Prince Bartolomeo Corsini [1729-1792], Villa di Mezzomonte, near Florence, by 1763;[1] by inheritance to Prince Tommaso Corsini [1767-1856]; by inheritance to Prince Andrea Corsini [1804-1868]; by inheritance to Prince Tommaso Corsini [1835-1919], who in the early 1870s had it transferred to Palazzo Corsini in Via del Parione, Florence;[2] by inheritance to his daughter, Beatrice Corsini Pandolfini [1868-1955]; (Professor Luigi Grassi [1858-1937, Florence); sold August 1930 to (Duveen Brothers, Inc., London and New York);[3] purchased 15 December 1936 by The A.W. Mellon Educational and Charitable Trust, Pittsburgh;[4] gift 1937 to NGA.
- 1880
- Medici, Ulderigo. Catalogo della Galleria dei Principi Corsini in Firenze. Florence, 1880: 56, cat. 176, as by Filippino Lippi.
- 1884
- Burckhardt, Jacob. Die Cicerone. Ed. Wilhelm von Bode. 5th ed. Leipzig, 1884: 2, part 2:579.
- 1884
- Ostoya, Gaetan. Les Anicens maîtres et les oeuvres à Florence. Guide artistique. Florence, 1884: 292, as by Filippino Lippi.
- 1893
- Ulmann, Hermann. Sandro Botticelli. Munich, 1893: 33.
- 1896
- Grifi, Elvira. Saunterings in Florence. A New Artistic and Practical Handbook, 6th ed. Florence, 1896: 364, as by Filippino Lippi.
- 1897
- Lafenestre, Georges and Eugène Richtenberger. La Peinture en Europe. Paris, 1897: 315, , as by Filippino Lippi.
- 1897
- Steinmann, Ernst. Botticelli. Bielefeld and Leipzig, 1897: 10.
- 1900
- Plunkett, George N. Sandro Botticelli. London, 1900: 115.
- 1901
- Venturi, Adolfo. Storia dell’arte italiana. 11 vols. Milan, 1901-1940: 7(1911):591.
- 1905
- Konody, Paul G. Filippino Lippi. London, 1905: xxi, as by Filippino Lippi.
- 1905
- Reinach, Salomon. Répertoire de peintures du moyen âge et de la Renaissance (1280-1580). 6 vols. Paris, 1905-1923: 3(1910):409, pl. 1, as by Filippino Lippi.
- 1906
- Gerspach, Edouard. “La Galerie Corsini.” Les arts 52 (April 1906): 14, 23, repro., as by Filippino Lippi.
- 1907
- Gebhart, Émile. Sandro Botticelli. Paris, 1907: 239.
- 1907
- Rusconi, Arturo Jahn. Sandro Botticelli. Bergamo, 1907: 19, 20, 93, repro.
- 1908
- Cruttwell, Maud. A Guide to the Paintings in the Churches and Minor Museums of Florence. London and New York, 1908: 84, as School of Botticelli.
- 1921
- Bode, Wilhelm von. Botticelli. Berlin, 1921: 28-29, 33, 38, 124, repro.
- 1923
- Marle, Raimond van. The Development of the Italian Schools of Painting. 19 vols. The Hague, 1923-1938: 12(1931):249, 250, repro., as by Amico di Sandro.
- 1923
- Schmarsow, August. Sandro Botticelli. Dresden, 1923: 15 n. 1, pl. 20, as by Botticelli and Filippino Lippi.
- 1925
- Bode, Wilhelm von. Botticelli. English edition. Berlin, 1925: 22-23, repro.
- 1925
- Venturi, Adolfo. Botticelli. Rome, 1925: 117, as School of Botticelli.
- 1926
- Bode, Wilhelm von. Botticelli: Des Meister Werke. Stuttgart, 1926: 5, 147, repro.
- 1926
- Venturi, Adolfo. Botticelli. French ed. Paris, 1926: 103.
- 1928
- Bertarelli, Luigi B. Touring Club Italiano: Central Italy. Vol. 2: Firenze, Siena, Perugia, Assisi. 2nd ed. Milan, 1929: 175.
- 1928
- Lumachi, Francesco. Firenze, nuova guida illustrata: 230. Florence, 1928: 230.
- 1935
- Lumachi, Francesco. Firenze, nuova guida illustrata: 230, 2nd ed. Florence, 1935: 213, as School of Botticelli.
- 1935
- Scharf, Alfred. Filippino Lippi. Vienna, 1935: 115, cat. 109, as doubtfully by Filippino Lippi.
- 1936
- Gamba, Carlo. Botticelli. Milan, 1936: 95, pl. 17.
- 1937
- Cortissoz, Royal. An Introduction to the Mellon Collection. Boston, 1937: repro. 12, as The Corsini Madonna
- 1937
- Frankfurter, Alfred M. "The Mellon Gift to the Nation." Art News 35 (9 January 1937): 11, 15, repro.
- 1938
- Mesnil, Jacques. Botticelli. Paris, 1938: 106-107, 205 n. 97, 226, pl. 52.
- 1941
- Duveen Brothers. Duveen Pictures in Public Collections of America. New York, 1941: no. 100, repro.
- 1941
- Mesnil, Jacques. "On the Artistic Education of Botticelli." The Burlington Magazine 78, no. 457 (April 1941): 118.
- 1941
- Preliminary Catalogue of Paintings and Sculpture. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1941: 29, no. 21.
- 1941
- Richter, George M. “The New National Gallery in Washington.” The Burlington Magazine 78 (June 1941): 177.
- 1942
- Book of Illustrations. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1942: 239, repro. 76.
- 1945
- [Borenius, Tancred]. “Editorial: The New Kress Gift to the National Gallery, Washington.” The Burlington Magazine 86, no. 504 (March 1945): 55.
- 1949
- Paintings and Sculpture from the Mellon Collection. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1949 (reprinted 1953 and 1958): 26, repro.
- 1951
- Davies, Martin. National Gallery Catalogues. The Earlier Italian Schools. London, 1951: 87.
- 1951
- Einstein, Lewis. Looking at Italian Pictures in the National Gallery of Art. Washington, 1951: 49.
- 1958
- Gamba, Fiammetta. Filippino Lippi nella storia della critica. Florence, 1958: 91, as by Filippino Lippi.
- 1958
- Salvini, Roberto. Tutta la pittura del Botticelli, 2 vols. Milan, 1958: 1:14, 35-36, 67, pl. 11.
- 1962
- Salvini, Roberto. “Note sul Botticelli.” In Valentino Martinelli and Filippa M. Aliberti, eds. Scritti di Storia dell’arte in onore di Mario Salmi. 3 vols. Rome, 1961-1963: 2(1962): 300.
- 1963
- Berenson, Bernard. Italian Pictures of the Renaissance: Florentine School, 2 vols. London, 1963: 1:38.
- 1965
- Busignani, Alberto. Botticelli. Florence, 1965: 14.
- 1965
- Salvini, Roberto. All the Paintings of Botticelli, 4 vols. New York, 1965: 37-38,
- 1965
- Summary Catalogue of European Paintings and Sculpture. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1965: 17.
- 1967
- Mandel, Gabriel. The Complete Paintings of Botticelli. Milan and New York, 1967: 86, cat. 11.
- 1968
- National Gallery of Art. European Paintings and Sculpture, Illustrations. Washington, 1968: 10, repro.
- 1972
- Fredericksen, Burton B., and Federico Zeri. Census of Pre-Nineteenth Century Italian Paintings in North American Public Collections. Cambridge, MA, 1972: 34, 645.
- 1975
- European Paintings: An Illustrated Summary Catalogue. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1975: 36, repro.
- 1976
- Fowles, Edward. Memories of Duveen Brothers. London, 1976: 123, 204.
- 1978
- Lightbown, Ronald. Botticelli: Life and Work. 2 vols. Berkeley, CA, 1978: 2:15-16, cat. A10.
- 1979
- Shapley, Fern Rusk. Catalogue of the Italian Paintings. 2 vols. Washington, 1979: 1:80-81; 2:pl. 54.
- 1980
- De Angelis, Rita. Boticelli: Every Painting. Milan and New York, 1980: 14, cat. 3, as "“partly by Botticelli’s own hand, which is difficult to recognize because the drawing was probably done by Lippi."
- 1980
- Ragghianti, Carlo L. “Galleria di Washington.” Critica d’Arte 45, nos. 154-156 (1980): 219.
- 1985
- European Paintings: An Illustrated Catalogue. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1985: 55, repro.
- 1987
- Horne, Herbert. H. Alessandro Filipepi commonly called Sandro Botticelli, Painter of Florence. Appendix III: Catalogue of the works of Sandro Botticelli, and of his disciples and imitators, together with notices of those erroneously attributed to him in the public and private collections of Europe and America. Ed. Caterina Caneva. Florence, 1987: 145, as School of Botticelli.
- 1988
- Baldini, Umberto. Botticelli. Florence, 1988: 254.
- 1988
- Kecks, Ronald G. Madonna und Kind. Das häusliche Andachtsbild im Florenz des 15. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1988: 121-122, fig. 111.
- 1989
- Pons, Nicoletta. Botticelli: catalogo completo. Milan, 1989: 55, cat. 8.
- 1990
- Caneva, Caterina. Botticelli: catalogo completo dei dipinti. Florence, 1990: 28, pl. 10.
- 1992
- Testi Cristiani, Maria Laura. Botticelli. Paris, 1992: 21, 95, repro.
- 1996
- Zambrano, Patrizia. “The ‘Dead Christ’ in Cherbourg: a new attribution to the young Filippino Lippi.” The Burlington Magazine 138, no. 1118 (May 1996): 321 n. 3, as by Filippino Lippi.
- 1997
- Goldner, George R., and Carmen Bambach, et. al. The Drawings of Filippino Lippi and His Circle. Exh. cat. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1997: pl. 1, 402, as by Filippino Lippi.
- 1997
- Southgate, M. Therese. The Art of JAMA: One Hundred Covers and Essays from The Journal of the American Medical Association. St. Louis, 1997: 138-139, 210, color repro.
- 2003
- Boskovits, Miklós, David Alan Brown, et al. Italian Paintings of the Fifteenth Century. The Systematic Catalogue of the National Gallery of Art. Washington, 2003: 152-156, color repro.
- 2004
- Zambrano, Patrizia, and Jonathan Katz Nelson. Filippino Lippi. Milan, 2004: 29, 69 n. 33, 126-127, 130-131, 287 n. 75, 310-311, 312, cat. 6, figs. 105, 108, as by Filippino Lippi.
- 2005
- Cecchi, Alessandro. Botticelli. Milan, 2005: 57 n. 48, as "not completely" by Botticelli.
- 2005
- Tambini, Anna. “Osservazioni sulla ‘Madonna del sangue’ di Portico di Romagna e sul Maestro di Marradi.” Romagna Arte e Storia 25 (2005): 10, as by Filippino Lippi.
- 2005
- Zöllner, Frank. Botticelli. Munich, London, and New York, 2005: 191, cat. 14.
- 2006
- Fahy, Everett. "Early Italian paintings in Washington and Philadelphia." The Burlington Magazine 148, no. 1241 (August 2006): 539, as by Filippino Lippi.
- 2009
- Acidini, Cristina, William Dello Russo, and Federico Poletti. Botticelli nel suo tempo. Milan, 2009: 40, 277, repro.
- 2017
- Serres, Karen. "Duveen's Italian framemaker, Ferruccio Vannoni." The Burlington Magazine 159, no. 1370 (May 2017): 373 n. 40.
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