“The Sweet By and By” — The Rose Ensemble
The Rose Ensemble’s performance was presented in honor of the exhibition Three Centuries of American Prints from the National Gallery of Art, which surveyed how America and its people have been represented in prints made by American and non-American artists between 1710 and 2010. Their program surveyed centuries of folk, spiritual, and cultural traditions, showcasing the evolution of American musical heritage. The selection “The Sweet By and By” from their concert is by Wisconsinite Joseph P. Webster and arranged by Jake Endres with original lyrics by Mark Dietrich. The Rose Ensemble’s instrumental accompaniments are improvised and arranged based on the vocal harmonies of the original scores, as well as traditional, regional, and historical performance practices. The Rose Ensemble performed a concert on Sunday, April 10, 2016, at the National Gallery of Art in the West Building, West Garden Court.