lower right: W. H. 1874 / East Hampton L.I.
Acquired c. 1956 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by William Roerick [1913-1995], Los Angeles; sold to (Zabriskie Gallery, New York); sold 1961 to Harold K. Hochschild [1892-1981], Princeton. (sale, Sotheby's, New York, 22 October 1981, no. 54). Dr. and Mrs. John E. Larkin, Jr., Dellwood, Minnesota; (sale, Sotheby's, New York, 2 June 1983, no. 77). Paul Mellon [1907-1999], Upperville, Virginia; bequest 1999 to NGA, with life interest to Mrs. Mellon; life interest released 2012.
Exhibition History
- 1957
- Loan to display with permanent collection, Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, Utica, 1957.
- 1958
- Winslow Homer: A Retrospective Exhibition, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1958-1959, no. 31, repro.
- 1959
- A Retrospective Exhibition: Winslow Homer, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1959, no. 27.
- 1963
- Winslow Homer in New York State, Storm King Art Center, Mountainville, NewYork, 1963, no. 2.
- 1973
- Winslow Homer, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Los Angeles County Museum of Art; The Art Institute of Chicago, 1973, no. 28 (shown only in New York).
- 2019
- Homer at the Beach: A Marine Painter's Journey, 1869-1880, Cape Ann Museum, Gloucester, 2019, no. 50, repro.
- 1957
- Roerick, William. "Edward W. Root as Teacher." Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute Bulletin (March 1957): n.p., repro.
- 1961
- Gardner, Albert Ten Eyck. Winslow Homer, American Artist: His World and His Work. New York, 1961: repro. 124.
- 1969
- Goodrich, David L. "How to Find Art Treasure in Your Attic." Family Weekly newspaper circular (16 March 1969): n.p.
- 1997
- Harrison, Helen A. "Light of the Island Inspires its Artists." The New York Times (28 September 1997).
- 2005
- Goodrich, Lloyd, and Abigail Booth Gerdts. Record of Works by Winslow Homer, vol. 2. New York: Spanierman Gallery, 2005, no. 539.
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