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In this panel Bosch shows us the last moments in the life of a miser, just before his eternal fate is decided. A little monster peeping out from under the bed–curtains tempts the miser with a bag of gold, while an angel kneeling at the right encourages him to acknowledge the crucifix in the window. Death, holding an arrow, enters at the left.

Oppositions of good and evil occur throughout the painting. A lantern containing the fire of Hell, carried by the demon atop the bed canopy, balances the cross which emits a single ray of divine light. The figure in the middle ground, perhaps representing the miser earlier in his life, is shown as hypocritical; with one hand he puts coins into the strongbox where they are collected by a rat–faced demon, and with the other he fingers a rosary, attempting to serve God and Mammon at the same time. A demon emerging from underneath the chest holds up a paper sealed with red wax — perhaps a letter of indulgence or a document that refers to the miser's mercenary activities.

This type of deathbed scene derives from an early printed book, the Ars Moriendi or "Art of Dying," which enjoyed great popularity in the second half of the fifteenth century. The panel may have been the left wing of an altarpiece; the other panels — now missing — would have clarified the meaning of some aspects of the scene, such as the discarded and broken armor and weapons in the foreground.

More information on this painting can be found in the Gallery publication Early Netherlandish Painting, which is available as a free PDF


Private collection, England, possibly in or near Arundel, Sussex, around 1826.[1] (unnamed dealer, Highgate Village, London), c. 1926.[2] (Raven, Massey, and Lester, London), by 1926. (Asscher and Welker, London), by 1931.[3] Baron Joseph van der Elst, Brussels, Biot, France, and numerous diplomatic posts, by 1932 or slightly later; sold 1951 though (Messrs. E.D. Lowy and Franz Mayer) to the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, New York;[4] gift 1952 by exchange to NGA.

Exhibition History

Flemish Primitives. An Exhibition Organized by the Belgian Government, M. Knoedler & Co., Inc., New York, 1942, no. 68, as Allegory of Avarice.
Hieronymus Bosch, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, 2001, unnumbered catalogue, ill. 21d, as Death and the Usurer.
Bosch: The 5th Centenary Exhibition, Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, 2016, no. 39, repro.
Jheronimus Bosch: Visioenen van een genie, Het Noordbrabants Museum, 's-Hertogenbosch, 2016, no. 12, repro.

Technical Summary

The panel has been thinned to a veneer (maximum thickness 0.15) and laminated to another wooden panel, which has been cradled in turn; according to Eisler this was done around 1900.[1] The painting was restored in Belgium sometime prior to 1951.[2] The top left corner has been replaced with a triangular piece of veneer. Two vertical splits run the length of the painting, one 3.7 cm from the left edge and the other 4.0 cm from the right edge. There are small scratches and indentations throughout the support. The paint layer has been damaged. There are large areas of loss and subsequent restoration in the head and upper body of the figure of Death; in the approximate center of the painting, extending vertically through the lid of the chest, the left corner of the bed, and into the bed-curtain and arm of the demon; and at the right edge to the right of the corner of the bed and the standing figure in green. Moreover, extensive retouchings are scattered throughout the painting, including a narrow strip over the split at the right, extending downward from the bottom of the green robe into the low wall in the foreground. Some of the retouching has discolored.

[1] Eisler 1977, 66. [2] René Sneyers, Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique, Brussels, letter of 8 July 1968 to Eisler stating that the picture was restored by Albert Philippot without giving a date. Eisler 1977, 69, n. 2, cites de Tolnay 1966, 347, who says that the painting was cleaned and restored in 1937.


Friedländer, Max J. Die altniederländische Malerei 14 vols. 1924-1937. Berlin, 1937: 14:101. (English ed. Leiden, 1969. Translated by Heinz Norden. 14 vols. 1967-1976. Leiden, 1969: 5:91, 113, Suppl. 135, pl. 117.)
Glück, Gustav. Bruegels Gemälde. Vienna, 1932: 57, under no. 10. (Vienna, 1937: 50, under no. 10).
Baldass, Ludwig. "Ein Kreuzigungsaltar von Hieronymus Bosch." Jahrbuch der kunsthistorischen Sammlungen des allerhöchsten Kaiserhauses (Jahrbuch der kunsthistorischen Sammlungen in Wien) N.F. 9 (1935): 89.
De Tolnay, Charles. Hieronymus Bosch. Basel, 1937: 27, 90, no. 7, 127, pl. 20. (English ed. Translated by Michael Bullock and Henry Mins. New York, 1966: 25, 91, 347, no. 7, repro.)
Brian, Doris. "The Masters of Gothic Flanders." Art News 41, no. 5 (April 15-30, 1942): 14, 18-19, 33, repros.
M. Knoedler & Co. Flemish Primitives: An Exhibition. Exh. cat. New York 1942. New York, 1942: 68.
Baldass, Ludwig. Hieronymus Bosch. Vienna, 1943: 22-23, 30, 36, 68, 76-77, 236, figs. 29-30. (2nd ed. Vienna, 1959: 27, 64, 82, 229, fig. 22-23. 3rd ed. Berlin, 1968: 61-62, fig. 33, 34. Engl. ed. New York, 1960: 26-27, 75, 222, pl. 21-22, color pl. 21.)
Elst, Joseph van der. The Last Flowering of the Middle Ages. Garden City, New York, 1944: 103-104, pls. 90-91. (French ed. L'age d'or flamand. Paris, 1951: 199-200, color plate.)
Tervarent, Guy de. "The Origin of One of Jérôme Bosch’s Pictures." Translated by John Wrightsman and Dora Round. Message: Belgian Review 39 (January 1945): 44, fig. 1.
Combe, Jacques. Jérôme Bosch. Paris, 1946: 20-21, pl. 42. (Engl. ed. Jheronimus Bosch. Translated by Ethel Duncan. Paris, 1946: 20-21, pl. 42.)
Bax, Dirck. Ontcijfering van Jeroen Bosch. The Hague, 1949: 133, 239, 244, 248, 257-258, 261-263, 277, 283, fig. 58. (Engl. ed. Translated by Marie Antoinette Bax-Botha. Rotterdam, 1979: 313, 320-321, 328, 329, 340, 341, 343, 346, 364, 370, fig. 141.)
Frankfurter, Alfred. "Interpreting Masterpieces: Twenty-Four Paintings from the Kress Collection." Art News Annual No. 21, 1952 50, no. 7 (November 1951): 113-114, pl. 108.
Dorfles, Gillo. Bosch. Biblioteca Moderna Mondadori 360. Milan, 1953: 36, 75, 173, fig. 21.
Philip, Lotte Brand. Hieronymus Bosch (about 1450-1516) . New York, 1955: 18 no. 14, 19, color repro.
Popham, A. E. "An Unknown Drawing by Hieronymus Bosch." Actes du XVIIme Congrès International d'Histoire de l'Art, Amsterdam, 23-31 Juillet 1952. The Hague, 1955: 248.
Shapley, Fern Rusk. "The National Gallery of Art at Washington: Acquisitions 1945-1955." The Studio 150, no. 748 (July 1955): 3, 6, repro.
Walker, John. National Gallery of Art, Washington. New York, 1956: 38, color repro.
Shapley, Fern Rusk. Comparisons in Art: A Companion to the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC. London, 1957: 53.
Middeleeuwse Kunst der Noordelijke Nederlanden. Exh. cat. Rijksmuseum, 1958. Amsterdam, 1958: 138-139, under no. 180.
Tervarent, Guy de. Attributs et symboles dans l'art profane 1450-1600. 3 vols. Geneva, 1958-1964: 1(1958): 34.
Linfert, Carl. Hieronymus Bosch: The Paintings, Complete Edition. Translated by Joan Spencer. Garden City, New York, 1959: 10, 113, pl. 26.
Paintings and Sculpture from the Samuel H. Kress Collection. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1959: 280, repro.
Broadley Hugh T. Flemish Painting in the National Gallery of Art (Booklet no. 5 in Ten Schools of Painting in the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC). Washington, 1960: 8, 30-31, color repro.
The National Gallery of Art and Its Collections. Foreword by Perry B. Cott and notes by Otto Stelzer. National Gallery of Art, Washington (undated, 1960s): 6.
Eisler, Colin. New England Museums. Primitifs Flamands. Corpus. Brussels, 1961: 48.
Walker, John, Guy Emerson, and Charles Seymour. Art Treasures for America: An Anthology of Paintings & Sculpture in the Samuel H. Kress Collection. London, 1961: 78-79, 208, color fig. 70-71.
Adhémar, Hélène. Le Musée National du Louvre, Paris: Primitifs Flamands, Corpus. 2 vols. Brussels, 1962: 1:25, 29.
Cairns, Huntington, and John Walker, eds. Treasures from the National Gallery of Art. New York, 1962: 60, color repro.
Winkler, Friedrich. Review of Primitifs Flamands, Corpus: New England Museums by Colin Eisler. Kunstchronik 15 (1962): 321.
Walker, John. National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. New York, 1963 (reprinted 1964 in French, German, and Spanish): 126-127, repro.
Summary Catalogue of European Paintings and Sculpture. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1965: 17.
Cairns, Huntington, and John Walker, eds. A Pageant of Painting from the National Gallery of Art. 2 vols. New York, 1966: 1:98-99, color repro.
Cinotti, Mia. L'opera completa di Bosch. 1st ed. Classici dell'arte. Milan, 1966: 92, no. 15, 93, fig. 15. (French ed. Tout l'oeuvre peint de Jérôme Bosch. Translated by Simone Darses. Les Classiques De L'Art. Paris, 1967: 92, no. 15, 93, fig. 15.).
Lemmens, Gerard, and Ed Taverne. "Hieronymus Bosch: Naar aanleiding van de expositie in' s-Hertogenbosch." Simiolus 2, no. 2 (1966-1967): 88.
Jheronimus Bosch. Exh. cat. Noordbrabants Museum,'s-Hertogenbosch, Eindhoven, 1967: 167-168, under no. 51.
Boon, Karel. "Review of Hieronymus Bosch by Charles de Tolnay." The Burlington Magazine 110, no. 780 (March 1968): 157.
Cuttler, Charles D. Northern Painting, from Pucelle to Bruegel: Fourteenth, Fifteenth, and Sixteenth Centuries. New York, 1968: 201-202, fig. 252.
Gandolfo, Giampaolo et al. National Gallery of Art, Washington. Great Museums of the World. New York, 1968: 112, color repro.
National Gallery of Art. European Paintings and Sculpture, Illustrations. Washington, 1968: 9, repro.
Cuttler, Charles. "Bosch and the Narrenschiff: A Problem in Relationships." Art Bulletin 51, no. 3 (September 1969): 275-276, fig 8.
Reuterswärd, Patrik. Hieronymus Bosch. Uppsala Studies in the History of Art, Figura nova series 7. Stockholm, 1970: 173-174, 216-217, 266-267 no. 19, fig. 35, 36.
Filedt Kok, Jan Piet. "Underdrawing and Drawing in the Work of Hieronymus Bosch: A Provisional Survey in Connection with the Painting by Him in Rotterdam." Similous 6, no. 3/4 (1972-1973): 151-153, fig. 16.
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Finley, David Edward. A Standard of Excellence: Andrew W. Mellon Founds the National Gallery of Art at Washington. Washington, 1973: 86.
Gibson, Walter S. Hieronymus Bosch. New York, 1973: 43, 46-47, fig. 31, color fig. 32.
Sybesma, Jetske A. "Hieronymus Bosch: An Investigation of His Underdrawings." Ph.D. diss., Bryn Mawr College (1973): vii, 71, 73-78, 81, 83, 84, 87, 89, 90, 183, 184, 192, 196, 275-276, 305; Sec. 3:2 nt. 9; pls. 1-5.
Rhode Island School of Design. Europe in Torment, 1450-1550. Exh. cat. Providence 1974. Providence, 1974: 76.
European Paintings: An Illustrated Summary Catalogue (National Gallery of Art). Washington, 1975: 36-37, repro.
Fraenger, Wilhelm. Hieronymus Bosch. Dresden, 1975: 250, 296-297, 515, fig. 93-95, as Sterbestube.
Rowlands, John. Bosch. London, 1975: 8, 15, color pl. 16.
Eisler, Colin. Paintings from the Samuel H. Kress Collection: European Schools Excluding Italian. Oxford, 1977: 66-69, figs. 60-61, text figs. 11A-C, color repro detail.
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Takashina, Shuji. L'oeuvre complet de Hieronymus Bosch. In Japanese. Tokyo, 1978: 246-247, no. 7, pls. 18-19.
Martin, Gregory. Hieronymus Bosch. New York, 1979: no. 7, color repro.
Watson, Ross. The National Gallery of Art, Washington. New York, 1979: 54, pl. 37.
Unverfehrt, Gerd. Hieronymus Bosch: Die Rezeption seiner Kunst im frühen 16. Jahrhundert. Berlin, 1980: 26, 36, 44-45, 54, 78-79, 223.
Meijer, Bert W. "Titian Sketches on Canvas and Panel." Master Drawings 19, no. 3 (Autumn 1981): 284.
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Gibson, Walter S. Hieronymus Bosch: An Annotated Bibliography. Reference Publications in Art History. Boston, 1983: 47, 53, 54, 80, 184, 188, 189, 200
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Raupp, Hans Joachim. Untersuchungen zu Künstlerbildnis und Künstlerdarstellung in den Niederlanden im 17. Jahrhundert. Hildesheim and New York, 1984:
Walker, John. National Gallery of Art, Washington. Rev. ed. New York, 1984: 166, no. 184, color repro.
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Snyder, James. Northern Renaissance Art: Painting, Sculpture, the Graphic Arts from 1350-1575. New York, 1985: 205, 201 color pl. 36.
Hand, John Oliver and Martha Wolff. Early Netherlandish Painting. The Collections of the National Gallery of Art Systematic Catalogue. Washington, 1986: 17-22, repro. 16.
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Richler, Martha. National Gallery of Art, Washington: A World of Art. London, 1997: 41, color fig. 22.
Schwartz, Gary. Hieronymus Bosch. First Impressions. New York, 1997: 24-25, 90, color repro.
Baumann, Priscilla. "Avarice." In Encyclopedia of Comparative Iconography: Themes Depicted in Works of Art. 2 vols. Edited by Helene E. Roberts. Chicago, 1998: 1:93.
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Bosch. Translated by Alison Canosa. Madrid, 2000: 27, 30, 32, color repro.
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Koldeweij, Jos, Bernard Vermet, with Barbera van Kooij, ed. Hieronymus Bosch: New Insights Into His Life and Work. Exh. cat. Rotterdam 2001. Ghent, 2001: 84, 120, 121-122, 125, 131, 207. as "Death and the Userer."
Riding, Alan. "A Mystery Man Who Created Monsters." New York Times (September 23, 2001): 30.
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Belting, Hans. Hieronymus Bosch, Garden of Earthly Delights. Translated by Ishbel Flett. Munich, 2002: 64-65, 67, color repro.
Colenbrander, Herman T. “Avare vixisti: Death and the Miser by Hieronymous Bosch--Drawings, Underdrawings, Painting, and Meaning.” In Jérôme Bosch et son entorage, et autres études, edited by Hélène Verougstraete et Roger van Schoute. Le dessin sous-jacent et la technologie dans la peinture, Colloque 14, Bruges and Rotterdam, 13-15 september 2001. Leuven, 2003: 22-32.
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Metzger, Catherine A. "Death and the Miser: Alterations and Implications." In Jérôme Bosch et son entorage, et autres études, edited by Hélène Verougstraete and Roger van Schoute. Le dessin sous-jacent et la technologie dans la peinture, Colloque 14, Bruges and Rotterdam, 13-15 september 2001. Leuven, 2003: 39-43, color figs. 1-6.
Vandenbroeck, Paul. Jeronimus Bosch: de verlossing van de wereld. Ghent and Amsterdam, 2003: 104-107, 331, repro.
Hand, John Oliver. National Gallery of Art: Master Paintings from the Collection. Washington and New York, 2004: 118-119, no. 90, color repro.
Snyder, James. Northern Renaissance Art: Painting, Sculpture, the Graphic Arts from 1350 to 1575. Revised by Larry Silver and Henry Luttikhuizen. Upper Saddle River, 2005: 397-398, col. fig. 16.3.
König, Eberhard. “Deathbed Scene.” In The Hours of Catherine of Cleves: Devotion, Demons and Daily Life in the Fifteenth Century. Edited by Rob Dückers and Ruud Priem. Exh. cat. Nijmegen and New York, 2009. Antwerp, 2009: 274, under no. 66.
Caspers, Charlotte. “A Historical Reconstruction of The Pedlar by Jersonimus Bosch.” In Jheronimus Bosch: His Sources. Jheronimus Bosch Conference, 2nd: May 22-25, 2007, Jheronimus Bosch Art Center. ‘s-Hertogenbosch, 2010: 54-55, 69 nt. 23 and nt. 26, 153, color repros.
Heesen, Dick. De geheime boodschap van Jeroen Bosch. 's-Hertogenbosch, 2010: 217, color fig. 193.
Landau, Blandine. “Sins of the Flesh and Human Folly: A Study of The Ship of Fools by Jheronimus Bosch. In Jheronimus Bosch: His Sources. Jheronimus Bosch Conference: 2nd, May 22-25, 2007, Jheronimus Bosch Art Center. ‘s-Hertogenbosch, 2010: 221.
Vermet, Bernard. "Baldass was Right: The Chronology of the Paintings of Jheronimus Bosch.” In Jheronimus Bosch: His Sources. Jheronimus Bosch Conference, 2nd: May 22-25, 2007, Jheronimus Bosch Art Center. ‘s-Hertogenbosch, 2010: 308.
Yona Pinson. “A Moralized Semi-Secular Triptych by Jeronimus Bosch.” In Jheronimus Bosch: His Sources. Jheronimus Bosch Conference, 2nd: May 22-25, 2007, Jheronimus Bosch Art Center. ‘s-Hertogenbosch, 2010: 270-273, 274 nt. 2, 276 nt. 23, 277 nt. 27, color repros.
Freeman, Charles. Holy Bones, Holy Dust: How Relics Shaped the History of Medieval Europe. New Haven, 2011: x, fig. 17.
Büttner, Nils. Hieronymus Bosch. C.H. Beck Wissen. Munich, 2012: 72, 79, 110, fig. 27.
Jacobs, Lynn F. Opening Doors: The Netherlandish Triptych Reinterpreted. University Park, Pa., 2012: 190, fig. 82.
Jheronimus Bosch Art Center. Ruimte voor Jheroniumus Bosch . Edited by Willeke Cornelissen-van de Steeg, et al. 's-Hertogenbosch, 2012: 211, color repro.
Rembert, Virginia Pitts. Hieronymus Bosch and the Lisbon Temptation: A View from the Third Millennium. New York, 2012: 6, color repro.
Will, Chris. Between Heaven & Hell. Translated by Ruth Koenig. Reprint. Amsterdam, 2012: 80-81, color repro.
Colenbrander, Herman. "Jeronimus Bosch and Diego de Guevara: The "Third" Haywain." In Jeronimus Bosch: His Patrons and his Public. Jheronimus Bosch Conference, 3rd. September 6-18, 2012, Jheronimus Bosch Art Center. 's-Hertogenbosch, 2014: 83, 88, 89, 95, 96, color repros.
Hitchins, Stephen Graham. Art as History, History as Art: Jheronimus Bosch and Pieter Bruegel the Elder,--Assembling Knowledge, Not Setting Puzzles. Nijmegen Art Historical Studies 22. Turnhout, 2014: 29, 51, 62, 68 nt. 53, 315, color fig. 45.
Spronk, Ron. "Jeronimus Bosch and the Van Aken Family Workshop: Towards a Reassessment of Technique." In Jheronimus Bosch: His Patrons and his Public. Jheronimus Bosch Conference 3rd: September 6-18, 2012, Jheronimus Bosch Art Center. ‘s-Hertogenbosch, 2014: 392, 397 nt. 28.
Vinken, Pierre and Lucy Schlüter. "The Foreground of Bosch's Death and the Miser" and "Pieter Brugel's Birdnester and Man's Encounter with Death." Icons and Enigmas: Investigations in Art. Edited by Christopher Paparella and Heleen Vinken. Amsterdam, 2014: 77-93, 114-115, fig. 1, 7.
Borchert, Till-Holger. Bosch in detail. Antwerp, 2016: 32-33, color repro.
Bosch Research and Conservation Project. Hieronymus Bosch, Painter and Draughtsman: Technical Studies. Brussels, 2016: 264, 267, 273, 276, 284, 285, 290- 295 no. 19c, 455, color figs. 19.4-5, RR53, 19.30, 1931, 19.32-33, 19.34.
Faton, Jeanne and Giulia Franceschini. "Bosch génial et visionnaire." L'Object d'art no. 522 (avril 2016): 42, 43, color repro.
Fensom, Sarah E. "Dark Past." Review of the exhibition Visions of a Genius ('s-Hertogenbosch, 2016). Art & Antiques 39, no. 4 (April 2016): 86.
Geest, Joost de. “Jheronimus Bosch 500: Visioenen van een genie.” Openbaar Kunstbezit Vlaanderen 54, no. 1 (Februari/Maart 2016): 21, 22, color repro.
Ilsink, Mathijs, et al. Hieronymys Bosch, Painter and Draughtsman: Catalogue raisonné. Translated by Ted Adkins. Brussels, 2016: 316-335 (cat. no. 19c), color fig. 19.10, 566 (under cat. no. 56), 568 (under cat. no. 57).
Ilsink, Matthijs and Jos Kolderweij. Jheronimus Bosch: Visioenen van een genie. Exh. cat. 's-Hertogenbosch 2016. Brussels, 2016: 24-27 no. 12, color repros.
Johnson, Anna Marie. Introduction and notes to "A Sermon on Preparing to Die." In The Annotated Luther, vol. 4: Pastoral Writings. Minneapolis, 2016: 285.
Koerner, Joseph Leo. Bosch and Bruegel: From Enemy Painting to Everyday Life. A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts, 2008. Bollingen Series 35, vol. 57. Princeton, 2016: 74-75, color fig. 63, 103, 375 nt. 88.
Schwartz, Gary. Jheronimus: De wegen naar hemel en hel. Translated by Loekie Schwartz. Hilversum, 2016: 101, 102, 172, 173, 182, 185, 186, 187, 248, color repros.
Segnit, Nat. "Abandon All Hope: Hieronymus Bosch Comes Home." Review of the exhibition Visions of a Genius ('s-Hertogenbosch, 2016). Harper's 333, no. 1,995 (August 2016): 75-76, color repro.
Siegal, Nina. "Upon Closer Review, Credit Goes to Bosch." New York Times 165, no. 57,130 (February 2, 2016): C1.
Tamis, Dorien. “Oude Kunst: Jheroniumus (Jeroen) Bosch: Wenken voor een deugdzaam leven / Jheronimus Bosch: Buitenissige fantasieën over hemel en hel.” Museumtijdschrift no. 1 (Jan/Feb 2016): 22, 24, color repro.
Uberquoi, Marie-Claire. “El genio en su cicuad natal.” Descubrier el arte 17, no. 207 (Mayo 2016): 42, color repro.
Filedt Kok, Jan Piet. "Hieronymus Bosch After 500 Years: Exhibitions and Publications in 2016." Simiolus 39, no. 1/2 (2017): 112-113, 117.
Frigerio, Luca. Bosch: uomini angeli demoni. Milan, 2017: 31, color fig.
Nuttall, Paula. "Review of Exhibition: Jheronimus Bosch--Visions of Genius." Renaissance Studies 31, no. 5 (November 2017): 800
Zegeling, Mark and Marc Pos. Het geheim van de meester. Amsterdam, 2017: 120, color fig. 4; 314 nt. 4.
Alcoy, Rosa. El Bosco en dos trípticos del Museo del Prado. Granada, 2020: 410-413, color fig. 359, 362
Capwell, Tobias. Armour of the English Knight, 1450-1500. London, 2021: 96-98 repro. 97.
Barron James. "The Good and Evil of Money: The Morgan Examines the Role Currency Through the Ages." [Exhibition review] New York Times 173, no. 59,949 (October 22, 2023): A&E 20.
Oldham, Martin. "Odd Man Out." [Exhibition review] RA--Royal Academy of Arts Magazine 129 (Winter 2015): 29.

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