Gallery Archives
Press Releases: 1955
January 8, 1955
[Bequest of five paintings from Mrs. Charles D. Draper]
February 19, 1955
Austrian Drawings and Prints loan exhibition to open February 20 at the National Gallery of Art
March 26, 1955
Goya Drawings and Prints exhibition to open
April 8, 1955
Twelfth Annual American Music Festival at the National Gallery of Art
July 8, 1955
National Gallery of Art plans exhibition for the 200th anniversary of the birth of William Blake
July 28, 1955
[Award to Peter Davidock, Jr. for superior performance as chief of the Purchasing and Supply Office]
September 2, 1955
National Gallery concerts resume
October 1, 1955
German Drawings: Masterpeices from Five Centuries exhibition to open]
October 18, 1955
[Chester Dale elected president of the Gallery and retirment of David Finley as director of the Gallery]
November 3, 1955
Asian Artists in Crystal exhibition to open mid-January, 1956
November 3, 1955
[Rush H. Kress elected a general Trustee of the National Gallery to succeed his brother, the late Samuel H. Kress]
November 5, 1955
[Exhibition Collection of Contemporary German Prints presented by the people of the Federal Republic of Germany
December 10, 1955
[Exercises to be held in the Gallery inaugurating the first day issue of the Andrew W. Mellon stamp]