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Still from Cauleen Smith’s Space Is The Place – A March for Sun Ra (2011) courtesy the artist  

Short Films: Epochal Cultures – Chicago and New Orleans

Cauleen Smith – In Space, In Time

  • Saturday, May 18, 2024
  • 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
  • East Building Auditorium
  • Films
  • In-person
  • Registration Required
  • Drop-In Registration

Filmmaker Cauleen Smith portrays Black urban culture in Chicago and New Orleans through several fantasy and documentary films that focus on creative personalities and locations that are vital to these great cities.


My Caldera (2022, 6 minutes)
“A film and an installation in which I begin to talk about the relationship between time, culture, disaster, and beginnings. What is possible after the apocalypse? For many people in the United States, the apocalypse already happened.” – Cauleen Smith.

Selections from The Way Out is the Way Two (2012) a constellation of 14 short musical and dramatic pieces made in Chicago. “In African and African-Diasporic cultural production, improvisation signifies mastery. The substitution of one thing for another can sometimes represent a concept more effectively than the thing itself. (This cycle of films)... has been guided by research into Sun Ra’s creative production process and the very nature of his melodies.” –Cauleen Smith

--ELU (4 minutes)

-- Enterplanetary Charter #1: Kelan Phil Cohran to Cloudgate (2 minutes)

-- Enterplanetary Charter #5: Reneé Baker to Brown Rice (9 minutes)

-- Strelitzia Satellite Meditation (4 minutes)

-- Boldly Go (3 minutes)

-- Space Is The Place - A March for Sun Ra (2011, 11 minutes)

The Fullness of Time (2008, 49 minutes)
This little seen, richly imaginative Afrofuturist short feature is a poignant evocation of New Orleans during the years following Hurricane Katrina that blends science fiction fantasy with musical street activism.

Total running time approximately 89 minutes.

Part of the film series Cauleen Smith – In Space, In Time

The end time for this event is estimated. End times may vary with post-screening discussion, audience Q&A, or other factors. All film events finish by 5:00 p.m.