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Still from Alberto Lattuada’s Variety Lights (1950) courtesy Pathe International Films/Photofest

Variety Lights

Fellini Retrospective

Fellini Retrospective

  • Sunday, November 20, 2022
  • 2:00 p.m.
  • East Building Auditorium
  • In-person
  • Registration Required

Registration is required.

Co-directed by Alberto Lattuada, Variety Lights centers around a traveling vaudeville troupe whose quixotic impresario (Peppino De Filippo) is tempted away from his faithful mistress (Giulietta Masina) by the charms of an ambitious young dancer (Carla Del Poggio). A foundational work that exhibits many of Fellini’s distinct preoccupations with performance and that thin veil between the stage and real life. (1950, Italian with English subtitles, DCP, 97 minutes)