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Lifetime Exhibitions Index

Alfred Stieglitz Lifetime Exhibition: 1896, New York

The Society of Amateur Photographers of New York, “Third Annual Members’ Exhibition,” 21–28 March


Exhibits four photographs, including Winter on Fifth Avenue and My Father (not entered for competition); catalogue includes photogravure of Early Morn

Select Reviews

“Society News: Society of Amateur Photographers of New York: Third Annual Members’ Exhibition,” The American Amateur Photographer 8:4 (April 1896), 185–186

  • Alfred Stieglitz
    Winter, Fifth Avenue
    1893, printed 1894
    carbon print
    Key Set Number 82
  • Alfred Stieglitz
    Early Morn
    1894, printed 1895/1896
    platinum print
    Key Set Number 194
  • Alfred Stieglitz
    My Father
    1894, printed 1895/1896
    platinum print
    Key Set Number 237