August 2024
Joanne Pillsbury, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
September 2019–August 2022
Alicia Walker, Bryn Mawr College
September 2020–August 2023
Michael Zell, Boston University
October 2019–August 2022

Center Board of Advisors (clockwise from top left): Alicia Walker, Maria Gough, Joan Kee, Stephen J. Campbell, Bridget R. Cooks, Michael Zell, and Joanne Pillsbury, April 2022
Curatorial Liaison
Franklin Kelly, National Gallery of Art
Christiane Ellis Valone Curator of American Paintings
September 2021–August 2024
Special Selection Committees
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Predoctoral Fellowship for Historians of American Art to Travel Abroad
Nicole Fleetwood, Rutgers University
February 2021–March 2023
Jessica L. Horton, University of Delaware
February 2021–March 2023
Jordana Moore Saggese, University of Maryland
February 2020–March 2022
Howard University Undergraduate Internships
Roger Lawson, National Gallery of Art
2022–2024 internship cohort
Jeannette Ibarra Shindell, National Gallery of Art
2022–2024 internship cohort
Sherri Williams, National Gallery of Art
2022–2024 internship cohort
Postdoctoral Fellowships
Eddie Chambers, The University of Texas at Austin
October 2019–February 2023
Kellie Jones, Columbia University
October 2017–February 2022
David Young Kim, University of Pennsylvania
November 2020–February 2024
Laura E. Pérez, University of California, Berkeley
November 2020–February 2024
Steven Nelson, Dean
Therese O’Malley, Associate Dean (to September 2021)
Peter M. Lukehart, Associate Dean
Helen Tangires, Center Administrator
Nathalie Meza, Assistant Administrator for Budget and Accounting
Elise Ferone, Center Support Specialist
Frances Grant, Gallery Support Specialist (from February 2022)
Emily Koller-Apelskog, Support Specialist, Fellows Program (from February 2022)
Caroline Marsh, Regular Meetings Coordinator (to November 2021)
Annie G. Miller, Special Meetings and Publications Coordinator (to May 2022)
Jen Rokoski, Communications Officer
Abby S. Whitlock, Assistant to the Program of Research (to September 2021)
Andy Wolanski, Fellowship Officer
Valeria Federici, Postdoctoral Research Associate (to August 2021)
Miriam K. Said, Postdoctoral Research Associate (to August 2021)
Lauren Taylor, Postdoctoral Research Associate
Matthew J. Westerby, Robert H. Smith Postdoctoral Research Associate
Hilary Whitham Sánchez, Postdoctoral Research Associate/Edmond J. Safra Postdoctoral Research Associate (from November 2021)
Fulvia Zaninelli, Postdoctoral Research Associate

Tour of the exhibition Afro-Atlantic Histories led by Center dean and exhibition cocurator Steven Nelson, April 2022
Lowery Stokes Sims, Museum of Arts and Design (emerita)
Kress-Beinecke Professor, 2021–2022
Huey Copeland, University of Pennsylvania
Andrew W. Mellon Professor, 2020–2022
Aruna D’Souza, North Adams, MA
Edmond J. Safra Visiting Professor, spring 2022
Richard J. Powell, Duke University
71st A. W. Mellon Lecturer in the Fine Arts, spring 2022
Senior Fellows
Fabio Barry, London, England
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
The Endless Revolution: The Dome, from Vault of Heaven to Hypersphere
Shira Brisman, University of Pennsylvania
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, spring 2022
The Goldsmith’s Debt: Conceptions of Property in Early Modern Art
Kaira M. Cabañas, University of Florida
William C. Seitz Senior Fellow
Deviant Histories: Radical Psychiatry and Art as Creative Care
Kathleen James-Chakraborty, University College Dublin
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Expanding Agency: Women and Modern American Architecture and Design, 1923–1972
Juliet Koss, Scripps College
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Model Soviets
Jeffrey Moser, Brown University
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
Moral Depths: Making Antiquity in a Medieval Chinese Cemetery
Christopher J. Nygren, University of Pittsburgh
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Sedimentary Aesthetics: Painting on Stone and the Ecology of Early Modern Art

Curator Andrea Nelson with Sabine Hake, Rachel Catherine Patt, Isabella Lores-Chavez, and Fulvia Zaninelli during a tour of the exhibition The New Woman Behind the Camera, December 2021
Visiting Senior Fellows
Sinclair W. Bell, Northern Illinois University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellow, summer 2021
Visualizing Difference in the Roman Empire: Aethiopians in Imperial Art and Social Practice
Ian Bourland, Georgetown University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow, summer 2021
Gold Standard
Douglas Brine, Trinity University
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, fall 2021
Brazen Splendors: The Art of Brass in the Burgundian Netherlands
Lisa Gail Collins, Vassar College
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellow, fall 2021
Love Lies Here: Grief, a Quilt, and the Community of Gee’s Bend, Alabama
Frederick W. Gooding, Jr., Texas Christian University
Leonard A. Lauder Visiting Senior Fellow, summer 2021
Black Statues: Where We Stand on Race Within Our Capital Space
Sabine Hake, The University of Texas at Austin
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellow, summer 2021
The Representation of the Worker and the Aestheticization of Work in Nazi Art and Design
Kristin Love Huffman, Duke University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellow, spring 2022
Visual Invention: Reframing Jacopo de’ Barbari’s View of Venice
Homay King, Bryn Mawr College
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellow, fall 2021
Go West: A Mythology of California’s Silicon Valley
Sabine Kriebel, University College Cork
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, fall 2021
Objectivity Viewed Obliquely: The New Vision Photography of Florence Henri and Germaine Krull
Marcia Kupfer, Washington, DC
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, summer 2021
Sites of Anti-Judaism in Ethiopian Art and Culture
Pamela O. Long, Washington, DC
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellow, winter 2022
Machines on Paper: From Leonardo da Vinci to Vincenzo Scamozzi
John Peffer, Ramapo College of New Jersey
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, summer 2021
How to Remember Apartheid with Pleasure: The Vernacular of South African Photography
Sarah-Neel Smith, Maryland Institute College of Art
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, summer 2021
Exhibiting the Middle East: The Lost History of America’s Cultural Exchanges
Phoebe Wolfskill, Indiana University
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, summer 2021
Photography, Painting, and the Early Twentieth-Century Black Subject
Nicole L. Woods, University of Notre Dame
Leonard A. Lauder Visiting Senior Fellow, winter 2022
Acid Visions: Happenings, Expressionist Painting, and the Afro-Futurism of Bob Thompson
Ailsa Mellon Bruce National Gallery of Art Sabbatical Fellows
Sarah Battle
National Gallery of Art, Department of Academic Programs
An Oral History Project: The Black Artistic Community in Louisville, Kentucky, 1950–1970
Barbara H. Berrie
National Gallery of Art, Department of Scientific Research
Clear or Colored: Artists’ Use of Glass in Paint
Postdoctoral Fellows
Nisa Ari
Beinecke Postdoctoral Fellow, 2021–2023
Cultural Mandates, Artistic Missions, and “The Welfare of Palestine,” 1876–1948
Ellen Tani
A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, 2020–2022
Black Conceptual Practice in Contemporary Art

Nisa Ari and Ellen Tani during a tour of the exhibition Afro-Atlantic Histories, April 2022
Predoctoral Fellows
in residence
Luke A. Fidler, University of Chicago
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2019–2022
Henry the Lion and the Art of Politics in Northern Europe, c. 1142–1195
Christine Garnier, Harvard University
Wyeth Fellow, 2020–2022
Amalgamating the West during the American Silver Age (1848‒1893)
Isabella Lores-Chavez, Columbia University
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2020–2022
Plaster Casts in the Life and Art of 17th-Century Dutch Painters
Mohit Manohar, Yale University
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2020–2022
The City of Gods and Fortune: An Architectural and Urban History of Daulatabad, 1200‒1500
Rachel Catherine Patt, Emory University
David E. Finley Fellow, 2019–2022
Meaning, Materiality, and Pothos in Late Antique Gold-Glass Portraits
Catherine H. Popovici, The University of Texas at Austin
Ittleson Fellow, 2020–2022
Stones of Statehood: Art, Politics, and Placemaking in a Classic Maya Landscape
Erhan Tamur, Columbia University
Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2020–2022
Site-Worlds: An Account of Material Lives from Tello (Ancient Girsu)
Not in residence
Christopher Daly, Johns Hopkins University
David E. Finley Fellow, 2021–2024
Painting in Lucca in the Late 15th Century: A Problem in Artistic Geography
Anna Aline Mehlman Dumont, Northwestern University
Twelve-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2021–2022
From Design Reform to Fascist Craft: Textiles and Italian Women’s Labor, 1870–1945
Davida Fernández-Barkan, Harvard University
David E. Finley Fellow, 2020–2023
Mural Diplomacy: Mexico, the United States, and France at the 1937 Exposition Internationale in Paris
Rheagan Eric Martin, University of Michigan
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2021–2023
Printed, Painted, and Illuminated: The Expanding Visual Culture of Venetian Printed Books (1469–1517)
Anthony J. Meyer, University of California, Los Angeles
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2021–2023
The Givers of Things: Nahua Religious Leaders and the Art of Making Gifts in the Mexica and Early Modern Worlds
Aleksander Musiał, Princeton University
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2021–2024
Immersion: Classical Reception and Eastern European Transformations of Hygiene Architecture, c. 1680–1830
Cleo Nisse, Columbia University
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2020–2023
Unraveling Canvas: Textile Supports and Venetian Painting from Bellini to Tintoretto
Christopher T. Richards, New York University
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2021–2022
Picturing Desire and Desiring Pictures: The Ovidian Manuscript Tradition
Delphine Sims, University of California, Berkeley
Wyeth Fellow, 2021–2023
(Re)surfacing Black Presence: Photography, Black Women’s Bodies, and Geographies
Zsofi Valyi-Nagy, University of Chicago
Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2021–2023
Vera Molnár’s Programmed Abstraction: Computer Graphics and Geometric Abstract Art in Postwar Europe
Zhenru Zhou, University of Chicago
Ittleson Fellow, 2021–2023
Between the Virtual and the Real: A New Architecture of the Mogao Caves (Dunhuang, China), 781–1036 CE
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Predoctoral Fellowships for Historians of American Art to Travel Abroad
Brandon P. Eng, New York University
Emma Kennedy, Northwestern University
Tyler Shine, University of Pennsylvania
Zoe Weldon-Yochim, University of California, Santa Cruz

Center fellows Douglas Brine, Rachel Catherine Patt, and Luke Fidler with conservator Sue Ann Chui during a tour of paintings conservation, October 2021