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Featured Photographers

The library's image collections include photographs by thousands of photographers, from anonymous cameramen to well-known art photographers. Many pioneers in this field are represented in the collection, such as Robert Jefferson Bingham, Caldesi & Montecchi, Auguste and Louis Bisson, Leopoldo and Giuseppe Alinari, Juan Laurent, and Adolphe Braun. The department also holds examples by artists primarily celebrated as fine art photographers, including Paul Nadar, Alexander Liberman, Tina Modotti, and Brassaï.

Today the department fosters many mutually beneficial relationships with gifted photographers and art historians who initiate and coordinate photographic campaigns. The following is a selection of individuals whose particular interests have strengthened the collection considerably. Gifts are noted with an asterisk.


Wayne Andrews
American and European modern architecture; of particular interest are works by Rudolph Schindler and Le Corbusier (4,200 photographs). More


Archivision Digital Research Library (Scott Gilchrist)
Images of architecture, archaeological sites, gardens, parks and works of art (4,700 slides; 58,000 digital images)


James Austin
British and European architecture (8,700 photographs). More


Francis Bedford
Architectural views and landscapes of British scenery, 1850s -1880s (4,397 photographs and 2 index volumes). More


Osvaldo Böhm
Venetian art and architecture (7,300 photographs). More


William Craft Brumfield*
Primarily Russian architecture, as well as sites in other former Soviet republics, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Poland, and Ireland (approximately 40,000 negatives, 126,158 digital files, and 12,415 photographs to date). See Travels Across Russia features: Avant-Garde, Murom, Torzhok, and EkaterinburgMore


Sonja Bullaty and Angelo Lomeo
European painting from private collections and dealers, including Knoedler and Acquavella Galleries. Their work is also included in the Kress Collection of Historic Images (3,300 photographs)


Harald Busch
German and Central European art and architecture (6,000 photographs). More


David Finn
Ancient through contemporary sculpture from Finn’s publications and projects (100,000 negatives and transparencies with corresponding black-and-white photographs). More


Führerprojekt Photographers (act. 1943-1945)
These color slides are part of the historic 'Führerprojekt', or Farbdiaarchiv zur Wand-und Deckenmalerei (Color Slide Archive of Wall and Ceiling Painting), an official Nazi archive of endangered immovable art in the Third Reich that was produced by order of Adolf Hitler at the height of World War II beginning in 1943. Also included are a selection of color slides from the separate Endangered German and Austrian Stained Glass Survey. More

Adolphe Giraudon*

Ancient and European sculpture and architecture (1,000 photographs). More


Max Hutzel
Italian provincial art and architecture (15,600 photographs). More


Paul Katz*
Portraits of artists and their studios in the Manhattan art world from the 1960s through 1970s (1,880 photographs, negatives and slides)  


Thomas Keith
Scottish photographer active from 1852 to 1856 (six waxed-paper negatives). More


Clarence Kennedy
Portfolios of Greek and 15th-century Florentine sculpture (680 photographs and digital files). More


Ralph Lieberman
Italian, French, and American art and architecture (5,200 photographs, and 700 digital files to date). More


William MacDonald
Ancient architecture (500 photographs). More


Lida Moser*
Photographs of artists and architecture in New York, with a particular focus on the painter John Koch (744 photographs and negatives, some by purchase). More

Pietro Poppi (Fotografia dell'Emilia)
Italian art and architecture, predominately from the Emilia-Romagna region and the city of Bologna (c. 200 photographs). More


Georg Piltz
Architecture in East Germany following the Second World War to the 1970s (8,804 negatives). More


Nathan Rabin*
Negatives created for various collectors, art dealers, galleries and publications. Modern and contemporary art, the archive also contains images of non-Western objects and some works created prior to 1900 (27,000 negatives and 1,300 photographs to date)


Foto Reali
Florentine firm that surveyed private collections in the early twentieth century. Some photographs show works in situ. Contini-Bonacossi, Cini, Volterra, and Acton are among the private collections represented. (4,000 photographs, negatives and digital files). For more information, see Digital Projects. More


Franco Rigamonti
Roman baroque art and architecture (8,200 photographs and negatives). More


Albert Rudomine
Franco-Russian photographer who worked for the French National Museums (40 photographs). More


Judith Hancock Sandoval
Mexican colonial and Nicaraguan architecture (16,500 photographs). More


Shunk-Kender (Harry Shunk and János Kender)*
Documenting the work of artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude (2,460 photographs). More


Roberto Sigismondi (Foto Arte Italiana)
Italian art and architecture especially lesser-known monuments (15,400 photographs and 26,000 digital files to date). More


William A. Smith*
Portraits of artists in their studios and at home by American artist William A. Smith. Subjects include artists from around the world who were active in the mid-20th century (147 photographs and 100 digital files)


Benjamin Brecknell Turner
Portrait, architectural and landscape photographer, 1850s-1880s. (421 photographs and negatives). More

A. Villani e Figli

Italian art and architecture, with particular emphasis on Bologna. (5,179 photographs and 9,482 images on microfiche). More

The library is open Monday through Friday 11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. We are closed Saturday, Sunday, and federal holidays.

To help us prepare materials ahead of your initial visit, we recommend you request an appointment.

National Gallery of Art East Building
4th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC

Mailing Address
Image Collections
National Gallery of Art
2000 South Club Drive
Landover, MD 20785

Contact [email protected] or call (202) 842-6026