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on verso, center printed in black ink on applied newspaper: SOVIET LEADERS REVIEW MAY DAY PARADE: In Moscow—This picture of some Soviet / leaders reviewing Moscow’s May Day parade, retouched prior to radio transmission, was received / yesterday from Moscow by Sovfoto, New York agency which distributes official Russian pictures. / Prime Minister Stalin [circled in red pencil] (second / from left) was flanked on his right / by Marshal Nikolai A. Bulganin / and on his left by Georgi [sic] Malen- / kov of the Politburo. The full / left to right: Bulganin, Stalin, / Malenkov and other Politburo / members Lavrenti [sic] Beria, A. I. / Mikoyan and V. M. Molotov. / Western observers wondered at / Molotov’s position in the picture / —four places away from Stalin— / whereas Molotov was next to / Stalin in the official Politburo / pictures of last November’s cele- / bration of the anniversary of the / Russian revolution. Description / of pictures appearing in Moscow / papers of the May 1 parade / mentioned presence of Commu- / nist Party secretaries and deputy / prime ministers in background of / reviewing stand, but none ap- / pear in this picture received by / radio. —A. P. wirephoto.; lower center stamped in red ink: MAY 4 1950; bottom center stamped in red ink on applied newspaper: MAY 4 1950


Mary and Dan Solomon, Monarch Beach, CA; gift to NGA, 2018.

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Solomon, Dan and Mary

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