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ASR, TCS, vol. 0544, 1628, fols. 396r-v



Archivio Storico Capitolino (ASC)

Ercole Bertolucci petitions the civil court of the senator of Rome against the Accademia di San Luca, declaring that he is willing to pay 10 scudi due for months of late payment of rent, but asking that a notary be appointed to recalculate the total amount due and make sure that the Accademia, the owner of the house, renovates it.

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[fol. 396r]

ASR, TCS, vol. 0544, 1628, fol. 396r

ASR, TCS, vol. 0544, 1628, fol. 396r

Pro Herculae Bartholucio contra Ven.lem Academiam DD. Pictorum.
In officio Idem citra etc. et In termino Intimationis etc. dixit esse paratum
solvere residuum pensionis de qua agitur, et cum diebus
praeteritis solverit scuta decem Ideo petiit calculari
In officio pro die, et hora certis, et reaptata domo

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[fol. 396v]

ASR, TCS, vol. 0544, 1628, fol. 396v

ASR, TCS, vol. 0544, 1628, fol. 396v

in locis necessariis, et ad hunc effectum petiit desti-
nari notarium per D., et ad effectum inspiciendi loca
egena reaptatione, et Iurato de Calumnia per compa-
rentem, et de omnibus sibi Intimato alias etc.

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Personal Names
Ercole Bertolucci
Place Names
Key Terms
Oath of slander
Document Type
Audientia (court hearing)
Tommaso Salvatore

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