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Possibly executed 1501 for the church of San Domenico in Bologna, where it probably remained on the altar of the Casali chapel as part of the predella of the altarpiece (still in situ) until the late 1720s.[1] privately owned, probably by the Isolani family, Bologna; sold c. 1900 to (Charles Fairfax Murray [1849-1919], London and Florence) on joint account with (Haskard and Co., London); sold 18 December 1901 to (Thomas Agnew & Sons, Ltd., London);[2] sold 13 February 1902 to Robert Henry [1850-1929] and Evelyn Holford [1856-1943] Benson, London and Buckhurst Park, Sussex; sold 1927 with the Benson collection to (Duveen Brothers, Inc., London and New York);[3] sold to Frederick Housman, New York, by 1931;[4] sold to (Frederick Mont, New York); sold 30 January 1952 to the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, New York;[5] gift 1952 to NGA.

Exhibition History

A Collection of Paintings, Drawings, Bronzes and Decorative Furniture, Burlington Fine Arts Club, London, 1902, no. 49, as Pietà. Christ in the Tomb, Supported by Joseph of Arimathaea; Two Angels with the Crown of Thorns and Nails.
Exhibition of Works by the Old Masters. Winter Exhibition, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 1908, no. 27.
Exhibition of Florentine Painting before 1500, Burlington Fine Arts Club, London, 1919, no. 10 (no. 10 and pl. X in illustrated catalogue published 1920).
Loan Exhibition of the Benson Collection of Old Italian Masters, City of Manchester Art Gallery, 1927, no. 109, as Pieta: St. Joseph of Aremathea and Two Angels.
Berenson and the Connoisseurship of Italian Painting, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 1979, no. 99.
The Drawings of Filippino Lippi and his Circle, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1997-1998, no. 111, repro.
Botticelli and Filippino. Passion and Grace in Fifteenth-Century Florentine Painting, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, 2004, no. 58, repro.
Filippino Lippi e Sandro Botticelli nella Firenze del '400, Scuderie del Quirinale, Rome, 2011-2012, no. 47, repro.


Venturi, Adolfo. Storia dell’arte italiana. 11 vols. Milan, 1901-1940: 7(1911):674 n. 1.
Berenson, Bernard. The Drawings of the Florentine Painters. 2 vols. London, 1903: 2:74.
Cust, Lionel. “La Collection de M. R. H. Benson (Londres).” Les Artes 70 (1907): 26.
Gronau, Georg. “Lippi, Filippino.” In Ulrich Thieme, Felix Becker, and Hans Vollmer, eds. Allgemeines Lexikon der Bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zum Gegenwart. 37 vols. Leipzig, 1907-1950: 23(1929): 270.
Schleinitz, O. von. “Die Winteraustellung in der Londoner Akademie.” Kunstchronik 19, no. 22 (1907-1908): 370-371.
Borenius, Tancred. Catalogue of Italian Pictures at 16 South Street, Park Lane, London and Buckhurst in Sussex Collected by Robert and Evelyn Benson. London, 1914: no. 31.
“Auctions.” The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs 30, no. 171 (1917): 244.
Phillips, Claude. “Florentine Art before 1500.” The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs 34 (1919): 216.
Marle, Raimond van. The Development of the Italian Schools of Painting. 19 vols. The Hague, 1923-1938: 12(1931):312-314.
Berenson, Bernard. Italian Pictures of the Renaissance. Oxford, 1932: 286.
Bodmer, Heinrich. “Der Spätstil des Filippino Lippi.” Pantheon 9 (1932): 353.
Venturi, Lionello. Italian Paintings in America. 3 vols. New York and Milan, 1933: 2:pl.265.
Scharf, Alfred. Filippino Lippi. Vienna, 1935: 108, 120, fig. 63.
Berenson, Bernard. Pitture italiane del rinascimento. Milan, 1936: 246.
“In the Auction Rooms.” Connoisseur 98, no. 421 (September 1936): 180.
Parker, Karl Theodore, and Charles John Holmes. Catalogue of the Famous Collection of Old Master Drawings, formed by the Late Henry Oppenheimer, Esq., F.S.A., of 9 Kensington Palace Gardens, W.8. Sale cat. Christie’s, Manson, and Woods. London, 10 July – 14 July 1936: 58.
Berenson, Bernard. The Drawings of the Florentine Painters. 3 vols. Chicago, 1938: 2:144, 151.
Neilson, Katharine B. Filippino Lippi, a Critical Study. New York, 1938: 121, 147, 151.
Scharf, Alfred. Filippino Lippi, 2nd ed. Vienna, 1950: 22, 54.
Exhibition of Old Master Drawings. Exh. cat. Colnaghi, London, 1953: under cat. 15.
Fossi, Maria, ed. Mostra di disegni di Filippino Lippi e Piero di Cosimo. Exh. cat. Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe degli Uffizi, Florence, 1955: 18.
Paintings and Sculpture from the Kress Collection Acquired by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation 1951-56. Introduction by John Walker, text by William E. Suida and Fern Rusk Shapley. National Gallery of Art. Washington, 1956: 116, no. 44, repro.
Berti, Luciano, and Umberto Baldini. Filippino Lippi. Florence, 1957: 46, 90.
Gamba, Fiammetta. Filippino Lippi nella storia della critica. Florence, 1958: 102 n. 33, 104 n. 54, fig. 21.
Hamilton, Chloe. “Catalogue of Miller Fund Acquisitions: Drawings.” Allen Memorial Art Museum Bulletin 16, no. 2 (1959): 88-89.
Paintings and Sculpture from the Samuel H. Kress Collection. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1959: 73, repro.
Berenson, Bernard. I disegni dei pittori fiorentini, 3 vols. Milan, 1961: 2:253, 265.
Davies, Martin. National Gallery Catalogues. The Earlier Italian Schools. London, 1961: 285.
Berenson, Bernard. Italian Pictures of the Renaissance. Florentine School. 2 vols. London, 1963: 1:111.
Stechow, Wolfgang, and Richard E. Spear. Catalogue of Drawings and Watercolors in the Allen Art Museum, Oberlin College. Oberlin, OH, 1964: 48.
Stechow, Wolfgang. “Joseph of Arimathea or Nicodemus?” In Wolfgang Lotz and Lisa Lotte Möller, eds. Studien zur toskanischen Kunst: Festschrift für Ludwig Heinrich Heyendreich zum 23 März 1963. Munich, 1964: 295-297, repro.
Ciardi Dupré Dal Poggetto, Maria Grazia. “La scultura di Amico Aspertini.” Paragone 16, no. 189 (1965): 20.
Summary Catalogue of European Paintings and Sculpture. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1965: 75.
Shapley, Fern Rusk. Paintings from the Samuel H. Kress Collection: Italian Schools, XIII-XV Century. London, 1966: 136, fig. 371.
Spencer, John R. “The Lament at the Tomb by Filippino Lippi.” Allen Memorial Art Museum Bulletin 24, no. 1 (1966): 23, 26, 27, 33, repro.
National Gallery of Art. European Paintings and Sculpture, Illustrations. Washington, 1968: 66, repro.
Fredericksen, Burton B., and Federico Zeri. Census of Pre-Nineteenth Century Italian Paintings in North American Public Collections. Cambridge, MA, 1972: 106, 647.
European Paintings: An Illustrated Summary Catalogue. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1975: 196, repro.
Shoemaker, Innis H. “Filippino Lippi as a Draughtsman.” Ph.D. diss., Columbia University, 1975: 88-89, 318-323, 432 n. 1, cat. 90.
Shapley, Fern Rusk. Catalogue of the Italian Paintings. 2 vols. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1979: 1:260-261; 2:pl. 177.
Walker, John. National Gallery of Art, Washington. Rev. ed. New York, 1984: 104, no. 71, color repro.
European Paintings: An Illustrated Catalogue. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1985: 229, repro.
Sutton, Denys. “Aspects of British Collection, pt. 4.” Apollo 122 (1985): 122-123.
Bambach Cappel, Carmen. “The Tradition of Pouncing Drawings in the Italian Renaissance Workshop: Innovation and Derivation.” 2 vols. Ph.D. diss. Yale University, 1988: 202-203.
Wheeler, Marion, ed. His Face--Images of Christ in Art: Selections from the King James Version of the Bible. New York, 1988: no. 96, repro.
Berti, Luciano, and Umberto Baldini. Filippino Lippi, 2nd ed. Florence, 1991: 52-53.
Nelson, Jonathan K. “Aggiunte alla cronologia di Filippino Lippi.” Rivista d’arte 43 (1991): 52-53.
Nelson, Jonathan K. “The Later Works of Filippino Lippi from the Roman Sojourn until His Death.” Ph.D. diss. New York University, Institute of Fine Arts, 1992: 328-329.
Faietti, Marzia, Daniela Scaglietti Kelescian, and Manuela Iodice. Amico Aspertini. Modena, 1995: 185.
Dunbar, Burton, and Edward Olszewski. Drawings in Midwestern Collections: A Corpus. 2 vols. Columbia, MO, and London, 1996: 1:37-41, repro.
Bambach, Carmen C. “Technique and Working Practice in Filippino’s Drawings.” In George R. Goldner and Carmen Bambach, et. al. The Drawings of Filippino Lippi and His Circle. Exh. cat. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1997: 28.
Goldner, George R., and Carmen Bambach, et. al. The Drawings of Filippino Lippi and His Circle. Exh. cat. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1997: 332.
Del Bravo, Carlo. ”Filippino e lo Stoicismo.” Artibus et historiae 19, no. 37 (1998): 74 n. 66.
Fornasari, Liletta. "Andrea del Verrocchio e le botteghe toscane: l'atelier del Rinascimento." In Liletta Fornasari, ed. Leonardo e dintorni: il Maestro, le botteghe, il territorio. Exh. cat. Palazzo del Comune, Arezzo, 2001: 78, fig. 65.
Boskovits, Miklós, David Alan Brown, et al. Italian Paintings of the Fifteenth Century. The Systematic Catalogue of the National Gallery of Art. Washington, 2003: 388-393, color repro.
Zambrano, Patrizia, and Jonathan Katz Nelson. Filippino Lippi. Milan, 2004: 381, 383, 601-602, cat. 58, fig. 301.
Serres, Karen. "Duveen's Italian framemaker, Ferruccio Vannoni." The Burlington Magazine 159, no. 1370 (May 2017): 373 n. 40.
Nuttall, Paula. “From Reiteration to Dialogue: Filippino’s Responses to Netherlandish Painting.” In Paula Nuttall, Geoffrey Nuttall, Michael W. Kwakkelstein, eds. Filippino Lippi: Beauty, Invention and Intelligence. Leiden, 2020: 198.
Calogero, Giacomo Alberto. “Perugino, Filippino e Boltraffio: Gli arrivi ‘forestieri’ a Bologna intorno al 1500.” In Daniele Benati, Maria Luisi Pacelli, and Elena Rossoni, eds. Giulio II e Raffaello: Una nuova stagione del Rinascimento a Bologna. Exh. cat. Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna, 2022: 97, 99 n. 44, 107, fig. 2.
Nelson, Jonathan K. Filippino Lippi: An Abundance of Invention. London, 2022: 174-175, fig. 62.

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