A stream winds through steep, rocky banks that lead back to a complex of buildings under a swirling sky in this nearly square landscape painting. The scene is painted with loose and visible brushstrokes in shades of earthy and wheat brown, tan, forest green, silvery gray, and slate blue. A steep hillock in the lower left corner of the canvas is covered with tall grasses. A barren tree with spiky branches reaches into the sky beyond the hillock. The land dips in front of us, across the right two-thirds of the composition. Just beyond this, the land slopes steeply down to the river tucked into the rocky, canyon-like riverbed. Three people, painted with a few strokes of beige and gray and miniscule in scale, are on boulders near the water about halfway back. Some of the rocky cliff faces are carpeted with green grass and some are bare dirt. A complex of buildings beyond a chain link fence are painted with shades of steel gray, rust red, and dark brown. A celestial-blue water tower stands to the left of center on the horizon, which comes two-thirds of the way up this composition. Some brick-red streaks in the distance to the left are difficult to make out, but might be another structure. A few streaks of white sunlight pour down through breaks in the swirling dark gray clouds in the sky above. A few glimpses of blue sky are visible near the top center of the composition.