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Still from Tanya Tagaq and Chelsea McMullen’s Ever Deadly (2023) courtesy Kino Lorber

Ever Deadly

Celestial Voices on Film

  • Sunday, December 17, 2023
  • 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
  • East Building Auditorium
  • Films
  • In-person
  • Registration Required

Throughout her ground-breaking career, Inuk throat singer Tanya Tagaq has always had an intimate relationship with the Nuna—the Land—a living, breathing organism present in her improvised performances. Hers is a voice that, according to the New York Times, “demands full attention, whether she’s whispering in her softest register or howling at the sky.” Ever Deadly weaves together intimate concert footage of Tagaq alongside moving personal reflections, stunning sequences filmed in Nunavut, and hand-drawn animation by Inuk artist Shuvinai Ashoona to seamlessly bridge history, landscapes, stories, and songs with pain, anger, and triumph—all through the expressions of one of the most innovative musical performers today. (Tanya Tagaq and Chelsea McMullen, 2023, English and Inuktitut with English subtitles, DCP, 90 minutes)

Part of the film series Celestial Voices on Film