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Prince Ferdinando Lorenzo Strozzi [1821-1878], Florence, by 1857/1858.[1] Louis-Charles Timbal [1821-1880], Paris;[2] sold 1872 with his collection to Gustave Dreyfus [1837-1914], Paris; his heirs; sold 1930 with the entire Dreyfus collection to (Duveen Brothers, Inc., London and New York);[3] sold May 1936 to the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, New York;[4] gift 1939 to NGA.

Exhibition History

Circa 1492: Art in the Age of Exploration, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 1991-1992, not in cat.
Piero e Urbino, Piero e le Corti rinascimentali, Palazzo Ducale, Urbino, 1992, no. 61, repro.
The Renaissance from Brunelleschi to Michelangelo: The Representation of Architecture, Palazzo Grassi, Venice; NGA, Washington, D.C.; Musée des Monuments Français, Paris; Altes Mus., Berlin, 1994-1996, no. 422 of cat. supplement (shown only in Paris).
From Filippo Lippi to Piero della Francesca: Fra Carnavale and the Making of a Renaissance Master, Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2004-2005, no. 40, repro.
Il Rinascimento a Urbino. Fra' Carnevale e gli artisti del Palazzo di Federico [The Renaissance in Urbino: Fra Carnevale and the artists of the Palazzo Federico], Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Urbino, 2005-2006, no. 29, repro.
Loan for display with permanent collection, Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Urbino, 2006.
L'Uomo del Rinascimento: Leon Battista Alberti e le arti a Firenze tra ragione e bellezza, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, March-July 2006, no. 159, repro.
Arquitecturas pintadas: del Renacimiento al siglo XVIII, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid, 2011-2012, no. 11, repro.


Crowe, Joseph Archer, and Giovan Battista Cavalcaselle. A New History of Painting in Italy from the Second to the Sixteenth Century. 3 vols. London, 1864-1866: 2(1864):348, as by Filippo Lippi.
Strutt, Edward. Fra Filippo Lippi. London, 1901: 147, as by Filippo Lippi.
Reinach, Salomon. Répertoire de peintures du moyen âge et de la Renaissance (1280-1580). 6 vols. Paris, 1905-1923: 4(1918):60, repro., as School of Filippo Lippi.
Reinach, Salomon. Tableaux inedits ou peu connus tires de collections francaises. Paris, 1906: 25, pl. 17, as School of Filippo Lippi.
Guiffrey, Jean. “La collection de M. Gustave Dreyfus. II. La peinture.” Les Artes, no. 73 (January 1908): 3, 5, repro., as School of Filippo Lippi.
Marle, Raimond van. The Development of the Italian Schools of Painting. 19 vols. The Hague, 1923-1938: 10(1928):468; 11(1929):300, as School of Filippo Lippi.
Vaudoyer, Jean-Louis. “La collection Gustave Dreyfus.” L’Amour de l’Art 6, no. 7 (1925): 248, 259, 263, as School of Filippo Lippi.
"Duveen Buys Dreyfus Italian Renaissance Art." Art News 28 (12 July 1930): 3.
Landau, Dora. "Notes from Abroad." International Studio 96 (1930): 65, as School of Filippo Lippi.
Venturi, Lionello. Italian Paintings in America. 3 vols. New York and Milan, 1933: 2:pl. 223, as by Pesellino.
Offner, Richard. "The Barberini Panels and Their Painter." In Mediaeval Studies in Memory of A. Kingsley Porter. Cambridge, MA, 1939: 236-246, figs. 30, 33, 34, 36.
Prampolini, Giovanni. L’Annunciazione nei pittori primitivi italiani. Milan, 1939: 64, pl. 58, as by Pesellino.
Richter, George M. "Rehabilitation of Fra Carnevale," Art Quarterly 3 (1940): 313-314, 317, 320, 323, fig. 3.
Swarzenski, Georg. "The Master of the Barberini Panels: Bramante." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts 38, no. 90 (1940): 94.
Duveen Brothers. Duveen Pictures in Public Collections of America. New York, 1941: nos. 56-57, repros.
Frankfurter, Alfred M. "On the Italian Renaissance Painters in the National Gallery: An Editorial." Art News 40, no. 3 (1941): 23.
Preliminary Catalogue of Paintings and Sculpture. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1941: 127-128, no. 329.
Valentiner, Wilhelm R. “Expressionism and Abstract Painting.” Art Quarterly 4 (1941): 211, 215.
Book of Illustrations. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1942: 246, repro. 151.
Richter, George M. Andrea del Castago. Chicago, 1943: 11-12.
Frankfurter, Alfred M. The Kress Collection in the National Gallery. New York, 1944: 34, repro.
Paintings and Sculpture from the Kress Collection. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1945 (reprinted 1947, 1949): 37, repro.
Zeri, Federico. “A proposito di Ludovico Urbani.” Proporzioni 2 (1948): 170 n. 4.
Pittaluga, Mary. Fra Filippo Lippi. Florence, 1949: 201.
Ragghianti, Carlo. “Studi sulla pittura lombarda del Quattrocento—2.” Critica d’Arte 8 (1949): 299 n. 35.
Zeri, Federico. "Il Maestro dell'Annunciazione Gardner." Bollettino d'Arte 38, no. 2 (1953): 130.
Ferguson, George. Signs and Symbols in Christian Art. New York, 1954: pl. 7.
Paintings and Sculpture from the Samuel H. Kress Collection. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1959: 61, repro.
Bruschi, Arnaldo. “Bartolomeo Corradini.” In Alberto Maria Ghisalberti, ed. Dizionario biografico degli italiani. 82+ vols. Rome, 1960+: 29(1983):334.
Meiss, Millard. “Contributions to Two Elusive Masters.” The Burlington Magazine 103, no. 695 (February 1961): 57, 61, 62.
Walker, John, Guy Emerson, and Charles Seymour. Art Treasures for America: An Anthology of Paintings & Sculpture in the Samuel H. Kress Collection. London, 1961: 32, color repro. pl. 27.
Zeri, Federico. Due dipinti, la filologia e un nome. Turin, 1961: 19-20, 22-24, 27-29, 31, 36-40, 42, 53, 61, 64, 67, pls. III, 8, 14, 16, 27, 49.
“Editorial: The Samuel H. Kress Collection.” The Burlington Magazine 104, no. 712 (1962): 279-280.
Parronchi, Alessandro. “Leon Battista Alberti as a Painter.” The Burlington Magazine 104, no. 712 (July 1962): 286, fig. 14, pl. 1.
Berenson, Bernard. Italian Pictures of the Renaissance. Florentine School. 2 vols. London, 1963: 1:141. 2:pl.695.
Lorgue, Christiane. “F. Zeri: Due dipinti, la filologia e un nome.” L’Information d’histoire de l’art 9 (1964): 90.
Parronchi, Alessandro. Studi su la 'dolce prospettiva'. Milan, 1964: 445, 464, pl. 164a.
Neumeyer, Alfred. “The Lanckoronski Annunciation in the M. H. de Young Memorial Museum.” Art Quarterly 28 (1965): 13.
Summary Catalogue of European Paintings and Sculpture. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1965: 84.
National Gallery of Art. European Paintings and Sculpture, Illustrations. Washington, 1968: 74, repro.
Shapley, Fern Rusk. Paintings from the Samuel H. Kress Collection: Italian Schools, XV-XVI Century. London, 1968: 3, fig. 1.
Zampetti, Pietro. La pittura marchigiana del Quattrocento da Gentile a Raffaello. Milan, 1969: 84, 87, 88, 90.
Zampetti, Pietro. Giovanni Boccati. Venice, 1971: 19, 202.
Alberti, Leon Battista. On Painting and On Sculpture. Ed. and trans. Cecil Grayson. London, 1972: 154.
Baxandall, Michael. Painting and Experience in Fifteenth-Century Italy. Oxford, 1972: 51.
Parronchi, Alessandro. Paolo Uccello. Bologna, 1974: 223, 224.
European Paintings: An Illustrated Summary Catalogue. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1975: 218, repro.
Zeri, Federico. “Primizie di Alvise Vivarini.” Antichità Viva 14 (1975): 73.
Ciardi Dupré, Maria Grazia, ed. L’oreficeria nella Firenze del Quattrocento. Exh. cat. Museo di Santa Maria Novella, Florence, 1977: 286.
Christiansen, Keith. "For Fra Carnevale," Apollo 109, no. 205 (March 1979): 200, 201 n. 7.
Shapley, Fern Rusk. Catalogue of the Italian Paintings. 2 vols. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1979: 1:309-311; 2:pl. 222.
Strauss, Monica J. “The Master of the Barberini Panels: Fra Carnevale.” Ph.D. diss., New York University, Institute of Fine Arts, 1979: 41-56, passim.
Zeri, Federico, and Elizabeth E. Gardner. Italian Paintings: Sienese and Central Italian Schools. A Catalogue of the Collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, 1980: 36, 38.
Ciardi Dupré Dal Poggetto, Maria Grazia, and Paolo Dal Poggetto, eds. Urbino e le Marche prima e dopo Raffaello. Exh. cat. Palazzo Ducale, Urbino, 1983: 43, 44, 50.
Rowlands, Eliot W. “Filippo Lippi’s Stay in Padua and Its Impact on His Art.” Ph.D. diss., Rutgers University, 1983: 195 n. 361.
Walker, John. National Gallery of Art, Washington. Rev. ed. New York, 1984: 108, no. 82, color repro.
European Paintings: An Illustrated Catalogue. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1985: 253, repro.
Mündler, Otto. "The Travel Diaries of Otto Mündler." Ed. Carol Togneri Dowd. Walpole Society 51 (1985): 220, 291.
Petrucci, Francesca. “La pittura a Firenze nel Quattrocento.” In Federico Zeri, ed. La Pittura in Italia: Il Quattrocento. 2 vols. Milan, 1987: 1:283.
Steinberg, Leo. “How Shall this Be? Reflections on Filippo Lippi’s Annunciation in London.” Artibus et Historiae 8, no. 16 (1987): 42 n. 5.
Dal Poggetto, Paolo, ed. Capolavori per Urbino: nove dipinti già di collezione Cini, ceramiche roveresche e altri acquisti dello Stato (1983-1988). Catalogo. Exh. cat. Palazzo Ducale, Urbino, 1988: 64.
Zampetti, Pietro. Pittura nelle Marche. Florence, 1988: 394, pls. 185, 186.
Bellosi, Luciano. “Fra Carnevale.” In Luciano Bellosi, ed. Pittura di luce. Giovanni di Francesco e l’arte fiorentina di metà Quattrocento. Exh. cat. Casa Buonarroti, Florence, 1990: 135.
Roberts, Perri Lee. “Lost and Found: The San Niccolò Annunciation Reonsidered.” Southeastern College Art Conference Review 11 (1990): 373.
Gingold, Diane J., and Elizabeth A.C. Weil. The Corporate Patron. New York, 1991: 196-197, color repro.
Manca, Joseph. “Mary Versus the Open Door: Moral Antithesis in Images of the Annunciation.” Source 10 (1991): 1.
Dal Poggetto, Paolo. “Il ‘Maestro delle tavole Barberini’: Chi era costui?”. In Paolo Dal Poggetto, ed. Piero e Urbino, Piero e le corti rinascimentali. Exh. cat. Palazzo Ducale, Urbino, 1992: 301.
Gagliardi, Jacques. La conquête de la peinture: L’Europe des ateliers du XIIIe au XVe siècle. Paris, 1993: 514-515, fig. 633.
Ruda, Jeffrey. Fra Filippo Lippi: Life and Work with a Complete Catalogue. London, 1993: 412, 426, repro.
De Marchi, Andrea. “Pedanterie pierfrancescane.” Prospettiva 72 (1994): 90-91.
Kanter, Laurence. Italian Paintings in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. I. 13th-15th Century. Boston, 1994: 213.
Valeri, Stefano. “Quattrocento pittorico marchigiano.” In Anna Cavallari, Sergio Rossi, and Stefano Valeri, eds. Quattrocento in pittura nell’Italia centrale. Rome, 1994: 74, fig. 17.
Bruschi, Arnaldo. “Urbino. Archiettura, pittura e il problema di Piero ‘architetto’.” In Città e corte nell’Italia di Piero della Francesca. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Urbino, 4-7 ottobre 1992. Venice, 1996: 227, fig. 10.
Christiansen, Keith. "Master of the Barberini Panels." In Janr Turner, ed. The Dictionary of Art. 34 vols. New York and London, 1996: 20:623.
Borsi, Stefano. Bramante e Urbino: Il problema della formazione. Rome, 1997: 38, 39, repro.
Shaw-Eagle, Joanna. "Christ's Birth Gave Birth to Astounding Images: Gallery Glitters with holy Masterpieces." Washington Times (December 21, 1997): D5.
Weaver, S. Elizabeth. "Donatello's Variations on a Theme: Subjectivity in Quattrocento Perspective." Ph.D. diss., University of Virginia, 1997: 202, 294 fig. 4.15.
Gersch-Nešic, Beth. “Pregnancy." In Helene E. Roberts, ed. Encyclopedia of Comparative Iconography: Themes Depicted in Works of Art. 2 vols. Chicago, 1998: 2:753.
Arasse, Daniel. L’Annonciation italienne: Une histoire de perspective. Paris, 1999: 224-226, repro.
Boskovits, Miklós, and David Alan Brown, et al. Italian Paintings of the Fifteenth Century. The Systematic Catalogue of the National Gallery of Art. Washington, D.C., 2003: 182-186, color repro.
Benazzi, Giordana. “Le Storie della Vergina di fra’ Filippo nel Duomo di Spoleto e un possibile lippismo tra Umbria e Marche.” In Bonita Cleri, ed. Bartolomeo Corradini (Fra’ Carnevale) nella cultura urbinate del XV secolo. Atti del Convegno, Urbino, Chiesa di San Cassiano - Castelvacallino, 11/12 ottobre 2002. Urbino, 2004: 188.
Ciardi Dupré Dal Poggetto, Maria Grazia. “Spunti e riflessioni su fra’ Bartolomeo Corradini soprannominato fra’ Carnevale.” In Bonita Cleri, ed. Bartolomeo Corradini (Fra’ Carnevale) nella cultura urbinate del XV secolo. Atti del Convegno, Urbino, Chiesa di San Cassiano - Castelcavallino, 11/12 ottobre 2002. Urbino, 2004: 103, 113, fig. 5.
Ruda, Jeffrey. “Un ‘maestro’ ed alcuni suoi ‘discepoli’: la pratica ed il significato di imitazione artistica nella metà del Quatrocento.” In Bonita Cleri, ed. Bartolomeo Corradini (Fra’ Carnevale) nella cultura urbinate del XV secolo. Atti del Convegno, Urbino, Chiesa di San Cassiano - Castelcavallino, 11/12 ottobre 2002. Urbino, 2004: 155-156, 160.
Tambini, Anna. “Due polittici a confronto: un contributo per Fra Carnevale.” In Bonita Cleri, ed. Bartolomeo Corradini (Fra’ Carnevale) nella cultura urbinate del XV secolo. Atti del Convegno, Urbino, Chiesa di San Cassiano - Castelvacallino, 11/12 ottobre 2002. Urbino, 2004: 298, 306, 310.
Lugli, Emanuele. "Connoisseurship as a system: reflections on Federico Zeri’s Due dipinti, la filologia e un nome." Word & Image 24, no. 2 (2007): 164, 165, 169, fig. 3.
Rowley, Neville. “Pittura di luce: La manière claire dans la peinture du Quattrocento.” Ph.D. Diss., Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2010: 64, 57, 191 n. 749, fig. 4.
Buffi, Leonardo. Bartolomeo Corradini. L’amico frate di Federico da Montefeltro. Fano, 2014: fig. 2.8.
Serres, Karen. "Duveen's Italian framemaker, Ferruccio Vannoni." The Burlington Magazine 159, no. 1370 (May 2017): 373 n. 40.
Valeri, Stefano. Quattrocento pittorico centroitaliano. Fra Carnevale, tre camerinesi e un Piero della Francesca. Rome, 2017: 24, 26, 27, 39, 102, 105-106, fig. 5.
Bietti, Monica. "Filippo Lippi, i Martelli e l'Annunciazione per la basilica di San Lorenzo a Firenze." In Monica Bietti, ed. Intorno all'Annunciazione Martelli di Filippo Lippi: Riflessioni dopo il restauro. Florence, 2018: 62, fig. 47.
Rowley, Neville. "Una pittura di luce." In Monica Bietti, ed. Intorno all'Annunciazione Martelli di Filippo Lippi: Riflessioni dopo il restauro. Florence, 2018: 156.

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