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Still from Christopher Kahunahana’s Waikiki (2020) courtesy the artist


Imagining Indigenous Cinema: New Voices, New Visions

  • Sunday, November 26, 2023
  • 2:00 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.
  • East Building Auditorium
  • Films
  • In-person
  • Registration Required

Christopher Kahunahana's feature debut presents a surrealist exploration of trauma in a post-colonial society within Hawaii. Kea is a Native Hawaiian hula dancer who is trying to escape an abusive relationship when an accident changes the trajectory of her journey. Exploring the impacts of colonialism in Honolulu, Waikiki showcases the difficulties Hawaiians face in building meaningful lives in a society that prioritizes tourism over its culture and sovereignty. The film’s visual rhythm effectively captures Kea's experiences as she tries to navigate her trauma, offering a powerful and spellbinding portrayal of the decentered world Indigenous peoples endure. (Christopher Kahunahana, 2020, DCP, 80 minutes)

Preceded by the short film Pō'ele Wai, the story of a young Indigenous weaver who discovers she's being poisoned by the polluted waters she works in and goes through a transformative experience that reflects the interconnectedness of the land and water. (Tiare Ribeaux, 2022, DCP, 19 minutes)