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Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to frequently asked questions about supporting the National Gallery. Still have a question? Contact us.


Making Gifts


Planned Giving

Gifts of Art


How is the National Gallery of Art funded?

The National Gallery exists as a partnership between the federal government and the American people, as it has since opening its doors in 1941. The government provides a yearly appropriation for day-to-day operations, ensuring that the National Gallery remains open to the public free of charge 363 days a year. Private support from generous individuals, foundations, and corporations allows the National Gallery to acquire art for the collection, present special exhibitions, offer educational programs, carry out scholarly research, and advance conservation.


What inspires people to give to National Gallery?

For more than eighty years, the National Gallery has been a testament to the dedication of extraordinary individuals whose love of art is matched by their love of country. The National Gallery’s history is part of an enduring story of American philanthropy that sustains our greatest institutions and monuments.


How do private donations support National Gallery programs?

Private support from dedicated donors helps fulfill the National Gallery’s mission to serve the nation by welcoming all people to explore and experience art, creativity, and our shared humanity. Gifts to the nation support art acquisition, special exhibitions, educational programs, scholarly research, art conservation, and much more. For information about designating a gift for a specific area or program, please contact the Development Office at or (202) 842-6372.


Does the National Gallery have an endowment that supports all its activities?

The National Gallery does not have an operating endowment. We are grateful to the President and Congress for the crucial support through federal funds for the upkeep, administrative expenses, and costs of operations, including the protection of the works of art given to the nation, so that the National Gallery can be open to the public at no charge.


Making Gifts

Does the National Gallery have a gift acceptance policy?

Yes, the National Gallery has a gift acceptance policy for non-art gifts, pledges and grants.


Can I designate my gift to the National Gallery for a particular use?

Yes. Please contact the Development Office at or (202) 842-6372 for information about designating a gift for a specific area or program.


Can I make a gift anonymously?

Yes, donors may choose to remain anonymous. Please specify this when you make a gift or contact the Development Office at or 202.842.6372 to inform us of your wish to remain anonymous.


Will the National Gallery keep my information confidential?

Yes, the National Gallery does not share donor information with other organizations. Additionally, donors may choose to remain anonymous for purposes of listing in our publications.


How will my gift be recognized?

Gifts of $1,000 or more are recognized in National Gallery publications including the Art for the Nation and Annual Report. Please contact the Development Office at or 202.842.6372 to inform us how you wish to be listed or if you prefer to remain anonymous.


Can I make a gift in honor or memory of a friend or loved one?

Yes. Please include the name and mailing address of the individual whom you wish to honor and we will be happy to notify that person of your gift.


Can my employer match my contribution?

Yes, we welcome matching gifts from a donor’s employer. To have a gift matched by your employer, please contact the Development Office at or (202) 842-6372.


Is it possible to give to the National Gallery through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)?

Yes. The National Gallery’s CFC number is 41971.


I lost my tax acknowledgment. May I request a replacement?

Of course. Please call the Development Office at or (202) 842-6372 and we will be happy to send you a copy of your tax acknowledgment.


How do I report a change of address?

Please feel free to contact the Development Office at or (202) 842-6372 and we’ll be happy to change your address so you can continue to receive National Gallery mailings.


Why am I sending mail to Landover, MD?

The National Gallery’s mail facility is located off-site for security reasons. The museum itself is located on the National Mall between 3rd and 7th Streets at Constitution Avenue NW.


What is the National Gallery’s fiscal year?

The museum’s fiscal year is the same as that of the federal government, October 1 through September 30.


Can I rent space at the National Gallery to hold a private reception?

No, only National Gallery-sponsored events are held here.




What will my membership gift support?  

Gifts for National Membership, the Circle, and Director’s Circle support the National Gallery’s privately funded programs, including art acquisition, special exhibitions, educational programs, scholarly research, art conservation, and more.

Membership gifts for the Collectors Committee support the acquisition of modern and contemporary art. 

Membership gifts for the Trustees’ Council maybe be unrestricted or designated for a particular use.


How can I join or renew National Membership?

To join or renew online, please complete our Join Form or Renew Form, respectively.

To join or renew by phone, please call (202) 898-7700.

To join or renew by mail via check, please make the check payable to the National Gallery of Art and designate National Membership on the memo line. Please mail the check to: Development Office, National Gallery of Art, 2000 South Club Drive, Landover MD 20785.


How can I join the Circle or renew my existing membership?

To join or renew online, please complete this this form.

To join or renew by phone, please call (202) 842-6450.

To join or renew by mail via check or credit card, print and complete this this form. If you prefer to pay by check, please make the check payable to the National Gallery of Art and mail it with your completed form to: Development Office, National Gallery of Art, 2000 South Club Drive, Landover MD 20785.

For information on making a gift of stock, find instructions here or contact us at or (202) 842-6450.


Can I join or renew my membership using a Donor Advised Fund (DAF)?

Our gift policies around DAFs have changed. The National Gallery will only accept grants from DAFs intended to cover the fee for a National Gallery membership if either (1) the grant will cover one of the National Gallery National Membership levels, or (2) the donor-advisor waives any and all membership benefits.

However, we can accept gifts from DAFs designated for other areas of support for the National Gallery. Please contact the Development Office at or 202.842.6450 for questions regarding gifts via DAFs.


Can I pay for my membership benefits separately from my DAF gift?

In keeping with the rules of various DAFs, we cannot accept personal payments to cover the benefit portion associated with a membership gift. If you wish to purchase a Circle, Director’s Circle, or Collectors Committee membership and retain member benefits, no portion of the payment can be received from a DAF.


How do I obtain a tax acknowledgment from my donation? 

When you make a gift online, tax acknowledgements are provided in the confirmation email you receive immediately after. 

When you make a gift by check, tax acknowledgements are mailed to your address on file. 

We are happy to provide additional digital or hard copies of your tax acknowledgement upon request. To do so, National Members may contact us at membership@nga,gov or (202) 898-7700 and Circle members may contact us at or (202) 842-6450. 

What portion of my National Membership gift is tax deductible? 

Your National Membership gift is fully tax deductible.


What portion of my Circle or Director’s Circle gift is tax deductible?

The total value of benefits made available is estimated to be $150 for Contributing, $250 for Supporting and Tower Project, $500 for Sustaining, $750 for Patron, and $1,000 for the Director's Circle. The amount of your contribution that is deductible for federal income taxes is limited to the excess of the value of the contribution over the value of the benefits made available in return.


If I decide to decline benefits, is my gift considered fully tax deductible?

Yes. If you decide to decline the benefits of membership the Circle or Director’s Circle, your gift will be fully tax deductible.


What benefits will I receive if I choose to decline benefits when I renew my membership?

If you decide to decline benefits, you will not receive tangible benefits such as catalogs, calendars, and event packages.


How do I obtain my membership card?

National Members have digital membership cards. Your digital membership card will be emailed to you shortly after you join as a member. To have your card re-sent or to request a physical card instead, please contact us at membership@nga,gov or (202) 898-7700. 

Circle members may request physical membership cards. To request one, please contact us at or (202) 842-6450.


How do I use my discount in National Gallery Shops?

Members may use their discount in store by showing proof of membership (e.g., membership card) or online with a member code. 


Does membership give me free admission to the National Gallery of Art? 

The National Gallery is free for all visitors, seven days per week. Please click here for information on our hours.


Can I make reservations for concerts at the National Gallery?

Circle members at the Supporting Level and above receive the benefit of reserving seats at selected concert programs at the National Gallery. To make a reservation, please contact us at or (202) 842-6450. For concerts occurring on the weekend, we kindly ask members to reserve seats no later than 4:00 p.m. on the Friday before the scheduled concert. 


Is it possible to reserve parking at the National Gallery?

Circle members at the Patron Level and above may request parking on the National Gallery’s Plaza (one business day notice is required). Please contact us at or (202) 842-6450. If you need recommendations for nearby public garages or street parking, we would be happy to help.


Can I give a gift of membership?

Yes. To give National Membership as a gift, please complete this form. To give Circle membership as a gift, please complete this form


Planned Giving

How do I leave something to the National Gallery in my will?

Please consult the Planned Giving portion of our website to learn more about options for bequests and other types of legacy gifts.


I have already included the National Gallery in my will. Do I need to provide a copy of my will?

We would appreciate having a copy of your estate plans, which we would keep confidential; however, this is a personal decision.


Is there a minimum amount to qualify for membership in the Legacy Circle?

No, support received by the National Gallery in the form of legacies has come from donors of varying means. Regardless of the level of support, bequests and other planned gifts are recognized through membership in the Legacy Circle.


Does the Legacy Circle offer the same benefits as the Circle?

The Legacy Circle does not offer the same benefits as the Circle or any of our other membership programs. However, Legacy Circle members receive invitations to exclusive events and programs and are recognized in National Gallery publications.


Gifts of Art

Does the National Gallery accept gifts of works of art?

Yes. The National Gallery seeks works of art that fit into its permanent collection of American and European paintings, sculptures, prints, drawings, and photographs—dating from the late Middle Ages to the present day. Please consult the Gifts of Art portion of our website to learn more.


How do I determine the value or authenticity of a work of art I own?

The National Gallery does not provide monetary information on any work of art. It may be possible, however, to find information online by using a web search engine and including some of the following terms:

·       art appraisal

·       fine art auction

·       auction

·       auction results

·       art market

·       art price


How can I have a work of art evaluated, authenticated, or appraised?

The National Gallery does not evaluate, authenticate, or appraise works of art. The Appraisers Association of America is a good resource for such inquiries.


Can I pay for a National Gallery membership with a gift of art?

No. Membership can be paid through gifts of cash or securities.