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Four deep, three-dimensional letters spell out the word AMOR in this free-standing sculpture, with the A and M stacked on top of the O and R to create a square on a low black platform. The letters are coral red with butter-yellow undersides. The elongated, oval-shaped opening within the circular letter O is angled 45 degrees, toward the M at the upper right. We stand slightly to the left in this photograph so we can see the deep sides of the letters. The sculpture is displayed out-of-doors with trees and a tall black fence in the background and plantings around the base.

Robert Indiana, AMOR, conceived 1998, fabricated 2006, polychrome aluminum, Gift of Simon and Gillian Salama-Caro in memory of Ruth Klausner, 2012.27.1

Sculpture Garden Talk: LOVE, Pop, and Abstraction

Collection Perspectives

Focus: The Collection

  • Wednesday, June 5, 2024
  • 1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
  • Sculpture Garden
  • Talks
  • In-person

Join us for a talk exploring sculptures by Robert Indiana (1928 – 2018) and Ellsworth Kelly (1923 – 2015). Contemporaries in the New York art scene, these two men found inspiration, love, and friendship with one another. Tour starts at the entrance to the Pavilion Café, Sculpture Garden.  

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