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Predoctoral Dissertation Fellows

A list of former predoctoral dissertation fellows at the Center and their research projects. Learn more about this fellowship program.

Jump to decade: 2010, 2000, 1990, 1980, 1970


Meghaa Parvathy Ballakrishnen, Johns Hopkins University
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2022–2024
Untitled: Nasreen Mohamedi, Geeta Kapur, and Art History’s Time

Chasitie Brown, The University of Texas at Austin
Twelve-Month Ittleson Fellow, 2023–2024
The Dormant Scar: Embodying Blackness in the Queloides Exhibition Series in Cuba, the United States, and Spain (1997–2012)

Justin M. Brown, Yale University
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2022–2024
The Cosmic Calabash: Afro-Surinamese Art and Thought during the Period of Slavery

Christopher Daly, Johns Hopkins University
David E. Finley Fellow, 2021–2024
Painting in Lucca in the Late 15th Century: A Problem in Artistic Geography

Erin Dickey, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2022–2024
“Bad Information”: Networks, Knowledges, and Feminist Art in the 1980s

William Green, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Twelve-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2023–2024
Looking Backward & Looking Forward: Process Photography in the United States, c. 1970

Bianca Hand, Johns Hopkins University
Twenty-Four-Month Ittleson Fellow, 2022–2024
The Relentless Pursuit of Difference in the Reliefs and Architecture at Sargon II’s Royal Palace at Khorsabad

Hannah Kaemmer, Harvard University
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2023–2024
Expertise and Empire: Fortification Building and the English Ordnance Office, 1660–1714

Aleksander Musiał, Princeton University
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2021–2024
Immersion: Classical Reception and Eastern European Transformations of Hygiene Architecture, c. 1600–1830

Kelvin Parnell Jr., University of Virginia
Wyeth Fellow, 2022–2024
Settler Sculptors and America’s Bronze Age


Davida Fernández-Barkan, Harvard University
David E. Finley Fellow, 2020–2023
Mural Diplomacy: Mexico, the United States, and France at the 1937 Exposition Internationale in Paris

Barbora Bartunkova, Yale University
Twelve-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2022–2023
Sites of Resistance: Anti-Fascism and the Czechoslovak Avant-Garde

Kirsten J. Burke, Harvard University
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2022–2023
The Art of Writing in Renaissance Germany: Johann Neudörffer’s Calligraphic Revolution

Rheagan Eric Martin, University of Michigan
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2021–2023
Printed, Painted, and Illuminated: The Expanding Visual Culture of Venetian Printed Books (1469–1517)

Anthony J. Meyer, University of California, Los Angeles
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2021–2023
The Givers of Things: Nahua Religious Leaders and the Art of Making Gifts in the Mexica and Early Modern Worlds

Catherine L. Nuckols, Tulane University
Twelve-Month Ittleson Fellow, 2022–2023
Unfolding the Sign: Iconography and Figuration in Maya Full-Figure Inscriptions

Cleo Nisse, Columbia University
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2020–2023
Unraveling Canvas: Textile Supports and Venetian Painting from Bellini to Tintoretto

Delphine Sims, University of California, Berkeley
Wyeth Fellow, 2021–2023
(Re)surfacing Black Presence: Photography, Black Women’s Bodies, and Geographies

Zsofi Valyi-Nagy, University of Chicago
Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2021–2023
Vera Molnár’s Programmed Abstraction: Computer Graphics and Geometric Abstract Art in Postwar Europe


Luke A. Fidler, University of Chicago
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2019–2022
Henry the Lion and the Art of Politics, c. 1142–1195

Anna Aline Mehlman Dumont, Northwestern University
Twelve-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2021–2022
From Design Reform to Fascist Craft: Textiles and Italian Women’s Labor, 1870–1945

Christine Garnier, Harvard University
Wyeth Fellow, 2020–2022
The American Silverscape: Art, Extraction, and Sovereignty, 1848–1893

Isabella Lores-Chavez, Columbia University
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2020–2022
Plaster Casts in the Life and Art of 17th-Century Dutch Painters

Mohit Manohar, Yale University
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2020–2022
The City of Gods and Fortune: An Architectural and Urban History of Daulatabad, c. 13th–15th Centuries

Rachel Catherine Patt, Emory University
David E. Finley Fellow, 2019–2022
Meaning, Materiality, and Pothos in Late Antique Gold-Glass Portraits

Catherine H. Popovici, The University of Texas at Austin
Ittleson Fellow, 2020–2022
Stones of Statehood: Art, Politics, and Placemaking in Classic Maya Landscape

Christopher T. Richards, New York University
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2021–2022
Picturing Desire and Desiring Pictures: Ovide moralisé and the Vernacular Manuscript Tradition

Erhan Tamur, Columbia University
Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2020–2022
Site-Worlds: An Account of Material Lives from Tello (Ancient Girsu)

Zhenru Zhou, University of Chicago
Ittleson Fellow, 2021–2022
Between the Virtual and the Real: A New Architecture of the Mogao Caves (Dunhuang, China), 781–1036 CE


Thadeus Dowad, University of California, Berkeley
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2018–2021
Border Regimes: European Art and Ottoman Modernity, 1789–1841

Susan Eberhard, University of California, Berkeley
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2019–2021
Chinese Export Silverwares, Foreign Coins, and Incarnations of Value: The Global Economy and Its Materials, 1682–1902

Sara Lent Frier, Yale University
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, fall 2020
Unbearable Witness: Bodily Loss in the German-Speaking Lands during the Era of Reform (c. 1500–1650)

Ziliang Liu, Harvard University
Ittleson Fellow, 2019–2021
Art of Changes: Material Imagination in Early China, c. Third to First Century BCE

Maria Verónica Muñoz-Nájar Luque, University of California, Berkeley
Twelve-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2020–2021
Art, Civility, and Religion in the Amazon Margins

Andrew Sears, University of California, Berkeley
David E. Finley Fellow, 2018–2021
The Sacred and the Market: Reliquaries and Urbanism in Medieval Cologne

Kimia Shahi, Princeton University
Wyeth Fellow, 2019–2021
Margin, Surface, Depth: Picturing the Contours of the Marine in 19th-Century America

Johanna Sluiter, New York University
Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2019–2021
Engineering Habitat: Reconstruction, Decolonization, and the Atelier des Bâtisseurs, 1945–1962

Teresa Soley, Columbia University
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2019–2021
The Politics of Death: A Social History of Renaissance Portuguese Tomb Sculpture


Rachel E. Boyd [Columbia University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 2017–2020
Experimentation and Specialization: The Glazed Terracotta Sculpture of the Della Robbia Workshop, c. 1430–1550

Alicia Caticha [University of Virginia]
Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2018–2020
Étienne-Maurice Falconet and the Matter of Sculpture: Marble, Porcelain, and Sugar in Eighteenth-Century Paris

Abigail Lapin Dardashti [The Graduate Center, City University of New York]
Twelve-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2019–2020
The Production of Modern Afro-Brazilian Art: African Decolonization, US Black Power, and Transnational Religious Networks, 1966–1988

Sara Lent Frier [Yale University]
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2019 – 2020
Unbearable Witness: The Disfigured Body in the German Speaking Lands, c. 1500– 1650

Samuel Luterbacher [Yale University]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2018–2020
Layovers: Japanese Export Lacquer's Transit and Reuse across Early Modern Iberian Empires

Julia Oswald [Northwestern University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2018–2020
The Visual Rhetoric of the Relic Treasury, 1100–1600

James Pilgrim [Johns Hopkins University]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2017–2020
Jacopo Bassano and the Environment of Painting

Miriam K. Said [University of California, Berkeley]
Ittleson Fellow, 2018–2020
Materializing Apotropaia: The Power of the Sensing Body in Neo-Assyrian Magical Arts, Ninth–Seventh Century BCE

Michelle Smiley [Bryn Mawr College]
Wyeth Fellow, 2018–2020
"An American Sun Shines Brighter": Science, Technology, and the American Invention of Photography


Ravinder S. Binning [Stanford University]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2016–2019
The Medieval Art of Fear: Christ Pantokrator after Iconoclasm

Ashley Dimmig [University of Michigan]
Ittleson Fellow, 2017–2019
Making Modernity in Fabric Architecture: Imperial Tents in the Late Ottoman Period

Suzanne T. Duff [Brown University] – not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2018–2019
The Antwerp Saint Luke's Guild: Its Impact on Artistic Production and Identity, 1556–1663

Michele L. Frederick [University of Delaware]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2017–2019
Shaping the Royal Image: Gerrit van Honthorst and the Stuart Courts in London and The Hague

Ximena A. Gómez [University of Michigan]
Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2017–2019
Nuestra Señora: Confraternal Art and Identity in Early Colonial Lima

Andrew P. Griebeler [University of California, Berkeley]
David E. Finley Fellow, 2016–2019
The Byzantine Illustrated Herbal and Its Use in the Transmission and Transformation of Botanical Knowledge, from Antiquity to the Modern Era

Annika K. Johnson [University of Pittsburgh]
Wyeth Fellow, 2017–2019
Agency at the Confluence of Euro-American and Eastern Dakota Art, 1835–1900

Lauren Taylor [University of California, Los Angeles]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2017 – 2019
The Art of Diplomacy in Dakar: The International Politics of Display at the 1966 Premier Festival Mondial des Arts Nègres

Stephanie E. Triplett [University of Michigan] – not in residence
Twelve-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2018–2019
Romanticism, Realism, and the Rise of Narrative Animal Painting in France and Germany, 1790–1880


Caitlin Beach [Columbia University]
Wyeth Fellow, 2016–2018
Sculpture, Slavery, and Commerce in the Nineteenth-Century Atlantic World

Magdalene Breidenthal [Yale University]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2015–2018
Leaving "Heaven on Earth": The Visual Codes of Middle Byzantine Church Exits

Allison Caplan [Tulane University]
Ittleson Fellow, 2016 – 2018
Their Flickering Creations: Value, Appearance, and Surface in Nahua Precious Art

Grace Chuang [New York University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2016–2018
The Furniture of Bernard II Vanrisamburgh, Master Cabinetmaker in Eighteenth-Century Paris

Catherine Damman [Columbia University]
Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2016–2018
Unreliable Narrators: Laurie Anderson, Julia Heyward, and Jill Kroesen Perform the 1970s

María Lumbreras [Johns Hopkins University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 2015–2018
Likeness and Certainty: The Making of Artistic Knowledge in Golden Age Spain

Suzanne van de Meerendonk [University of California, Santa Barbara] – not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2017–2018
Public Displays of Affection: Negotiating Power and Identity in Ceremonial Receptions in Amsterdam, 1580–1660

Fatima Quraishi [New York University]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2016–2018
Necropolis as Palimpsest: The Cemetery of Makli in Sindh, Pakistan (c. 1350–1650)

Emma R. Silverman [University of California, Berkeley] – not in residence
Twelve-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2017–2018
From Eyesore to Icon: The Watts Towers and Modernism in the Margins


Andrianna Campbell [Graduate Center of the City University of New York] – not in residence
Twelve-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2016–2017
Norman Lewis: Linearity, Pedagogy, and Politics in His Abstract Expressionism, 1946 – 1964

Seth Estrin [University of California, Berkeley]

Paul Mellon Fellow, 2014–2017
Objects of Pity: Art and Emotion in Archaic and Classical Greece

Aaron M. Hyman [University of California, Berkeley]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2015–2017
Rubens in a New World: Prints, Authorship, and Transatlantic Intertextuality

Denva Jackson [Harvard University]

Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2015–2017
In the Footsteps of Our Fathers: The Morgan Library's Vitae patrum, M. 626

Michael Kubo [Massachusetts Institute of Technology]

Wyeth Fellow, 2015–2017
Architecture Incorporated: Collaboration, Authorship, and Anonymity in Postwar Modernism

Michelle McCoy [University of California, Berkeley]
Ittleson Fellow, 2015–2017
Astrology and Astronomy in the Art of Liao-Yuan China and Inner Asia

Phil Taylor [Princeton University]

David E. Finley Fellow, 2014–2017
Raoul Ubac's Photographic Surrealism

Leslie Wilson [University of Chicago]
Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2015–2017
Past Black and White: The Color of Photography in South Africa, 1994 – 2004

Oliver M. Wunsch [Harvard University] – not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2016–2017
Painting Against Time: The Decaying Image in the French Enlightenment


John R. Blakinger [Stanford University]
Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2014–2016
Artist under Technocracy: György Kepes and the Cold War Avant-Garde

Monica Bravo [Brown University]
Wyeth Fellow, 2014–2016
Picturing Greater America: US Modernist Photography and the Mexican Cultural Renaissance, 1920–1945

Esther Chadwick [Yale University]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2013–2016
The Radical Print: British Art and Graphic Experiment in the Paper Age

Robert Fucci [Columbia University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 2013–2016
Jan van de Velde II: The Printmaker as Creative Artist in the Early Dutch Republic

Brendan C. McMahon [The University of Southern California]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2014–2016
“Where sight is scarcely able to assure”:  Iridescence, Vision, and Belief in the Early Modern Hispanic World

Jason E. Nguyen [Harvard University] – not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2015–2016
Constructing Classicism: Architectural Theory, Practice, and Expertise in Late Seventeenth-Century Paris

Eiren L. Shea [University of Pennsylvania]
Ittleson Fellow, 2014–2016
Fashioning Mongol Identity in China (1200 – 1350)

Alice Isabella Sullivan [University of Michigan] – not in residence
Twelve-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2015–2016
The Painted Fortified Monastic Churches of Moldavia: Bastions of Orthodoxy in a Post-Byzantine World

Kelli Wood [University of Chicago]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2014–2016
The Art of Play: Games in Early Modern Italy


Kate Cowcher [Stanford University]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2013–2015
Between Revolutionary Motherland and Death: Art and Visual Culture in Socialist Ethiopia

Nikolas Drosos [The Graduate Center, City University of New York]
Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2013–2015
Synthesis of Art and Architecture in Eastern Europe, 1954 – 1958

Hannah J. Friedman [The Johns Hopkins University]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2012–2015
Taste and Prudence in the Art of Jusepe de Ribera

Adam Jasienski [Harvard University]

Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2013–2015
In the Guise of Holiness: Portraiture, Dynastic Politics, and Sanctity under the Spanish Habsburgs

Miri Kim [Princeton University]
Wyeth Fellow, 2013–2015
"Right Matter in the Right Place": The Paintings of Albert Pinkham Ryder

David Pullins [Harvard University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 2012–2015
Cut and Paste: The Mobile Image from Watteau to Robert

Rachel Saunders [Harvard University]
Ittleson Fellow, 2013–2015
The Illustrated Life of Xuanzang: Poetry, Painting, and Pilgrimage in Medieval Japan

Zachary Stewart [Columbia University]
 – not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2014–2015
The Integrated Interior: Parish Church Architecture in Eastern England, c. 1330 – c. 1550

Nicole Paxton Sullo [Yale University]
 – not in residence
Twelve-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2014–2015
The Art of Memory in Byzantium during the Later Middles Ages


Nicola Cronin Barham [University of Chicago] – not in residence
Twelve-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2013 – 2014
Ornament and Artistic Theory in Ancient Rome: An Alternative Classical Paradigm for the Visual Arts

Emmelyn Butterfield-Rosen [Princeton University]

David E. Finley Fellow, 2011 – 2014
The Disposition of Figures in Modern Art, 1886 ‒ 1912

Subhashini Kaligotla [Columbia University]
Ittleson Fellow, 2012 – 2014
Shiva’s Waterfront Temples: Reimagining the Sacred Architecture of India’s Deccan Region

Kristopher W. Kersey [University of California, Berkeley]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2012 – 2014
Emperor GoShirakawa and the Image of Classical Japan

Joshua O’Driscoll [Harvard University]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2011 – 2014
Image and Inscription in the Painterly Manuscripts from Ottonian Cologne

Jessica Stevenson Stewart [University of California, Berkeley] – not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2013 – 2014
Rules of Engagement: Art, Commerce, and Diplomacy in Golden Age Antwerp, 1500 – 1576

James M. Thomas [Stanford University]

Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2012 – 2014
The Administration of Space: Habitability and Abstraction during the Apollo Era

Susan M. Wager [Columbia University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2012 – 2014
Boucher’s Bijoux: Luxury Reproductions in the Age of Enlightenment

Elaine Y. Yau [University of California, Berkeley]
Wyeth Fellow, 2012 – 2014
Sister Gertrude Morgan’s Material Performances and the Sensory Cultures in New Orleans, 1960 ‒ 1983


Susanna Berger [University of Cambridge]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2011 – 2013
The Art of Philosophy: Early Modern Illustrated Thesis Prints, Broadsides, and Student Notebooks

Meredith Gamer [Yale University]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2010 – 2013
Criminal and Martyr: Art and Religion in Britain’s Early Modern Eighteenth Century

Marius Bratsberg Hauknes [Princeton University]
Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2011 – 2013
Imago, Figura, Scientia: The Image of the World in Thirteenth-Century Rome

Jessica L. Horton [University of Rochester]
Wyeth Fellow, 2011 – 2013
Places to Stand: Native Art beyond the Nation

Nathaniel B. Jones [Yale University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 2010 – 2013
Nobilibus pinacothecae sunt faciundae: The Inception of the Roman Fictive Picture Gallery

Jennifer Nelson [Yale University] – not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2012 – 2013
Image beyond Likeness: The Chimerism of Early Protestant Visuality, 1517 – 1565

Ann E. Patnaude [University of Chicago] – not in residence
Twelve-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2012 – 2013
Locating Identity: Mixed Inscriptions in Archaic and Classical Greek Pottery and Stone, c. 675 – 336 BCE

Fredo Rivera [Duke University]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2011 – 2013
Revolutionizing Modernities: Visualizing Utopia in 1960s Havana, Cuba

Yanfei Zhu [The Ohio State University]
Ittleson Fellow, 2011 – 2013
Transtemporal and Cross-Border Alignment: The Rediscovery of Yimin Ink Painting in Modern China, 1900 – 1949


Benjamin Anderson [Bryn Mawr College]
David E. Finley Fellow, 2009 – 2012
World Image after World Empire: The Ptolemaic Cosmos in the Early Middle Ages

Dana E. Byrd [Yale University]
Wyeth Fellow, 2010 – 2012
Reconstructions: The Visual and Material Cultures of the Plantation, 1861 – 1877

Jason Di Resta [The Johns Hopkins University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2010 – 2012
“Crudeliter accentuando eructant”: Rethinking Center and Periphery in the Art of Giovanni Antonio da Pordenone

Razan Francis [Massachusetts Institute of Technology]
Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2010 – 2012
Secrets of the Arts: Enlightenment Spain’s Contested Islamic Craft Heritage

Di Yin Lu [Harvard University]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2010 – 2012
Seizing Civilization: Antiquities in Shanghai’s Custody, 1949 – 1996

Anna Lise Seastrand [Columbia University]
Ittleson Fellow, 2010 – 2012
Praise, Politics, and Language: South Indian Mural Paintings, 1500 – 1800

Jennifer M. S. Stager [University of California, Berkeley]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2009 – 2012
The Embodiment of Color in Ancient Mediterranean Art

Maggie Taft [University of Chicago] – not in residence
Twelve-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2011 – 2012
Making Danish Modern, 1945 – 1960

Noa Turel [University of California, Santa Barbara] – not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2011 – 2012
Life to Likeness: Painting and Spectacles au vif in the Burgundian State


Priyanka Basu [University of Southern California]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2009 – 2011
Kunstwissenschaft and the “Primitive”: Excursions in the History of Art History, 1880–1925

Shira Brisman [Yale University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2009 – 2011
The Handwritten Letter and the Work of Art in the Age of the Printing Press, 1490–1530

Christina Ferando [Columbia University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 2008 – 2011
Staging Canova: Sculpture, Connoisseurship, and Display, 1780–1822

Dipti Khera [Columbia University]
Ittleson Fellow, 2009 – 2011
Picturing India’s “Land of Princes” between the Mughal and British Empires: Topographical Imaginings of Udaipur and Its Environs

Beatrice Kitzinger [Harvard University]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2008 – 2011
Crucifix and Crucifixion in Ninth- and Tenth-Century Breton Gospel Books: The Early Medieval Liturgical Cross and Its Representations

Jason David LaFountain [Harvard University]
Wyeth Fellow, 2009 – 2011
The Puritan Art World

Lisa Lee [Princeton University]
Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2009 – 2011
Sculpture’s Condition/Conditions of Publicness: Isa Genzken and Thomas Hirschhorn

Kate Nesin [Princeton University] – not in residence
Twelve-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2010 – 2011
Twombly’s Things: The Sculptures of Cy Twombly

Miya Tokumitsu [University of Pennsylvania] – not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2010 – 2011
“Die Kleine, die Feine, die Reine, die Eine”: The Sculpture of Leonhard Kern (1588 – 1662)


Sinem Arcak [University of Minnesota]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2008 – 2010
Gifts in Motion: Ottoman-Safavid Cultural Exchange, 1501 – 1639

Wen-shing Chou [University of California, Berkeley]
Ittleson Fellow, 2008 – 2010
Where Our Journeys End: Visions, Exchanges, and Encounters in Early Modern Representations of Mount Wutai

Sonja Drimmer [Columbia University] — not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2009 – 2010
The Visual Language of Vernacular Manuscript Illumination: John Gower’s Confessio Amantis (Pierpont Morgan MS M.126)

Ivan Drpić [Harvard University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 2007 – 2010
Kosmos of Verse: Art and Epigram in Late Byzantium

George F. Flaherty [University of California, Santa Barbara]
Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2008 – 2010
Mediating the Third Culture at Tlatelolco, Mexico City

Ralph Ghoche [Columbia University] — not in residence
Twelve-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2009 – 2010
Ornament, Aesthetic Theory, and Expressive Signs in Second Empire French Architecture: Victor Ruprich-Robert and the
 Flore Ornementale

Albert Narath [Columbia University]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2007 – 2010
The Baroque Effect: Architecture, History, and Politics in Austria and Germany

Andrei Pop [Harvard University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2008 – 2010
Neopaganism: Henry Fuseli, Theater, and the Cultural Politics of Antiquity, 1765–1825

Tobias Wofford [University of California, Los Angeles]
Wyeth Fellow, 2008 – 2010
Constructing Africa: The Visualization of Homeland and Diaspora in African American Art of the 1960s and 1970s


Marisa Bass [Harvard University] — not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2008 – 2009
A Circle Apart: Jan Gossaert and the Scope of Humanist Painting in the Netherlands

S. Adam Hindin [Harvard University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2007 – 2009
Knowledge, Memory, and Ethnic Commitment in Bohemian Visual Culture, 1200 – 1450

Ashley Elizabeth Jones [Yale University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 2006 – 2009
“Lord, Protect the Wearer”: Late-Antique Numismatic Jewelry and the Image of the Emperor as Talismanic Device

Joan Kee [New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2007 – 2009
Points, Lines, Encounters: The Paintings of Lee Ufan and Park Seobo

Michele Matteini [New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]
Ittleson Fellow, 2007 – 2009
Painting in the Age of Evidential Scholarship (Kaozheng): Luo Ping’s Late Years, c. 1770 – 1799

Cammie McAtee [Harvard University]
Wyeth Fellow, 2007 – 2009
The “Search for Form” in Postwar American Architecture

Kristin Romberg [Columbia University]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2006 – 2009
Gan’s Constructivism

Joyce Tsai [The Johns Hopkins University]
Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2007 – 2009
Painting after Photography: László Moholy-Nagy, 1921–1936

Catherine Walden [University of Virginia] — not in residence
Twelve-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2008 – 2009
Redemption and Remembrance: The English Episcopal Tomb in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries


Zeynep Çelik Alexander [Massachusetts Institute of Technology]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2005 – 2008
Kinaesthetic Impulses: Aesthetic Experience, Bodily Knowledge, and Pedagogical Practices in Germany, 1871–1918

Lucia Allais [Massachusetts Institute of Technology] — not in residence
Twelve-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2007 – 2008
Will to War, Will to Art: Cultural Internationalism and the Modernist Aesthetics of Monuments, 1932 – 1964

Bridget Alsdorf [University of California, Berkeley]
Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2006 – 2008
The Art of Association: Fantin-Latour and French Group Portraiture, 1855 – 1885

Ross Barrett [Boston University]
Wyeth Fellow, 2006 – 2008
Rendering Violence: Riots, Strikes, and Upheavals in Nineteenth-Century American Art and Visual Culture

Cécile Fromont [Harvard University]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2006 – 2008
Christian Icons, Kongo Symbols: Defining Form, Religion, and Meaning in Early Modern Central Africa

Susan Elizabeth Gagliardi [University of California, Los Angeles]
Ittleson Fellow, 2006 – 2008
Crossing Borders, Pushing Boundaries: Senufo Arts and History in a “Frontier”

Rebecca M. Molholt [Columbia University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 2005 – 2008
On Stepping Stones: The Historical Experience of Roman Mosaics

Christina Normore [University of Chicago] — not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2007 – 2008
Feasting the Eye and Eyeing the Feast in Late Medieval Burgundy

Sara Switzer [Columbia University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2006 – 2008
Correggio and the Sacred Image


Amy J. Buono [University of California, Santa Barbara]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2005 – 2007
Plumed Identities and Feathered Performances: Tupinambá Interculture in Early Modern Brazil and Europe

Robert Glass [Princeton University]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2004 – 2007
Filarete’s Sculpture and the Taste for the Antique in Mid-Fifteenth-Century Italy

Angela Ho [University of Michigan] — not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2006 – 2007
Rethinking Repetition: Constructing Value in Dutch Genre Painting, 1650s to 1670s

Aden Kumler [Harvard University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 2004 – 2007
Visual Translation, Visible Theology: Illuminated Devotional Compendia in Late Medieval France and England

Michelle Kuo [Harvard University]
Wyeth Fellow, 2005 – 2007
“To Avoid the Waste of a Cultural Revolution”: Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.), 1966 – 1979

Janice Mercurio [University of Pennsylvania]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2005 – 2007
Imitation and Creation: A Dialogue between the Arts of Painting and Music in Eighteenth-Century France

Melanie Michailidis [Massachusetts Institute of Technology]
Ittleson Fellow, 2005 – 2007
Landmarks of the Persian Renaissance: Monumental Funerary Architecture in Iran and Central Asia in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries

Daniel Morgan [University of Chicago] — not in residence
Twelve-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2006 – 2007
“A Feeling of Light”: Cinema, Aesthetics, and the Films of Jean–Luc Godard at the End of the Twentieth Century

Molly Warnock [The Johns Hopkins University]
Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2005 – 2007
Painting Blind: Simon Hantaï’s Technique-Based Paintings


Karl Debreczeny [University of Chicago]
Ittleson Fellow, 2004 – 2006
Ethnicity and Esoteric Power: Negotiating the Sino-Tibetan Synthesis in Ming Buddhist Painting

Sarah Gordon [Northwestern University]
Wyeth Fellow, 2004 – 2006
Sanctioning the Nude: The Production and Reception of Eadweard Muybridge’s  Animal Locomotion, 1887

John Harwood [Columbia University]
Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2004 – 2006
The Redesign of Design: Multinational Corporations, Computers, and Design Logic, 1945–1976

Meredith Martin [Harvard University] — not in residence
Twelve-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2005 – 2006
Marie Antoinette’s Hameau and Female Subjectivity in Eighteenth-Century Pleasure Dairies

Ara H. Merjian [University of California, Berkeley]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2004 – 2006
The Urban Untimely: Giorgio De Chirico and the Metaphysical City, 1910 – 1924

Katharina Pilaski [University of California, Santa Barbara]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2004 – 2006
The Munich Kunstkammer: Art, Nature, and the Representation of Knowledge in Courtly Contexts

Noël Schiller [University of Michigan] — not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2005 – 2006
The Art of Laughter: Society, Civility, and Viewing Practices in the Netherlands, 1600–1640

Carlos Roberto de Souza [University of California, Santa Barbara]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2004 – 2006
The Law of the Heart: Narrative and Audience in the Fotonovela from Beginning to End

Ashley West [University of Pennsylvania]
David E. Finley Fellow, 2003 – 2006
Visualizing Knowledge: Prints and Paintings by Hans Burgkmair the Elder (1473–1531)


Sabina de Cavi [Columbia University]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2002 – 2005
Spain in Naples: Building, Sculpting, and Painting for the Viceroys (1585 – 1621)

André Dombrowski [University of California, Berkeley]
Twelve-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2004 – 2005
Sense and Sensation: Experience at the Extremes in the Early Work of Paul Cézanne

Nina Dubin [University of California, Berkeley]
David E. Finley Fellow, 2002 – 2005
Monumental Ruins: Hubert Robert, Paris Urbanism, and the Crisis of Revolutionary France

Talinn Grigor [Massachusetts Institute of Technology]
Ittleson Fellow, 2003 – 2005
Acculturating the Nation: The“Society for National Heritage” and Public Monuments of Modern Iran, 1921–1979

Shilpa Prasad [The Johns Hopkins University]
Mary Davis Fellow, 2003 – 2005
Guercino’s “Theatricality”: Performance and Spectatorship in Seventeenth-Century Painting

Sean E. Roberts [University of Michigan] — not in residence
Twelve-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2004 – 2005
Cartography between Cultures: Francesco Berlinghieri’s Geographia of 1482

Natasha Seaman [Boston University] — not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2004 – 2005
Archaism, Devotion, and the Critique of Caravaggio in the Religious Paintings of Hendrick ter Brugghen

Hérica Valladares [Columbia University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2003 – 2005
Imago Amoris: The Poetics of Desire in Roman Painting

Terri Weissman [Columbia University]
Wyeth Fellow, 2003 – 2005
Super Sight: The Realisms of Berenice Abbott


Guendalina Ajello [Institute of Fine Arts, New York University]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2001 – 2004
The Afterlife of Rome’s Ancient Spectator Buildings

Meredith M. Hale [Columbia University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2002 – 2004
Romeyn de Hooghe and the Birth of Political Satire

Carmenita Higginbotham [University of Michigan, Ann Arbor]
Chester Dale Fellow, 2003 – 2004
Saturday Night at the Savoy: Blackness and the Urban Spectacle in the Art of Reginald Marsh

Yu Jiang [University of Pittsburgh]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2002 – 2004
Statecraft and Cemetery in Early Dynastic China: Yu Funerary Arts in the Zhou

Kate Lingley [The University of Chicago]
Ittleson Fellow, 2002 – 2004
Negotiating Identity: Social Aspects of Sixth-Century Buddhist Art Patronage

Alison S. Locke [Yale University] — not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 2003 – 2004
Visuality and Experience in the Twelfth-Century Church of Castel Sant’Elia near Nepi (Viterbo)

Amy Powell [Harvard University] — not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 2003 – 2004
The Fascination of Likeness: Imitation in and of Rogier van der Weyden’s Descent from the Cross

Alison Mairi Syme [Harvard University]
Wyeth Fellow, 2002 – 2004
Hedgewhores, Wagtails, Cockatrices, Whipsters: John Singer Sargent and His Coterie of Nature's Artful Dodgers

Wei Yang Teiser [Northwestern University] — not in residence
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2003 – 2004
Representations of Gender in Chinese/Mongol Art, 1260 – 1368

Adriaan E. Waiboer [Institute of Fine Arts, New York University]
Mary Davis Fellow, 2002 – 2004
Gabriel Metsu (1629 – 1667): Life and Work

Suzanne Jablonski Walker [University of California, Berkeley] — not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2003 – 2004
Acts of Violence: Rubens and the Hunt


Fabio Barry [Columbia University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 2000 – 2003
Painting in Stone: The Symbolic Identity of Colored Marbles in the Visual Arts from Late Antiquity until the Age of Enlightenment

Kyung-hee Choi [New York University] — not in residence
David E. Finley Fellow, 2001 – 2003
Illuminating Liturgy and Legend: The Missal of Saint-Denis and the Royal Abbey in the Fourteenth Century

Kevin Chua [University of California, Berkeley]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2001 – 2003
Seeing Tears: Greuze and the Epistemology of Sensibility

Jordan Kantor [Harvard University] — not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 2002 – 2003
Jackson Pollock's Late Paintings (1951 – 1956)

Yukio Lippit [Princeton University]

Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2001 – 2003
The Birth of Japanese Painting History: Authentication and Inscription in the Seventeenth Century

Adnan Morshed [Massachusetts Institute of Technology]
Wyeth Fellow, 2001 – 2003
The Aesthetics of Aerial Vision: The Futurama of Norman Bel Geddes

Teresa K. Nevins [University of Delaware]
Mary Davis Fellow, 2001 – 2003
Viewing Revelation: Text and Image in Ninth-Century Apocalypse Manuscripts

Morna O'Neill [Yale University] — not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 2002 – 2003
"Art Is Born Again": Painting as a Practice in the Work of Walter Crane, 1877 – 1902

Leopoldine Prospererti [The Johns Hopkins University] — not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2002 – 2003
Jan Brueghel and the Landscape of Devotion: Spiritual Reform and Landscape Subjects in Antwerp Painting between 1595 and 1625

Alice Y. Tseng [Harvard University]
Ittleson Fellow, 2002 – 2003
Art in Place: Shaping the Imperial Museum of Japan, 1872 – 1909

Pamela J. Warner [University of Delaware]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2000 – 2003
At the Crossroads of Word and Image: Theories of the Pictorial in the Art Criticism of the Goncourt Brothers


Kathlyn M. Cooney [The Johns Hopkins University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2000 – 2002
The Cost of Art in New Kingdom Egypt: The Commission of Private Funerary Art in the Ramesside Period

Yvonne Elet [New York University] — not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 2001 – 2002
The Decorations of the Villa Madama and the Renaissance Rediscovery of Stucco

Nnamdi Elleh [Northwestern University]
Ittleson Fellow, 2000 – 2002
Architecture and Nationalism at Abuja, Nigeria: A Study of the Ideologies of "Federal Character"

Carla Keyvanian [Massachusetts Institute of Technology]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 1999 – 2002
Charity, Architecture, and Urban Development: The Expansion of Santa Trinità dei Pellegrini e Convalescenti in Counter-Reformation Rome

Antien Knaap [New York University] — not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2001 – 2002
Seeing in Sequence: Rubens and the Jesuit Church in Antwerp

Hajime Nakatani [The University of Chicago]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2000 – 2002
Facing the Gaze: Portraiture, Physiognomics, and the Problems of Human Appearance in Late Imperial China, c. 1600 – 1800

Alona Nitzan-Shiftan [Massachusetts Institute of Technology]
Mary Davis Fellow, 2000 – 2002
Israelizing Jerusalem: The Encounter between National and Architectural Ideologies, 1967 – 1977

Stephen C. Pinson [Harvard University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1999 – 2002
Enterprising Spectacle: The Art of L. J. M. Daguerre

Megan Smetzer [The University of British Columbia] — not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 2001 – 2002
Assimilation or Resistance: The Production and Consumption of Tlingit Beadwork, 1870 – 1940


Wendy Bellion [Northwestern University]
Wyeth Fellow, 1999 – 2001
Mischievous Objects: Trompe l'Oeil in Early American Art

David T. Doris [Yale University]
Ittleson Fellow, 1999 – 2001
Vigilant Things: The Strange Fates of Ordinary Objects in Southwestern Nigeria

Cheryl Finley [Yale University] — not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 2000 – 2001
Committed to Memory: The Slave Ship Icon in the Black Atlantic Imagination

Arne Flaten [Indiana University] — not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 2000 – 2001
Niccolò Fiorentino and the Image of Humanism: Portrait Medals and the Florentine Art Market in the Late Quattrocento

Rachel Haidu [Columbia University] — not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 2000 – 2001
Marcel Broodthaers, 1963 – 1972: From Forbidden Objects to Museum Fictions

Sarah Kennel [University of California, Berkeley]
Mary Davis Fellow, 1999 – 2001
Bodies, Statues, Machines: Dance and the Visual Arts in Paris, 1910 – 1925

Graham Larkin [Harvard University] — not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 2000 – 2001
Jacques Callot: Visions and Revisions

Sarah Linford [Princeton University]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 1998 – 2001
The Disgrace of Representation: French Symbolism and the Third Republic, 1871 – 1910

Stella Nair [University of California, Berkeley]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 1999 – 2001
Of Remembrance and Forgetting: The Architecture of Chinchero, Peru, from Thupa Inca to the Spanish Occupation

Kathryn Rudy [Columbia University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1999 – 2001
Northern European Visual Responses to Holy Land Pilgrimage, 1453 – 1550

Stephanie Schrader [University of California, Santa Barbara] — not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2000 – 2001
Jan Gossaert and Imitation at the Humanist Court of Philip IV of Burgundy

Kristel Smentek [University of Delaware]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1998 – 2001
Pierre-Jean Mariette: Art, Commerce, and Scholarship in Eighteenth-Century Europe


Rachael Z. DeLue [Johns Hopkins University]
Wyeth Fellow, 1998 – 2000
George Inness: Landscape, Representation, and the Struggle of Vision

Elizabeth Guenther [Princeton University] — not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1999 – 2000
Albrecht Dürer's Narrative Style

Mimi Hellman [Princeton University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1997 – 2000
The Hôtel de Soubise and the Rohan-Soubise Family: Architecture, Interior Decoration, and the Art of Ambition in Eighteenth-Century France

Andrew K. Y. Leung [University of Pennsylvania]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 1998 – 2000
Central-Pillar Cave Architecture in China and Central Asia during the Northern Dynasties, A.D. 265 – 581

Melissa McCormick [Princeton University]
Ittleson Fellow, 1998 – 2000
Tosa Mitsunobu's "Small Pictures": Forms and Functions of Small-Format Handscrolls in the Muromachi Period, 1333 – 1573

Susan Merriam [Harvard University] — not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 1999 – 2000
Icons after Iconoclasm: The Flemish Garland Image, 1608 – 1700

Annie Pedret [Massachusetts Institute of Technology] — not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1999 – 2000
Team X: Modernizing Modern Architecture in Postwar Europe

Kathryn A. Tuma [University of California, Berkeley]
Mary Davis Fellow, 1998 – 2000
Cézanne, Lucretius, and the Late Nineteenth-Century Crisis in Science

Leila Whittemore [Columbia University]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 1996 – 1997, 1998 – 2000
Theory, Practice, and the Architectural Imagination: Filarete's Treatise on Architecture and Early Sforza Urbanism, 1450 – 1466


George Baker [Columbia University] — not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1998 – 1999
Lost Objects: On Surrealism, Consumption, and Modernity

Jacqueline Francis [Emory University]
Wyeth Fellow, 1997 – 1999
"Racial Art" and African-American Artists in the Early Depression Years, 1929 – 1935

Aneta Georgievska-Shine [University of Maryland at College Park]  not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 1998 – 1999
The Poetics of Quotation in Rubens" Versions of Myths (1610 – 1620)

Richard Neer [University of California, Berkeley]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1996 – 1999
The Marketplace of Images: Representation and Ideology in Attic Red-Figure

Lauren S. Nemroff [New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 1997 – 1999
The Figure Paintings of Tang Yin (1470 – 1524)

Andrew Shanken [Princeton University]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1998 – 1999
From Total War to Total Living: American Architecture and the Culture of Planning, 1939 – 1960

Rebecca Zorach [University of Chicago]
Mary Davis Fellow, 1997 – 1999
The Figuring of Excess in Renaissance France


Edward Eigen [Massachusetts Institute of Technology]
Mary Davis Fellow, 1996 – 1998
The Crucial Intermediary: Nature and the Architecture of the French Life Sciences, 1848 – 1898

Marian Feldman [Harvard University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1995 – 1998
The Role of Luxury Goods in the International Relations of the Eastern Mediterranean during the Late Bronze Age with Specific Reference to the Site of Ras Shamra-Ugarit

Max Elijah Grossman [Columbia University]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1997 – 1998
Architecture and Ideology in the Sienese Contado from the Age of Frederick II to the Fall of the Nine

Christopher Hughes [University of California, Berkeley]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1997 – 1998
Visual Typology in Medieval Art, 1160 – 1220

Branden Joseph [Harvard University]
Wyeth Fellow, 1996 – 1998
"I'll Be Your Mirror": Robert Rauschenberg and Andy Warhol, 1952 – 1968

Matthew Kennedy [New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1996 – 1998
Terminal City: Urbanism and the Construction of Grand Central Terminal

Julia Lenaghan [New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1997 – 1998
Studies in Portrait Statues of Roman Women

Heghnar Watenpaugh [University of California, Los Angeles]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 1996 – 1998
The Image of an Ottoman City: Urban Space, Social Structure, and Civic Identity in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Aleppo


Jenny Anger [Brown University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1994 – 1997
Modernism and the Gendering of Paul Klee

Erica Ehrenberg [New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1995 – 1997
Archaism and Innovation in Neo-Babylonian Artistic Representation: Definition and Chronology

Samuel Isenstadt [Massachusetts Institute of Technology]
Mary Davis Fellow, 1995 – 1997
"Little Visual Empire": Private Vistas and the Modern American House

Pamela Lee [Harvard University]
Wyeth Fellow, 1995 – 1997
Object To Be Destroyed: The Work of Gordon Matta-Clark

Stephen J. Lucey [Rutgers University]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1996 – 1997
The Church of Santa Maria Antiqua, Rome: A Contextual Study, Sixth through Ninth Centuries

Catherine H. Lusheck [University of California, Berkeley]  not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 1996 – 1997
Studies in Rubens' Drawings: Mode, Manner, and the Problem of Stylistic Variety

Trian Nguyen [University of California, Berkeley]
Ittleson Fellow, 1995 – 1997
Ninh-phúc Monastery: An Examination of Seventeenth-Century Buddhist Sculpture in Northern Vietnam

Irina Oryshkevich [Columbia University]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 1994 – 1997
Christian Reclamation: Rediscovery of the Catacombs in Counter-Reformation Rome

Gennifer Weisenfeld [Princeton University]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 1995 – 1997
Murayama, Mavo, and Modernity: Constructions of the Modern in Taishō Period Avant-Garde Art

Erika Wolf [University of Michigan, Ann Arbor]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1996 – 1997
USSR in Construction: From Avant-Garde to Socialist Realist Aesthetics


Julien Chapuis [Indiana University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1994 – 1996
Underdrawing in Paintings of the Stefan Lochner Group

Leah Dickerman [Columbia University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1993 – 1996
Utopian Practice and Revolutionary Complexity, 1917 – 1936: The Work of Aleksandr Rodchenko

Pamela Fletcher [Columbia University]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1995 – 1996
Alternative Narratives of Modernity. The "Problem Picture," 1890 – 1914

Réjean Legault [Massachusetts Institute of Technology]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1995 – 1996
L'Appareil de l'Architecture Moderne: New Materials and Architectural Modernity in France (1889 – 1934)

Abby McGehee [University of California, Berkeley]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 1993 – 1996
The Parish Church of Saint Gervais‒Saint Protais: Parisian Flamboyant in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries

Nancy Norwood [University of California, Berkeley]

Mary Davis Fellow, 1994 – 1996
Devotional and Liturgical Aspects of Fifteenth-Century Northern European Sculpted Entombment Groups

David Roxburgh [University of Pennsylvania]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 1994 – 1996
"Our Works Point to Us": Album-Making, Collecting, and Art (1427 – 1565) under the Timurids and Safavids


Roann Barris [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1993 – 1995
Chaos by Design: The Constructivist Stage and Its Reception

Timothy Davis [University of Texas at Austin]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1994 – 1995
Contested Terrain: Washington, D.C.'s Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway as a Case Study in Urban Landscape History

Jesús R. Escobar [Princeton University]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1994 – 1995
The Plaza Mayor of Madrid: Architecture and Urbanism for the Capital of Spain, 1560 – 1630

Maria Gough [Harvard University]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 1992 – 1995
The Forgotten Dialogue: Russian Constructivism and Russian Formalism in the Early 1920s

Jodi Hauptman [Yale University]
Wyeth Fellow, 1993 – 1995
Vision and Spectatorship in the Work of Joseph Cornell

Cynthia Robinson [University of Pennsylvania]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 1993 – 1995
Meaning in Art and Architecture of the Muluk al-Tawa'if: The Reconstruction of an "Imaginaire"

Kathryn Smith [New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]
Mary Davis Fellow, 1993 – 1995
Canonizing the Apocryphal: London British Library Egerton MS. 2781 and Its Visual, Devotional, and Social Contexts

Lydia Thompson [New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]
Ittleson Fellow, 1993 – 1995
The Yi'nan Tomb

Mariët Westermann [New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1992 – 1995
Jan Steen and the Visual Poetics of Farce

Eugene Yuejin Wang [Harvard University]  in residence fall 1995
Ittleson Fellow, 1994 – 1995
Sculptural Optics and Architectural Tropology:The Dragon-Tiger Pagoda and Chinese Medieval Visual Culture


Aline Brandauer [City University of New York, Graduate School and University Center]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 1991 – 1994
In the Beginning All the World Was America: The Surrealist Construction of the New World or the Semiotic Unbound

Karen Fiss [Yale University]
Mary Davis Fellow, 1992 – 1994
"Deutschland in Paris": The German Pavilion of 1937 and Franco-German Cultural Relations

Kathleen Howe [University of New Mexico]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1993 – 1994
Egypt Recovered: The Photography of Maxime Du Camp, Félix Teynard, and John Beasley Greene, and the Development of Egyptology

Kenneth D. S. Lapatin [University of California, Berkeley]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1991 – 1994
Greek and Roman Chryselephantine Statuary

Lyle Massey [University of California, Los Angeles] — not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1993 – 1994
The Gamble of the Gaze: An Investigation of Visual Illusion through the History of Anamorphosis and Trompe l'Oeil

Donald McColl [University of Virginia]  not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 1993 – 1994
Christ and the Woman of Samaria: Studies in Art and Piety in the Age of the Reformation

Nicole Rousmaniere [Harvard University]

Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 1992 – 1994
Vessels of Influence: Early Japanese Porcelain and Its Production in Northern Kyushu

T. Barton Thurber [Harvard University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1992 – 1994
Religious Architecture in Turin and Piedmont, 1560 – 1610: Buildings, Projects, and Strategies in the Center and Periphery

Dorothy Wong [Harvard University]
Ittleson Fellow, 1992 – 1994
Public Religious Monuments: Chinese Buddhist Steles of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, 386 – 581


Patricia Bochi [University of Pennsylvania]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1991 – 1993
Agricultural Scenes in the Private Tombs of the Eighteenth Dynasty: A Study in Iconographic Polyvalence

Harold Foss Foster [City University of New York, Graduate School and University Center]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 1990 – 1993
The Surrealist Attraction to the Uncanny, the Outmoded, and the Exotic

Gabriele Guercio [Yale University]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1992 – 1993
The Identity of the Artist: Theory and History of the Monographical Approach in the Literature of Art

Dana Leibsohn [University of California, Los Angeles]
Ittleson Fellow, 1991 – 1993
Mapping Memory: The Art of Nahua History

Richard Lewis [Northwestern University]
Wyeth Fellow, 1991 – 1993
Interesting Particulars and Melancholy Occurrences: The Visual Representation of Philadelphian Shipping Culture, 1784 – 1834

Pauline Thayer Maguire [Columbia University]
Mary Davis Fellow, 1991 – 1993
Poussin in France: Chantelou's Collection

Dominique Malaquais [Columbia University]
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 1991 – 1993
Patterns of Space, Designs of Power: Architecture of the Bamileke Kings

Bratislav Pantelić [University of Pennsylvania]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1992 – 1993
The Architecture of the Catholicon of the Monastery of Dečani in Serbia

Claudia Swan [Columbia University]  not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 1992 – 1993
Jacques de Gheyn II and the Representation of the Natural World in The Netherlands, 1585 – 1629

Philip Hotchkiss Walsh [Harvard University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1990 – 1993
The Atelier of Gustave Moreau at the École des Beaux-Arts


Matthew Affron [Yale University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1990 – 1992
The Advent of the Object: The Art and Art Theory of Fernand Léger, 1925 – 1940

Robert Edward Haywood [University of Michigan]
Wyeth Fellow, 1990 – 1992
Beyond the Canvas: The Invention of Happenings

Julie Berger Hochstrasser [University of California, Berkeley]  not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 1991 – 1992
Life and Still Life: A Cultural Inquiry into Seventeenth-Century Dutch Still-Life Painting

Ronda J. Kasl [New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]
Paul Mellon Predoctoral Fellow, 1989 – 1992
The Cartuja de Miraflores: A Study of Royal Patronage and Hispano-Flemish Style in Fifteenth-Century Burgos

Laurie Jean Monahan [Harvard University]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1991 – 1992
The Massacres of André Masson and the Chaos of Representation

Kevin Dean Murphy [Northwestern University]
Mary Davis Fellow, 1990 – 1992
Architectural Restoration in France, 1830 – 1848

Nadine M. Orenstein [New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]
David E. Finley Predoctoral Fellow, 1989 – 1992
Hendrick Hondius (Duffel 1573 – The Hague 1650): Prints and the Business of Printmaking in Seventeenth-Century Holland

Ethel Sara Wolper [University of California, Los Angeles]
Ittleson Fellow, 1990 – 1992
Patronage and Practice in Late Saljuk and Early Beylik Anatolia: A Study of Dervish Lodges in Northeastern Anatolian Cities


Barbara Shapiro Comte [Harvard University]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1990 – 1991
The Modern Architectural Drawing in Its Context: Paris, 1791 – 1870

Isabelle Frank [Harvard University]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 1988 – 1991
Melozzo da Forli and the Rome of Sixtus IV

Alessandra Galizzi [The Johns Hopkins University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1988 – 1991
Francia and Devotional Expression in Italian Art, c. 1500

Randall C. Griffin [University of Delaware]
Wyeth Predoctoral Fellow, 1989 – 1991
Thomas Anshutz: A Contextual Study of His Art, Teaching, and Influence

Amy Kurlander [Harvard University]
Mary Davis Predoctoral Fellow, 1989 – 1991
The Later Work of Camille Corot: Varieties of Landscape Practice, 1850 – 1867

Mitchell F. Merling [Brown University]
Samuel H. Kress Predoctoral Fellow, 1989 – 1991
Marco Boschini and His Circle: Art, Theory, and Culture in Mid-Seventeenth-Century Venice

D. Fairchild Ruggles [University of Pennsylvania]
Ittleson Predoctoral Fellow, 1989 – 1991
Madīnat al-Zahrā's Constructed Landscape: A Case Study in Islamic Garden and Architectural History

Frederic Schwartz [Columbia University]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1990 – 1991
The New Unity: Art and Technology at the Bauhaus


Robert Mark Antliff [Yale University]
Mary Davis Fellow, 1988 – 1990
The Relevance of Bergson: Creative Intuition, Fauvism, and Cubism

Andrea L. Bolland [University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill]  not in residence
Chester Dale Predoctoral Fellow, 1989 – 1990
Mantegna Studies

John Davis [Columbia University]
Wyeth Fellow, 1988 – 1990
Picturing Palestine: The Holy Land in Nineteenth-Century American Art and Culture

Carolyn S. Dean [University of California, Los Angeles]  not in residence
Chester Dale Predoctoral Fellow, 1989 – 1990
Painted Images of Cuzco's Corpus Christi Festival: Cultural Strategy and Social Conflict in Viceregal Peru

Sarah Schroth [Institute of Fine Arts, New York University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1987 – 1990
The Private Art Collection and Patronage Activities of the Cardinal-Duke of Lerma

Christopher Thomas [Yale University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1988 – 1990
The Lincoln Memorial and Its Architect, Henry Bacon (1866 – 1924)

Jeffrey Weiss [Institute of Fine Arts, New York University]
Paul Mellon Fellow, 1987 – 1990
Cubism and Early French Dada in the Aesthetic Milieu of the Café and Cabaret, 1908 – 1918

Marjorie E. Wieseman [Columbia University]  not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Predoctoral Fellow, 1989 – 1990
Caspar Netscher and Late Seventeenth-Century Dutch Painting


Mark Crinson [University of Pennsylvania]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1988 – 1989
The Mission of Architecture: Victorian Architecture and the Near East

Marc Gotlieb [The Johns Hopkins University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1987 – 1989
The Thematics of Decoration in French Painting, 1890 – 1905

Elizabeth Honig [Yale University]  not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 1988 – 1989
Painting and the Marketplace: Pictures of Display and Exchange from Aertsen to De Witte

Annette Leduc [The Johns Hopkins University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1986 – 1989
Gavarni's Human Comedy

Jill Pearlman [The University of Chicago]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1988 – 1989
Joseph Hudnut and the New American Architecture, 1934 – 1953


Elizabeth Brown [Columbia University]
Mary Davis Fellow, 1986 – 1988
Brancusi's Photographs: A Sculptor's Mind

Jennifer Kilian [Institute of Fine Arts, New York University]
  not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 1987 – 1988
The International Trend in History Painting, Amsterdam 1660 – 1683

Ewa Lajer-Burcharth [City University of New York]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1987 – 1988
Forgetting the Revolution: Art in France under the Thermidorian Reaction and Directory, 1794 – 1799

Elizabeth Streicher [Columbia University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1985 – 1988
The Graphic Work of Max Klinger

Thelma Thomas [Institute of Fine Arts, New York University]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1987 – 1988
Niche Decorations from Coptic Tombs

Thomas Willette [The Johns Hopkins University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1986 – 1988
A Critical Edition of Bernardo De Dominici's Life of Massimo Stanzione, with an Edition of the Stanzione Manuscript and a Catalogue of Paintings

Wendy Wegener [Princeton University]
Mary Davis Fellow, 1987 – 1988
Mortuary Chapels of Renaissance Condottieri


Frederick Nathaniel Bohrer [The University of Chicago]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1985 – 1987
A New Antiquity: Studies in the Reception of Mesopotamian Art in London, Paris, and Berlin from the Mid-Nineteenth Century to World War I

Tracy Cooper [Princeton University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1984 – 1987
The Decoration of the Church of S. Giorgio Maggiore in Venice

Mary Alice Lee [The Johns Hopkins University]
Mary Davis Fellow, 1985 – 1987
Problems of Rhetoric and Style in Baroque Ceiling Painting

Steven Moyano [Northwestern University] – not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1986–1987
Karl Friedrich Schinkel and the Oberbaudeputation 1810–1840: Prussian Architectural Administration and Design During the Era of Reform

Sasha Newman [New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1984 – 1985, 1986 – 1987
Pierre Bonnard and the Reinvention of the French Tradition, 1895 – 1920

Suzanne Tise [University of Pittsburgh]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1986 – 1987
Entre Deux Expositions: Architecture and Design in Paris, 1925 – 1937


Alan Chong [New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 1985 – 1986
Social Meanings in the Paintings of Aelbert Cuyp

Sarah R. Cohen [Yale University]
Mary Davis Fellow, 1984 – 1986
Antoine Watteau's Fête Galante and Its Relationship to Eighteenth-Century Dance

Jeffrey Hamburger [Yale University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1983 – 1986
The Rothschild Canticles: Art and Mysticism in Flanders and the Rhineland c. 1300

Mark Jarzombek [Massachusetts Institute of Technology]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1985 – 1986
Leon Baptista Alberti: His Philosophy of Cultural Criticism

Michael Leja [Harvard University]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1985 – 1986
The Ideology of the New York School

Louise Marshall [University of Pennsylvania]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1985 – 1986
"Waiting on the Will of the Lord": The Imagery of the Plague

Jeffrey H. Rosen [Northwestern University]
  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1985 – 1986
Lemercier et Cie: The Advent of Photolithography and the Transformation of Print Production During the Second Empire


Susan MacMillan Arensberg [The Johns Hopkins University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1983 – 1985
The Padua Bible

Barbara Butts [Harvard University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1984 – 1985
"Dürerschuler" Hans Süss von Kulmbach

Francesca Consagra [The Johns Hopkins University]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1984 – 1985
The De Rossi Print-Publishing House: 1615 – 1739

Linda Docherty [University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill]
Lawrence and Barbara Fleischman Fellow, 1983 – 1985
A Search for Identity: American Art Criticism and the Concept of the Native School, 1876 – 1893

David Gillerman [New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1984 – 1985
S. Fortunato, Todi

Lucy MacClintock [Harvard University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1982 – 1985
Eugène Delacroix and the Significance of Finish in Romantic Painting

Carol McMichael [University of Texas at Austin]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1984 – 1985
Denver 1893–1941: Architecture, Urbanism, and the City Beautiful

Judith Testa, University of Chicago  not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 1984 – 1985
The Beatty Rosarium, a Manuscript with Miniatures by Simon Bening

Linda Wolk [University of Michigan, Ann Arbor]
Mary Davis Fellow, 1983 – 1985
The Paintings of Perino del Vaga (1501 – 1547)


Susan J. Barnes [Institute of Fine Arts, New York University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1981 – 1984
Van Dyck in Italy (November 1621 – January 1628)

Douglas Crimp [The Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1983 – 1984
The Museum's Culture: A Postmodern Perspective

Katherine Fraser Fischer [Harvard University]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1983 – 1984
The Rebuilding of the Palais de Justice in Paris in the Nineteenth Century

Christopher Johns [University of Delaware]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1983 – 1984
The Influence of the Paleochristian Revival on the Art Patronage of Pope Clement XI Albani, 1700 – 1721

Jennifer Licht [Columbia University]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1983 – 1984
The Peace of Amiens: Art in France and England in 1809

Thomas S. Michie [Yale University]

Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1982 – 1984
The Willards and Collaborating Craftsmen in Boston, 1780 – 1830

Lawrence W. Nichols [Columbia University]
  not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 1983 – 1984
The Paintings of Hendrick Goltzius, 1558 – 1617

Steven Ostrow [Princeton University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1982 – 1984
The History and Decoration of the Sistine and Pauline Chapels in Santa Maria Maggiore


Hilary Meg Ballon [Massachusetts Institute of Technology]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1982 – 1983
The Places Royales of Henri IV and the Urban Development of Paris 1600 – 1610

Dawson W. Carr [New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1982 – 1983
The Fresco Decorations of Luca Giordano in Spain

Anita Joplin [University of California, Berkeley]
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 1981 – 1983
Jan Bruegel and the Encyclopaedic Collection

Franklin Kelly [University of Delaware]

Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1981 – 1983
Frederic Church and the North American Landscape

Catherine Levesque [Columbia University]  not in residence
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 1982 – 1983
God, Man, and Nature: Dutch Landscape Painting 1560 – 1660

Marcus L. Rautman [Indiana University]  not in residence
Chester Dale Fellow, 1982 – 1983
The Church of the Holy Apostles in Thessaloniki: A Study in Palaeologan Architecture

George T. M. Shackelford [Yale University]

David E. Finley Fellow, 1980 – 1983
The Dance Compositions of Edgar Degas

M. E. Warlick [The University of Maryland]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1982 – 1983
Max Ernst's Collage Novel, Une semaine de bonté

Fronia E. Wissman [Yale University]

Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1981 – 1983
The Lyric Landscape: Poetry and Music in the Late Salon Paintings of Camille Coro


Jefferson C. Harrison [University of Virginia]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1978 – 1982
Catalogue Raisonné of Martin van Heemskerck

Brian Lukacher [University of Delaware]

Chester Dale Fellow, 1981 – 1982
Architectural Fantasy in English Romantic Art

Patricia Mainardi [City University of New York]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1981 – 1982
Universal Expositions in Paris, 1855 – 1900

Andrea L. Matthies [S.U.N.Y., Binghamton]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1981 – 1982
Building Technologies in Late Medieval Manuscript Illumination

Martha Pollak [Massachusetts Institute of Technology]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1981 – 1982
The Civic Expansions of Turin in the 1620s and 1670s


Celeste Brusati [University of California, Berkeley]
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 1980 – 1981
Pictorial Representation in Art and Theoretical Writing of Samuel van Hoogstraten (1627 – 1678)

Jay A. Chewning [Massachusetts Institute of Technology]

Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1980 – 1981
W. R. Ware, Architectural Educator

Edward N. Kaufman [Yale University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1978 – 1981
Architecture of E. B. Lamb

Charles Licka [University of Washington, Seattle]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1980 – 1981
Science and Imagination in the Art of Joseph Cornell

David H. Steel [Bryn Mawr College]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1980 – 1981
The Fresco Decoration of the Chiostro dei Carracci at San Michele in Bosco, Bologna


Joseph Donella Alchermes [Institute of Fine Arts, New York University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1979 – 1980

James Douglas Farquhar, University of Maryland
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 1979 – 1980

Nelda Lewis [University of California, Berkeley]

Chester Dale Fellow, 1979 – 1980

Suzanne Lindsay [Bryn Mawr College]

Chester Dale Fellow, 1979 – 1980

Margaret P. Morgan (Grasselli) [Harvard University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow 1979 – 1980

Gary M. Radke [Institute of Fine Arts, New York University]

David E. Finley Fellow, 1977 – 1980

Michael E. Shapiro [Harvard University]

Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1979 – 1980

Roger Ward [The Courtauld Institute of Art at the University of London]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1979 – 1980


Craig Adcock [Cornell University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1978 – 1979

Virginia Anne Bonito [Institute of Fine Arts, New York University]
Chester Dale Fellow 1978 – 1979

Perry B. Brooks [Columbia University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1978 – 1979

Ian J. Lochhead [University of Auckland, New Zealand]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1978 – 1979

Laura Rose [Institute of Fine Arts, New York University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1978 – 1979

Mary Smith (Podles) [Columbia University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1978 – 1979

Peter C. Sutton [Yale University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1976 – 1979

Jean Wilson [Johns Hopkins University]
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 1978 – 1979


Sarah Greenough [University of New Mexico]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1977 – 1978

David A. Levine [Princeton University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1977 – 1978

Robert Clark Maines [Pennsylvania State University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1977 – 1978

William W. Robinson [Harvard University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1977 – 1978

Betsy Rosasco [Institute of Fine Arts, New York University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1975 – 1978

Larry Silver [Harvard University]
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 1977 – 1978

Deborah Strom [Princeton University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1977 – 1978

Barbara B. Walsh [Indiana University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1977 – 1978


Barbara S. Brauer [University of Minnesota, Twin Cities]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1976 – 1977

Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann [Harvard University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1974 – 1977

Alison M. Kettering, Swarthmore College
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 1976 – 1977

Anne Poulet [Institute of Fine Arts, New York University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1976 – 1977

Philip L. Sohm [Johns Hopkins University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1976 – 1977

Jeffrey Chipps Smith [Columbia University]

Chester Dale Fellow, 1976 – 1977

Anne Wagner [Harvard University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1976 – 1977

Dean Walker [Institute of Fine Arts, New York University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1976 – 1977


Bruce Boucher [The Courtauld Institute of Art at the University of London]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1975 – 1976

Estela P. Keim [University of Chicago]

Chester Dale Fellow, 1975 – 1976

Arnold Klukas [University of Pittsburgh]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1975 – 1976

Jay A. Levenson [Institute of Fine Arts, New York University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1973 – 1976

Joann Moser [University of Wisconsin, Madison]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1975 – 1976

Otto Naumann [Yale University]

Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 1975 – 1976

Vicki Gwen Porter [Johns Hopkins University]

Chester Dale Fellow, 1975 – 1976

H. Jeffrey Ruda [Harvard University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1975 – 1976


Robert N. Adams [New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1974 – 1975

Beth Cohen [New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1974 – 1975

Peter R. Fusco [New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1972 – 1975

Susan Kuretsky [Harvard University]
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 1974 – 1975

Alison Luchs [Johns Hopkins University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1974 – 1975

C. Ford Peatross [University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1974 – 1975

Eleanor A. Saunders [Yale University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1974 – 1975

Alexander Seltzer [State University of New York, Binghamton]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1974 – 1975


John Robert Alderman [Harvard University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1973 – 1974

Nancy Bialler [Yale University]
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 1973 – 1974

Joseph James Connors [Harvard University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1973 – 1974

George Gurney [University of Delaware]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1973 – 1974

Joan M. Marter [University of Delaware]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1973 – 1974

Scott Schaefer [Bryn Mawr College]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1973 – 1974

Gary Vikan [Princeton University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1973 – 1974

Arthur K. Wheelock, Jr. [Harvard University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1971 – 1974


Roger M. Berkowitz [University of Michigan, Ann Arbor]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1972 – 1973

Carra Ferguson (O'Meara) [University of Pittsburgh]

Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1972 – 1973

Marilyn J. McCully [Yale University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1972 – 1973

David S. Schaff [University of California, Berkeley]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1972 – 1973

Shirley Sun [Stanford University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1972 – 1973

J. Kirk T. Varnedoe [Stanford University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1970 – 1973

Timothy C. J. Verdon [Yale University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1972 – 1973


Richard H. Axsom [University of Michigan, Ann Arbor]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1971 – 1972

Linda F. Bauer [New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1971 – 1972

Anne W. Lowenthal [Columbia University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1971 – 1972

John Hallmark Neff [Harvard University]

David E. Finley Fellow, 1969 – 1972

Michael T. Richman [University of Delaware]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1971 – 1972

J. Russell Sale [University of Pennsylvania]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1971 – 1972

Grace Seiberling [Yale University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1971 – 1972


Kent Ahrens [University of Delaware]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1970 – 1971

Linda F. Bauer [Institute of Fine Arts, New York University]

Chester Dale Fellow, 1970 – 1971

David Alan Brown [Yale University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1968 – 1971

Grant Holcomb III [University of Delaware]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1970 – 1971

Paul Karlstrom [University of California, Los Angeles]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1970 – 1971

Dale Brabant Kinney [Institute of Fine Arts, New York University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1970 – 1971

Peter C. Kinney [Institute of Fine Arts, New York University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1970 – 1971

Edward J. Nygren [Yale University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1970 – 1971

Vivian Lee Paul [University of California, Berkeley]

Chester Dale Fellow, 1970 – 1971

Joaneath Spicer [Yale University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1970 – 1971

Lenore Street [Institute of Fine Arts, New York University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1970 – 1971

Joel Upton [Bryn Mawr College]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1970 – 1971

Katherine J. Watson [University of Pennsylvania]

Chester Dale Fellow, 1970 – 1971


James Douglas Farquhar [University of Chicago]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1969–1970

R. Steven Janke [University of Michigan, Ann Arbor]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1969–1970

Gloria J. Kury [University of California, Berkeley]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1969–1970

Lynn Robert Matteson [University of California, Berkeley]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1969–1970

Edmund Pillsbury [The Courtauld Institute of Art at the University of London]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1967–1970

Gaillard Ravenel [University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill]

Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1969–1970

Joaneath Spicer [Yale University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1969–1970

David W. Steadman [Princeton University]

Chester Dale Fellow, 1969–1970


Kent Ahrens [University of California, Los Angeles]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1968–1969

Colles Anne Baxter [Yale University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1968–1969

Roberta Harris Downs [New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1968–1969

Sheldon Grossman [New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1968–1969

Edward Mead Johnson [Stanford University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1968–1969

Douglas Lewis [Yale University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1965–1969

Nancy Ward Neilson [Harvard University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1966–1969

Ann Percy [The Courtauld Institute of Art at the University of London]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1968–1969

Timothy Riggs [Yale University]

Chester Dale Fellow, 1968–1969

Joel Upton [Bryn Mawr College]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1968–1969


E. John Bullard III [University of California, Los Angeles]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1967–1968

Sheldon Grossman [New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]

Chester Dale Fellow, 1967–1968

Peter O. Marlow [Yale University]

Chester Dale Fellow, 1967 – 1968

Ann Percy [The Courtauld Institute of Art at the University of London]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1967–1968

Burr E. Wallen [New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1967–1968

Anton Wilhem, Liechtenstein
Chester Dale Fellow, 1967–1968


Richard S. Field
David E. Finley Fellow, 1965–1967

Donald D. Keyes [New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1966–1967

Peter O. Marlow [Yale University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1966–1967

Miles S. Rolph [Alexandria, Virginia]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1966–1967

Jack L. Schrader [Princeton University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1966–1967

Theodore E. Stebbins, Jr. [Harvard University]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1966–1967

Anton Wilhelm, Liechtenstein
Chester Dale Fellow, 1966–1967

Mark J. Zucker [Columbia University]

Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1966–1967


Catherine W. Blanton [Harvard University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1965–1966

Everett Fahy [Harvard University]
David E. Finley Fellow, 1964–1966

Richard W. Stapleford [New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1965–1966

Gilbert L. Stone [New York City]
Chester Dale Fellow, 1965–1966

Charles W. Talbot, Jr. [Yale University]
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 1965–1966


Gregory Gillespie
Chester Dale Fellow, 1964–1965

Michael R. T. Mahoney
David E. Finley Fellow, 1961–1963

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