German painter and collector who studied in Paris and was one of the founders of the Académie Matisse. From 1918 until 1932 he was a professor of the academy in Breslau. He then took an appointment at the Kunstacademie if Düsseldorf, but was forced out by the Nazis on account of his modern style. Most of his own work was destroyed during the war.
Schottmüller, Frida. "Die Gemäldesammlung Oskar Moll." Cicerone IX (1917):101-110
Salzmann, Siegfried and Dorothea. Oskar Moll Leben und Werk. Munich, 1975
Gautherie-Kampa, Annette. Café du Dôme: Deutsche Maler in Paris 1903-1914. Exh. cat., Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven, Städtische Galerie Würzburg, Kunsthalle Darmstadt, Städtische Galerie Haus Coburg, 1996-1997:74.
Pucks, Stefan. "Von Manet zu Matisse: Die Sammler der französischen Moderne in Berlin um 1900," in Manet bis van Gogh: Hugo von Tschudi und der Kampf um die Moderne. Exh. cat. Nationalgalerie, Berlin, 1996:389