in cartouche at lower center of both recto and verso in brown ink: Filippo Lippi Pitt: Fior:.
Giorgio Vasari [1511-1574]; Niccolò Gaddi [d. 1591]; possibly Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel; probably William Cavendish, 2nd Duke of Devonshire [1672-1729]; by descent, Chatsworth ( (sale, London, Christie's, 3 July 1984, lot 46); purchased by Ian Woodner, New York; by inheritance to his daughters, Andrea and Dian Woodner, New York, 1990; purchased by NGA, 1991.
Exhibition History
- 1930
- Italian Drawings Exhibited at the Royal Academy, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 1930, no. 50 (recto only).
- 1949
- Old Master Drawings from Chatsworth, Arts Council of Great Britain, London, 1949, no. 10.
- 1962
- Old Master Drawings from Chatsworth: A Loan Exhibition from the Devonshire Collection, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. and elsewhere, 1962-63, no. 36.
- 1969
- Old Master Drawings from Chatsworth: A Loan Exhibition from the Devonshire Collection, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 1969, no. 36.
- 1973
- Old Master Drawings from Chatsworth: A Loan Exhibition from the Devonshire Collection, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1973-74, no. 36.
- 1985
- Master Drawings from the Woodner Collection, Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, 1985, no. 76 (checklist only).
- 1986
- Dibujos de los siglos XIV al XX: Colección Woodner, Museo del Prado, Madrid, 1986-87, no. 29.
- 1986
- Meisterzeichnungen aus Sechs Jahrhunderten: Die Sammlung Ian Woodner, Haus der Kunst, Munich and Vienna, 1986, no. 24.
- 1987
- Master Drawings from the Woodner Collection, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 1987, no. 22.
- 1990
- Master Drawings from the Woodner Collection, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1990, no. 29.
- 1995
- The Touch of the Artist: Master Drawings from the Woodner Collections, National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1995-1996, no. 9.
- 1997
- The Drawings of Filippino Lippi and his Circle, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1997-1998, nos. 6, 51, 64, 66, 79, 80, 84, 107, 108, 117.
- 2000
- Art for the Nation: Collecting for a New Century, National Gallery of Art, Washington, 2000-2001, 132-135.
- 2000
- Sandro Botticelli, Der Bilderzyklus zu Dantes Göttlicher Komödie. Kulturforum, Berlin; Scuderie Papali al Quirinale, Rome; Royal Academy, London, 2000-2001, 364, 365 (.1.a only, as Botticelli) (shown only in Berlin).
- 2006
- Master Drawings from the Woodner Collections, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 2006 - 2007.
- 2015
- Drawing in Silver and Gold: Leonardo to Jasper Johns, National Gallery of Art, Washington, and The British Museum, London, 2015, no. 43.
- 2017
- The Woodner Collections: Master Drawings from Seven Centuries, NGA, 2017.
- 1902
- Strong, Sanford Arthur. Reproductions of Drawings by Old Masters in the Collection of the Duke of Devonshire at Chatsworth. London, 1902: no. 14 (1991.190.1.a), 34 (1991.190.1.b, 1991.190.1.c).
- 1903
- Berenson, Bernard. The Drawings of the Florentine Painters. II, London, 1903: nos. 571 (1991.190.1.h as School of Botticelli), 760 (1991.190.1.a as Raffaellino del Garbo), 1275 (1991.190.1.i as Filippino Lippi), 1276 (1991.190.1.d as Filippino).
- 1905
- The Vasari Society for the Reproduction of Drawings by Old Masters. Oxford, 1920-1935: 2nd series, VI, no. 4 (1991.190.1.a).
- 1923
- Marle, Raimond van. The Development of the Italian Schools of Painting. 19 vols. The Hague, 1923-1938: 12(1931):274 (1991.190.1.h as anonymous follower of Botticelli).
- 1935
- Scharf, Alfred. Filippino Lippi. Vienna, 1935: 122, no. 207 (1991.190.1.d as Filippino), 129, no. 292 (Cat. 1991.190.1.a as Filippino).
- 1937
- Kurz, Otto. "Giorgio Vasari's Libro de' Disegni," Old Master Drawings XII (1937): 14 (1991.190.1.a-d, 1991.190.1h as Filippino).
- 1938
- Berenson, Bernard. The Drawings of the Florentine Painters. Amplified edition, II, Chicago, 1938, nos. 571 (1991.190.1.h as probably Raffaellino de Garbo), 760 (1991.190.1.a as Raffaellino), 1275, 1276A and 1276B.
- 1961
- Berenson, Bernard. I disegni dei pittori fiorentini. Revised and amplified edition, 3 vols, Milan, 1961 (same as Berenson 1938).
- 1968
- Fahy, Everett. 'The Master of Apollo and Daphne.' Museum Studies III (1968): 32, (1991.190.1.h as conceivably by Botticelli), 37-38.
- 1974
- Collobi, Licia Ragghianti. Il Libro de' Disegni del Vasari. Florence, 1974: I: 85, II: pl. 233-234 (all as Filippino except 1991.190.1.a and 1991.190.1.h as Raffaellino del Garbo).
- 1975
- Shoemaker, Innes H. "Filippino Lippi as Draughtsman." 2 vols. Ph.D. diss., Columbia University, New York, 1975: 2:370-374, no. 113 (1991.190.1.b, c, as Follower of Filippino; a, e, h, as Raffaellino del Garbo; d, f, g, as Filippino; i, j, as Anonymous Florentine).
- 1976
- Fahy, Everett. Some Followers of Domenico Ghirlandaio. New York, 1976: 20, 78, and 107 (1991.190.1.h as conceivably by Botticelli); no. 24 verso D (1991.190.1.h; no 29E (1991.190.1.e).
- 1984
- de Bayser, Bruno. "Rêves de collectionneur," Connaissance des arts, (December 1984): 73-76 (all as Filippino except for 1991.190.1.e, h).
- 1987
- Melikian, Souren. "A Master Collector, Ian Woodner: An Eye for the Future." Art & Auction. (November 1987): 86, repro. p. 86 (1991.190.1.a-d as Filippino).
- 1988
- Cummings, Paul. "Interview: Ian Woodner Talks with Paul Cummings." Drawing. IX, 5 (1988): 109 (1991.190.1.h as Botticelli, 1991.190.1.e-j as Florentine and possibly by Raffaellino del Garbo).
- 1992
- Gregori, M., A Paolucci and C.A. Luchinat. Maestri e Botteghe: Pittura a Firenze alla fine del Quattrocento. Exh. cat. Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, 1992-1993, under no. 4.3.
- 1992
- National Gallery of Art, Washington. Washington, D.C., 1992: 312, 314, repro.
- 1993
- Fahy, Everett. "Florence, Palazzo Strozzi Review." The Burlington Magazine 135(February 1993): 170, no. 4.3 (1991.190.1.h as Botticelli).
- 1994
- Gahtan, Maia W. and Philip J. Jacks. Vasari's Florence: Artists and Literati at the Medicaen Court. Exh. cat. Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, 1994, fig. 52 (facsimile exhibited).
- 1994
- Jaffé, Michael. The Devonshire Collection of Italian Drawings. 4 Vols. London, 1994: I: Tuscan and Umbrian Schools, no. 36 (1991.190.1.a-j as Filippino except h as Botticelli).
- 1995
- Annesley, Noël. "Ian Woodner." Drawing 17 (September-October 1995): 54.
- 1995
- Chapman, Hugo. "Old Master Drawings from Chatsworth at the National gallery of Art." Drawing 17 (September-October 1995): 55.
- 1995
- Jones, Jennifer. "The Woodner Collections at the National Gallery." Drawing 17 (September-October 1995): 49-53 (repr. recto fig. 1; verso fig. 6).
- 1995
- The Touch of the Artist: Master Drawings from the Woodner Collections. Exh. cat. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1995-1996: no. 9.
- 1998
- Zambrano, Patrizia. "Filippino Lippi Drawings. New York." The Burlington Magazine 140 (1998): 149-151.
- 2000
- McGrath, Thomas. "Color and Exchange of Ideas between Patron and Artist in Renaissance Italy." The Art Bulletin 82, no. 2 (June 2000): 298-308
- 2000
- Mishory, Alec. Art History: an Introduction. Tel-Aviv, 2000: 261, fig. 227.
- 2009
- Schumacher, Andreas, et al. Botticelli: Likeness, Myth, Devotion. Exh. cat., Frankfurt am Main, 2009: 106-107 and fig. 69 (questioning attribution of .a to Botticelli); 286 and fig 150 (discussing whole sheet); 234 and fig. 119 (Lippi Seated Figure)
- 2013
- Schenck, Kimberly, et al. "A Page from Giogio Vasari's Libro de' Disegni as Composite Object." Facture 1 (2013): 2-31 (color).
- 2013
- "Vasari and the National Gallery of Art." National Gallery of Art Bulletin 48 (Spring 2013): 5, 7, repr. 8-9 (color).
- 2022
- Frank, Louiss, and Carina Fryklund. Vasari, The Book of Drawings: The Fate of a Mythical Collection. Paris and Stockholm, 2022: 145 and 147; fig. 16.
- 2023
- Augart, Isabella, et al. Werk / Prozesse: Italienische Handzeichnungen des 15. bis 18. Jahrhunderts in der Kunstsammlung der Universität Göttingen. Göttingen, 2023: 11 and fig. 1 (as Vasari)
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