Printed with black lines and hatching, a shadowy structure to the left is separated from an open space leading back to another building by a herm, which has a human head atop a squared column, in this horizontal engraving. In the structure to the left, a cleanshaven young man holds a burning torch up to look at three dead sheep lying in a heap on the ground. A fourth sheep nibbles at the earth beside the man, and a cow lies at the edge of the torchlight to the left. A half flight of stairs leads up to a second level, where a man lies on his side on a bed. Two women with their heads covered attend to him on the far side of the bed. Light pours in through an arched window over the head of the bed, and text, also appearing to stream in, reads, “EF FIGIES SACRAE DIVOMP HRI.” On the right half of the composition, two men hunch over a dead woman while a baby pulls on her breast. One man reaches out and touches the baby’s face with one hand while touching his own with the other. An older woman behind the trio to the right holds up one hand, palm facing out, to hide her face, and a young person looks on next to her. A bearded man turns away on the other side of the scene. A broken column with fluted sides lies just beyond this group. An animal, perhaps a horse or donkey, lies next to the path in the near distance. One person stands and three people sit near or on two boxes farther back, right in front of the building that encloses most of the space on the right half of the composition. More towers, rooftops, and buildings fill in the gap between the main structure and the right edge of the composition. The herm separating the two scenes has a square base, tall, rectangular pedestal, and an angular, triangular section beneath the man’s head, which has eyes closed. Text on the bottommost base reads, “LINQVEBANT DVLCES ANIMAS, AVT AEGRA TRAHEBANT CORP.”