lower right: COROT
Private collection, France; (sale, Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 16 November 1917, no. 19, as attributed to Corot, bought in). Henri Vever [1854-1942], Paris.[1] Private collection, Boston. (Wildenstein & Co., New York); sold 1986 to Dr. Gert-Rudolf Flick [b. 1943], London. Private collection, Japan, by 1996;[2] (Wildenstein & Co., New York); purchased 2 February 2001 by NGA.
Exhibition History
- 1982
- Consulat, Empire, Restauration: Art in Early XIX Century France, Wildenstein & Co., New York, 1982, unnumbered catalogue, repro.
- 1989
- Corot, The Lefevre Gallery, London, 1989, no. 9, repro.
- 1991
- Corot, City Art Gallery, Manchester; Castle Museum, Norwich, 1991, no. 12, repro.
- 1996
- In the Light of Italy: Corot and Early Open-Air Painting, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.; Brooklyn Museum of Art; Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, 1996-1997, no. 91, repro.
- 2001
- Paysages d'Italie: Les peintres du plein air (1780-1830), Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, Paris; Centro Internazionale d'Arte e di Cultura di Palazzo Te, Mantua, 2001, no. 116, repro., as L'ile de San Bartolomeo (shown only in Mantua).
- 2005
- Corot. Naturaleza, Emoción, Recuerdo [Corot. Nature, Emotion, Souvenir], Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid; Palazzo dei Diamanti, Ferrara, 2005-2006, no. 10, repro. (shown only in Madrid; fig. 55 in Ferrara catalogue).
- 2012
- Camille Corot: Natur und Traum [Camille Corot: Nature and Dream], Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, 2012-2013, no. 18, repro.
- 2020
- True to Nature: Open-Air Painting in Europe, 1780–1870, National Gallery of Art, Washington; Fondation Custodia, Collection Frits Lugt, Paris; The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, 2020 - 2022, no. 93, repro.
- 1975
- Hommage à Corot. Exh. cat. Musée de l'Orangerie, Paris, 1975: 26.
- 1982
- Debray-Ritzen, P. Corot. Paris, 1982: 42, repros. 21 and 49.
- 1985
- Leymarie, J. Corot. Geneva, 1985: 23, repro. 22.
- 1991
- Galassi, Peter. Corot in Italy: Open-Air Painting and the Classical-Landscape Tradition. New Haven and London, 1991: 114, 157-158, repro. 159, 172, 229 note 36, pl. 188.
- 1991
- McConkey, K. "Corot in Manchester and Norwich: The Art of Landscape." Apollo CXXXII, no. 353 (July 1991): 51, pl. I.
- 1992
- Dieterle, Pierre, and André Pacitti. Corot: quatrième supplément à "L'Oeuvre de Corot" par A. Robaut et Moreau-Nélaton, Editions Floury, Paris - 1905. Paris, 1992: no. 3, 12, repro. 13.
- 1998
- Conisbee, Philip. "La Peinture de plain air avant Corot." In Corot, un artiste et son temps: Actes des colloques organisées au musée du Louvre...1er et 2 mars 1996 à Paris et...9 mars 1996 à Rome. Ed. by C. Stefani et al. Paris, 1998: 359, 364 note 18.
- 1998
- de Seta, C. "Prima di Corot. Pittori e scrittoti tra Rome e Napoli." In Corot, un artiste et son temps: Actes des colloques organisées au musée du Louvre...1er et 2 mars 1996 à Paris et...9 mars 1996 à Rome. Ed. by C. Stefani et al. Paris, 1998: 390.
- 1998
- Galassi, Peter. "Before Corot." In Corot, un artiste et son temps: Actes des colloques organisées au musée du Louvre...1er et 2 mars 1996 à Paris et...9 mars 1996 à Rome. Ed. by C. Stefani et al. Paris, 1998: 408, fig. 18.
- 1999
- Pomarède, V., and G. de Wallens. "Corot, Camille." In Allgemeines Künstler-Lexikon: die bildenden Künstler aller Zeiten und Völker. Munich and Leipzig, 1999: 21:279.
- 2004
- Hand, John Oliver. National Gallery of Art: Master Paintings from the Collection. Washington and New York, 2004: 357, no. 291, color repro.
- 2006
- Conisbee, Philip, and Franklin Kelly. "Small is Beautiful." National Gallery of Art Bulletin, no. 34 (Spring 2006): 2-17, fig. 1.
- 2015
- "Art for the Nation: The Story of the Patrons' Permanent Fund." National Gallery of Art Bulletin, no. 53 (Fall 2015): 18, repro.
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