Heinrich Wilhelm Campe, Leipzig [1770-1862]; his grandson, Heinrich Vieweg, Braunschweig [1826-1890];[1] his heirs; (their sale, Rudolph Lepke's Kunst-Auctions-Haus, Berlin, 18 March 1930, no. 49, as by Jan van Scorel); Mary Harriet (May) Robertson Howard [1878-1933] and Dr. Anton (Tonio) [1873-1941] von Riedemann, Meggen, Switzerland[2]; their heirs, Switzerland. (Galerie Fischer, Lucerne, possibly by 1945 and at least by 1947).[3] (Frederick Mont, New York); purchased 30 January 1952 by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, New York;[4] gift 1961 to NGA.
Exhibition History
- 1945
- Meisterwerke holländischer Malerei des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts, Öffentliche Kunstsammlung (Kunstmuseum), Basel, 1945, no. 78, as Madonna and Child by Jan van Scorel.
- 1955
- Jan van Scorel, Centraal Museum, Utrecht, 1955, no. 25, as Madonna and Child by Jan van Scorel.
- 1986
- Art Before the Iconoclasm, North Netherlandish Art 1525-1580, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1986, no. 69, repro.
- 1993
- Maerten van Heemskerck's "Panoramic Fantasy of the Ancient World", The Walter's Art Gallery, Baltimore, no cat.
Technical Summary
The panel consists of two boards with horizontal grain.[1] There are losses along the join line of these two boards. In the flesh tones, the areas of deep red, and in the buildings at the distant right, there is extensive blistering and it is possible that the painting was exposed to excessive heat. There are numerous small losses in the torso of the Christ Child. Examination with infrared reflectography reveals underdrawing, which appears to be brush. Contours and fold lines in the drapery are loosely defined; hatching is not visible. The Virgin's arm has been lowered from its underdrawn position and the fingers of her proper right hand were originally longer. The painting was restored in 1984/1985.
[1] Examination did not disclose the piece of canvas covering the board in the landscape area mentioned by Eisler 1977, 86.
- 1881
- Scheibler, Ludwig, and Wilhelm Bode. "Verzeichniss der Gemälde des Jan Van Schorel." Jahrbuch der königlich Preussischen Kunstsammlungen (Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen) 2 (1881): 212.
- 1923
- Hoogewerff, G. J. Jan van Scorel. Peintre de la renaissance hollandaise. The Hague, 1923: 141, no. 20.
- 1924
- Friedländer, Max J. Die altniederländische Malerei 14 vols. Berlin and Leiden, 1924-1937. Leiden, 1935: 12:202, no. 327. (English ed., 14 vols., Leiden, 1967-1976. Leiden, 1975: 123, no. 327, pl. 178.)
- 1930
- Deusch, Werner R. "Die Sammlung Vieweg-Braunschweig." Die Kunstauktion [Die Weltkunst] 4 (23 February, 1930): 1-2, repro.
- 1930
- Winkler, Friedrich. "Die Sammlung Vieweg." Pantheon 5 (1930) 78, repro. 73.
- 1936
- Hoogewerff, G. J. De Noord-Nederlandsche Schilderkunst. 5 vols. The Hague, 1941/1942: 4:303, 305, fig. 143.
- 1938
- Wescher, Paul. "Heemskerck und Scorel." Jahrbuch der königlich Preussischen Kunstsammlungen (Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen) 59 (1938): 221-223, fig. 2.
- 1954
- Bruyn, Josua. "Enige werken van Jan van Scorel uit zijn Haarlemse tijd (1527-1529)." Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 2 (1954): 54.
- 1955
- Levie, Simon H. "De copie van een Bewening." Oud Holland 70 (1955): 248.
- 1956
- Paintings and Sculpture from the Kress Collection Acquired by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation 1951-56. Introduction by John Walker, text by William E. Suida and Fern Rusk Shapley. National Gallery of Art. Washington, 1956: 164, no. 64, repro., as by Jan van Scorel.
- 1957
- Shapley, Fern Rusk. Comparisons in Art: A Companion to the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC. London, 1957 (reprinted 1959): 10, fig. 5, pl. 137, as by Jan van Scorel.
- 1959
- Paintings and Sculpture from the Samuel H. Kress Collection. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1959: 320, repro., as by Jan van Scorel.
- 1963
- Walker, John. National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. New York, 1963 (reprinted 1964 in French, German, and Spanish): 306, repro., as by Jan van Scorel.
- 1965
- Summary Catalogue of European Paintings and Sculpture. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1965: 121, as by Jan van Scorel.
- 1968
- Cuttler, Charles D. Northern Painting, from Pucelle to Bruegel: Fourteenth, Fifteenth, and Sixteenth Centuries. New York, 1968: 452, fig. 620.
- 1968
- Gandolfo, Giampaolo et al. National Gallery of Art, Washington. Great Museums of the World. New York, 1968: 131, color repro. (attributed to Jan Van Scorel)
- 1968
- National Gallery of Art. European Paintings and Sculpture, Illustrations. Washington, 1968: 108, repro., as by Jan van Scorel.
- 1969
- Osten, Gert von der, and Horst Vey. Painting and Sculpture in Germany and the Netherlands 1500 to 1600. Baltimore, 1969: 183, pl. 163.
- 1975
- European Paintings: An Illustrated Summary Catalogue. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1975: 322, repro., as by Jan van Scorel.
- 1977
- Eisler, Colin. Paintings from the Samuel H. Kress Collection: European Schools Excluding Italian. Oxford, 1977: 86-88, fig. 85, as by Jan van Scorel.
- 1980
- Grosshans, Rainald. Maerten van Heemskerck: Die Gemälde. Berlin, 1980: 47-48, 96-97, no. 8, pl. 8.
- 1982
- Faries, Molly. "Two Additional Panels from Jan van Scorel's Workshop: Comments about Authorship." Le Dessin sous-jacent dans la peinture. Colloque IV; 29-30-31 Octobre 1981. Louvain-la-Neuve, 1982: 124-125, 129.
- 1983
- Reznicek, E.K.J. Review of Maerten van Heemskerck. Die Gemälde by Rainald Grosshans. In Oud Holland 97 (1983): 42, 45, fig. 1, detail.
- 1984
- Walker, John. National Gallery of Art, Washington. Rev. ed. Washington, 1984: 168, no. 189, color repro.
- 1985
- European Paintings: An Illustrated Catalogue. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1985: 199, repro.
- 1985
- Snyder, James. Northern Renaissance Art: Painting, Sculpture, the Graphic Arts from 1350-1575. New York, 1985: 475, fig. 546.
- 1986
- Hand, John Oliver and Martha Wolff. Early Netherlandish Painting. The Collections of the National Gallery of Art Systematic Catalogue. Washington, 1986: 111-117, color repro. 113.
- 2004
- Hand, John Oliver. National Gallery of Art: Master Paintings from the Collection. Washington and New York, 2004: 128-129, no. 98, color repro.
- 2005
- Snyder, James. Northern Renaissance Art: Painting, Sculpture, the Graphic Arts from 1350 to 1575. Rev. ed. by Larry Silver and Henry Luttikhuizen. Upper Saddle River, 2005: 491-492, col. fig. 21.10.
- 2011
- Helmus, Liesbeth M. Catalogue of Paintings, 1363-1600, Centraal Museum Utrecht. Utrecht, 2011: 217, under no. 24, color fig. 8.
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