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Eric-Paul Riege (Diné), jaatłoh4Ye’iitsoh [3-4], 2020, mixed fiber installation, Tia Collection, Santa Fe, New Mexico. © Eric-Paul Riege. Photo courtesy of the artist and Bockley Gallery

Weaving Dance

A Performance between Eric-Paul Riege and “jaatłoh4Ye’iitsoh [3-4]”

Fall Performances

  • Sunday, September 24, 2023
  • 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
  • East Building, Upper Level - West Bridge
  • Performances
  • In-person

Experience this weaving dance performed by artist Eric-Paul Riege (Diné) with his work jaatłoh4Ye’iitsoh [3-4] (“earring for the big god”), a pair of large, soft-sculpture earrings made of natural and synthetic fibers. Featured in The Land Carries Our Ancestors: Contemporary Art by Native Americans exhibition, these suspended sculptures are a meditation on states of being for the artist, connecting him to his Diné ancestors and serving as totems of memory for his past, present, and future self. Activated in this durational performance, the sculptures become living objects, an extension of the artist’s body and Diné cosmology.

About the Artist

Eric-Paul Riege, photo by Chris Carter.

Eric-Paul Riege (Diné) is a weaver and fiber artist who works in collage, performance, installation, woven sculpture, and wearable art. Using weaving as both means and metaphor to tell hybrid tales that interlace stories from Diné spirituality with his own interpretations and belief systems, he envisions his artworks as animate and mobile. His practice pays homage and links him to generations of weavers in his family that aid him in generating spaces of sanctuary.

Riege’s recent solo exhibitions include Hammer Projects: Eric Paul Riege at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles (2022–2023) and Hólǫ́—it xistz at the Institute of Contemporary Art Miami (2019). His recent group exhibitions include Indian Theater: Native Art, Performance, and Self-Determination Since 1969 at Bard College’s Hessel Museum of Art (2023), the Prospect.5 Triennial in New Orleans (2022), the Toronto Biennial of Art (2022), Larger than Memory at the Heard Museum in Phoenix (2020), and SITElines Biennial presented by Site Santa Fe (2018). Riege will be the High Desert Test Sites inaugural fellow starting in October 2023. He holds a BFA in Art Studio and Ecology from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque.

Riege is born to the Charcoal Streaked Division of the Red Running Into the Water and Towering House clans. He was born and is based in Na’nízhoozhí, Gallup, New Mexico.