Sargent and Spain

Courtyard, Casa del Chapiz, 1912–1913, oil on canvas, Myron Kunin Collection of American Art. Photo: Minneapolis Institute of Art

Pomegranates, Majorca, 1908, oil on canvas, Anonymous lender

Tarragona, c. 1908, watercolor over graphite, with gouache on paper mounted on board, New Britain Museum of American Art, Grace Judd Landers Fund, 1944.02

Wild Olive Tree Roots, Valldemosa, Majorca, 1908, oil on canvas, National Gallery of Art, Washington, Avalon Fund and Gift of Virginia Bailey Brown, 1991.177.1

“Prince Baltasar Carlos on Horseback,” after Velázquez, 1879, oil on canvas, Hon. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stanley

White Ships, 1908, watercolor over graphite, with gouache and wax resist, Brooklyn Museum, Purchased by Special Subscription, 09.846

Spanish Soldiers, c. 1903, watercolor over graphite, with gouache, Brooklyn Museum, Purchased by Special Subscription, 09.840

Eliza Wedgwood, c. 1908–1909, watercolor over graphite, The Hevrdejs Collection

Majorcan Fisherman, 1908, oil on canvas, Private collection

A Marble Fountain at Aranjuez, 1912?, oil on canvas, Sharon P. and John D. Rockefeller IV

Under the Olives, 1908, oil on canvas, Cedarhurst Center for the Arts, Mount Vernon, Illinois, Gift of John R. and Eleanor R. Mitchell, 1973.1.54. Photograph by Daniel Overturf

John Singer Sargent, Spanish Roma Dwelling, 1912, oil on canvas, Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, Gift of anonymous donor, 1931.13. Bridgeman Images