Joseph Wenzel held the title of Prince of Liechtenstein from 1748-1772. He was also minister to France from 1737-1741 and an Austrian general who took prominent part in several wars of Austria, especially that of the succession (1740-1748). The successive princes of Liechtenstein maintained and added to a magnificent art collection, which was primarily kept in Vienna.
Fanti, Vincenzio. "Descrizzione completa di tutta ciò che ritrovasi nella galleria di pittura e scultura de Sua Altezza Giuseppe Wenceslao [Josef Wenzel] del S.R.I. principe regnante della casa di Lichtenstein [sic]." Vienna, 1767.
Ausstellung im Kunstmuseum Luzern. Meisterwerke aus den Sammlungen des Fürsten von Liechtenstein [cat.]. Lucern, 1948: XIX-XX.