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ASR, TCS, Vol. 0551, 1637, fol. 404v



Archivio di Stato di Roma (ASR)

The Accademia di San Luca petitions the civil court of the senator of Rome against Ercole Bertolucci for payment owed on the rent of a house. The judge allows him ten days to make the payment.

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[FOL. 404v]

ASR, TCS, Vol. 0551, 1637, fol. 404v

ASR, TCS, Vol. 0551, 1637, fol. 404v

Pro Ven.le Accademia Pictorum, et Sculptorum et Architetorum de Urbe Contra
D. Erculem Bartoluzzum.
In officio idem et fatendo debitum scutorum viginti unius pro pensio-
nibus decursis et decurendis per totum mensem Iunii pro-
ximi venturi suscepit terminum decem dierum quo etc. consensit etc.
unica etc. et sic tactis etc. iuravit etc. super quibus etc. et in reliquis quod
reliqua vero dixit ad petita prout petuntur non teneri Ideo etc.
alias etc.

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Personal Names
Ercole Bertolucci
Place Names
Key Terms
Document Type
Audientia (court hearing)
Tommaso Salvatore

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