Printed in black on cream-white paper, a person standing on a bridge holds both hands to their oval-shaped head in this stylized lithograph. The person’s waifish body creates an S-shape, and their hollow eyes look slightly off to the left. The face has exaggeratedly high cheekbones, and the mouth is open in a tall oval. The bridge stretches from the bottom right corner of the print to the middle of the left edge of the sheet. Two black silhouettes represent people at the far end of the bridge. A curving form in the distance suggests a body of water with a couple of masted ships near the coastline. The rest of the landscape is carved with woodgrain-like, closely spaced, organic lines, and waves surge across the sky. A printed inscription in the margin below the image reads “Geschrei” and a pencil inscription in the lower right corner reads, “Edw Munch No 21.”